CAA Chatroom

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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Wolfsong » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:39 pm

Wolfsong straightened. "If that was the care," she said slowly, eying them. "Then why do you two look fresh as daisies? You appear to not have been fighting at all."
Silver glanced at Kaimyn, watching interestedly.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby silvanis2.0 » Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:30 pm

Kerscribble instantly became a horse.
"Whenever you are, your highness," he said as Silvy climbed onto his back, "this will be a blast, I'm sure!"
"Ballgowns," Silvy muttered to herself once she climbed onto her friend's back.
She opened her notebook and began to sketch something to wear.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:05 pm

(OOC: SOrry for moving your character Ally, just wanted to get things moving :D )

William nodded. "Miss Ally, you may ride with me," he said helping her on. "Now off we go," he said.
They traveled for about an hour or so and finally came to the castle where Sarah and the others were just arriving.
"What took you so long," Sarah asked with a teasing smile.
"Miss Ally lost her hat," he said as if it explained anything. Sarah looked at the new guests and smiled.
"Now look at that. It's just like Dia to run off. Let me guess, she went to go get an outfit for tonight," she asked.
Will smiled and nodded. "Very well, we shall see her soon enough. Now, would you like to see your rooms," Sarah asked with a smile.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Ally-Ann » Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:15 pm

(OOC: Oh, it's fine! ^_^ If I'm gone for a long time, I give y'all full permission to move my character.)

Everything happened so fast that Ally-Ann really had nothing to say. She had thanked Dia and Kerscribble for searching for and finding her hat, and was then was given a lift by the prince. Once they arrived at the castle, Ally jumped off with ease, her strength and reflexes well-honed. Her eyes widened at the sight of the beautiful castle, and she gaped in awe. "All the traveling I've done in Chat, and I've not once seen this place," she marveled, pushing her hat a tad further from her face. "How did I miss it?"
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Diamond Dragon » Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:07 pm

The colored light swirling around Dia's body dispersed as she arrived at Kuronai. At first glance, it looked like a large mansion sculpted of silvery stone. But if one looked closer, they would see that it was set into the inside rim of the crater of a long-extinct volcano. All around Dia, lush foliage sprang up, flourishing in the rich soil.

When the two quadroped dragons on either side of the door saw Dia, they stood at attention and bowed, wings outstretched. Dia smiled and bowed back. Then she entered as the guards opened the vast double doors.

Inside, lamps lit the vast courtyard, illuminating the multitude of dragons that traveled in and out of the room, into huge doorways that led into the rooms and caverns carved into the mountain. Every now and then, a human or centuar would be seen, since some decided to live here as well.

Opening her wings again, Dia flew through the coridoors. She didn't want to run into one of the counsel, especially not CinderScale. He especially didn't appreciate her hanging out in chat, and would try to find something to keep her busy for the rest of the day. Easily navigating the halls, she found her room. The human sized furnature looked rather small in the huge space, but Dia didn't mind. She felt she could breathe. Though she did miss having a window...

Crossing the room, she rifled through the outfits along the portable clothing rack. Choosing her outfit, she quickly changed, and looked in the mirror. She wore a black kimono-like top with light blue trim. For bottoms she wore a hakama, those flowing pleited trousers worn by samaurai. It was royal blue, and was billowy enough to pass as a skirt without getting out of her comfort zone. She really hated dresses. She just needed one more thing... closing her eyes, Dia concentrated. Her diamond scales surfaced up from underneath her skin, sparkling brightly in the firelight. Her eyes also glinted like purple diamonds with smaller black ones set in the middle. Even her hair sparkled, as if each strand was made of tiny linked diamonds. Opening her eyes, Dia smiled. She didn't neeed jewelry if she had this.

