My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby rocklobster » Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:01 am

--Discord is Q from Star Trek. That's why it's not impossible that he would do good things. Q did good things occasionally, but only when it suited whatever scheme he was concocting. He's not evil, he's chaotic neutral.
--I believe Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy have differing degrees of autism. Twilight is more in the Asperger's/high-functioning realm of the spectrum, as shown by her remarkable intelligence and willingness to socialize with others. Yet her interests overshadow socialization. As for Fluttershy, I think she's slightly further down the spectrum than Twilight. Meaning she might have also have Asperger's, but it manifests in her ability to understand animals.
--Starswirl the Bearded was either a pupil of Celestia's or a colleague. And they met before Luna became Nightmare Moon. The reason I believe this is that in "Luna Eclipsed", Luna's dialogue with Twilight seemed to indicate that she knew him, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to comment on how authentic Twilight's cosplay was. My canon is leaning more towards colleague than pupil, given that we don't know how old Starswirl was before he died.
--Pinkie Pie's Pinkie sense allows her to break the fourth wall. The extra perception she gains from it allows her to know that the wall exists and thus, how to break it.
--Equestria has radio stations, but not TV stations. Radio was around at about the same time the phonograph was in our world, anyway. There are also no computers, not even those ones that were huge enough to fill a room.
--Nightmare Moon could re-manifest at any time. As long as Luna feels accepted and loved by her subjects, it will never re-manifest.
--Spike isn't a baby dragon. I think he's in his early childhood. I think dragons age slower than ponies. Faust said nothing about whether dragons and ponies have the same life spans.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Wed Feb 27, 2013 6:31 am

@Broly: You're assuming the sun and moon needs to be moved all the time, which is proven wrong by Luna's imprisonment. Celestia would have had to move both the sun and the moon all the time and would have suffered from magic burnout if she did. Also when Chrysalis defeated Celestia there was no ill effect to the sun.

--Starswirl the Bearded was either a pupil of Celestia's or a colleague. And they met before Luna became Nightmare Moon. The reason I believe this is that in "Luna Eclipsed", Luna's dialogue with Twilight seemed to indicate that she knew him, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to comment on how authentic Twilight's cosplay was. My canon is leaning more towards colleague than pupil, given that we don't know how old Starswirl was before he died.

This one is also disproved by canon. Starswirl was Clover the Clever's mentor and by not being around to save them against the Windigos it proves that he had already passed away before the founding of Equestria and Discord's reign.

--Equestria has radio stations, but not TV stations. Radio was around at about the same time the phonograph was in our world, anyway. There are also no computers, not even those ones that were huge enough to fill a room.

Twilight uses a machine that resembles a computer in Feeling Pinkie Keen, there's arcade video games in Hearts and Hooves Day and a cinema in One bad Apple.

My turn:
I believe the potion from Hearts and Hooves Day was a pegasi potion. The cloud factories and rainbow pools prove that the pegasi has some background with chemistry and all the ingredients of the potion is easily obtainable by pegasi: Color of a rainbow, cloud, and pegasi feather.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Yuki-Anne » Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:22 pm

rocklobster wrote:--I believe Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy have differing degrees of autism. Twilight is more in the Asperger's/high-functioning realm of the spectrum, as shown by her remarkable intelligence and willingness to socialize with others. Yet her interests overshadow socialization. As for Fluttershy, I think she's slightly further down the spectrum than Twilight. Meaning she might have also have Asperger's, but it manifests in her ability to understand animals.

