" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
ShatterheartArk wrote:Did anyone see the Press thing today? The 2 guys blew the media off. I have never been more proud to be an Aqua Teen fan. The guys talked about hair, rather then answer the medias questions. I would imagine that whoever paid them to do this, told them to keep there mouths shut for the time being. Thus the convo on 70's hair. This just keeps getting better and better. More people are talking about the Mooninites right now, then ever before. Even if Time Warner gets fined big time...we still win. ATHF rejoice.
mitsuki lover wrote:1.The first objects were seen by a commuter on the way to work so it is hardly likely they were able to stop and get a good look at what they were.
2.A couple of the objects had loose wires which could be misinterpreted to mean they were some type of explosive device.
3.The people responsible for the stunt placed a few underneath a bridge which is a likely target for a bomb if it was a real terror threat.
4.Even if you consider it was only a PR stunt it did end up tying up traffic all day and so not too many commuters would be happy.
5.Better prepared and cautious than ill-prepared and dead.
6.ATHF still sucks lemons in any case..and the people at AS are still jerks IMO.
7.They should have given the Authorities the proper warning of what was going on.
8.Atlanta is probably used to CN's stupid stunts.
9.The two men arrested looked like typical stoner types.
10.The whole hair thing was a stupid delay tactic so their bosses could come up with some lame excuse for what they did.
11.Let's have Ted Turner pay for it...let's take away his ranch in Montana and give it back to the Blackfeet!
That kind of logic proves the terrorists have won. When we constantly live in fear and shut down entire cities for ads with cartoon characters giving the finger on them, when we have reached the point where terrorists don't even have to lift a finger to make us scared of our own shadow or an ADVERTISEMENT for a cartoon, then they have won the War on Terror.
Inuyasha sucks ten times worse than ATHF and the government officials in Boston are still idiots.
They should have given the Authorities the proper warning of what was going on.
Tom Dincht wrote:You just claimed he prepared an illogical arguement when as far as that sentence goes you did the same.
Nate wrote:Do you think maybe, just maybe...since they weren't getting enough attention, a CN employee called into the police station to report them as bombs, knowing it would get insane amounts of media coverage?
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