She kept her necklace though, which was essential. Touching it, she commanded, "Take me to Sarah and Will." As before, the portal shot from the necklace, and she jumped in, coming out right beside her friends. "So, what'd I miss?"
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:46 pm

Sarah jumped as Dia appeared besides them.
"Oh goodness Di! Why do you always do that to me," she said hugging her best friend.
"Nothing much, we just arrived ourselves," Will told Dia with a smile.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sun Oct 06, 2013 11:18 am

Kaimyn didn't bat an eye at Wolf's accusing look, or her pointed question.
"Miss Wolfsong," he began, a tad condescendingly. "Aren't you the head moderator of this place? You of all people should know how Chat operates. Why would it seem strange for us to be unscathed? I'll admit, I did get a bit mussed up, but I quickly changed into a fresh shirt I had laying around. Do I look like the type who enjoys being dirty for any length of time? And my companion here," Kaimyn waved a hand toward Silver, "didn't even have to move a muscle, he is so adept at his art."
"The real question you should be asking is why that hoard of ninjas, supposedly under the supervision of your co-moderator, are running rampant through the streets. I have to wonder if she has as tight a rein on them as she pretends." Kaimyn raised an eyebrow at Wolfsong, giving her a disapproving look.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:30 pm

Silver, an ironic smile on his face, bowed slightly at Kaimyn's words of his ability.
Wolf gave him a long look. Something about this did not seem quite right. Eventually, she nodded.
"My apologies. I should be thanking you, I suppose." She nodded slightly at him. "As for the ninjas...I'll look into it. I ask you to leave now, I must attend to the tree."
Silver nodded. "Of course. I am sorry for your loss." He turned and walked down one of the streets, a small smile on his face. When they were a safe distance away, he turned to Kaimyn. "A fine performance."

Wolf, with Hopper's help, straightened the tree, then set to work fixing the roots back together. "Do you really suppose Claec was behind this?" she asked Hopper.
"I can't say." Hopper, in human form now, wiped the sweat off his brow, considering the problem. "True he's a little strange, but I don't think he'd just go haywire. He does that to newbs, not to trees."
"Maybe we should talk to Cece," Wolf said. "If something happened, I'm sure she'll know about it. besides, out of all of us, she's the only one with any real control over the crazy ninja."
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:44 pm


Selena stood on the hill watching a group ride off towards the castle. She heard something about a ball. That must have been the princess then. Well, no party was "entertaining" until she got there. She would have to make an appearance at this ball. But what to do until then? She walked a little ways until she saw two people she recognized.
She smiled and snuck up behind them. "Well Silver, Kaimyn. You boy causing mischief again," she asked with a teasing smile.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby silvanis2.0 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:25 am

Upon arriving, Kerscribble took his human form, this time in a very fancy forest green suit. He brushed some dust from his shoulder before leaning forward in a low bow to Sarah and then Dia when she arrived. Silvy did as well, still unsure about decorum in the presence of both Chat and dragon royalty.
"I still can't get over the fact that I am hanging out with two princesses and a prince," she said when she straightened up and laughing a little, "are there lots of royal folks in the land of Chat?"
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:02 am

Sarah smiled. "Not really, there's the kingdom of Traphum, which is right outside the Land of Chat, but no one goes over there. The king and his sons are quite feared around here. My father rules with grace and dignity. He is well respected around here," she said. William smiled as well.
"Our mother died when we were little. Sarah here was only 4 years old. We barely knew her. It was a sad day for the Land of Chat," he said.
Sarah nodded sadly. "But, Father cared for us and made sure we had friends. Dia was by my side the entire time. She's one of the best friends anyone could hope for," she said smiling at Dia.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:52 pm

Silver jumped inwardly, but refused to admit she'd startled him. He turned slowly, giving her his usual emotionless stare. "Selena," he said in greeting. "And hello to you. What in the world are you doing here?"
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:38 pm

Selena just smiled. "You know, just passing through. Causing mischief. The usual," she said.
She looked at them. "I heard the prince and princess are throwing a ball tonight. I might crash it. Who knows? Anyways, enough about me, what are you two up to," she asked.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:40 pm

"Crashing a ball?" he rolled his eyes. "That is quite your thing, Miss Selena. As for my business...well, forgive me if I choose not to confide in those who thrive in...tasteless, flamboyant costume to try and boost their own ego." Then he gasped, a hand rising to his mouth in fake horror. "Oh, do forgive me, I did not mean to say that. Its a lovely costume, truly, only a little bright."
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Diamond Dragon » Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:32 pm

