Voyage of Vengeance

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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:21 pm

Rain watched the tension escalate between Gil and Marshall, until things seemd to calm down a bit when Marshall called him Gilbert. Rain supposed that was Gil's name, and he didn't like it. I wonder why they're fighting, it should be obvious to them that that won't get us anywhere. She thought, then shrugged, it seemed people always managed to find something to fight about, no matter the circumstances.
Gil sat down next to Rain and asked if she had any ideas, she thought for a second before responding. "Well, I don't think we can take over the ship with just the four of us." She said honestly, "Unless someone has an ability that can beat all the pirates at once, there's just no way we can win."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:57 pm

pardon, guys! calling another pause here, until everyone can catch up! Yes, Koneko, please pm everything and anything to me! I wanna hear it!
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:43 pm

OCC heres my catching up post! :3

Brett was shoved out like the rest to see the captain. He couldn't help but stare at him angrily while his head hung a bit. The result was a death glare.
When shoved some slop, Brett shrugged. He plugged his nose and quickly gobbled it all down, immediately regretting it. He gagged for a while, but thankfully didn't throw up. He had to keep everything down after all. When the group started talking about leaders, he almost fell over when he heard his name. People though of him as leader like? Renaiah would either have laughed hard and long, or slapped him on the back. He had never thought of himself as the "top dog" type. Then he thought about the issue more thoroughly. "I would like some time to think about this as well. It's a big decision that shouldn't be rushed," he said as be took a much needed drink of water.

Renaiah was fired up. She shouted louder then anyone, "We'll get them back!!!" She meant that they would get their people back home as well as that they'd make the pirates play!

OCC: Hope that was okay.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:31 pm

That's great, Adri! Hope you get better soon.
okay, just waiting ona couple others, and then we're going again.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:35 pm

OOC- due to the lack of reply, I shall continue on. If you guys are still in, please just post as soon as you may.

-Aldis Heiss-
Aldis smiled understandingly at Lorelei. "Don't worry about it. You guys just caught him by surprise, that's all." After a moment, he said, "Certainly you can think it over some more. I will help, if I can, by giving my impression of all. Fair warning, I may be a little blunt, but this isn't something that should be sugarcoated. Barret, I'll start with you.
Barret is wildly thoughtless most times, and can lose his temper at the drop of a hat. However, in him is a kind heart, supportive adn encouraging, carries his responsibilities faithfully, and will do whatever it takes to protect his friends and loved ones. A very good choice, if not for his wild behavior. Probably just as well he's collared, I suppose.
Ambrosia is headstrong, reckless, and is focused primarily on wreaking death and havoc among the pirates. Not a bad goal, but we need to all stay alive to enkoy their demise, yes? But her stength, vitility and tenacity are fine virtues, provided she aims that strength in the right direction.
Lorelei, dear child that she is, is clumsy, indecisive, panics easily and is quickly frightened. But I have never found so much sweetness, joy and innocence in anyone but her. Yet, will those qualities aid us now?
Erin is quiet, so quiet that you have to strain to hear him. He is often withdrawn and shys awy from contact like it were a plague. He is fairly smart, in his own right, but I believe the presures of leadership would be too much.
Bret is shy and has always preferred to follow. However..." he pointed to Lorelei's and Ambrosia's bandaged heads. "He has proven calm, efficient and active in times of stress. A fine choice, though he needs to learn to overcome his nervousness, which may impair him in a leadership position.
Me?" He smiled dryly and humorlously. "I am blunt, sometimes overly so. I am often negative, and self-interested. Yet, I have been told that I look to the well-being of my friends even at my worst. But does this outweigh all the faults?" He shrugged. "I personally don't think so, but judge as you will.
That is my personal assessment.Forgive me if I offended anyone." He looked back to Lorelei and Bret. "Does that help you?"