Umm.... gonna say no. By this reasoning, every introvert with talent/intelligence has/might have Asperger's or autism. The answer is no. Actually, the answer is a really, REALLY long way from no. And before you're like, "Don't pick on me you don't understand," my aunt was diagnosed with high-functioning autism when it was still incredibly rare and most doctors had no clue what it was. I grew up seeing autism in action. And, if I have to obnoxiously parade around my degree in psychology, I will.
Forgive me, but I'm actually quite annoyed that you would try to give fictional characters in a children's show disorders just because they are, in fact, introverts. Sometimes my interests overshadow socialization. I must have Asperger's/high-functioning autism.
Do you see where the flaw in your reasoning lies? Just because people are shy (heck, it's in Fluttershy's name) does NOT mean they have a disorder. It simply means that sometimes they prefer to be alone. There's nothing wrong in that. It's personality.
I know you're probably drawing this connection because you yourself have Asperger's (if I remember correctly. If I'm mistaken, my sincerest apologies), but it's unnecessary, and it's not fair to people who are just plain introverted.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby rocklobster » Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:41 pm

It has nothing to do with them being introvert or my being autistic. (And no, yuki, I'm not offended.) It's because I remember Lauren Faust said something about wanting to make Twilight an aspie. Besides, lots of aspies have written letters to Tara Strong because of her character, so I'm not alone in thinking this.
And I forgot about those scenes with computers and such and Hearth's Warming Eve.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:58 pm

I believe the Royal pony sisters mentioned in the first two episodes aren't Celestia and Luna, but other ponies we don't know about yet. Celestia and Luna used the Elements of Harmony to defeat Discord and Sombra and later Celestia used it to defeat Nightmare Moon. The Elements then somehow ended up in the castle of the Royal pony sisters. Luna didn't know this as NM had to eavesdrop and follow the ponies to the castle before stealing the Elements. Celestia and Luna was the bearers of the Elements before the main 6 as said in s2e1. Thus the Royal pony sisters were the other bearers of the Elements with Celestia and Luna or they were the keepers of the elements who needed to keep them safe for the new bearers. I also think that whatever created the Everfree forest has some relation to the Elements being kept there and happened shortly after Luna was imprisoned.

Also, my wishlist so far for season 4, it's very demanding so read at own risk:

More Scootaloo! Seriously, we need another Scootaloo focused episode, a Scootaloo and RD episode and a CMC episode with Scootaloo as the main focus.
I want to see Twilight crash into the ground! We've seen RD and Flutters crash before, it wouldn't be fair if Twilight didn't ever crash!
I want to see Twilight forget that she can fly.
I want more songs from Sweetie Belle! And more CMC songs in general!
I want less Disney-esque songs! Not everyone of us enjoys it! Especially when two thirds of the songs throughout season 3 was like that!
I want more brilliant ideas from Apple Bloom and more devious ones from Sweetie Belle.
More CMC scenes like the milkshake one.
Four Rarity episodes to make up for no Rarity episode in S3, one with Sweetie Belle and at least one with whining.
I want Rainbow Dash's awesome character to keep shining in S4.
I want the old Pinkie Pie back from S1&2.
I want to really struggle to choose between RD and Pinkie as best main 6 pony!
And then I want Rarity to steal the show and become best main 6 pony for me of S4.
I want more good AJ episodes and a sad song from her.
I want more Stares from Fluttershy! That actually work!
I want Flutters to accidentally hit somepony, preferably Twilight.
I want an epic library adventure from Twilight, it would be more epic if she got lost in a library, and even more epic if she struggled with wanting to return!
More checklist!
More fainting Daisy, Rose and Lily
More Pinkie Pie overcoming her weaknesses and making ponies happy.
I want Pinkie Pie to solve one of the other main's problems.
I don't want to see Cadence, Shining Armor or the Crystal Empire throughout the entire S4! They can bring them back in S5
I want more family members of the others showing up out of nowhere and have a big impact on the story.
For goodness sake! Bring in Pinkie's sisters and give them canon names!
Manehattan! Phillydelphia! Los Pegasus! Want to be there!
I want to see the Elements of Harmony in action with the new Twilight.
Less dragons, more minotaurs!
Just bring back Trixie (again) and give her an episode she deserves that doesn't confuse the fans into stuttering madness.
More Twist! She needs to beat up that girl scout pony and take her place.
More fleshing out of Silver Spoon's character.
Return of Lightning Dust as an antagonist and ending with staying that way to complete her character arc.
Less Apple Bloom wondering into the Everfree Forest and more main 6 wondering into the Everfree forest.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:31 pm

Just watched "Friendship is Witchcraft" and it's hilarious. Especially the bit about clockwork / time turner / doctor whooves. I cracked up at that part. Unfortunately, it's all been taken off of youtube except the last episode. All of the vids are on Dailymotion, and I have video download helper.

