Someone clear up this Final Fantasy 7: AC deal for me....

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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:16 am

Puritan wrote:I saw it yesterday, and I was a bit dissapointed. Perhaps the dub was better, but the subtitles were pretty confusing (even for me, and I've played through FFVII a couple times). The graphics were great and the action sequences were really good, but I found the story hard to follow because the dialog and action seemed fragmented, like the writers were trying to cram too many ideas into an hour and a half. Anyone else get this impression?

What specifically did you find confusing?

kaemmerite wrote:He seemed fine to me, since if you remember from the game, he is still a child. He only got one line anyway. XD

His one line always strikes me as weird in Japanese, too, so it isn't a big deal for me.
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Postby SnoringFrog » Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm

I saw it yesterday and today, I really liked it, adn I was happy with the ENglish dubbed voices. I listened to almost everyone say something in Japanese and found that I like dthe Japanese voices too, which I didn't think I woulod as much. "Where can I buy a phone?" That was just funny, especially with Vincent's voice and tone. ANd I liked how they got the 'victory tune' in there.

Now, I just need to figure out where to get a motorcycle like Cloud's...
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Postby Puritan » Sat Apr 29, 2006 6:56 am

uc pseudonym wrote:What specifically did you find confusing?

Not many specific complaints, after viewing the film I figured out what the storyline meant, I just thought that there were many half-finished ideas here.

[SPOILER]Firstly, the main storyline about geostigma isn't well explained, in my opinion. We know why the geostigma is there, but the idea isn't elaborated on. How do so many people have the disease and why is it feared? We never see it as more than a rash, so it hardly seems like the scourge it is made out to be. Secondly, they bring up ShinRa and intimate that they may be trying to continue their old research, but this storyline isn't pursued any further than simply having them recover JENOVA's head. It's an interesting footnote, but it leaves another loose end in the storyline. Thirdly, the film goes out of its way to bring up characters and locations in the film, but it never explains why. We are led from Midgard to the Lost City and back again, but we see no reason why except to show off the locations. And for the final battle all the characters from FFVII (except Aeris, of course) show up to fight without much of a reason except "We need a big final battle with all of the characters!"[/SPOILER]

The film was well done graphically, but to me it seemed like ther were many poorly-explained loose ends that made the movie feel rushed or unfinished to me. I don't expect a film to explain everything, but I like a more coherant storyline (as opposed to excuses to show off characters), and more of a closure to the storyline than we saw here.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:40 pm

Ah. I'm certainly not going to say the movie was a brilliant work in terms of plot. I do, however, have a few comments in response to your own.

Puritan wrote:We know why the geostigma is there, but the idea isn't elaborated on. How do so many people have the disease and why is it feared? We never see it as more than a rash, so it hardly seems like the scourge it is made out to be.

It seems to me that the movie implies that the geostigma causes pain (notice how often Cloud winces and holds his arm) and eventually death (given the statements Tifa makes to Cloud regarding it). At least I assumed as much, because if it's just a fever it isn't very impressive.

Puritan wrote:Secondly, they bring up ShinRa and intimate that they may be trying to continue their old research, but this storyline isn't pursued any further than simply having them recover JENOVA's head.

I got the sense that they weren't continuing their research so much as attempting to clear Shinra's name by doing good for the planet. But we all know the real point of this plotline is to instigate the main story involving Jenova.

Puritan wrote:Thirdly, the film goes out of its way to bring up characters and locations in the film, but it never explains why.

Does it need to? This is obviously a fan film, not a work meant to stand on its own. They threw in a lot of unnecessary places and characters just for the sake of the diehard fans who want to see them again. I agree it is a weakness, but I think it is within the character of the movie.

Related to this, however, is my biggest problem with the movie: Cloud does everything. I've said this before, so I won't belabor the point. But it seems to me that other characters should get to accomplish things as well, especially because all of their fans will want to see them in action.