-Kytala Ginero-
Finally, her sobbings lessened, and fell quiet. Harden cocked and eyebrow quizically. " she asleep?"
"Think so," Syril nodded, relieved. "I was never good with sobbing. Makes me distinctly uncomfortable, for some reason." He carefully laid her back in the corner.
Harden nodded, and glanced around. "Syril, how the heck do you suppose we're going to get ourselves out of this mess?"
"I don't know," was the reply. "Even with the times they've let us up...there's nothing we could use, unless you're an expert swimmer?" He shook his head. "Its hopeless. There's just nothing we can do, but accept our fate."
"I resent that."
They look down to see Kytala staring up at them with a grumpy expression. Syril asked, "Are you feeling better?"
"Was, until I heard that." She sat up. "Seriously, Syril, captive for a few hours and you're already quitting? You can't just give now. The party's only just started."
"Yes, and the fun will keep rolling until we're dead," Oben remarked sourly from his corner. His narrowed eyes regarded Kytala's wide, angry ones coldly. "Listen to Syril, child, and accept it. Everything's finished, over with, done. If we try to escape, those filthy sons of the devil will just punish us. And we'll still end up slaves somewhere. There's nothing we can do."
"Slavery? Is that was this is about?" she shook her head. "I'm disappointed in you. But very well, do what you will, I'm going to find a way out."
The hatch suddenly opened. A pirate came stomping down with a bored look on his face. "Taking three out for air," he annouced in a dull tone. He pointed to Kytala, Syril, and Harden. "You three, come on." He turned, and left.
"They do this sometimes," Syril told Kytala as they followed. "They let us out for air, to keep us healthy. Like dogs!" he spat. "Not that it helps us get out. They're always watching us, even when they appear not to be."He glanced around, then shook his head. "We're pretty firmly trapped, Kytala."
"I refuse to accept that!" kytala snapped. She blinked as the light caught her eyes unprotected. She shook her head, shading her eyes. "There has to be a way! We wil find a way out!"
She jumped when someone behind her laughed. She whirled around to see one of the pirates, a youngone of maybe twenty years, hanging off the rigging behind them, grinning at her mockingly.
"You just keep believing that," he snorted. Then he scampered back up with surprising agility. Kytala watched quietly.
"Wow. He's not bad."
Harden snorted and matched toward the side, leaning so far over that he could easily fall. Syril motioned for Kytala to follow, but her eyes were glued to the rigging. He finally grabbed her arm and pulled her along to the side. Suddenly, she jerked away from him and bolted toward the rigging. With a mischevious grin she launched herself at the ropes and proceeded to scamper up at a great pace. She laughed when the spray of a wave soaked her through.
"Hey Syril, look at me!" she laughed, hanging upside down.
"Someone get that girl down from there!" a pirate roared. Laughing, she proceeded to scamper higher, enjoying every minute of it.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:06 pm

Erin quietly listened to Aldis' description of their little gang of merry slaves, and had to admit, the description of him was very accurate. I don't quite treat contact like a plague... He thought, but even as he did, he knew it was a lie. Although, through Aldis' speech, he did finally learn the redhead's name: Ambrosia. Well, now he could stop thinking of her as 'Scary Girl'.

OOC: Uugu, shortness.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:25 pm

Brett was flattered as ever. He also thought that Aldis's speach did help. He would be voting for Aldis. "I know who I will vote for. So... Shall we vote?"

Renaiah was fired up (no pun intended) and ready to go! When would they finally leave to rescue their loved ones?

OCC sometimes a short post is all that is needed. :)
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:49 pm

Lorelei smiled at Aldis's words, obviously flattered; he spoke truth about the others, Lorelei looked straight at Aldis with a kind smile, "I vote Aldis." she said with no hesitation.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:16 pm

OOC- lol, am laughing so darn hard at this turn of events. Don't worry about shortness. As Adri wisely says, sometimes a shortness is all that is needed.

-Barret Soback and Aldis Heiss-
"Right now, if you like," he told Brett. "Lets all begin, while we're still together."
Barret raised his head, saying in a clear voice, "I vote Brett. I think he could lead us out of this mess."
Aldis smiled at his vote, then blinked when Lorelei said, quite clearly, with no hesitation, "I vote Aldis."
His brow furrowed slightly, mulling over that. He didn't quite see what she could see in him, that would make him the right leader. But having the child's faith was a strange comfort, and he decided to accept it.
"That makes one vote for Brett, and one for me," he summed it up quietly. "And one for Barret, as that is my vote." He turned to Ambrosia, Brett and Erin. "What about you three? Who is your choice?"

