Embarrassing health anxiety issues

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Embarrassing health anxiety issues

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:45 pm

Uhm, hey guys...
Sooo, yeah health anxiety seems pretty dumb compared to other people's issues, but it's something that's kimda taken over my life lately.
So, I had a really rough time last year. I started off with a throat infection (technically it was my tonsils) then I passed out from overheating, then I had wisdom teeth out and had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics they gage me. Then this past fall I got mono which caused me to drop out of my college classes.
I guess I'm still trying to get over it all, and I've tried not to be that person who is convinced they have cancer and yell at their doctor. And so far I've been pretty good about listening to doctors...and yet???
I have worried about stroke, heart attack, blood sugar problems, seizures, and a whole ton of other embarrassing fears. I truly hate this part of myself. Lately I've been a bit better, but then sleep schedule got screwed up again which made me feel odd which made my brain "hey, remember that article you read about people with poor sleep schedules more likely to have a heart attack or stroke???" And it is
..nauseating. I guess I just need...help, prayers, advice, anything...I want this to stop, I NEEEED it to
If you read through this, I commend you.
I completely forgot to mention I did try anxiety medication last november. I took lexapro all of 4 days until the consistent insomnia, throwing up, mood swings, and general dead feeling wore me down. It sucks cause my brother took it with zero symptoms. I felt it was worth mentioning.
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Re: Embarrassing health anxiety issues

Postby shooraijin » Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:37 pm

Just a few things to keep in mind (although I am an MD, this doesn't replace discussion with your own physician):

Four days would be a very short trial of SSRIs (this medication class includes Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil and Celexa), and initially some people certainly can have substantially more side effects than others. Those effects usually calm down about 1-2 weeks into taking it. If you and your doctor agree it's worth it to you, I'd recommend one more try for a little longer. If after two weeks you still had unacceptable side effects, it's certainly worth trying another. One of the weird things about SSRIs is that people can be completely fine with one and driven up the wall by others, even though they are closely related medications, so don't assume the whole group of them isn't going to work for you.

There are other antianxiety agents but some of them have more drawbacks than the SSRIs and a few can be habit-forming. The SSRIs are the best ones to start with if the anxiety seems to be really interfering with your life.

You've certainly had a lot of medical hits recently. Having that throat infection and a reaction to those antibiotics and then getting walloped with mono is no fun. But I think it's better to chalk those things up more to bad luck than some medical diagnosis you're missing or something awful that's brewing. You've got classes and you've got a lot going on and all of that is stressful, even when it's good.

Let things calm down a little and then see where you are. I'll pray for you regardless.
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Re: Embarrassing health anxiety issues

Postby IPv4 » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:15 pm

If I had a psychiatrist and that person gave me drugs I would switch psychiatrist (unfortunately probably most of them will give you drugs).
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Re: Embarrassing health anxiety issues

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:43 pm

shooraijin wrote:Just a few things to keep in mind (although I am an MD, this doesn't replace discussion with your own physician):

Four days would be a very short trial of SSRIs (this medication class includes Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil and Celexa), and initially some people certainly can have substantially more side effects than others. Those effects usually calm down about 1-2 weeks into taking it. If you and your doctor agree it's worth it to you, I'd recommend one more try for a little longer. If after two weeks you still had unacceptable side effects, it's certainly worth trying another. One of the weird things about SSRIs is that people can be completely fine with one and driven up the wall by others, even though they are closely related medications, so don't assume the whole group of them isn't going to work for you.

There are other antianxiety agents but some of them have more drawbacks than the SSRIs and a few can be habit-forming. The SSRIs are the best ones to start with if the anxiety seems to be really interfering with your life.

You've certainly had a lot of medical hits recently. Having that throat infection and a reaction to those antibiotics and then getting walloped with mono is no fun. But I think it's better to chalk those things up more to bad luck than some medical diagnosis you're missing or something awful that's brewing. You've got classes and you've got a lot going on and all of that is stressful, even when it's good.

Let things calm down a little and then see where you are. I'll pray for you regardless.

Thankyou so much! I should probably have clarified that I have had other anxiety meds before. I was 14 when I started having anxiety issues and the doctor prescribed prozac and, if I ever needed something stronger, klonopin. The prozac didn't noticeably change me at all so after a while of taking it for that sweet placebo affect my doctor agreed I could stop. My parents actually gave me the klonopin...like in food. They would get me yogurt and things and put the pill in. Needless to say it scared me pretty bad when it came into affect, even though I hadn't consciously taken it.
I've tried buspar once or twice before and I didn't absolutely hate it, but my main issue with anxiety medication is it kinda makes me...out of it? Which actually scares me really bad. I really hate not being in control of well, me.
My doctor did tell me that the lexapro would even out eventually, but I decided I was way too much of a liability to my family, and not being able to keep food or water down several hours after waking up was just, not helping me. I realize it eventually probably wouldn't make me feel that way, but my personal decision was that I couldn't wait it out.
I don't think my worrying about my recent medical issues has been of an underlying cause, again I should've specified. I was just always such a healthy kid I never had to deal with it before (I've had one other infection my whole 18 years). I've just suddenly realized mortality exists....and I guess it's a scary concept for me to grasp?
Thanks so much again for your response and prayers, it means alot :)
IPv4 wrote:If I had a psychiatrist and that person gave me drugs I would switch psychiatrist (unfortunately probably most of them will give you drugs).

Well, I technically didn't have a psychiatrist when they prescribed the medicine. Even now I've got a therapist instead....which is, a bit different I spose. She is understanding of my wish to not take medication but keeps it open as an option.
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Re: Embarrassing health anxiety issues

Postby shooraijin » Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:40 pm

my main issue with anxiety medication is it kinda makes me...out of it?

I suspect this is something you're noticing mostly with the benzodiazepine class (that includes Klonopin, as well as Xanax, Ativan and Valium). These can be somewhat sedating, and they have a similar depressant effect on brain chemistry as alcohol would (and can be similarly habit-forming).

Buspar is a little different and I think it's safer than the BZDs, but its effects are variable and it can be nearly as sedating in some people.

I've just suddenly realized mortality exists....and I guess it's a scary concept for me to grasp?

I know exactly what you mean.
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... so...doctor + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
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Re: Embarrassing health anxiety issues

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:54 am

shooraijin wrote:
my main issue with anxiety medication is it kinda makes me...out of it?

I suspect this is something you're noticing mostly with the benzodiazepine class (that includes Klonopin, as well as Xanax, Ativan and Valium). These can be somewhat sedating, and they have a similar depressant effect on brain chemistry as alcohol would (and can be similarly habit-forming).

Buspar is a little different and I think it's safer than the BZDs, but its effects are variable and it can be nearly as sedating in some people.

I've just suddenly realized mortality exists....and I guess it's a scary concept for me to grasp?

I know exactly what you mean.

Yeah, I actually know someone who's father was highly addicted to xanax. Fell asleep all the time.
I guess it'll just take time for me to....get over all this, thanks for all your input.
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