Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Xeno » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:14 pm

Mullet Death wrote:I mean... even Moses married an African woman.

I'm not sure how I missed this during my first read-through, but you do know that Egypt is in Africa right? Moses was born in Egypt, so he was also "African".
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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Nate » Wed Jul 23, 2014 4:02 pm

Eh I'm willing to give him a pass on that one. Kind of like how India is in Asia but you wouldn't refer to someone from there as Asian.

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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby IPv4 » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:35 am

Xeno wrote:
Mullet Death wrote:I mean... even Moses married an African woman.

I'm not sure how I missed this during my first read-through, but you do know that Egypt is in Africa right? Moses was born in Egypt, so he was also "African".

Wasn't Moses a jew?
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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:52 pm

Not by race.
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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Davidizer13 » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:15 pm

Race is a pretty nebulous thing in the Bible, because race as we know it developed well after it was written. National/tribal origin stands in for race in a lot of places, being from this people or that people, so when interracial marriages come up, it's not necessarily between racially distinct people, just between groups of different origins, like Judah versus Moab, things like that. For a more modern example, think of the way Irish people were treated historically, or Germans during the first world war. But even in the Biblical context of race/culture, there are marriages that cross those lines that are tacitly approved by God, like Boaz and Ruth or Moses and his Cushite wife, which God approves by striking Miriam with leprosy when she says something against it. Where "interracial" marriage was a concern was with the religious views of the people around Israel, not because they were different racially or that their origins made them inferior, but for the religious baggage they were bringing in, which ended up being the downfall of Israel in the end. But if that's not an issue, I don't see anything that would prevent interracial/intercultural marriage.

(Speaking of which, I'm of the view that Ezra's declaration to the returning Jewish exiles to cut those marriages was not an example to be followed, because Jesus and Malachi both make it clear that divorce is not God's first choice in things, only allowing it because people make poor decisions and do horrible things to each other. But that's neither here nor there.)

As for what we would consider interracial marriages, there's only a couple people you can say with any certainty that they weren't related to Israel as we would think of race, but they're treated the same as anyone else. A handful of Cushites or references to them appear in the Old Testament, referring to people from what is now Ethiopia, so in my view, there are black people in the Bible, primarily in Jeremiah, where he refers to their skin color and gives a blessing to a Cushite who helps him out in prison, and Moses' aforementioned wife. There's probably a lot more that weren't commented on, and many other races involved, seeing as Israel was under the thumb of one foreign power or another for most of the Kings period. But their religion and what they brought to the table in that was way more important than whatever genetic origin they had. Paul makes this extra clear - in the eyes of God, there is no Jew or Gentile, Greek nor Scythian (in the Greek view, anyone else).

This article came up in my searching around for things, and it had some good things to say about the issue - give it a good look-see.
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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby RandomBurrito » Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:47 am

I am married to someone who's not necessarily my race, he's actually a mixture of races and my family who are majority Christians are fine with it. Look at many people in the Bible who married people of other races. Joseph married an Egyptian woman, Boaz married Ruth who was a Moabitess, Esther married a Persian king, and the list can go on! So no, please don't believe that it's WRONG! However, I also understand that it is difficult being that your mother does not agree. And perhaps you can sit down and talk to her about how the Bible even shows interracial marriages are ok. Show her the stories of Jospeh, and Ruth, and Esther. And how God used each of them to do something wonderful.
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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:04 am

Personally Jigsy, I don't believe there to be any problems. We were all created equal, after all. Just because someone looks different shouldn't matter. Basically, what Claec was saying earlier. The race doesn't really matter, its beliefs that are important.
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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Nate » Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:15 pm

RandomBurrito wrote:However, I also understand that it is difficult being that your mother does not agree. And perhaps you can sit down and talk to her about how the Bible even shows interracial marriages are ok. Show her the stories of Jospeh, and Ruth, and Esther. And how God used each of them to do something wonderful.

Unfortunately this isn't going to work on someone who is opposed to interracial relationships on a fundamental level, and even pointing to support in the Bible won't work. I can prove how this won't work on you right now if you wish.

I'm in a relationship with my sister. I know you think that such a relationship is wrong, but let me tell you about Cain from the Bible and how he married his sister. So you can see, there is support in the Bible for marrying your sister, and how God can do good with it.

