Lucid dreaming, anyone?

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Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Exlon » Sat Oct 04, 2014 7:20 pm

For anyone who does not know, lucid dreaming is when you have enough awareness within your dreams that you have the ability to control what happens in them (to some extent). Thoughts? Theories? Experiences? Come on in and tell.

I, for one, have been gaining awareness in my dreams a lot more frequently this year (without immediately waking up). That moment when I realize I'm dreaming, everything suddenly becomes sharper and clearer, and things feel a lot more real (like I'll put my hand on the wall and be like "Wow, that feels legit."). However, I have to control my excitement and calm myself down in a dream, so I won't wake up. Haven't been able to actually control what happens in the dream yet, or what happens around me, but have gotten better at controlling things about myself. For example, for some strange reason, I've never been able to genuinely fly in my dreams. It's always kind of wonky or it just doesn't work. But when I'm lucid I've found that it takes my strength of will to make things happen, I used to think I just had to want it enough, but that wasn't it. When I become aware in a dream I stop worrying about people thinking I'm crazy, because I know they're not real, so it's okay to run and attempt to vault a wall. XD

What about you guys? :)
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:05 pm

Exlon wrote:When I become aware in a dream I stop worrying about people thinking I'm crazy, because I know they're not real, so it's okay to run and attempt to vault a wall. XD

This is my favorite line ever. XD

I very rarely become aware that I'm dreaming. But I do remember, when I was a kid I used to have recurring nightmares just about every night (that's pretty weird, now that I think about it). And I distinctly remember getting to a point where I was sick and tired of being chased and scared out of my wits and inevitably caught by all manner of creepy horrible monsters. So one night (I was like 6 or something) something was chasing me and I was like "NO, this is my dream, and you need to stop chasing me, because I don't like it." And I remember how surprised and relieved I was when it worked. I think I even told my family about it when I woke up. XD So after that there were a few times I could turn the dream on its head and make things do what I wanted. And yes, I remember learning how to fly, too. XD I think I was like...11. It's weird that I actually have growth and experience in dreaming throughout my life. It's like..."Level up! You can now use invisibility."
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Anirac » Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:58 am

I kind of wish that I had that ability :P I don't have as many dreams as I used to, but when I do, I have them so deeply that I am quite often confused when I wake up, which is annoying. I have to run a "reality check" on my first seconds of awakening: date, location, what I did yesterday. The few times I was aware it was a dream, I could not wake up, I could not control anything, no matter what I did. However, such deep dreams aren't that bad... considering I've had more good dreams than bad dreams lately, thinking it is real adds to the experience.
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:05 pm

ClaecElric4God wrote:I very rarely become aware that I'm dreaming. But I do remember, when I was a kid I used to have recurring nightmares just about every night (that's pretty weird, now that I think about it). And I distinctly remember getting to a point where I was sick and tired of being chased and scared out of my wits and inevitably caught by all manner of creepy horrible monsters. So one night (I was like 6 or something) something was chasing me and I was like "NO, this is my dream, and you need to stop chasing me, because I don't like it." And I remember how surprised and relieved I was when it worked. I think I even told my family about it when I woke up.

I did that whole scary dream thing as a kid too XD.
Occasionally I'll do it now, but definitely not as often as I used to cx
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Nate » Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:36 pm

There's only been a handful of times I was aware I was dreaming, I've heard techniques for increasing the chance of lucid dreaming but I've never really cared enough to try them. I mean, it just seems a tiny bit pointless.

Especially since women still reject me even in my dreams. ;~;

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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Exlon » Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:21 pm

ClaecElric4God wrote:I do remember, when I was a kid I used to have recurring nightmares just about every night (that's pretty weird, now that I think about it).

oh, I had recurring nightmares all the time when I was little. Like around 4 and 5. I had one where the house would be deserted except for me and this creepy music would start playing and this skeleton would emerge from the end of the hall to move towards me. I eventually figured out a method to wake up, which was to drop to the floor in the dream and bury my face in my arms and I'd wake up. I sometimes had another dream too where I got run over by a train and I could feel it crushing my head flat (it was more like a lot of pressure than actual pain I felt).