Out of all the abridged series that have been made, one thing I can say about this one is... it has the best music. By far. I mean, Brooklyn rage was funny, and "Be a man" on TFS, but they had they had some good songs on this one. Again, mostly Pinkie Pie... Sweetie Bell's song aren't exactly catchy, but they are funny. Also, this is possibly the most family friendly Abridged series I've ever seen. Granted, that's not saying much for the other abridged series I've seen (except they're never completely family friendly), but. yeah...

Buy some apples!

Sorry I don't have anything to add to the WMGs, but... I don't do well with those. I tend to think they're crazy, and while I sometimes read the ones on TV Tropes, I never take part in them. Don't want to ruin your fun, though. .

Also, DW&A was linked to on BBC America's website. They credit it to Ocarinaplaya rather than Pierce Smulder... I guess it makes sense, though. I mean. Pierce Smulder just made the story and did half of the voice acting. Ocarinaplaya did the animation. Unfortunately, Ocarinaplaya also made one of the more infamous videos on MLP fandom... I didn't see it until AFTER I linked to the first DW&A animation, but now many people who want to see what other project he (she?) has will find it. *ugh* Ok... actually, thankfully, it's pretty far down the list of his or her videos... Good. Just don't watch the video with Pinkie in the icon. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:31 am

I'm not a fan of Friendship is Witchcraft, pretty much hate it.

On a lighter note:
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:24 am

I will eat a Muffic... YOU ALL MUST EAT A MUFFIN... AHORA!!
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:42 am

I already ate a muffin. :cool: We don't have muffin pans so our muffins look a little weird when we make it. :P
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:15 pm


On FiW, though, what in particular turned you off about it? Which ep(s) did you see? Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:46 am

Besides not finding anything funny about it. I watched the first episode and didn't even laugh once, it had me bored to the point I was tapping the desk and hoping it would end soon. I gave it a second chance with the Sweetie-bot episode, the supposedly must watch episode, by the time it hit the part where she uses the blood of a dead animal to draw a picture the series had offended me enough that I loathed it.
Just my preference though, I don't go out of my way to dislike their videos, I just avoid them. I'd rather keep myself busy by making balanced videos of Twilycorn haters and lovers.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Zeldafan2 » Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:17 pm

Man, I really like Doctor Whooves and Assistant as well. The radio thing is good on its own, but the animation done by Ocarianplayer makes it that much better.

But, concerning the wish list for season 4,

Less Dave Polsky; A WHOLE lot less. He made every episode he wrote weaker than it could have been had a different writer done the scripts.
For the season 4 premiere to be the best premiere/finale yet.
For Corey Powell to write more episodes (seriously, Sleepless in Ponyville was very well done, and he did the best he could with the rather uninteresting story of Just for Sidekicks.) Even as a newbie, he's better than veteran writer Dave Polsky (who's been doing the show since season 1.)
And finally, for Discord to make a reappearance. I really want to see them flesh out his character more now that he's a good guy.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby rocklobster » Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:31 pm

Here's what I want for season 4:
1. Dave Polsky fired.
2. More from Corey Powell and Merriwether Williams. She's improved A LOT since Mare Do Well
3. I'd like to see Pinkie's sisters too.
4. More Derpy! Maybe even a special episode where it's revealed that she has a disability.
5. Vinyl Scratch to actually have a voice. Ditto for Octavia.
6. An episode where we meets Babs Seeds's chapter for the CMC.
7. At least one CMC member to get a cutie mark.
8. Discord to go back to his old ways, even if he does it "trickster mentor" style.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:22 pm

Sorry Bio, but

I guess you just don't like dark humor. To each his own. (I have my limits, so I kind of understand... There are some REALLY dark Pony parodies / fanfics out there... I won't touch with a 10 foot pole) I crack up every time I heard that song. I didn't even know what she said at the end until last night, but it's just so insane... ... =endscreen

Also that.

