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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri May 12, 2006 3:56 pm

I don't think Steeltemplar was trying to go that route. He merely stated that he didn't wish to see any more of Tom Hank's movies.. and that's not wrong. it's his personal preference. He wasn't trying to get a mob of TH haters together....

Just as it's your personal choice to see this movie it's his to not want to see the movie.
Just as it's mine to not want to support heresy, and go (or not go) see something else. (LIKE X3: THE LAST STAND!)

As for the statement about Christianity being targeted..I think we have the right to be upset. When people are going to support something that claims Christianity is a farce..that offends me. It's idiots that make these books and movies that lead non-christians astray...and think Christians are primitive idiots...who shouldn't believe in a higher power...and that they should believe in things like theorys and sciences...

THAT is what offends me.. (the movie) and THAT is why I don't want to see it..
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Postby Mave » Fri May 12, 2006 4:51 pm

Just for the record, if I intend to specifically refer to an individual's response, I typically 1) speak out that person's name (e.g. "UC, I'm your biggest fan! XD") or 2) quote that individual's statement in the post

CRonin, I wasn't responding specifically to SteelTemplar's post. I'm not even sure what makes you think so. *scratches head* I would need to go back and see what exactly was stated by the individual but honestly, folks, my post isn't a direct response to anyone specifically.

My statement/response was mostly based off feedback from unbelieving friends who expect Christians to have violent reactions towards things like that and how these actions impact the way they view the Christian faith. So, my post is about the approach I've decided to take towards these type of people. Hope this clarifies matters to everyone, including those who have PMed me privately. In no way did I ever intend ppl to feel that anyone has to agree with me or act like me. But, hey remember, I'm on your side: I do not support the message in this movie.

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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri May 12, 2006 5:07 pm

Steeltemplar wrote:As for myself, I will not see this movie and I shall go as step further to say that I shall never again watch a movie with Tom Hanks in it. If he ever recants what he is doing by starring in this, then sure. But until that highly unlikely event, none of my money will be paying his vastly overblown salary.

If you choose never to watch a movie featuring a costume director that worked on titanic because the movie sucked, that's your choice, but... Actors are just tools, when it comes down to it. The better ones are the better tools... Tom Hanks is a good actor, so this wouldn't stop me from watching something he made...

What about Ron Howard? Are you boycotting him? What about "gandalf" whatever his real name is... "magneto"... Ian McKellan... Are you going to boycott X-3 because of his role in this? I mean, this goes further than main star... I won't. I'm gonna be happily eating my popcorn while the mutants go at it, and DVC won't be on my mind. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri May 12, 2006 5:08 pm

[quote="Mave"]Just for the record, if I intend to specifically refer to an individual's response, I typically 1) speak out that person's name (e.g. "UC, I'm your biggest fan! XD") or 2) quote that individual's statement in the post

CRonin, I wasn't responding specifically to SteelTemplar's post. I'm not even sure what makes you think so. *scratches head* I would need to go back and see what exactly was stated by the individual but honestly, folks, my post isn't a direct response to anyone specifically.

My statement/response was mostly based off feedback from unbelieving friends who expect Christians to have violent reactions towards things like that and how these actions impact the way they view the Christian faith. So, my post is about the approach I've decided to take towards these type of people. Hope this clarifies matters to everyone, including those who have PMed me privately. In no way did I ever intend ppl to feel that anyone has to agree with me or act like me. But, hey remember, I'm on your side: I do not support the message in this movie.

No offense intended. No, you're not supposed to take any. ]


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Postby Steeltemplar » Fri May 12, 2006 5:18 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:If you choose never to watch a movie featuring a costume director that worked on titanic because the movie sucked, that's your choice, but... Actors are just tools, when it comes down to it. The better ones are the better tools... Tom Hanks is a good actor, so this wouldn't stop me from watching something he made...

