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Postby ThaKladd » Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:24 am

Anyone seen the movie?

do you think it have a pro-christian message?

I have seen it, and I think it have a pro christian message, but I can understand those who think it don't...
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:51 am

No, I haven't seen it and I don't plan to. It seems to be blasphemous as they come. Christians shouldn't watch that stuff. Infact no one should.
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Postby Mangafanatic » Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:48 am

I haven't seen the movie so I can't comment on it. I decided not to see it after watching a trailer that seemed to dish up the movie as a film entirely about the hypocracy of the church. I figured that message was one that the world really didn't need a movie to drive home, so I avoided. But perhaps I have judged it unfairly.

What do you think were the good points made about Christians in the film, Kladd?
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:05 am

The opinions I heard -- I did not see the movie on principle -- was that it indicted Christians as uniform holy rollers, and insensitive and hypocritical to those who had backslidden. Particularly

[spoiler=even though I don't think you should see the movie anyway]the part where the main character becomes pregnant by her boyfriend, who is conflicted about his homosexuality and she tries to convert by sleeping with[/spoiler]

I thought could have been handled in a much better way rather than implying that this was the mandate of the church group, and that there was no other way to fight sin than with sin.

I also note with a certain amount of derision the large quantity of damage control that the movie's distributor swilled during its release, including a "message to Christians" saying that, really, we're NOT trying to paint you with a broad brush! But what did they honestly think people with a casual air towards modern evangelical Christianity would think leaving the film?

It also left a very sour taste in my mouth regarding Mandy Moore, who up until this film came out, I thought was one of the few intelligent teen pop stars. Obviously not.

However, tK, I am genuinely interested in hearing what you thought were the positive values, since you've seen it, and I haven't :sweat:
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Postby Maledicte » Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:16 am

well i heard that the Elms (love'em) were asked to perform a number during the movie, like on stage or something. They turned down the offer because of the movie's message. I agree, it may have looked bad on their resume'.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:15 pm

Nah rather then waste 2-3 hours watching that I decided it would be cooler to watch my finger nails grow....*laughs*
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Postby Sharon Rose » Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:24 pm

I don't plan to ever watch this movie.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:03 pm

I saw the trailer before the movie came out and thought it looked interesting, and had the potential to be either really good or really bad. After it came out I read plugged in's review and that convinced me not to see it. I was really surprised that Mandy Moore was appearing in the movie. I'd heard that she was a christian and she was in that movie "A Walk to Remember" which I think gave a positive view of christianity.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:39 pm

I've seen the trailer and that review also. I thought Mandy Moore was better than that, obviously not. Let's hope Delta Goodrem stays moral.
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Postby Pantakrator » Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:14 pm

Mandy Moore's morals are laughable ( as are Jaci V's), but then again, so are mine when compared to Christ... As for the Christian portrayal in AWTR, I wasn't very impressed w/ it... Anways, I'm watching Saved this weekend... I tell you what I think.

BTW, the only reason I'm watching it is because a BIC reccomended it... He said it had the best portrayal of Christians he'd seen in a while, and the final message was right on...
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Postby Arnobius » Fri Dec 24, 2004 9:13 pm

I decided to take a pass. The whole plot sounded like it was an attack on fundamentalism, mocking it as hypocritical and narrowminded. While my own beliefs don't always agree with theirs, I do find it disturbing how much venom Hollywood seems to spew their way.
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Postby crossalchemist » Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:02 am

I heard about this movie about a year ago I think. I remember WORLD magazine did an article on it and other anti-christian movies such as Dogma.
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Postby Kisa » Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:10 pm

I saw a trailer and was horrified... I can't beleive how they are making so much fun of Christianity. The person/s whop made this movie will have to answer one day for sure..... so sad....
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Postby Megan86 » Sun Dec 26, 2004 9:25 pm

I started watching it, but turned it off after about 15 minutes. I love movies, and can usually sit through a really bad one, but that was one of the worst. So bad I couldn't even finish it. It made me nauseous watching these actors portray what they think are "Christians." It was very distorted, and I couldn't stand seeing my Lord being ridiculed.

