Voyage of Vengeance

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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:51 pm

Lorelei nodded in appreciation, and then stared at the captain. His manner scared her quite a bit, but his eyes scared Lorelei the most, dark, cold, merciless, orbs.
She felt helpless, she wanted to help, to get all her friends to safety, but simply put, she's stuck. "I..Is he going to even have the decency to acknowledge us?.."
She whispered, probably not, he IS the captain after all. All she could do was stare, and feel all these emotions boiling inside, Fear, Anger, Anxiety, Confusion.

OOC: Wow.. I'm ashamed for how short I made this. XD Sorry.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Ally-Ann » Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:19 pm

Ambrosia glared right back at Aldis, ripping her arm from his grasp. She huffed slightly before showing her giving-in. "Fine," she grumbled, crossing her arms as she looked away. "I'll show 'em later, though." She would. Oh, these pirates were really in for it. Ambrosia grew uncharacteristically quiet as she glared at the deck she was standing on, planning several different methods of atfacks that she would release on these scumbags once she was able to. Where is this ship headed to, anyway? She thought curiously, bringing her gaze from the deck towards the vast expanse of ocean. There's no land in sight...

"I... Is he even going to have the decency to acknowledge us?" Ambrosia heard Lorelei whisper. Ambrosia looked to where a couple of the others were looking, only to see who must've been the captain standing a ways away from them. The redhead rolled her eyes slightly.

"Tch. Pirates don't seem to care about decency. If they had a religion, decency would probably be a sin," Ambrosia droned boredly, folding her hands behind her head casually as she continued to eyeball the blue that surrounded the ship.
Last edited by Ally-Ann on Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:31 pm

"Tch. Pirates don't seem to care about decency. If they had a religion, decency would probably be a sin,"

Lorelei stayed quiet after, she realized how stupid her own comment was, so she decided to shut up. She broke her gaze away from the captain to her feet.
"Sorry for such a silly thing.." She giggled nervously., attempting to lighten the mood. She looked at Ambrosia with a smile, then went back to anxiously waiting for the captain to talk to them.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:03 pm

-Barret Soback and Aldis Heiss-

Barret patted her shoulder. "Its okay, Lorelei, its not silly."
Aldis quietly muttered, just loud enough for Ambrosia to hear: "Thanks, firebrand. How did such a hothead ever get control of water?"
Before she could make any reply, the captain suddenly turned his gaze from the sea to them. Barret glared fiercely at the captain, feeling anger building in him. The captain studied them critically, then returned his gaze to the sea.
"Is that really the best you could come up with?" he spoke suddenly, with a voice deep and roughened through years spent in sea air. "They're skin and bones! They won't even survive the voyage."
"Ha, give 'em time. They'll learn." The pirate speaking suddenly shoved Barret over slightly. "This 'un's the kid that took Breaker out, and that was a low piece of business. They's good and strong, kept right. Just like we was paid for, right?"
The captain smiled faintly, a strangely chilling smile. "Yes, just like we were paid." After a moment, he shrugged. "We'll hope then the others had better pickings. Get them back in, and feed 'em."
Barret instantly found himself shoved back down the hole, barely having enough time to break his fall. Ambrosia was tossed on his head, and the rest shortly after.
Aldis rolled out of the pile, sighing as the door was closed. "Well, that's nice. So someone's paying them to do this to us?"
"But where the heck is the bloody son-of-the-devil taking us?!" Barret snapped, struggling out from under.
Aldis shrugged. "I sure don't know. At least we're finally getting fed."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:08 pm

I would like to annouce that I am going to try to make a manga out of this thing. However, character descriptions were not included in the sigh-up sheets, so I've decided to try something else:
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:07 pm

OOC: Huh, that may work. I was trying to describe Erin's appearance a bit as I went, but I'm not so good at doing that without it seeming really forced. I'd love to put up a drawing but... When I try to draw, it does little but make talented drawers want to poke their own eyes out with their pencils (or pens, brushes, charcoal sticks, etc.), so I'll refrain. ;)