ClaecElric4God wrote:It's weird that I actually have growth and experience in dreaming throughout my life. It's like..."Level up! You can now use invisibility."

Heh, I once had a dream that was like the Hunger Games. Except instead of the Cornucopia, there were these packets of sand-like stuff scattered around, and each had a different name on them they gave you a certain set of powers. So like, me and two guys from my high school class ran into this spot at the same time and stared at each other, and I was just like well shoot, I'm not gonna die. So I scramble and grab the nearest packet which says "Powers of the Undead" and weighed how I felt about being killed versus the chance of turning into a zombie. So I ripped it open and downed the stuff, as gross shoving sand down your throat is, and decided to fake being a zombie so the guys would run off. THE REASON I'M SAYING ALL THIS IS, turns out, I got powers like invisibility (which was...faulty, but hey it worked sometimes) and the power to summon a demon guard dog. Which was a relief, 'cause I was really nervous about what "Powers of the Undead" meant. xD
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby twistedfairytale45 » Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:08 pm

Oh wow... Well, I'm one of those people who really struggles to remember their dreams(or goes to the extent of trying to create my own when falling asleep). It's really sad because sometimes I'll wake up knowing I had an awesome dream, but I can't remember it.. another problem is I don't usually start dreaming until like five minutes before I wake up...
I used to have lot's of fun dreams but something happened I now I can't remember them anymore... My favorite dreams are the legend of zelda ones :3. Sometimes I'll randomly turn into Link in the middle of my dream which is kinda cool but at the same time really weird cuz I'm a girl... this is a strange question, but what are some tips to help remember dreams/actually have dreams/etc.? I'm pretty sure the last time I had a dream(that wasn't just me creating a situation for myself) that I actually remember most of was quite a while ago. The parts that I remember were golfing IN my house with Benidict Cumberbatch, strange mining shafts, and Prince Charming and Snow White meeting each other outside a chicken house while I sat on the roof... just watching them...
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Exlon » Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:41 pm

Ah well, I'm not really sure I have a technique for remembering my dreams--I just do. However, I have heard it helps if you wake up slowly and you're just coming awake, and that jolting awake to an alarm makes it harder (but hey, most of us need those). I also heard it helps to try hot to grasp so hard at a dream when you first wake up because that just makes it all the harder. I know my dad suggested writing down what your dream was about right after you wake up, and looking over it later. He said he did that once, and it made no sense. XD But it might be something to try.
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby PLCDreamcatcher14 » Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:10 pm

I don't think I've ever been able to control my dreams but things going on around me usually do. There have been times when I'm having some dream and one of our cats starts meowing and then the cat and meowing gets incorporated into my dream even if there was no cat in there to begin with. lol. I absolutely HATE not being able to remember my dreams especially since mine are usually like mini movies complete with a plot, locations that I've never been to, and a cast of usually me, my mom, my dad, and/or our cats and dogs as well fictional characters, celebrities, and sometimes even people I don't know and have never even seen/met. I actually can remember them usually but I get super frustrated when I can't cause I feel like I know that they were fun. Gah, that was a rambleful...
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby TheAlbinoMoose » Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:41 pm

PLCDreamcatcher14 wrote:I absolutely HATE not being able to remember my dreams especially since mine are usually like mini movies complete with a plot, locations that I've never been to, and a cast of usually me, my mom, my dad, and/or our cats and dogs as well fictional characters, celebrities, and sometimes even people I don't know and have never even seen/met..

Same here. I have lots of dreams where I meet a fictional character that I love, but instead of freaking out and stuff, I just feel like I've known them forever, and we're friends, which makes sense, considering we already know who they are and stuff xD I've had many conversations with fictional beings (I'm not insane I swear)

Also I LOVE when people who I've never even seen are in my dreams, cause they say that every face you see in your dreams is a face that you've seen in real life, whether you actually noticed it or not. Don't know if that's true or not, but I like to think that maybe my face was in someone's dream, somewhere :D There's some evidence against it, though, as I've had dreams with really handsome guys (not celebrities or anything, just realistically good-looking) and I always think "naw, I couldn't have forgotten a face like that"