Personally (as if anyone cares), I would have had the ending be a bit more complicated, with a variety of fights going on in a number of places with different objectives. Cloud would chase Kadaj, Vincent would fight Yazoo, someone else would fight Loz, and everyone else would fight Bahamut Sin. In the end, of course, it would still come down to Cloud versus Sephiroth, but I think it would be more interesting in the process.[/spoiler]
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Postby Maledicte » Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:17 pm

My biggest beef with the movie was that it never got around to explaining how Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz got around to meeting one another, and where they came from. Did they just pop out of test tubes or what? It would have been more interesting and would have given the other two (Yazoo and Loz) a bit more personality.

The story itself was choppy, and too many white-out scenes. The fights were impressive, but too fast--what point is there to watching two people fight when they're moving too fast to see what they're doing? On the other hand, there were some sequences I liked--the black water bit and when Yazoo shot Cloud in the face. And I was drooling over the texture in everything. Cloud's subtle expressions were great, but everyone else's seemed a little weak in comparison.

The music seemed a little cut-and-pasted to me--it seems to work better as an album than as a soundtrack. The only times I felt it fit were the black water scene and the final fight. I loveed the sound effects, though.

Dub was awesome; sometimes they sounded like they had more emotion than the onscreen characters did.

Yeah, I just got this yesterday and I've already watched it twice. heheh.

Oh, and Yazoo reminds me of Gogo from Kill Bill v. 1.
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Postby Tommy » Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:22 am

I finally picked up the movie at Best Buy for 15$. Yes, it was the 2 Disk special edition. I saw half of it, and loved it but I`m sorta ticked off that they haven`t even shown Barret yet halfway through. -Whoever did his voice rocked, BTW-

I loved the recap of the game they did, though.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:54 am

I'm gonna buy this when I get the chance, but I probably won't be watching it more than once with the English dub-over. I love Sephiroth and Kadaj's Japanese voices far too much XD

for anyone confused by plot, this site goes FAR in depth to explain everything FFVII:

It should also be noted that there was a book released before the movie in Japan that explained about how the orphange was started and the little boy came to live with them, as well as the start of geostigma. (I think, look in the link. It explains)
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Postby Stephen » Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:52 am

Kaemmerite wrote:Yes. Cid will sound like a redneck. Everyone can shudder horribly and throw rocks in Sony's windows now.

How can you say that though? He was so obviously a redneck in FF7. A redneck who ran around spearing things, with a plane in his backyard. He was 100% redneck. Right down to yelling at his wife. I thought Vincents voice was fine as well. About what I figured he would sound like. I really did not have an issue with any of the voices they chose except Clouds. I found his a bit off.

If your still looking to buy this, check Walmart. I got Spirits Within, and Advent Children for like 18 bucks. The 2 disk special edition one. Very good deal.
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Postby Nate » Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:56 am

Cid should've sounded like Ed Asner.

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Postby Link Antilles » Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:12 pm

kaemmerite wrote:Cid should've sounded like Ed Asner.

"Hey Cloud, you wanna see a bear riding a motorcycle?"

:lol: ...and of course, he says this to Cloud right before the final battle. ;)
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:54 pm

SirThinks2Much wrote:My biggest beef with the movie was that it never got around to explaining how Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz got around to meeting one another, and where they came from. Did they just pop out of test tubes or what?

I think I read something from an official source that implied (they were talking about something else) that they were somehow produced when the crater was disturbed by Shinra. But they are the major unexplained element, yes.

SirThinks2Much wrote:The fights were impressive, but too fast--what point is there to watching two people fight when they're moving too fast to see what they're doing?

While I think they were a bit too fast, I didn't find this bad. My eyes could follow almost everything and I enjoyed it more the second time around because I could appreciate the coreography more. This is better than going too slow, such as in some anime where I can't stomach watching a fight scene twice.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:57 pm

Ark wrote:If your still looking to buy this, check Walmart. I got Spirits Within, and Advent Children for like 18 bucks. The 2 disk special edition one. Very good deal.