"The same goes for Sarah!" Dia said, putting an arm around her best friend. "She was there to help and encourage me while I was being doubted by my own dragon kin." That was a scary time in her life, when she was found to be the next dragon Empress. Many of the dragons were appalled at a halfling being their new leader.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:34 pm

Selena smirked. "Oh really now? Honestly Silver. Just because I'm evil doesn't mean that I have to be dark and boring like, and try not to take this personally, you," she said. She looked at him. "Seriously? What is it this time? Some secret mission? Causing more chaos in the world? What is it. You know I hate secrets," she said.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:13 pm

Silver gave her a dark look. "Honestly Selena..." He shook his head. "We don't have any plans yet, alright? We did just accidently blow up one of Wolf's trees, but other than that, nothing, alright?"
He gave her a false smile, while his thoughts were dark. "Enjoy your ball," he said through smilingly clenched teeth. "And get the heck out of my hair," he thought.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:18 pm

Selena smiled. She was making him upset. Good...
"You know, the ball doesn't start for a few hours so I think I'll hang around. After all, you guys always seem to find trouble. And don't bother protesting Sil," she said. "I'm here to stay for the next few hours wether you like it or not," she said.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:27 pm

Silver stared at her a long moment, then suddenly smiled. True, it was mostly teeth, but it qualified. "Very well," he purred. "The more the merrier, after all." His blood eyes lit up eerily, glowing. His hand rested on his sword. "If its trouble you want, you'll certainly get it."
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:11 pm

Selena flashed him a smile hand by her sword just in case he decided to try anything. "There now Sil, let's be nice. We are all friends here," she said.
"So, where are you two headed anyways," she asked cautiously, ready to spring into action if needed.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Oddood198 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:01 pm

OOC: Sorry it took me so long, I was... Otherwise indisposed. Or something.

When the horse he and Sarah were on came to a stop, Odd immediately backed away as far from the princess as he could and allowed himself to slide off the horse, landing on his wobbly legs. He always did hate riding horses; left him sore and uncoordinated. He looked up at the castle in front of them. "It is truly magnificent, a fine structure if ever there was one." He said.

"Eh, I've seen better." Dox said, stopping the horse he and Cece were riding. He stood up in the stirrups, then leapt forward, doing a front flip and landing solidly on his feet. "Nice place and all, but it's not like the grandhouses over in Selvernam, those are some nice places."
Odd hit his friend on the arm, giving him a don't be rude look. "But, uhm, yeah. Still a nice castle, though." Dox said, in a halfhearted attempt to cover his rude mannerism.
Odd jumped a foot in the air when a new girl came through a strange color-ized portal that appeared from seemingly nowhere, but Dox just looked on coolly. "The new arrivals just never stop, do they?" He asked no no in particular.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby ClaecElric4God » Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:12 pm

Kaimyn looked up absently when Selena appeared. He'd noticed her long before she made her presence known, so the effects of her "sneaking up" had been...less than thrilling. Too bored to respond, he pulled a notepad out of his pocket and started jotting down notes, listening with half an ear to the exchange between Selena and Silver. He noticed as Silver's countenance went from discomfort to straight up loathing, and equally observed Selena go from casually nosy to downright trollish. It wasn't his business to begin with, so he didn't have the initiative to get involved.
Kaimyn casually closed his notebook, replacing it in his pocket. The tension between Silverthorn and Selena was thick enough to draw out of the air. He turned and smiled sweetly at Selena, ever the gentleman.
"Ah, Selena," Kaimyn bowed. "My apologies, my head must have been in the clouds. How long have you been here? I didn't even notice you standing there. I hope I didn't miss any important conversation." Here he looked back and forth between the two, outwardly oblivious to the near-argument that had just occured. But now he quickly stepped in to prevent Silverthorn from responding to Selena's last question.
"As for where we're headed; we were just on our way to have a private meeting with Wolfsong. I know how much you enjoy stirring up trouble, but I'd be careful what you bite off, especially when it comes to moderators of CAA Chat. Unless you'd like to explain all the details of the situation we just dealt with, and all the boring trivialities and formalities that go along with it? It seems we're to be...reprimanded...for causing damage to Wolfsong's beloved forest. Or something to that effect. Regardless, I expect it to be tedious and time-consuming."
Kaimyn rested his face in his palm, sighing deeply. There was nothing he hated more than tedious meetings, especially when they involved boring topics and a complete and utter lack of any form of action.
"I wish I could invite you to join us, but I'm afraid no one unrelated to the circumstance is allowed to attend this particular meeting. And frankly, I see no reason for you to want to tag along, unless you have a death wish..." then he added, "That is, death by boredom. You seem more like the type who enjoys adventure, perhaps a touch of danger or mischief."
Kaimyn smiled good-naturedly, a fun-loving light ever dancing in his eyes.