But yeah, I don't usually realize I'm dreaming, but it's happened once or twice. I usually just do whatever in my dreams, and don't question it. I think that's what makes them fun, though. If I knew it wasn't reality, then I couldn't feel it at all. Like, if I am wandering a beautiful foreign place, and I meet someone and talk to them, I'd like to think, in that moment, that it was reality. If I knew it wasn't real, even while it was happening, all the meaning of it would be gone. I think lucid dreaming is replacing the emotional feeling of a dream with physical pleasure - not in a bad way, necessarily, but I prefer dreams where I feel happy, or sad, or scared, or whatever, because I am in a certain situation. Cause at that moment, I am there, and that is happening to me, and though not in reality, at that moment it is my reality. However, if I knew it was a dream, it isn't my reality anymore, but my imagination. I don't know if that makes any sense...
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Exlon » Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:54 pm

TheAlbinoMoose wrote:I usually just do whatever in my dreams, and don't question it. I think that's what makes them fun, though. If I knew it wasn't reality, then I couldn't feel it at all. Like, if I am wandering a beautiful foreign place, and I meet someone and talk to them, I'd like to think, in that moment, that it was reality. If I knew it wasn't real, even while it was happening, all the meaning of it would be gone. I think lucid dreaming is replacing the emotional feeling of a dream with physical pleasure - not in a bad way, necessarily, but I prefer dreams where I feel happy, or sad, or scared, or whatever, because I am in a certain situation. Cause at that moment, I am there, and that is happening to me, and though not in reality, at that moment it is my reality. However, if I knew it was a dream, it isn't my reality anymore, but my imagination. I don't know if that makes any sense...

That kind of makes sense, like if you realize it's not real, you're just kind of like "Oh." And the value's gone a bit. I feel like lucid dreams for me are kind of like, not that they become completely value-less, but it's kind of like virtual reality at its best. Then, even if I can't control things around me, at least I can actively explore my environment, and that's pretty cool when I know it's not real but it feels so real. I had one where I woke up in my own room at a ski resort, and I got up out of my bed and walked over to the balcony and pushed the glass doors open and I felt the cold breeze on my face and I put my hands on the railing which felt like legit, rough-hewn wood, and I had friends down below who were having a snowball fight and yelling at me to come down and join them (I don't think I knew any of them in real life). I think I yelled back at them that I had to get dressed first. xD
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Dante » Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:16 am

I love lucid dreaming, it's not easy to pull off, though. Typically I get really excited and have to calm myself down or I'll lose the dream. Even more frustrating is when I think I've woken up, get out of bed and only towards the end realize that I've just transferred from one dream to another. If I can keep my mind on straight while dreaming, one way to keep the experience up is when you notice the dream start to 'blur' you're getting close to waking up, spinning in a circle really fast has the strange effect of "resetting the clock" for your dream. I've also tried climbing through a mirror in my dreams (with the hopes of meeting myself on the other side). To my surprise, mirrors were actually liquid in my dream, but there is nothing but shadow on the other side and the things stick to you so you can't just get out of them.

Another interesting way to control your dreams is to ask one of the dream people to help you out. One time, for instance, I was stuck in a boring abandoned city when I became lucid. I wanted a forest instead, in fact I wanted the most beautiful magical forest in the world... So I walked up to a cab driver and asked him to take me to the most amazing forest that he knew of, we drove around for a while and suddenly, bam, I was in an untouched forest valley, with a light fog and huge thick trees untouched for centuries. I ran around and played for the rest of the dream and really enjoyed it.

I've actually wanted to use my lucid dreams in the past to get a better grip on my depression by directly challenging or conversing with the dream symbols associated with it. I've long known that my 'drops' in mood are often foretold in dreams by large, horrific thunderstorms. Unfortunately, I've never been able to confront these storms without waking up. For that matter, I can't even realize I'm dreaming, even with fifty tornadoes and blood red lightning in the middle of Arizona. These should be obvious dream signs, but I just can't shake the fear enough to rationalize that I'm safe and it's all just a dream.
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby PLCDreamcatcher14 » Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:24 pm

TheAlbinoMoose wrote:
PLCDreamcatcher14 wrote:I absolutely HATE not being able to remember my dreams especially since mine are usually like mini movies complete with a plot, locations that I've never been to, and a cast of usually me, my mom, my dad, and/or our cats and dogs as well fictional characters, celebrities, and sometimes even people I don't know and have never even seen/met..