I don't know about bringing derpy back. After the whole controversy, I'd just like to remember her how she is in DW&A. That's MY Derpy. I saw the original talking Derpy, and I didn't much like the Rudolph the red nose reindeer voice, and when they changed the voice (which didn't bother me, actually, because I am so used to Bald Dumbo Rat's voice), took away the name, and altered her eyes in all the close-ups so she wasn't wall-eyed, it kind of destroyed it for me. Who knows, though. Maybe they'll reconcile the ones who are "offended" by her with the fans. I mean... They act as if Derp is a legitimate insult for the developmentally challenged. It was a made-up word that Trey Parker and Matt Stone used to be silly.

EDIT: BTW, my favorite Villain so far is definitely Chrysalis. I loved the song, and the episode(s). I loved the callback to Powerpuff girls, the shoutout to the Matrix Reloaded... It's one of my favorite episodes now. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby SierraLea » Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:15 pm

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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby mechana2015 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:49 pm

Bobtheduck wrote: I mean... They act as if Derp is a legitimate insult for the developmentally challenged. It was a made-up word that Trey Parker and Matt Stone used to be silly.

Having talked to some people about this it's become clear to me that in the 10 or so years since they created that word usage that it's become a genuine insult, brought about by the popularity of said show. It wasn't a legitimate insult when it first aired but over the years it's grown out of the show and into popular language to mean exactly what it was as far as I can remember, meant to parody. The objections to the name being made official I heard came from people that had used it or heard it used derogatorily outside of South Park.

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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby SierraLea » Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:57 pm

Whoa, someone's been busy! They have ouran, One Piece, and Naruto in pony style!
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:08 pm

mechana2015 wrote:
Bobtheduck wrote: I mean... They act as if Derp is a legitimate insult for the developmentally challenged. It was a made-up word that Trey Parker and Matt Stone used to be silly.

Having talked to some people about this it's become clear to me that in the 10 or so years since they created that word usage that it's become a genuine insult, brought about by the popularity of said show. It wasn't a legitimate insult when it first aired but over the years it's grown out of the show and into popular language to mean exactly what it was as far as I can remember, meant to parody. The objections to the name being made official I heard came from people that had used it or heard it used derogatorily outside of South Park.

*pah* Not saying South Park wouldn't go so far as to make fun of the developmentally challenged (Mostly obviously they have TIMMAY, and they don't have many boundaries anyhow... I mean, they had a toddler and a teacher... I mean, you know... Then there was the Christopher Reeves episode, and... they cross the line back and forth all the time) but this whole thing reeks. People just want to be offended. I know people who feel Dumb and Dumber is an offensive mockery of the Mentally Challenged. I personally think this is like the issue with magic in fiction for Christians. Stupid people in fiction aren't generally "developmentally challenged" they're just stupid. It's not real. It's not real mental retardation any more than Twilight uses real magic in MLP.

As for the term being used in that way now... I mean, that's a tricky one, and I think that line of thinking is cause for all sorts of problems, but I think the vast majority of the people who use the word are using it in the fictional "dumb and dumber" or even when otherwise smart people make stupid mistakes (as BDR brought up). It's just some stupid trolls and bullies who use it in the other way.

So I'm watching the series through the second time (first two seasons, Netflix), and I guess I skipped through some of it the first time, because I'm finding some stuff I like but didn't notice the first time. As it turns, out,there's really none of the Mane 6 I really hate. Nothing stops pinkie from being my favorite, in all the incarnations I've seen her in but one... The one I won't mention. She is my favorite Character in Doctor Whooves Adventures, my favorite of the Mane 6 in Friendship is Witchcraft (I like the CMC better in FiW), and obviously my favorite in FiM. I said before that Rarity was my least favorite, but... I don't know... She's not as bad as I thought. I skipped through Diamond Dogs the first time I watched it, and I really loved that episode after I gave it a real chance.