Erin watched the captain as he turned toward them, raking his critical gaze over the entire group of captives. Erin felt a chill crawl up and down his spine when the captain's eyes met his, and Erin quickly broke the eye contact off.
When they were tossed in, Erin ended up being under Aldis, luckily for him, though, Aldis was the first one out of the pile, so Erin could get himself clear in short order as well. When he managed to get himself free, Erin did what seemed most natural to him: He crawled into the darkest corner of the room, curled himself up, hugging his knees to his chest, and began crying into his arms. He knew the others wouldn't likely take well to that, sp he tried to at least keep his sobbing quiet, but he couldn't stop his pathetic sniffling and shaking, try though he may. We're never getting away. He thought as he cried, We're never getting home. Even if we don't die on this ship, we'll just be sold to someone far away, and die as slaves.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Ally-Ann » Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:34 pm

Ambrosia was suddenly tossed back into the chamber, landing on Barret. Before she could roll off, she felt the others get tossed in after and on her, effectively knocking the wind out of her lungs. "You're all... crushing... me...!" Ambrosia rasped agitatedly, pulling herself out from under the pile as everyone stood. Sucking in a few good breaths of air, Ambrosia stood herself, brushing off dust that had instantly accumulated on her clothes from the floorboards. Her breath finally slowing slightly, she staggered over to a supporting beam, leaning her back and head against it as she crossed her arms as she waited for what was to happen next. She couldn't do anything. They were all captives, Ambrosia couldn't feel or even see the water that they were surrounded by, and now, Erin was crying. Friggin' great.

As Ambrosia looked over to him, she felt a stab of pity, but she quickly pushed it away. Sighing, she looked down at the floorboards."Hey," she started with a softer-- but not too soft-- voice, though she kept it firm, "we'll get away from these guys somehow. We're strong, and they don't even know the extent of our abilities." Ambrosia ran a hand through her hair before looking back at Erin with a slight smile. "Everything will turn out fine. I promise."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:31 pm

-Barret Soback and Aldis Heiss-

Barret grunted, then walked over to Erin, placing a relatively gentle hand on his shoulder. "Its okay," he said comfortingly. "We'll be alright, I promise. Just hang in there, okay?"
Aldis glanced around, checking to make sure everyone was there, then nodded. "Alright, we're all here, and we all now know a little more about why. Someone's paying them to do this. Now why is that?"
Suddenly, the hatch overhead opened again. Aldis yanked Bret and Lorelei aside quickly, just as a few more men dropped down.
"Grub's up!" one announced. His hand rested lightly on a dagger. "Remember-no tricks." The stuff they handed out in small wooden bowls looked barely edible. Barret had no clue whether it was some kind of stew, or the slop you fed to pigs. One of the pirates glanced at their unbound hands, then suggested, "Do you suppose we should tie 'em up again? Just to be safe."
Barret prepared himself for a fight, but another pirate snorted. "Are you kidding? Why waste the effort, and the rope, when you know we need both on deck now?" They began to climb one, and the last one suddenly spoke again, something like an afterthought. "Just so you know, the cap's thinking perhaps the occasional fresh air might keep you healthy. Its his nuts-idea that you may get out every now and then, should you behave. Just a thought."
"I think he's wacko, meself," someone on deck mentioned quietly as their mate climbed up. "Let these kids loose? With the kinda heck they could cause?"
"Naw, you know how idiotic that would be," another snorted. "Now cool it. The cap'in hear you talk like that, he'll-" the hatch closed.
Barret cautiously sampled the slop. He made a face. "Great," he snapped. "I don't know what this is, but I get the feeling its all we'll have for a while." He slumped against a wall. "Just friggen' great."
Aldis spotted a water pitcher against the wall. He quickly picked it up. "Well, this is good, at any rate," he said after a small sip. He passed it to his neighbor. "Drink up, but make sure you leave enough for others. Goodness knows when the next one will come up."