But, then again... that's just my opinion. ;)
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Postby soul alive » Sun Dec 26, 2004 10:02 pm

i haven't watched the movie, and don't plan on it.
however, my sunday school teacher / pastor did watch it and he said that unless you have a sense of humor that can appreciate Dogma and movies like it, not to watch it. and that while the movie did portray the stereo-typical backsliding hypocritical Christian that the media so loves to portray, that there was a quieter set of Christians who were kind of in the background, and who didn't do what the main set did, and who were where the moral of the story really came from...
more than that i can't say, not having watched. but since i don't really appreciate that type of humor it's said to have, it's not on my to watch list.


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Postby ThaKladd » Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:32 am

I'm sorry that I'm late with my opinion - but I didn't have any opportunity until now.

For the christians that know they can be offended I don't recomend the movie.
For the non-christian that take it as granted that it's like this in the real life I don't recomend the movie.
But I enjoyed the movie because I think that christians can learn from it.

The mocking of christians is not the message. How the christians are shown is how the non-christian look at the christians. And the movie gives a insight into some of theese persons lives that show that they really are hypocrites. The rest, it seem like they are sheep following the master, but most likeley they are not in the real world. I think that there is exaggerations(but that is common in comedy), but I hope they who see the movie can see beyond that.

The final message is pro-christian(or at least some of the message), that show that you can be yourself and a christian. you can think yourself and be christian.. You can fall into sinn, and still be christian. You dont need to be like a sheep, blindly following the master(the teacher, og pastor, or even God - because I believe that god thinks that we should have our eyes open while following him).

This movie may be is a little bit extreeme to the limits, but still beyond that, i think it have a good message. It touches sensitive themes like homosexuality, sex before marriage, hypocrisy, weak leaders, false revelation ans so on... and therefore I can understand why many christians don't like it, or simply dont recomend it. (I dont recomend it either to all people, I'm neutral in "not recomending" it - but I personally liked the movie)

I hope that you don't misunderstand me... I don't say that I agree with all the point of views/opinions that the movie haves - I think that still, if we disagree, we can learn more about why we do it - or maybe even in some places think "is this right?" or "is my opinion wrong?". Disagreeing with a movies message is not reason enough to not recomend it.... but it's right to alert that you have to be very careful and critical. remember - a movie is about made up people in a made up society and with a made up plot....

shooraijin - I dont think the movie tries to justify to fight sin with sin....

have you seen the movie now, Pantakrator?

edit - I've ony seen it once, over a moth ago, so it's not sure that I remember everything right. so refresh my memory if I said somenting wrong...
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Sun Jan 09, 2005 2:16 am

I watched this movie a while back with my daughter - we're both fans of Mandy Moore and loved, "A Walk to Remember."

Well, it was a funny movie. I mean it really was very funny in parts. I would not place this in the same grouping as the blasphemous "Dogma," which I couldn't get past 10 minutes of without feeling like throwing up from the blasphemy. This movie was not overtly blasphemous, just incorrect in its teaching and view of true Christianity.

Anyways, we watched the movie all the way through and wanted to see what the real message was. Would this movie have any redeeming quality? Basically, it showed all the worse parts of Christians, and those who "act" like Christians, but have really had no change of heart. What bothered me and my daughter was the fact in this supposedly Christian school, there wasn't anyone who acted like a true believer. I mean, they all just idly followed this one shallow gal and no one seemed to have read a Bible. I doubt there would be a group of Christians with absolutely no understanding of the Bible - not even the teachers. There was only one teacher who seemed to show a glimmer of what a Christian might be like, but she was in passing.

This was a funny movie and it makes a good point as to what you shouldn't do as a Christian, but the Christian voice was lacking. I thought they did portray false Christians very well, which you can find in any church.

It was worthwhile watching with my daughter, because it was a great witnessing tool and it opened a lot of discussion for us about the finer things of Christ. ^_____^

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Postby ThaKladd » Sun Jan 09, 2005 5:16 am

I totally agree :) thaks for a good review.
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Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:12 pm

I think I'd rather watch something and know about it before I condemn it. I heard it was a really funny dark comedy. I'll wait and see.
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