"Yes!" - God

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"Yes!" - God

Postby zelda » Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:44 pm

hey everyone!
well for while as most of you know I thought god hated me and left me here to die. well for a while I got better(thanks to all your prayers!) and then I went down hill for a while again. I knew He could hear me and all but I didn't feel like He care at all and was laughing at me. almost every night I was crying and yelling at God in bed, and I thought He was listening but laughing. I thought He hated me and I did something wrong and He wasn't going to forgive me. and I couldn't think of anything that would be bad enough for Him to hate me. I only went to church to see my friends and watch my youth pastors be total idoits(in a good way), but I refused to listen and worship, and it made me cry to see others worshiping Him because they all knew He loved them.
well a about 2 weeks ago(I'm to lazy to post what happened back then..) I was crying in bed again and I yelled at God, "DO YOU EVEN HEAR ME CRY OUT TO YOU? DO YOU CARE ABOUT ME?!" and then right after I said that my bed shook and so did the walls in my room and I heard this sweet whisper in my ear,
"Yes". I never thought that would ever happen to me! And I'm so happy it did! GOD LOVE ME!!
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Postby dyzzispell » Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:20 pm

That is so AWESOME! I hope you can start on the road to recovery now, and never ever forget that He told you that! :thumb:
You'll be in my prayers. :P
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:10 am

Man, God wants us so bad sometimes. Hope you continue to take that to heart!
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Postby Ryupower » Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:21 pm

Wow that's crazy but awesome!!
Look, you felt like He doesn't care, but at the end you got to experiance something others ( like me ) never did! That's awesome!
Please, never forget that He told you that!

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Postby Tigerchu » Wed Dec 27, 2006 2:51 pm

Whoa! :)

That is so COOL!
Have faith
-From somewhere in the Bible, and I agree with it

-God will only give you what you can take. He will not overwhelm you.
-From somewhere in the Bible

-Your faith becomes stronger when it's tested.
-I saw a Chinese guy with a cross on his restaurant desk in America. That's so cool. You can do that here. Not so much China.

I've recently been learning that I don't need to be "loud and pushy" to Evangelize; just living it out is enough witness. The problem was that I grew up around strong Evangelists (Korean Christians) and they were really into getting people involved and setting out to Evangelize, and me being a a yes-man (or yes woman) I was into trying to convert people.
I've been learning this lesson over the years, but have been trying to be pushy. Now I'm trying to ease off.
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