Cece whistled lowly when she saw the castle. Yeah, it was nice all right. She decided it wouldn't be very polite to point out that it wasn't the only one of its kind she'd ever seen. She had a feeling in this kind of situation, it was customary to be awestruck and gawk a little.
But really, she just couldn't take this whole royalty thing seriously. She wished Wolf was here to see these people playing prince and princess of CAA Chat, and better yet, right to the face of one of the moderators. It was priceless. But she figured it couldn't hurt to let them do their thing, as long as they didn't actually try to assert any kind of authority or whatever. Then Wolf would have to step in and work things out, and Cece knew how much Wolf hated having to put her foot down.
Cece whistled again when Dox jumped off the horse all fancy-like.
"Wow, Dox; that was pretty awesome," she said dryly, trying to pull of a sarcastic "I am in awe of you" voice. She let out a couple small laughs, but quickly brought it under control, ending it with a cough. What she wouldn't admit was, behind her facade of mockery, she was sort of maybe kind of a just a little tiny bit impressed. But Dox of all people didn't need that kind of encouragement. Instead, she put her hands on the horse's rump and propelled herself forward into the saddle, crossing her legs and shoving her hands into the single pocket of her hoodie.
Cece pulled a hand out of her pocket long enough to wave casually when Dia warped in. She wasn't surprised the dragon girl had made it. This was her kind of thing. Then it struck Cece.
"You guys aren't expecting me to dress up all fancy, are you?" Cece looked down at her less-than-formal hoodie and loose jeans, accompanied by scuffed up tennis shoes. "Because I wouldn't be caught dead in a ball gown. The most you're gonna get out of me is a jean skirt and t-shirt."
As she waited for a response from...whoever was in charge of this...her head jerked up, drawn toward the south. She scoured the horizon from her perch atop the well-mannered horse.
I sense trouble, she thought, trying to pinpoint where the wavelengths were coming from. I should probably go check it out.
But instead of doing the good, moderatory thing to do, she pulled out her cellphone, tapping a few keys. When she was done, she looked back up to her conversation.

Claec was headed for nowhere, with no objective in mind. It was one of those rare occasions where he walked down the street, looking like a perfectly normal individual to anyone who might happen to notice him. Well, except for his ninja garb, which still wasn't that unusual for Chat, considering Chat was an unusual place itself. The most unusual thing about the situation was that Claec was visible at all. Usually he was either all stealth or simply non-existent. But even out in the open, he gave nothing away. His face was completely obscured by his mask, and nothing in his walk or aura told anything about him. He was the epitome of mystery.
But then a less than mysterious buzzing emanated from him. Claec stopped, pulling his cellphone out. He read the text, his countenance unchanging. In a matter of seconds, he put the phone away and stared straight ahead.
"Another mission," he said in an emotionless monotone, almost more a declaration than an acknowledgment. "Long day."
In a flash, he was gone, leaving behind nothing but a thin wisp of smoke. This time, the shadows stayed where they were. By unspoken consent, it was understood that this was a solo mission.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:22 pm