-Kytala Ginero-

Groaning, Kytala opened her eyes, blinking as her vision doubled on her. "What the..."
"Oh good, you're up."
She glanced up, her eyes narrowing. "I know your voice," she croaked. "But I...which one of you's you?"
Both face overhead laughed quietly. "Its me, Harden. Just wait a while, your vision will clear."
She blinked again, then sat up. "Where are we?" she asked.
"On board a pirate ship, headed for heaven knows where." He chuckled again. "Be glad you slept through the earlier show. We were hustled up on deck with barely a moment's notice and had that loud, obnoxious brute of a captain cursing at us and his men and being all-around nasty." He grimaced. "When we get the upper hand, I claim that brute."
Kytala realized the thing she was leaning against was wood. There were sounds, just like every day on board, the sea, voices shouting to one another, everything. It was just like normal. With one tiny difference.
"Okay...not exactly what I wanted to wake up and hear," she muttered. "But then, I guess its taken us all by surprise, eh?"
He grinned. "We're at least not alone. While on deck, I noticed two other ships. Judging by the cap's comments made between curses, they should also have our people on board."
"We're not alone!" kytala felt strength in that. She tried to look around. "Who else is here?"
"Eight others. I didn't make much contact." He smiled, embarressed. "Just didn't feel like socializing, ya know?"
"Understood." She lept to her feet, wobbling slightly, but pushed off his helping hands. "But now its time to get to work!"
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:41 pm

Erin sniffled and snuffled at the support an encouragement the others were giving him. He tried to stop crying, honestly, he did his darnedest, but the tears wouldn't stop coming. He figured after all the stress and fear he'd been through since he woke up here, he probably needed a good cry, anyway. Although, it did make him feel a bit pathetic, having to be cheered up by the others, especially the scary-girl-who-he-still-didn't-know-the-name-of, because nothing makes a boy feel more pathetic than a girl having to cheer him up.
When the pirates came down the hatch, Erin involuntarily curled himself tighter up and shrank into the shadows in the corner a bit more, not wanting to even be seen by them, if he could at all help it. Hearing they might be let out on deck every now and then helped raise his spirits a bit, until he realized there would be nothing for them to do on deck but stare out at the endless sea and not see their home. A bowl was held out to Erin and he took it, not looking over his shoulder to even see if it was one of the pirates or a fellow captive who was giving it to him. He looked into the bowl of uncertain food and took a whiff of the powerful aroma flowing from it. He then set the bowl aside, trying not to retch. "My share's available." He said, his voice even quieter than usual due to his sobbing, he doubted even Barret would be able to hear.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:30 pm

-Barret Soback and Aldis Heiss-

Barret nodded quietly. "Yeah, this really sucks." Then Aldis stood up.
"Okay people, since we're all here and we've no idea how much longer that'll be," he began, as though gearing himself up for a long speech. "So I've decided I'd bring this up. Put simply, we gotta have a leader. I'm sure, if Boatmaster Regal were here, he'd lead us through this, but he's not. We don't even know if he's alive or not. But I feel we need a leader to help keep us together. So..." he leaned back against the wall. "Lets put it to a vote. What do you think?"
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:13 pm

Lorelei had never thought of this 'Ambrosia is a very strong girl.. But then, Brett acts instantly in a bad situation.. ' She looked over at Barret '..He seems like he's a natural leader.. Erin seems to have good senses..Aldis is blunt but he knows when not to cross the line..' She pondered some more
she giggled quietly 'I would make such a terrible leader!' She turned "Everyone has their own strengths, something that their more natural at, so I'm having such a hard time voting." She said, biting her lip.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:50 pm

OOC- sorry David, can't wait any longer.

-Aliera Fae-

She shrugged, dissolved the illusion, and walked off. She hadn't thought anyone could sleep so deeply. She passed a few more hallways, and entered central hall. Regal was standing on the platform, already speaking to the gathered.
"This is an important meeting," he was saying as she entered. "Probably the most important one you will ever be a part of. This morning, in the dead of night, our village was attacked and razed to the ground by pirates. Not only did they destroy, they killed many of our people, and took captives with them. We are the last survivors, and it is up to us to save our people."
He was quiet, intently scanning the rows of people. "It will take much effort, strength, and courage to be willing to rebuild what was lost. To rebuild what was destroyed, and to save what was lost. We need to rescue our imprisioned companions, and save them from a fate possibly worse than death. And yet, we'll need some to stay, to help rebuild what is broken." He was quiet again, then asked, "However, I will need able men and women to help me rescue our friends! The village, compared to a rescue, will be easy to do. So, while I understand rebuilding is important, I will need your help in this. However, we first need to discern who is willing to go, and who is able to go. For now...I will ask you this. Who is willing to come with me, now? Raise your hands, and cry out, now, against our enemy for the spilled blood of our people, and the attempt at enslaving our own! Who is with me?"
Aliera pumped her fist into the air, yelling at the top of her lungs.