-Aliera Fae-
"Renaiah! Hey, come over and join us!" Not waiting for any reply, Aliera grabbed Renaiah by the arm and dragged her over. "Mara and I are talking aobut the rescue, and how we plan on going even if my dad says 'no'. Opps!" She put a hand to her mouth, tittering nervously. "I'm supposed to call him Boatmaster Regal! but anyway, I was just wondering if you'd, well, partner up with us, I guess. Its always nice knowning a good friend's got your back." Waiting for Renaiah's reply, she glanced around, spotting Miles. He was standing a short distance away, lost in thought. She guessed he was thinking aobut that perpetual-generator-energy-thingy he had been working on when she found him earlier.
"You know, da-Boatmaster Regal directly asked Miles to come," she mentioned thoughtfully. "His smarts certainly will be appreciated. Who else do you suppose Boatmaster Regal will deem worthy to come along?"

-Joshua and Kinsey Martins-
Startled, Joshua sat bolt upright, which was not a good idea because Kinsey had been leaning over him, so their heads collided. Kinsey cried out, startled, and Joshua gasped in painfully. "Kinsey!" he snapped, rubbing his scalp. "What were you thinking?"
"I didn't think you'd sit straight up!" she wailed. Suddenly, she was all smiles again and announced excitedly. "Guess what? We're on a ship! i guess those silly pirates decided to capture us or something equally stupid. Hah! Imagine they're surprise when they realize the school of piranna they've inadvertantly brought under their roof! I am so going to give them what for when I get my hands on their thick necks! I'll wring 'em so hard they'll snap and break and die and-" she gasped for air. Joshua shook his head, confused.
"Woah, slow it down, sis. You're saying the pirates captured us and are taking us somewhere on their ship?"
"Well, duh, numbskull. That's what I said. Are you sure you're all awake yet?"
"Drop that attitude, child! I'm the eldest, you should respect me more than you do!"
"Hah! Older only by a minute! There's no 'eldest' in twins, that's only your silly desire so you could lord it over me!"
This resumed an ages-old argument that lasted a very long time. Finally, after heaven-knew how many hours, Kinsey suddenly cut off the debate, saying. "Hey, someone else is awake!"
Halted in mid-sentence, Joshua felt rather agrivated by the antics of his twin sister. But he did love her, so he quietly forgave her and asked, "Where?"
"There!' Kinsey pointed to Rain, Marshall, Layla, and Gil. "C'mon! lets go talk to them!" and she instantly lept up.
"Kinsey wait! You can't just-" but his words fell unheeded as she rushed over. Sighing, he rose to his feet and walked over as she started talking at great length.
"hey, good to see someone else finally awake! My name's Kinsey and that's my bright, clever, and stupid brother Joshua! We've been up for a while now but you guys weren't and I was starting to think you were all dead! But you obviously aren't, of course! What're your names?"
Joshua mumbled an awkward "hello" as he sat at the edge of the group.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Ally-Ann » Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:52 pm

Ambrosia looked between the three men, her face no longer showing a thread of cockiness, but intense concentration and thought. She thought hard, as each one of them possessed leader-like qualities, and though she grudgingly admitted it inwardly, she knew they would make much better leaders than herself; that much she was sure of. His observations were pretty accurate... About myself at least, and they seem to be accurate with the others as well, Ambrosia thought, crossing her arms as she continued to gaze at Aldis, Barret, and Brett. To her, they seemed like the only sensible options to choose as leaders. We can't have a leader who's extremely nervous... That rules out Brett. Barret doesn't seem nearly as thoughtless as Aldis leads on, and I still think he would make a good leader... Aldis is blunt, seems self-interested, but something tells me that he could easily be a leader. Having made up her decision, Ambrosia glanced at Barret. "I'm not gonna lie, you're pretty cool. I like you," Ambrosia stated simply, but she then locked her gaze on Aldis. "But I feel that we need someone who's blunt and a bit negative. Reality isn't always picnics and rainbows. I vote for Aldis." She shrugged slightly as gave an 'I'm sorry' look to Barret and Brett, but believed that Aldis was the best option.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:18 pm