Now, I don't have a sister, but if I did and I was in a relationship with her, would you accept the story of Cain marrying his sister as evidence that what I'm doing is okay? I'm willing to bet you wouldn't, even though the Bible endorses it. Likewise, there's the whole thing about how Noah's family would have had to resort to incest to create the human race again after the flood.

So obviously your response to this would be "Those were extenuating circumstances! Sure God used them to bring about good, but that doesn't mean he approved of it, and therefore there's no reason for you to have that kind of relationship today!" Well, guess what? People who are against interracial marriage would say the exact same thing. That even though God did use them in the Old Testament for good, that this doesn't mean God condones it and we shouldn't take it as support for it in today's world.

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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Furen » Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:43 am

Nate wrote:but let me tell you about Cain from the Bible and how he married his sister. So you can see, there is support in the Bible for marrying your sister, and how God can do good with it.

Funny, I was just talking about that recently, do we know if he married his sister, or if god created other people after Adam and Eve, and it just wasn't noted.

That aside (well... first off, the confusion and comments from this thread is hilarious, I've not had so much fun reading a thread in a while)
I don't think it's wrong to date other races

I'm agreeing with the people that are saying it's about your beliefs, I know someone referred to 1 Corinthians 7:16, but I think that's taking it a bit out of context.
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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Jingo Jaden » Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:58 am

.... Do not like the OP's question as it stands, but I'll round it out.

Christians pursue marriages for various reasons. Sometimes Godly ones, sometimes selfish ones. Race certainly does not factor in theologically with any mainstream church I can come to think of. There are no scriptural barrier which makes it immoral to marry someone of a different race among any of the core new testament doctrines, there are scriptural barriers, however, to marry someone of another faith. But yes, Christians often pursues relationships outside of their own ethnicity and there's no issue with that.

Generally it is a question if it is what God wants you to do. If done in good faith and in line with basic Christian guidelines then it is generally something to be considered done in good faith. How it works out might be a different question, and sometimes people do not marry at all and that is fine. Paul talks to some length about those who will not marry and their enhanced ability to serve God alone, so whatever way it takes you, looking to God before ones own interest, hard as it may sometimes be, is generally the way to judge if one should at all get married if one seeks to go about it in a Christian way.

But I will stress again, there are no theological barriers as far as race is concerned.
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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Nate » Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:03 pm

Furen wrote:Funny, I was just talking about that recently, do we know if he married his sister, or if god created other people after Adam and Eve, and it just wasn't noted.

It depends if you believe the doctrine of original sin or not. If you do, God can't possibly have created other human beings...because if He did, then they would not be of Adam's lineage, and thus would not be stained by sin from his and Eve's sin of eating the fruit. If that was true, then they would be a separate "race" of humans that were not inherently sinful like Adam's offspring were. Though I suppose if you want to go that route, you could say that they're the Nephilim that Genesis refers to, and they were wiped out in the flood, having become sinful of their own accord rather than through Adam and Eve's sin. Even so, it would still mean there would have been at one time humans who were not sinful from birth, and that might be a bit hard to swallow for some.

Though even if you rule out Cain's wife as being his sister, there's still Noah's family that would definitely have to resort to incest to repopulate the earth (unless you believe the flood was not global, but local, and humans living elsewhere on the planet survived). And of course we have the story of Lots daughters starting the Moabites and Ammonites by getting pregnant from him. Though he was drunk so I guess he's not really to blame.

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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Furen » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:50 pm

Nate wrote:Though even if you rule out Cain's wife as being his sister, there's still Noah's family that would definitely have to resort to incest to repopulate the earth (unless you believe the flood was not global, but local, and humans living elsewhere on the planet survived).

That was another thing that came up, but I believe in a global flood. Either way, I didn't even think of Noah's sons, I just figured the three of them had wives, so they'd be fine, but right... their children.
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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby mechana2015 » Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:38 am

Let's keep away from divergent theological debates. Take it to PM please.

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Re: Do Christian's usually pursue relationships and marriages out of their own race?

Postby Mave » Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:08 am

Hihi it's difficult to answer your question because it assumes/hopes that Christians all over the world are highly homogeneous in thoughts and actions in life application matters. I think it's pretty safe to say that this isn't the case in reality.