SierraLea wrote:Whoa, someone's been busy! They have ouran, One Piece, and Naruto in pony style!

There's also Rupony Kenshin... heh. ... 4t9f8g.png Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby mechana2015 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:04 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:
As for the term being used in that way now... I mean, that's a tricky one, and I think that line of thinking is cause for all sorts of problems, but I think the vast majority of the people who use the word are using it in the fictional "dumb and dumber" or even when otherwise smart people make stupid mistakes (as BDR brought up). It's just some stupid trolls and bullies who use it in the other way.

You gotta look at it from the MLP teams perspective. They're making a show for kids I'd guess age 7-12, which is generally of the mindset of acceptance, friendship and things of that nature. They probably want to be as far as they can from trolls and bullies, few though they may be, since they're the exact opposite of the sort of thing the show is trying to represent. They lost sight of that for a moment and let some of that culture with the taunting and South Park mentality slip into a show for kids thats supposed to be against that sort of mean spiritedness. They realized that it wasn't how they wanted the show to look after they were called on it, therefore backpedaling, alterations and the return of the character to being a background where's waldo, since they couldn't really repair it within the season by having a very special episode about disabilities and sensitivity (see my post a ways back in this thread about production schedules) and doing one a full season later would have been WAY too late for them to recover or react.

In really cynical dry marketing terms: As presented in the episode the name and image presented by the characters in that scene didn't match the brand identity of MLP, and were outside of it's target demographic by too wide a margin. The company was made aware of the discrepancy after the show aired through complaints and issued a course correction as quickly as possible to keep the show within its target values.

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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:18 pm

Ah, well. At least DW&A exists, and BBC America even posted a link on it. It was how I was properly introduced to Derpy, and it's how she'll stay alive in my mind. I wonder if the Derpy toys are going to become really rare and hard to find. I am not much in the habit of buying toys anyhow (I threw away the last toy I bought, because my wife was uncomfortable with it... Actually, I disposed of almost all of my mementos from Japan because of her... OK, I won't open that can...) but maybe I'll buy the IDW comic with Derpy and the Doctor on the cover.

As for ponified other things, this Youtube user does a lot of those. Not everything is Pony based, bu the stuff that he does is good, especially the Star Wars one.


EDIT 2: So... New question. If the ponies were human, based on what you've seen, how would you age them? I know Rainbow Dash in particular acts childish, and Twilight is a student of unspecified level, so she sort of gives off a high schooler vibe, but they're full size (not counting whatever happens to Alicorns and some stallions, like Big Macintosh) In general, though, I get the feeling they're adults. Even Twilight COULD be something more along the lines of a college student rather than a High School student. Apple Jack is basically in charge of her family farm, even if Granny Smith is the matriarch officially. Rarity owns her own business and while it seems like her parents can leave her sister with her without her permission, parents overstepping their bounds with adult offspring is nothing new. Pinkie doesn't own a business, but she has an official job in addition to her being the town party thrower and welcomer. All of these things sort of suggest the Mane 6 are actually adults and not teens. They're certainly not children (we have the CMC filling that role) The only one truly suggesting they are young is Rainbow Dash. She really seems like a teen.

Any thoughts?

Also, Hobbit Ponies, and not JLK movies. Actually better animated. This is one of the staff on Sonic Rainboom.

EDIT 3: I was trying to find if anyone had done a realistic looking Rainbow Dash (who would be the funniest to see as a realistic horse), but that's when I realized... real ponies are hideous. They're just deformed horses. If I wanted to do the ultimate fan thing and had lots of money, I'd color a HORSE like rainbow dash, but I'd never get a pony. I stand by what I've said for about 20 years: I'll never understand why girls would want ponies when they could hold out for a proper horse that they'll still be able to ride once they become adults. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:44 pm

So DWA episode 6 is out.