Whoa. That wasn't at MY Wal-Mart. And I work there. :(
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Postby Tommy » Mon May 01, 2006 11:26 am

Since this whole FF7:AC deal is cleared up for me we should probably move further discussion to the FF7:AC thread in the anime section.
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Postby Tommy » Mon May 01, 2006 11:29 am

Ark wrote:How can you say that though? He was so obviously a redneck in FF7. A redneck who ran around spearing things, with a plane in his backyard. He was 100% redneck. Right down to yelling at his wife. I thought Vincents voice was fine as well. About what I figured he would sound like. I really did not have an issue with any of the voices they chose except Clouds. I found his a bit off.

If your still looking to buy this, check Walmart. I got Spirits Within, and Advent Children for like 18 bucks. The 2 disk special edition one. Very good deal.

I got it for even less at Wal-Mart. Two Disks, as well.

I think the whole "old swearing guy" would work for Cid such as the English dub VA of Tazuma from Naruto.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon May 01, 2006 1:17 pm

[quote="Link Antilles"]:lol: ...and of course, he says this to Cloud right before the final battle. ]
Ahhh the talks we had :lol:

Cloud: *Stares at Behemoth* "NOTHING WILL STAND IN MY WAY!"
Cid: "Hey Cloud, wanna get a mint?"
Cloud: "Okay!"

Or how about this

Sephiroth: "I WILL DEFEAT YOU ALL!!!!! HAHAHAHA!" *Whips out Masamune*
Cid: "Hey! Cut it out"
Sephiroth: "..... dooohhh fine!'
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Postby Maledicte » Tue May 02, 2006 5:27 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:I think I read something from an official source that implied (they were talking about something else) that they were somehow produced when the crater was disturbed by Shinra. But they are the major unexplained element, yes.

Actually, that article Kawaiineko posted explains the whole thing, and it actually makes sense with the whole world. It would have been nice to have included it in the film to tie up loose ends and make it a more complete picture. Or maybe it's like the Animatrix, I dunno.

While I think they were a bit too fast, I didn't find this bad. My eyes could follow almost everything and I enjoyed it more the second time around because I could appreciate the coreography more. This is better than going too slow, such as in some anime where I can't stomach watching a fight scene twice.

Same here, I've watched it three times now. (I must be really bored) I caught more of the movements then, particularly the Tifa/Loz fight (like when she jumps him onto the floor...ouch!)
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed May 03, 2006 12:11 pm

SirThinks2Much wrote:Actually, that article Kawaiineko posted explains the whole thing, and it actually makes sense with the whole world.

Perhaps that was where I saw it? I read the that article she posted back when the movie came out in Japanese.

SirThinks2Much wrote:Same here, I've watched it three times now. (I must be really bored) I caught more of the movements then, particularly the Tifa/Loz fight (like when she jumps him onto the floor...ouch!)

Yeah, some of those look painful. Less so her final move (because if he's still okay after getting hit that much, getting thrown into the floor isn't going to be that bad). But the fight that I have enjoyed more upon rewatching is Cloud versus Kadaj. It is unfortunate that this sequence is interrupted by other things, because I like the swordplay (more so than the Sephiroth fight, actually).
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Postby Maledicte » Wed May 03, 2006 10:54 pm

uc pseudonym wrote: But the fight that I have enjoyed more upon rewatching is Cloud versus Kadaj. It is unfortunate that this sequence is interrupted by other things, because I like the swordplay (more so than the Sephiroth fight, actually).

Same here. The only part I really liked in the Sephiroth/Cloud fight was when they were inside the building. I'd tired a bit of the whole floating-in-the-air fights by that point, the brief claustrophobia broke things up a little.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu May 04, 2006 1:09 pm

Same here, actually (when viewed on a bright enough screen, you can tell what's going on, and it isn't bad). I think our tastes in fight coreography might be very similar (hm, I wonder how often people say that). I'll have to watch V for Vendetta and see if we agree about that as well.
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