OOC- man, that was so lame...that's what happens when you do things in a hurry, folks. XP
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Ally-Ann » Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:34 pm

Ambrosia had promptly passed up eating her share of slop, however she did take a sip of water. She thought briefly about using the pitcherful of water to get out of there, but quickly shoved the idea away, remembering that everyone else needed a drink. She passed the pitcher to the next person as she listened to Aldis' leader-speech. Ambrosia smirked as she braced her elbow on a beam, resting her head on her fist. I should be the leader, she thought imediately. Without further thought, and with zero hesitance, Ambrosia announced her vote.

"I vote for Barret." Ambrosia deadpanned for a moment, surprised at her own words before crossing her arms, looking away from everyone. Her expression then changed to a casual, indifferent appearance as she shrugged her shoulders. "He seems like a leader to me, anyway..."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:41 pm

OOC: I am going to laugh, so gut-busting hard, if Aliera is the only one who does that and is just shouting by herself.

A leader... Erin thought, considering. He was still curled in his ball in the corner, but he had managed to mostly get his sobbing under control, so he turned and lifted his head enough he could see the others. Lorelei was the first to speak, mentioning the trouble she had deciding because of everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Well, at least she's perceptive enough to realize that. Erin thought, then began looking to the other people, one by one. Barret seems passionate, at least, but probably a little too hotheaded. Aldis is calm and collected, so he could make a good leader. Brett also seems rational, but he may be a bit too reserved. And the scary girl also seems to be too temperamental to be effective. He stayed quiet, waiting for the others to speak up. He would just slip his vote in once someone else started. I'm also a candidate. He realized, But, I'm probably the worst choice.

It was cold, and dark. The ground moved, slowly rocking, swaying back and forth. The air tasted salty, and it smelled like rot and sweat. Air flowed roughly, in and out, in and out, that foul-smelling air, but there wasn't an alternative, so it kept flowing. Small eyelids fluttered open, and the two emerald circles stared out into the dark, empty space. The dark void formed shapes, and shapes became sharper, as the eyes began to adjust to the shadow.
Cold, stiff muscles began to move, arms, pushing against the floor, raising the body up. Dirty, blood-clotted hair moved slowly, it's golden blonde color all but buried under dirt. The girl pushed herself upright, spreading her legs in front of her and leaning her back against a wall. Her head throbbed in pain as blood rushed through it, but she had been through worse. Much worse. Enough to kill a man.
Her head slowly turned, surveying her surroundings. She could just barely discern a few other shapes, they may have been people, but they didn't seem to be moving. Were they dead? The girl wasn't dead, she knew that much. "Now, where am I?" she asked with a soft voice, speaking to no one in particular. Maybe one of the people lying around would answer her, assuming they weren't dead.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:14 pm

Lorelei came to her conclusion "..I vote either Barret or Aldis. I can't choose between them.." She looked at Erin, 'I don't think he would want the pressure..' She thought. She sat back down, near Ambrosia. She got handed the pitcher, she took a sip, then passed it. She begun brushing her slender fingers through her hair anxiously, looking around the room.

OOC: Hey, Oddood, that's your new character, right? What ship is she on if so? :3 Explains why mine are always lame, Wolf. I try to take my time, but I'm very impatient sometimes and always rush it XD.

Mara grinned at Aliera's eager response, and she raised her hand excitedly.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:03 pm

OOC: She's on ship 2, I think it is. Same as Marshall and Layla.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:03 pm

"Your in the prisoner chamber of a pirate ship." Said a young male voice. He scooted closer until his electric blue orbs met hers. "I can't decide what exactly what they want with us though.." He grumbled, staring at the ceiling. The air was simply nauseating, he could taste it. He shook his head to try to ignore the stench, he turned his head to the golden haired girl, "Hey, do you have any cuts or bruises or any other injury?" Marshall observed her then turned to someone in the dark "Hey, Lay. Mind giving her check-up?" The boy Inquired kindly "Of course." A soft female voice in the darkness, the figure scooted up and smiled at the other girl "Hi there. Now then.." She began, she started inspecting the girl closely, checking if she was worse for wear (I have no idea if I used that phrase right lol). (This color may sound ridiculous, I'll change it if it's impossible. :3) Hyacinth eyes framed by long lashes studied her arm, her eyebrows knit together "... You have quite a few cuts and bruises.. Anything else that hurts?"
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:03 pm