Selena looked at Kaimyn. "Oh, I get it," she said. "You think I'm one of "those" types. Seriously? I'm offended. I'm not all for trouble you know. And there's a reason I'm still here. Do you think I'd be dumb enough to go and tell one of CAA's moderators every thing I've done in life or any secrets I have? Honestly Kaimyn. Who do you think I am? A first timer trouble maker? Is it because I'm a girl? Or maybe because of my flashy clothing? What is it huh? Is it because you think I'm not as good as you two," she questioned rather cooly. She didn't raise her voice or anything. She wasn't that type but she was a little annoyed by the two.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby ClaecElric4God » Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:50 pm

Kaimyn raised an eyebrow at Selena.
"I'm not sure what's got you all ruffled," he said gently, locking his hands behind his back. "I would never accuse you of being a troublemaker. You seem to have misunderstood my meaning. The truth is, I enjoy your personality, and I'm sure you're every wit as cunning as Silverthorn or myself. I was simply trying to do the honorable thing and warn you of any potential danger you might get yourself into. I truly meant no offense."
Kaimyn smiled again, a gentle smile, but mischief tugged at the corners.
"And I would never consider a lady less competent than myself," he added sincerely, nodding his head respectfully. "You far surpass my own abilities, milady."
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:42 pm

-- Sarah & Will --
Sarah smiled at Cece. "Usually we do dress up in ball gowns but if it makes you uncomfortable then we will not force you to," she said with a kind smile.

-- Selena --
Selena smiled once again. "My apologies Kaimyn. I never meant to assume," she said.
"I'm fine with danger. After all, it's what I live for," she said with a smirk. When he mentioned that her abilities were better than his,
she laughed. "I hardly doubt that though but thank you for the compliment," she said with a sincere smile.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby silvanis2.0 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:26 pm

Silvy smiled at Dia and Sarah. They certainly seemed like people she would like to get to know if they were such capable friends. As the conversation turned to the castle, she began to feel her imagination stirring. She had only seen one castle back on earth and this was a totally different style.
"What an amazing place," she marveled, studying the decorations and stone.
Kerscribble, meanwhile was enjoying watching Cece and Dox's physical feats.
"Is this some sort of contest?" he asked with a playful smirk, plotting how to get in on the fun, "I do love a good show-off session."
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:19 am

Will and Sarah smiled. "Thank you," Will said.
"You may look around if you wish. When you are ready I will show you to your rooms. Then if you need an outfit I will help you choose one," Sarah said with a smile.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:48 pm

Silver rolled his eyes, watching the two talk. He hated Selena, merely because her style was crude and manners atrocious. She had no real tact or grace, and he preferred it when she remained a nice distance away. Like, a galaxy away. He waited to see where their conversation would go.

Wolf, satisfied with the work on the tree, grabbed her phone and dialed Cece. "Hey, Cece, its me, Wolf. Listen, um...where's Claec?"
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby Oddood198 » Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:56 pm

"An outfit, eh?" Dox muttered when Sarah mentioned it, he turned to look at Odd. "Hey, look, Cece going in jeans and a hoodie is one thing, but you look utterly ridiculous." And it was rather true. At the moment, Odd was wearing a pair of black jeans that were at least four sizes too large for him and sagged so low they covered his feet, and a simply gargantuan sweatshirt that would fit nicely on the horse they rode in.
Odd looked down at his ill-fitted attire, then grimaced, "but I don't want to dress up... I always get the styles wrong." He said.
Dox shook his head in pity, "Well, if you just listened to my advice and wore a suit, or some armor, or a bowtie, you'd fit in anywhere."
I think there's something wrong with that reasoning... Odd thought, but decided not to say so. "Fine, I'll get something from the Pile once we get to our room..." He sighed.
"Excellent, that's the spirit!" Dox said, then turned to the others, "So, where would those rooms, be, exactly?" He asked.
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Re: CAA Chatroom

Postby sarahleinaar » Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:15 pm

Sarah looked at William who smiled. "I'll show you guys to your rooms. Ladies, you can go with Sarah. We shall see you soon," he said with a kind smile.
Then he motioned for the boys to follow him. As they walked Will looked at his new "friends."
"So, where were you before you came to the Realm of Chat," he asked curiously.
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