Same here. I have lots of dreams where I meet a fictional character that I love, but instead of freaking out and stuff, I just feel like I've known them forever, and we're friends, which makes sense, considering we already know who they are and stuff xD I've had many conversations with fictional beings (I'm not insane I swear)

Also I LOVE when people who I've never even seen are in my dreams, cause they say that every face you see in your dreams is a face that you've seen in real life, whether you actually noticed it or not. Don't know if that's true or not, but I like to think that maybe my face was in someone's dream, somewhere :D There's some evidence against it, though, as I've had dreams with really handsome guys (not celebrities or anything, just realistically good-looking) and I always think "naw, I couldn't have forgotten a face like that"

But yeah, I don't usually realize I'm dreaming, but it's happened once or twice. I usually just do whatever in my dreams, and don't question it. I think that's what makes them fun, though. If I knew it wasn't reality, then I couldn't feel it at all. Like, if I am wandering a beautiful foreign place, and I meet someone and talk to them, I'd like to think, in that moment, that it was reality. If I knew it wasn't real, even while it was happening, all the meaning of it would be gone. I think lucid dreaming is replacing the emotional feeling of a dream with physical pleasure - not in a bad way, necessarily, but I prefer dreams where I feel happy, or sad, or scared, or whatever, because I am in a certain situation. Cause at that moment, I am there, and that is happening to me, and though not in reality, at that moment it is my reality. However, if I knew it was a dream, it isn't my reality anymore, but my imagination. I don't know if that makes any sense...

That TOTALLY makes sense! I often really enjoy my dreams and they feel like a real adventure. I love wandering through these places I've never seen, going through the 'plot' of the story (though I rarely get to see how it ends :shady:), and being able to talk to people I've never met and see how they are connected to me or my character in the dream. lol. Though, sometimes I wonder if some of the people we've seen in dreams that we know we've never met are actually people we will meet one day. My mom said that she had a dream one time where she met this guy and she described everything about him except she could never see his face. Months later she met a guy and eventually they started dating but it wasn't until months later that she realized he very accurately fit the description of the guy from her dream. They're still together now. And I've had like three dreams with the same guy appearing in all of them but I can never see his face but I feel like he's someone I'm supposed to meet one day too. Dreams are fascinating. ^_^
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby twistedfairytale45 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:49 am

I think one reason I don't really dream anymore is because I'm usually really stressed when I'm falling asleep because recently I've been trying really hard to wake up at my alarm so I fall asleep, afraid that I won't wake up to my alarm(or sometimes I'm stressed because I know if I don't wake up I won't have time to do last minute homework), and that puts me into a very quick feeling sleep suddenly disturbed by the morning. I get stressed way to easily... and guess what? I'm pretty sure that stress comes from lack of sleep. My friend told me that highschoolers should get 8-10 hours of sleep. I usually only get about 6 or 7 because I got to bed at like 10-11 pm(but because of some issues with my brain it takes like 1-2 hours to fall alseep) and then I wake up at 6 am.
So I'm kinda stuck in this weird cycle of stress and lack of sleep. I get stressed so I can't sleep but I need sleep so that I'm not stressed.... my life is so weird and hard that I sometimes wish I could just live in a plain old world of nothingness with only my imagination. Well maybe I could at night if my life wasn't so stressful XD.
I can get really complicated sometimes. Instead of dreaming tips, does anyone have sleeping tips???? I tried googling ways to fall asleep faster but it was all really weird stuff...
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Exlon » Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:07 am

