Having educated myself a bit on the issue, I now feel a bit more qualified to speak in this thread. ^^;;
I've read about Jack Thompson, and he seems to be very caustic and rude to gamers who ask him honest, polite questions. Though I suppose the responses I've read could have been altered, I don't see that as likely. I suppose I could email him myself to find out, but given the sheer number of gamers that have likely done this to prank him, he may write me off as yet another person pranking him, denying me an opportunity to see if he merely dismisses any gamer as an idiot, or not.
I will say that based on comments I saw on the blog I read, a majority of gamers aren't doing much to disprove the myth that we're all violent psychopaths (though I suspect they may be the under 17 crowd).
If all of the huge retail chains like Wal-Mart refuse to carry AO games (which they have), then game companies will lose lots of sales if they earn an AO rating for a game.
Which I suspect is why they took the mini-game out of the final version, so that it would avoid the AO rating and thus Wal-Mart would carry it. Why they didn't remove the content entirely is anyone's guess, though it probably had to do with the fact that they wanted the game on store shelves, and completely erasing code like that may have caused glitches or bugs, so they left it in (but inaccessible).
QUICK EDIT: Though I have read many websites declare that the unlockable content in GTA San Andreas is what would be considered "softcore" and not pornographic at all, and that had the same content been in a movie, the movie would have been R-rated...which, if we are to assume AO is like NC-17, M would be like R, and therefore the M rating would've been appropriate for the content, but I suppose that is up to the ESRB and not to the consumers, so I guess that is a moot point.
I'm not a programmer, nor do I work for Rockstar, so I don't know. I WILL say that Rockstar handled this immaturely by flat out lying about the patch at first, it makes the gaming industry look bad, like they can't regulate themselves.
I also completely agree with number two on your list, cbwing.
At any rate, I agree, nothing is likely to come of this, and I for one am glad for that.