I guess he didn't hear me. Erin thought as Aldis asked for his already-cast vote. He decided to re-cast his vote, but a little louder this time. He took in a deep breath and, almost shouting, repeated, "I vote for Brett." Oops, He thought when he had finished, I didn't mean to be so loud. he curled himself into a ball tighter than he already was, trying to ignore the looks his shouting was bound to attract.

Dead? No, can't die. It's too hard. Rain thought as the two newest additions of their group came along. She looked at them with her large, sunken eyes, "My name is Rain Song. Pleased to meet you." She said monotonously.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:38 pm

-Barret Soback and Aldis Heiss-
Aldis' eyes widened slightly. Barret, grinning slightly, tallied the votes.
"2 for Brett, 1 for me, and 2 for you, Aldis! Looks like Brett gets to be the tie-breaker!"
Aldis shook his head, but turned quietly to Brett, waiting. "And your vote is?"

-Joshua and Kinsey Martins-
"Nice to meet you, Rain Song!" Kinsey laughed. Joshua felt extremely embarressed by his sister's loud behavior.
"Please don't mind her," he said quietly to Rain. "She's a little noisy and rambunctious, but she does mean well. Usually."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Sat Mar 30, 2013 3:57 pm

Brett smiled, "I also vote for Aldis. To me, and clearly to others, he is the wisest choice. If there are no objections, we should carry on. Is there anything else we want to think about or vote about? And any points or ideas from the new leader?"

Renaiah was excited, "Of course I'll come along, Aliera! I want my husband back! I'm not sure, bu I do know we have plenty of strong worthy men and women left in the village. Those pirates will wish that they made sure we were dead for sure!"
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:04 pm

-Barret Soback and Aldis Heiss-
Aldis lowered his head slightly, staring quietly at the floor. Three votes, and he was now the leader of this merry band. And already, there was Brett, asking if he had anything he wanted to say already. Well, he did have something to suggest.
"For now, all I really can say is, lets stick together," he said finally. "We still don't know entirely what kind of mess we're dealing with, and the possibility of being let out on deck opens doors for other possibilities. I say, lets wait until we have a better idea of what kind of liberties we have." He was quiet, thinking, then decided to voice his thoughts.
"I was voted leader, by majority vote. I cannot say, with any honestly, that I will be able to lead us through this unscathed. I have no clue what's ahead. But I can, and do, promise, is that I will do my best to get us through this alive." He raised his head, meeting all their eyes with a clear, unbreaking gaze. "This, I swear! On the blood of our people, I swear I will get us through this, and we will have revenge on their murderers!"
He sighed and slumped, as though saying that vow had taken the energy from him. Before anyone else could say a word, the hatch overhead opened. A ladder was dropped down.
"We're taking you folks for a little air," one of the pirates above said. "Don't dwadle, please. We've got jobs to do, you know."
Aldis glanced at them, surprised that they were apparently letting them all up at once. Barret rushed to the ladder, obviously anxious to see the light of day again.
He blinked quickly when the light struck his eyes, but clambered up anyway. As the others came forward, the pirate standing there said, "Rules are simple. You can go from bow to stern, but stay out of the cabins, leave the riggings alone, and don't try to escape or attack. You will be informed when you're time's up." With that, he walked off.
Aldis glanced around, then said quietly, "Well, at least when can get an estimate of their number, and what the ship's like." He started for the side, saying to the others, "Everyone take note of their number, and pay attention to detail. Try to get a good look at their weaponry. And above all, stay out of trouble." He gave Barret and Ambrosia direct looks before walking on. Barret shook his head, but refrained from saying anything.