twistedfairytale45 wrote:I think one reason I don't really dream anymore is because I'm usually really stressed when I'm falling asleep because recently I've been trying really hard to wake up at my alarm so I fall asleep, afraid that I won't wake up to my alarm(or sometimes I'm stressed because I know if I don't wake up I won't have time to do last minute homework), and that puts me into a very quick feeling sleep suddenly disturbed by the morning. I get stressed way to easily... and guess what? I'm pretty sure that stress comes from lack of sleep. My friend told me that highschoolers should get 8-10 hours of sleep. I usually only get about 6 or 7 because I got to bed at like 10-11 pm(but because of some issues with my brain it takes like 1-2 hours to fall alseep) and then I wake up at 6 am.
So I'm kinda stuck in this weird cycle of stress and lack of sleep. I get stressed so I can't sleep but I need sleep so that I'm not stressed.... my life is so weird and hard that I sometimes wish I could just live in a plain old world of nothingness with only my imagination. Well maybe I could at night if my life wasn't so stressful XD.
I can get really complicated sometimes. Instead of dreaming tips, does anyone have sleeping tips???? I tried googling ways to fall asleep faster but it was all really weird stuff...

Huh, that's funny, because over the past couple of years or something, I'm stressed and tired all the time, and I have a crap-ton of dreams that don't make sense. I'll just wake up and blink blearily and be like "...Yeah, I dunno. That was bizarre."

Scientifically speaking, you always have dreams in your REM sleep, but I get what you mean. I feel like I used to have deeper, more restful sleep that seemed more like blackouts.
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Dante » Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:59 pm

Exlon wrote:
twistedfairytale45 wrote:I think one reason I don't really dream anymore is because I'm usually really stressed when I'm falling asleep because recently I've been trying really hard to wake up at my alarm so I fall asleep, afraid that I won't wake up to my alarm(or sometimes I'm stressed because I know if I don't wake up I won't have time to do last minute homework), and that puts me into a very quick feeling sleep suddenly disturbed by the morning. I get stressed way to easily... and guess what? I'm pretty sure that stress comes from lack of sleep. My friend told me that highschoolers should get 8-10 hours of sleep. I usually only get about 6 or 7 because I got to bed at like 10-11 pm(but because of some issues with my brain it takes like 1-2 hours to fall alseep) and then I wake up at 6 am.
So I'm kinda stuck in this weird cycle of stress and lack of sleep. I get stressed so I can't sleep but I need sleep so that I'm not stressed.... my life is so weird and hard that I sometimes wish I could just live in a plain old world of nothingness with only my imagination. Well maybe I could at night if my life wasn't so stressful XD.
I can get really complicated sometimes. Instead of dreaming tips, does anyone have sleeping tips???? I tried googling ways to fall asleep faster but it was all really weird stuff...

Huh, that's funny, because over the past couple of years or something, I'm stressed and tired all the time, and I have a crap-ton of dreams that don't make sense. I'll just wake up and blink blearily and be like "...Yeah, I dunno. That was bizarre."

Scientifically speaking, you always have dreams in your REM sleep, but I get what you mean. I feel like I used to have deeper, more restful sleep that seemed more like blackouts.

As you get older, you typically forget your dreams unless you write them down in a dream journal every morning. In ancient cultures, this was less of an issue because dreams were more important so they were often shared, resulting in the ability to remember them better. In other words, you won't remember your dreams if your dreams aren't important to you.
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Mullet Death » Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:42 pm

I'm not really sure if lucid dreamng is really a thing or not. There have been times I've been aware that I was dreaming and tried to change the dream's course-- but was I really changing anything about the dream, or did I just THINK I was, and that, too, was part of the dream? The outcomes of any of my supposed attempts to change my dreams, and especially my nightmares, seem to suggest more of the latter if you ask me.

As for the content of my dreams, I've never taken drugs, but I'm assuming that if you took a fatal amount of LSD, you'd see something like a typical dream before death.

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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Exlon » Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:55 pm

Mullet Death wrote:I'm not really sure if lucid dreamng is really a thing or not. There have been times I've been aware that I was dreaming and tried to change the dream's course-- but was I really changing anything about the dream, or did I just THINK I was, and that, too, was part of the dream? The outcomes of any of my supposed attempts to change my dreams, and especially my nightmares, seem to suggest more of the latter if you ask me.

As for the content of my dreams, I've never taken drugs, but I'm assuming that if you took a fatal amount of LSD, you'd see something like a typical dream before death.