What about Ron Howard? Are you boycotting him? What about "gandalf" whatever his real name is... "magneto"... Ian McKellan... Are you going to boycott X-3 because of his role in this? I mean, this goes further than main star... I won't. I'm gonna be happily eating my popcorn while the mutants go at it, and DVC won't be on my mind.

Well, I will not take it to ridiculous extents. I simply am saying that Hanks is headlining it and I do not personally appreciate it. I'm not going to make a laundry list of the cast and boycott them all. Nor am I going to try to organize people against Hanks. Make what you will of that.
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Postby rocklobster » Fri May 12, 2006 5:23 pm

I'd hate to be an usher on opening day. I'd probably wind up being electrocuted by a lightning bolt.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri May 12, 2006 5:27 pm

beau99 wrote:None of that's offensive to me.

Then again, I'm actually open-minded, which is something most Christians aren't.

Interesting. There are countless refutation of the claims in TDC, done by both believers and unbelievers objecting to the wild inaccuracies and the fact that the story is full of lies doesn't bother you, but the fact that people who do believe in the truth are offended by the distortions are the ones considered close minded?

So basically you define open-minded as people who agree with you? Sounds pretty narrow minded to me.

bobtheduck wrote:If you choose never to watch a movie featuring a costume director that worked on titanic because the movie sucked, that's your choice, but... Actors are just tools, when it comes down to it. The better ones are the better tools... Tom Hanks is a good actor, so this wouldn't stop me from watching something he made...

What about Ron Howard? Are you boycotting him? What about "gandalf" whatever his real name is... "magneto"... Ian McKellan... Are you going to boycott X-3 because of his role in this? I mean, this goes further than main star... I won't. I'm gonna be happily eating my popcorn while the mutants go at it, and DVC won't be on my mind.

First of all there is a difference between being an actor who leads an immoral lifestyle in private and an actor who willingly takes part in a knowingly controversial movie that offends a good portion of Christianity (now if Ian McKellen had played Gandalf as a flagrant homosexual, perhaps your question would have merit). Your argument is a non sequitur.

Second. I see no reason to attack Steeltemplar in his choice. That's his choice to do this and he has stated he was not calling on everyone to follow his lead. If you disagree with him, you're free to rent all his bad movies (everything except Apollo 13 and Saving Private Ryan) and nobody will judge you for it.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri May 12, 2006 5:43 pm

AnimeHeretic wrote:First of all there is a difference between being an actor who leads an immoral lifestyle in private and an actor who willingly takes part in a knowingly controversial movie that offends a good portion of Christianity (now if Ian McKellen had played Gandalf as a flagrant homosexual, perhaps your question would have merit). Your argument is a non sequitur.

No it's not... Ian McKellan is in this too, as a priest. :mutter:

So, my argument fits because it's ANOTHER ACTOR playing a rather large role in the SAME MOVIE. It was YOUR assumption I was referring to his lifestyle. One which you made incorrectly... :shake: Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mithrandir » Fri May 12, 2006 5:45 pm

AnimeHeretic wrote:So basically you define open-minded as people who agree with you? Sounds pretty narrow minded to me.

First of all there is a difference between being an actor who leads an immoral lifestyle in private and an actor who willingly takes part in a knowingly controversial movie that offends a good portion of Christianity (now if Ian McKellen had played Gandalf as a flagrant homosexual, perhaps your question would have merit). Your argument is a non sequitur.

Huh... What part of our rules are that difficult to understand? If his argument lacks merrit IGNORE IT. I'm really getting tired of having to lock threads because you feel compelled to answer when someone picks a fight.

Everyone pay attention. This is pretty much exactly why we have a standing rule that says we don't allow debate. Some people have difficulty debating without putting someone else down.

AH: You are not to refer to your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as "narrow minded" on this board. I understand what you were trying to do, but we don't let people do things that way on this board. You've been here long enough you should know better. Shaming someone to try and get them to understanding the lack of logic in their post has no place on CAA.

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