-Aliera Fae-
She grinned. "Yes, I think so too!"
"Aliera?" she turned. Someone was walking toward her. "Boatmaster Regal wants to talk to you. Would you come to his office?"
"Of course." She turned to Renaiah and Mara. "Wanna come along? I doubt my d-Boatmaster Regal would mind."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:19 pm

Hey people! I have something to announce, conerning our powers. As has been noted, I have let some people have use of their gifts, depending on what they were. I was considering this the other day, and decided to study each character, and figure out which ones may use their powers. So I have made a chart, and have typed up the names of those who can use their powers. This will include players, as well as the npcs (as I have chosen to dub them) since our characters will be communicating with them, and we'll all be one group eventually, if all goes as planned. Which also means, as I have not yet worked out all the npcs, I will be expanding this list in the future, perhaps.

On Ship 1: Brett
On Ship 2: Layla, Rain, Joshua, Kinsey
On Ship 3: Kytala, Harden, Syril, Simon

And that's all for now.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:25 pm

OCC sounds good!

Brett nodded in agreement, "That plan only makes too much sense. We'll see what we can find. Erin, you want to come with me?" While he waited for Erin's answer, Brett's thought process was distracted by a single thought. He hadn't tried his ability yet. Could he still become invisible? Or was his power useless as the others?

Renaiah certainly wanted to see what would happen, "Absolutely I'll come with you. I want to know what's going on as well."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:42 am

Lorelei blinked, staring at the vast blue ocean, light reflecting off the water. She looked away, sighing. She began to walk around, keeping a wary eye for pirates. She bumped into Barret, "Gah! Ow.." She glanced up and saw Barret, she got up quickly. "Sorry, Barret." Lorelei apologized "I wasn't looking where I was going.. I honestly don't know where to look, these pirates are making me uneasy." Lorelei said.

Mara nodded earnestly "Yeah, of course!" She grinned at Aliera and Renaiah.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:32 pm

Erin looked at Brett, a bit surprised by his invitation to accompany him, all he did for a few seconds was stare blankly and stutter a bit, "Uh, ah, em... OK?" He said a bit reluctantly. Erin would probably be best off with someone else, if nothing else then to insure he didn't sit in the corner and start crying again, and if he had to be with someone, Erin was glad it could be Brett, who was similar to Erin in that they were both quiet and, even better, didn't seem too likely to start a conversation about anything pointless.

Rain stared blankly at Kinsey and Joshua, not saying a word. Again, she wondered how someone could manage to be so cheerful and energetic even in this situation. Well, maybe their just optimists...or morons. She thought, having one of her uncommon rude thoughts.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Ally-Ann » Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:39 pm

Ambrosia's eyes widened slightly when the pirate allowed for the group to get some fresh air, and she was right behind Barret, climbing up the ladder with eager speed, barely acknowledging Aldis' instruction directed towards her.

Ignoring the burning that the sudden exposure of light to her eyes caused, she bolted to the side of the ship, leaning over the edge as she gazed at the slightly choppy water. I'll wait to use my abilities... But the water does look inviting, just for a swim, the redhead thought, noting how the sun beat down on her head and caused her pale cheeks to immediately flare. She didn't linger for more than five seconds before turning around, brushing her long hair back with her hand as she scanned the top deck of the ship. From bow to stern... That's plenty of space to scope out. And with that thought, Ambrosia sauntered towards the stern of the ship, mentally counting the number of pirates that she passed-- she noticed four-- and taking note of the weapons they carried, which mostly seemed to be daggers or brass knuckles. She thought she caught sight of a revolver, but she didn't allow herself to stare long enough; she wanted to be inconspicuous in her observations. The pirates that she passed stared right back at her, either snickering or grumbling, and it took every single ounce of sheer will-power for Ambrosia to resist flinging herself at them in a fury of punches and kicks. She kept walking nonchalantly toward the stern, letting her eyes roam upwards towards the mast, quirking an eyebrow slightly at the seemingly-bored pirate that was leaning his head on his fist. He looks like he's having a blast.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:37 pm

-Barret Soback-

"That's alright Lorelei," he said quietly. "I know what you mean." He looked about, trying to figure out where the best place to start would be. "Lets look around together," he suggested.

