Yojimbo wrote:I don't think anyone can judge Heath Ledger yet.
Anyone remember Toby Maguire before Spiderman? Yeah I didn't think so... What the Cider House Rules, Pleasantville? Those were definitely not movies that would indicate he would be able to play the part of Spiderman. And as we all know he did a phenomenal job. So give Heath a break before judging his credibility to play the part.
Myoti wrote:Spiderman 3 and Transformers, mostly.
Oh, and the Castlevania movie. Techincally, yes, just filming starts now (in the fall), but hey, it's a start.
jon_jinn wrote:yep. Caine's awesome. he added a spark of humor to the Batman Begins movie that i will never forget. XD
Yojimbo wrote:Anyone remember Toby Maguire before Spiderman? Yeah I didn't think so... What the Cider House Rules, Pleasantville? Those were definitely not movies that would indicate he would be able to play the part of Spiderman. And as we all know he did a phenomenal job. So give Heath a break before judging his credibility to play the part.
jon_jinn wrote:that IS true. i, personally, believed that they would get someone like Johnny Depp, or Jim Carrey to do the Joker. i wonder how it'll turn out...
I also heard that they might do a Golden Sun movie…
Radical Dreamer wrote:For some reason, that sounds vaguely familiar. If they did that, though, it'd be either incredibly awesome or incredibly tacky. XD I'd hope for the former, though. XD
Radical Dreamer wrote:The only problem with that example is that Heath Ledger has been in his fair share of well-known films, unlike Maguire at the release of Spiderman. Also, the part of Spiderman is that of a relatively average guy, while the part of the Joker is very extravagant and requires the actor to be able to display insanity in a credible way. Granted, though, we haven't seen Ledger in any movies that would put him in that kind of role, but we're also not sure if that's because he can't play that kind of role. XD We'll see, though.
Yojimbo wrote:300
300 will have sex/nudity in it along with the extreme amounts of violence.
Tom Dincht wrote:I'm pretty sure that's the NC17 version in IMAX.
The Normal version I believe is PG-13.
rocklobster wrote:Am I the only one looking forward to the Simpsons movie?
mitsuki lover wrote:Not me it looks too much like someone was trying to make a videogame.It could have been done better.
Radical Dreamer wrote:From the trailers, I thought the cinematography looked pretty amazing. And I mean, the movie is about a historical event (Sparta taking 300 men against the Persian army). Any relation to a video game is pretty unlikely, unless you consider other historical films to be video game-esque as well.
linwood wrote:I too am highly tempted to see 300. I think it might be one of those movies I rent though. Unless one of my friends really likes it. Other then that I am waiting intently for:
Spider-Man 3
The Invisible
Pirates: At World's End
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
As do I! Yup, November. Best medivel work ever! With the exception of a few other Scandinavian tales.Radical Dreamer wrote:Whoa, Beowulf is slated for release this year? I've been anticipating that one, I hope it's good.
Radical Dreamer wrote:Oh, yeah, of course! XD I love Micheal Caine, I just didn't want to fill my post with commas and actors and commas and actors. XD But I've loved him in every role I've seen him in.
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