Lucid dreaming specifically means having awareness in your dream that you are not awake, and as a result, you have more control over yourself and soemtimes your surroundings (I've found the latter to be harder though, it takes a certain type of concentration).
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Dante » Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:48 pm

Exlon wrote:
Mullet Death wrote:I'm not really sure if lucid dreaming is really a thing or not. There have been times I've been aware that I was dreaming and tried to change the dream's course-- but was I really changing anything about the dream, or did I just THINK I was, and that, too, was part of the dream? The outcomes of any of my supposed attempts to change my dreams, and especially my nightmares, seem to suggest more of the latter if you ask me.

As for the content of my dreams, I've never taken drugs, but I'm assuming that if you took a fatal amount of LSD, you'd see something like a typical dream before death.

Lucid dreaming specifically means having awareness in your dream that you are not awake, and as a result, you have more control over yourself and sometimes your surroundings (I've found the latter to be harder though, it takes a certain type of concentration).

It's almost a kind of faith if you think about it. You can do just about anything, but you have to believe that you can do it. Flying, for instance, is really easy for me in dreams as I've done it so many times, that once I know I'm dreaming it's nothing new. I 'know' I can fly, therefore I can (just like walking, only faster). If I 'knew' I could do other things, I could do those as well. That's why it's sometimes easier to ask others in the dreamworld to do something for you. When someone else says they can do something, we believe them to an extent, so they tend to bring about results. However, you also have those abilities in the dream, you just don't believe it yet. Supposedly, if you ask those other powerful dream characters who they are, however, I've heard they say they're actually you. Go figure. I never imagined they'd be so truthful. I actually had this conversation during a lucid dream a couple of nights ago, with a black panther. As par what other people said, the panther informed me that they were me. They were also willing to transport me to where I wanted to go, although they warned me against it, saying "I wouldn't go there." Really an interesting lucid dream.
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Exlon » Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:34 am

Dante wrote:It's almost a kind of faith if you think about it. You can do just about anything, but you have to believe that you can do it. Flying, for instance, is really easy for me in dreams as I've done it so many times, that once I know I'm dreaming it's nothing new. I 'know' I can fly, therefore I can (just like walking, only faster). If I 'knew' I could do other things, I could do those as well. That's why it's sometimes easier to ask others in the dreamworld to do something for you. When someone else says they can do something, we believe them to an extent, so they tend to bring about results. However, you also have those abilities in the dream, you just don't believe it yet. Supposedly, if you ask those other powerful dream characters who they are, however, I've heard they say they're actually you. Go figure. I never imagined they'd be so truthful. I actually had this conversation during a lucid dream a couple of nights ago, with a black panther. As par what other people said, the panther informed me that they were me. They were also willing to transport me to where I wanted to go, although they warned me against it, saying "I wouldn't go there." Really an interesting lucid dream.

Yeah, I never ask for help from characters in dreams. I either don't trust them or I know they won't help me. Also, I don't think an outside character has ever been me. I might look like someone else sometimes, but I'm usually just in me and not another character. I might see a character that represents me as a child though.
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Never thirsty! » Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:20 pm

I've had lucid dreams before they're amazing although question does anyone ever have trouble when you spontaneously realize you're dreaming and then you try to change the dream and the it ends up waking you up but your eyes are still closed but you can feel that you've awakened
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Exlon » Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:56 pm

Never thirsty! wrote:I've had lucid dreams before they're amazing although question does anyone ever have trouble when you spontaneously realize you're dreaming and then you try to change the dream and the it ends up waking you up but your eyes are still closed but you can feel that you've awakened

Oh, yeah that's a kind of sleep paralysis, I think. It's like your mind's awake but your body hasn't quite caught up yet.
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby IPv4 » Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:48 pm

sometimes ive had dreamception I guess. I dream and then I "wake up" in a dream from the dream O__o
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby TheAlbinoMoose » Sat Oct 18, 2014 7:29 pm