Haven't listened to it yet, and I may have read a spoiler in the comments. DW&A should have a new episode in the next couple weeks. As we won't be getting new actual MLP episodes for 9 months, and both of these fan shows are awesome, I think it's worth bumping this for the news.

EDIT: Also, Double Rainboom (the fan-made ep I mistakenly referred to as Sonic Rainboom) is coming out on March 30th. It's supposed to be (visually, anyhow) indistinguishable from an official episode. You can find a cam-view of the first half on youtube already, but the full quality, whole episode hits March 30th.

EDIT 2: And Snowdrop! It's not episode length, but it's half episode length, or actually a bit longer. bring tissues.

EDIT 3: Baked... Apple... Pie... I will never be able to unhear this. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby rocklobster » Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:22 am

I'm looking for reading material for my trip to my next reunion, and I saw that IDW has a comic based on MLP. I'm curious, so I want to know a few things:
1. Is it available as a trade so I can see how it started?
2. Is it good?
3. How much does it tie in to the actual show?
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby mechana2015 » Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:31 pm

I've only seen it in standard comics, no trade collection.

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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:09 am

rocklobster wrote:I'm looking for reading material for my trip to my next reunion, and I saw that IDW has a comic based on MLP. I'm curious, so I want to know a few things:
1. Is it available as a trade so I can see how it started?
2. Is it good?
3. How much does it tie in to the actual show?

Just my personal opinion, but they tend to forget canon to put in as much fanbaiting and pandering as they possibly can. And in one scene of comic #3:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Chrysalis kills a little kitten without any indication that it didn't happen.

But I don't really understand comics, so maybe this is a common thing in them.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:16 am

On the off chance someone ere hasn't seen this video I wanted to post it even at the risk that noone likes it or it's already been posted because I think it's that awesome so here you go.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby rocklobster » Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:32 am

Bio_Plus wrote:
rocklobster wrote:I'm looking for reading material for my trip to my next reunion, and I saw that IDW has a comic based on MLP. I'm curious, so I want to know a few things:
1. Is it available as a trade so I can see how it started?
2. Is it good?
3. How much does it tie in to the actual show?

Just my personal opinion, but they tend to forget canon to put in as much fanbaiting and pandering as they possibly can. And in one scene of comic #3:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Chrysalis kills a little kitten without any indication that it didn't happen.

But I don't really understand comics, so maybe this is a common thing in them.

sounds like an awful fanfic. I'll pass.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby River Moonlight » Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:22 pm

Princess Luna is my favorite pony. :3 Image
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:18 pm

Princess Luna is favorite Princess
Fluttershy is favorite mane six.
Scootaloo is favorite CMC.
Derpy Hooves is favorite major BG pony.
Octavia is favorite minor BG pony.
Queen Chrysalis is Favorite Villain.
Queen Chrysalis

...Just so you all know...

and yes I did google each one of these real time and the recovery time for google image searching ponies wil be long and hard before I get that extra COMPLETELY UNESSESARY stuff out of my head but it was worth it. I like all these pictures.
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby rocklobster » Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:14 am

okay then. Here are my faves:
Princess: Luna. She's just adorable. Plus, she's a dreamwalker. That's a cool power I'd like to have.
Mane Six: Fluttershy (Rainbow Dash is a close second)
Major Background: Time Turner/Doctor Whooves
Minor Background: Vinyl Scratch (give her an episode!)
CMC: Applebloom
Supporting: Cheerilee, Big Mac
Villain: Discord (no, he's not good now. That's what he wants you to think!)
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Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic General

Postby Bio_Plus » Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:39 pm

Now who can possibly be my Best pony I wonder. :eyeroll:

BEST PONY: Scootaloo
Main 6: Rainbow Dash
Princess: Celestia. Yes, I like Celestia more than Luna, I love everything she did to save her sister.
Supporting: Big Mac
Background: I really don't have one favorite background pony, there's just a whole bunch of them I like depending on my mood, but if I really had to choose I'd say: Junebug :eyeroll:
Villain: Discord
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