-Aliera Fae-

She smiled and quickly hurried through the passages, followed by Mara and Renaiah. She soon arrived at the place Boatmaster Regal was currently occupying and entered.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" she inquired. He glanced up, his deep blue eyes expressionless as he noted the two who followed. He raised an eyebrow slightly, but said nothing. He leaned back in the wooden chair he sat in, beginning to speak.
"I have managed to decide on those best suited to coming along on this voyage..."
"Cool! I suppose that's why you wanted me then, I'm going right?!"
He shook his head. "Quite the contrary, you're staying here. What I wanted to discuss with you is-"
"But-why not?!" she demanded. "Why can't I come!?"
"You're not ready for this, Aliera," he said, quietly but firmly. "We're not going on a fishing trip or a pleasure cruise. We're leaving to avenge our fallen brethern. That means we're going to kill. You've not the strength or mindset for this, and I am not going to force it upon you. You are better suited for staying here, and helping to manage things while I'm gone." He turned to Renaiah. "Just as well you came, I suppose. You are among those chosen to come, so begin preparing immediately. We intend on leaving as soon as possible." To Mara, he said, "You are staying, as well."
"Boatmaster Regal...Dad! I want to go! I want to help!"
"You may not!" her father replied. Her eyes widened, angry, and her fists clenched. "If you're going to have a tantrum, you may go, child."
Whirling on her heels, she stalked out, guessing that she was followed by Mara and Renaiah, though she wasn't sure. She didn't really care right now.
"Darn him! All this time and he still treats me like a child!" she snapped aloud, letting her anger flare. "Why can't he just accept that I'm not a little girl anymore, and he needs to let me have my own way!"
She continued on for a while, ranting angrily, then finally was spent. She slumped against the wall, then smiled up at Mara and Renaiah. "Sorry. I'm better now. Shall we start planning for how Mara and I are going to stowaway?"
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:40 pm

Mara walked on, following Aliera, glaring at the ground but keeping silent. She looked up with a surprised expression when she heard Aliera "Sorry. I'm better now. Shall we start planning for how Mara and I are going to stowaway?" She then grinned and said with a mischievous gleam in her eye "I believe so."

Lorelei nodded, "Thanks. That's a good idea." She said sticking close to Barret.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:33 pm

It just came to my attention that I am going to be taking a trip this Sunday, and I probably won't be back for at least five days. During this time, I am calling a pause, but those who are behind in their posts may use this oppotunity to post and catch up. Michael, unless you inform me otherwise, I'm keeping you in, but I need you to post soon. Davidizer, this is my last notice for you. If you don't post before I get back, I'm cutting you from the rpg. Sorry, but I can't have loose ends hanging around.
Well, I should be back in five days, possibly more, we'll get restarted then. See you all later!
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:09 pm

I'm back, and we're restarting! Sorry about the wait.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:19 pm

OOC: one, two, three, clear.

Erin walked along the pirate ship, quietly, inconspicuously walking from one end to the other. He watched the pirates, counting them as best he could, trying to take note of their weapons and anything else, but when it came right down to it Erin simply didn't have a good head for this kind of thing. I don't know what to look for here. I don't even know enough about boats to look for anything useful. He thought, and it was true, Erin did only know very little about boatmanship, due to rarely so much as going near the docks back home. He never did develop such a taste for it as the other children.
Home... I wonder if we'll ever get back.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:47 pm

OOC- thanks Oddood once more. Sorry folks, I'll get this rolling again.

-Barret Soback-
In a protective gesture, he took her hand, trying to give her the encouragement he himself so sorely n eeded with that touch and a smile. "C'mon, no one's headed for the bow. lets start there."