PLCDreamcatcher14 wrote:
That TOTALLY makes sense! I often really enjoy my dreams and they feel like a real adventure. I love wandering through these places I've never seen, going through the 'plot' of the story (though I rarely get to see how it ends :shady:), and being able to talk to people I've never met and see how they are connected to me or my character in the dream. lol. Though, sometimes I wonder if some of the people we've seen in dreams that we know we've never met are actually people we will meet one day. My mom said that she had a dream one time where she met this guy and she described everything about him except she could never see his face. Months later she met a guy and eventually they started dating but it wasn't until months later that she realized he very accurately fit the description of the guy from her dream. They're still together now. And I've had like three dreams with the same guy appearing in all of them but I can never see his face but I feel like he's someone I'm supposed to meet one day too. Dreams are fascinating. ^_^

So cool! I love your mom's story! That's a beautiful concept - dreaming of people who will impact your life before you even meet them. And I know God tells people things through dreams (although it's extremely important not to jump to the conclusion that your dream was a message from God) so I do believe that He could be giving you a little hint ;D I hope you find your mystery guy (if you do please tell me about it, I seriously want to know)

Exlon wrote:That kind of makes sense, like if you realize it's not real, you're just kind of like "Oh." And the value's gone a bit. I feel like lucid dreams for me are kind of like, not that they become completely value-less, but it's kind of like virtual reality at its best. Then, even if I can't control things around me, at least I can actively explore my environment, and that's pretty cool when I know it's not real but it feels so real. I had one where I woke up in my own room at a ski resort, and I got up out of my bed and walked over to the balcony and pushed the glass doors open and I felt the cold breeze on my face and I put my hands on the railing which felt like legit, rough-hewn wood, and I had friends down below who were having a snowball fight and yelling at me to come down and join them (I don't think I knew any of them in real life). I think I yelled back at them that I had to get dressed first. xD

That makes it sound a lot more fun! It's a one-player virtual reality! I see what you mean when you say you can explore, and be more AWARE of the things around you - it's probably super exciting beyond anything EVER. Only, it would be more fun if your family/friends were in it, even if you know it's just a dream. Me and my sister always have dreams with each other in them, and we share them with each other, and be like, "yep. I was there. I did that. I remember." :lol: It makes for some good memories of things that never happened. Having a lucid dream with real people would be the best
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Exlon » Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:20 pm

TheAlbinoMoose wrote:That makes it sound a lot more fun! It's a one-player virtual reality! I see what you mean when you say you can explore, and be more AWARE of the things around you - it's probably super exciting beyond anything EVER. Only, it would be more fun if your family/friends were in it, even if you know it's just a dream. Me and my sister always have dreams with each other in them, and we share them with each other, and be like, "yep. I was there. I did that. I remember." :lol: It makes for some good memories of things that never happened. Having a lucid dream with real people would be the best

Lol, actually, speaking of sharing dreams, last week I told my roommate "I had this really weird dream about our fish or something," and she was like "I HAD A WEIRD DREAM ABOUT OUR FISH TOO." They were completely different dreams, but it was still funny. xD And then she said "I also had a dream where my mom was visiting right before fall break for some reason--" "OHMYGOSH, I HAD A DREAM THAT YOUR MOM WAS VISITING TOO!" Also completely different dreams, but it was so funny that in the same night we dreamed about the same topics. XD
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Xeno » Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:18 pm

We're in a dream. The only question, is whose dream is it?
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby ClaecElric4God » Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:17 am

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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Dia » Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:06 pm

I really love lucid dreaming and one of the many reasons I love sleeping. I've heard some people don't as they don't like the idea of being unconscious and I guess there's not much to experience if you're not lucid. But just slowly losing consciousness in your bed and maybe lucid dreaming later on is just really really fun and I look forward to it everyday! I lucid dream pretty frequently but I'm not really able to control the events of the dreams as much as I would like. Sometimes it works but most of the time my dreams follow a plot and whatever I decide to conjure while lucid becomes a small forgettable distraction, probably because the characters and the events don't acknowledge it... so it's just like reality I guess.
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Re: Lucid dreaming, anyone?

Postby Exlon » Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:28 pm

I've found recently the last couple times I lucid dreamt, one of my first instincts is to go find a person I hope to see in my dreams. I haven't been able to make them show up yet though, apparently that would take too much mental exertion. xD
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