That being said, I'd say some Christians prefer to date within their own race who in theory would share similar values ==> achieve a more 'harmonious' married life. Chinese Christian + Chinese Christian = Coolz. I've got lotsa friends who married within their own neighbourhood/church. Coolz.

Some Christians will date beyond their race as long as the other partner is also Christian too. Filipino Christian + American Christian = Coolz. Indian Christian + Chinese Christian = Coolz. I'm quoting examples of couple friends I have, btw.

Therefore, I don't think that your average Christian would 'deliberately' and 'purposefully' go out and search for someone not of their own race. It depends on what an individual prioritizes in their search for a life partner. If spirituality ranks pretty high on top, it would be very typical (logical?) for that individual to search for someone of similar faith regardless of nationality, ethnicity, race, financial status, age range, personality...etc.etc. ++ many other factors that influence compatibility.

It's quite natural for some parents to hope their child will marry within their own race. I suppose they think that's the only way you'd be happy and have a successful marriage. I'd like to imagine that there are good & common intentions here (happy relationship) but differing thoughts on the process of getting there. Rather than flatly opposing them/rejecting their opinions, you could see this as a opportunity to help them discover & get to know people from other races. Some gentle 'ice-breakers' could be introducing new cuisines, entertainment, reading social news concerning other races or international group outings. It generally helps to reduce any phobia or misconceptions one has regarding another race and you could be the one to facilitate that. I pray that God will give you the heart and wisdom that pleases Him in this matter!
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Re: Re:

Postby Anirac » Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:14 am

FourFourSeven wrote:
Jigzy wrote:Okay, people! I am not a troll. I was just really curious about this that's all, because I am into dating any race and not just my own, but my mom says it's not right and always makes me feel bad about it and she's supposedly suppose to be a Christian. She keeps hurting my feelings every time she tells me I am wrong.

"Christianity is not a white man’s religion. And don’t let anybody ever tell you that it’s white or black. Christ belongs to all people." — Billy Graham in 1973 preaching at the first fully integrated public meetings in South Africa

Applying your original question towards this gives you the answer to it.

This ^

Jigzy, your mother could have her own reasons for telling you that. She could be trying to protect you from a stereotype. Example: when I was at my dating age, my mother warned me about being attracted to Japanese boys, especially if they were first-born. Traditionally, the first-born stays at his elderly parents' house and cares for them, at least financially. Everything else, such as cleaning, cooking, taking them wherever they want to go, is the duty of the first-born's wife. Not rarely, Japanese mother-in-laws are mean to their daughter-in-laws, which results in unhappy families, or at least harsh beginnings. My mother had seen it happen with her aunties, so she warned me. Besides, being of Japanese descent too, I was at the risk of marrying a cousin. Therefore, she ran background checks on boys I found attractive, to see if we were not related somewhere up in our bloodlines.

She could have associated ethnicity with culture and religion, which is neither entirely false nor a golden rule. While it is true that stereotypes contain some factual truth, we have to remember that Jesus praised the faith of a Roman centurion, saying it was greater than His own people's (Luke 7:1-10). Romans were gentiles, no better thought of than Samaritans. And yet that centurion showed more faith than the favoured people of God. Our Lord loves all, and forgives all, no matter our appearance. The colour of our skin is a matter of this world. Our Lord's kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). You can be fair-skinned and beautiful, but if your heart is evil, you will be cast into the eternal fire without a second thought!

She could be trying to keep you within the Christian circle. Admittedly, different beliefs can cause much harm to a couple, and they make for very hard beginnings. I was not a Christian when I married my husband, but with the help of the Holy Spirit my husband finally opened my eyes to the truth. It was a victory, but definitely not an easy one! Sometimes, however, it is God's will. In my husband's case, there is no doubt it was. He asked God which road he should follow, leaving it all to God's will, and God answered.

Whatever your mother's reasons are, try to find them out, try to understand. If you still cannot understand, forgive your mother. And do not lie any more. You sin against your mother and you sin against your beloved by keeping things hidden like that. We hide the evil, not the good. We must be ready to suffer for what is true and good! If your love is true, if God meant it to be, then it will prevail.
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