-Aldis Heiss-
He watched as, slowly, all of them wandered away. he stayed where he was, beside the railing, feeling ocean spray on his face. Strangely, he was feeling empty, emotionless. The reason, he suspected, was the knowledge of currently inescapable slavery, the earlier excitement, all finally catching up with him. Yet, at the moment, his body apparently had no intention of waking up. His eyes traveled lazily over the deck, noting where each person had gone. Besides noting number of pirates and weaponry - there were a couple of formidable revolvers - there was merely ocean. He heard a sound and turned. Dancing through the waves were dolphins, leaping and playing in the water. He found himself smiling.
"How free they are," he murmured. Then blinked, startled at what came out of his own mouth. he grimaced at his own foolishness and turned away. much to his shock, the captain was standing behind him, staring at him with hard eyes. After the initial surprise, he regained composure within, grateful it had not shown in his face. he smiled humorlessly.
"Good afternoon, captain," he said. "lovely weather, hmm?"
No answer, just the cold orbs regarding him silently. He was beginning to wonder what was going through the man's mind. He did however have the odd feeling of being baited. So he kept his mouth closed and held the captain's eyes with a cold, unbreaking gaze of his own.
"you're the cool type, aren't you," the captain said suddenly. Aldis did not answer. The captain strolled to the rail and leaned against it, still eyeing Aldis. "I suppose you're their leader?"
Aldis had the strange feeling that this man was somehow aware of that discussion. His manner screamed of it. "No, I;'m just the stuffed dummy they trot out on special occasions," he replied sarcastically.
He smiled, but it was as cold as his eyes. "Then let me deliver a last warning." he turned back to the sea, his eye on the dolphins. "you know how we make chum? Catch a fish, cut it up, and grind it. Sometimes, however...we fail to kill the fish before the process begins." he gave Aldis a direct look.
Aldis' face was perfectly smooth and emotionless. inside, he was seething. "Clumsy of you to forget then," he answered quietly. The captain's face never flickered. he began walking away. As an afterthought, Aldis said causually," By the way, I never caught your name." The man paused, then slowly turned to again face Aldis.
"Some call me Jackoby Hands. Others-" there was suddenly a knife pinning Aldis' sleeve to the railing. "-call me Death." he turned away again, walking away.
Aldis calmly removed the knife and flipped it. "Must've pressed a nerve," he murmured ironically. Tucking the knife into his sleeve, he just missed being noticed by the pirate, who'd come to tell him their time on deck was up.
Once everyone was back in the hold, he asked, "So did anyone notice anything in particular?"
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:59 pm

Erin was disappointed to be back in the hold again, the damp air, strong reek, and the darkness he was getting used to were reinstated after a bit of time in the wonderful fresh air. He slumped back into his corner when they reentered the less-than-comfortable room. At Aldis' inquiry, Erin remained silent. He had noticed several things: There were armed pirates everywhere, no land in sight, and no conceivable means of escape, but he figured these were obvious and didn't need to be said.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:56 pm

-Aldis Heiss-

Aldis noticed everyone's silence. Calmly, half-to-produce-an-effect, he slipped the knife from his sleeve and began flipping it. "I know somebody must have seen something," he said quietly. "Me, had a talk with the captain. His name's Jackoby Hands, and he also was aware of our leader vote. Came to give me a personal warning." He grinned joylessly. "Even gave me a gift. Here it is, our first weapon." he held up the knife.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:06 pm

Erin looked at the knife, and as he did, the reality of their situation struck him. They were prisoners, alone, captured by violent pirates, and the only way to get free would be to fight. To kill. He swallowed back the sour taste rising in the back of his throat, instead looking at Aldis. "May I see that?" He asked.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:15 pm

-Aldis Heiss-

Surprised, he quietly handed the knife to Erin. "Here you go," he said quietly, watching Erin's face, trying to read it.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:22 pm

Erin took the knife emotionlessly, it was heavier than he was expecting, and his hand sagged as it's weight came to him. He set the knife down on the floor, holding his open-palmed hand out just above it, trying to make it move toward him. Nothing.
I guess they're right, we don't have our abilities. He thought, sighing. He picked the knife up and carefully held it back out to Aldis. "Here. Thanks anyway." he said sullenly.
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