OOC: Have you even been reading this thread? You're worried about eye colors being unrealistic? :P

The young girl, Rain was her name, looked at the faces of the man and woman who had come forward. She thought she recognized them, from the island, maybe, but in the dark, it was hard to tell. The woman examined Rain for any injuries, of which there were several, then asked if Rain was hurt anywhere else. "Just a few spots, but I'll be ok." She said, and it was true, Rain was always ok.
The man had said they were in a pirate ship, being held as prisoners. That would explain the rocking, and the unpleasant scent. "How did we get here?" She asked the other two, "I was in the village, on the island, just a minute ago."

OOC: Ugh, that's it, no more typing on my phone.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:09 pm

OOC: Your right XD.

Marshall chuckled "Um.. Actually, we've been here for a few hours." Layla hands began emitting a soft, small light that glittered and slowly treated Rain's cuts and bruises. "Yes, we have been here for a while.. The pirates, it is safe to say they destroyed most of the village, killed many, took some more." She brushed a strand of raven hair out of her face. Marshall studied Rain for a bit. "Now I recognize you. Your Rain, right?" He untied Layla's bonds then Layla moved toward Rain and did the same. "So.. I know they have others.. But why would they want us?" Layla asked, concerned.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:41 pm

Rain watched in amazement as the woman moved her glowing hand over her injuries, and before her eyes they began to close up. I wish I knew someone had this power a few yeas earlier. She thought, recalling all the times having a healer could have helped her immensely. When the woman asked to confirm who Rain was, the girl nodded, "Yes, that's me." She said, her voice moving to it's usual monotone, "I'm sorry, but I don't know who you two are."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Sat Mar 09, 2013 2:47 pm

Marshall straightened up a bit "I'm Marshall Ginoro." He points to Layla "This is the lovely Layla Merrirose." smirking slightly as he said it.
He gently shook her hand. "I've seen you around before many times." Layla said as she spotted a big bruise on Rain's leg, she bit her lip and her hands lit up again and healed it. "..I'm trying to get better at my healing." She smiles bashfully. Marshall pats Rain's head "We'll be alright, Rain. We'll all get out of this somehow."
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:27 pm

Rain nodded in acknowledgement as Marshall gave his and Layla's names. "It's very nice to meet the two of you." She said, although, from the tone of her voice, it didn't sound like much of anything was nice. "I've also seen you around, but I don't believe we've ever spoken. I've never spoken with most of the villagers, actually. But that doesn't matter right now, does it?"
Rain looked up at Marshall as he patted her head, showing a blank expression, "I don't need to be reassured. I already know I'm going to be fine. If anyone, it's you and the others I'm worried about." She didn't sound very worried, either.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:44 pm

Marshall blinked, surprised by her lack of worry and calm manner."Wh-" Layla cut him off "I'm glad your brave. But you need not worry about any of us either." Marshall got up and began to survey his area.
Layla rolled her eyes, she whispered to Rain "He's trying to act like he knows what he's doing." She smiled mischievously.
Marshall scoffed "I-I know what I'm doing!"
"I'm sure you do." She snickered. Marshall made a face "My genius is certainly not appreciated here." He joked, still rather frustrated. Layla just laughed, 'I wonder, how we can still joke, in a situation like this..'
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:24 pm

Rain watched the exchange between Marshall and Layla, head cocked in curiosity, still as deadpan as ever. When they had finished, she looked at Layla, who was laughing aloud. "What's so funny?" She asked, "Given our current situation I don't see any reason for laughter. Instead we should be trying to get free." She, obviously, was not much of a joker.

OOC: It's short. I'm tired. Oh well.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:40 pm

[quote="Oddood198"]OOC: I am going to laugh, so gut-busting hard, if Aliera is the only one who does that and is just shouting by herself.[quote]
OOC- Ye-ah, that might be a little!!! Just so everyone knows, I'm loving working with you all on this!
Also, Oddood, Koneko, great going! I'm leaving Ship 2 in good hands, then. Thanks guys. By the way, Koneko, I'll allow Layla to be able to heal despite the collor, since its not an offensive thing, but only cuts and bruises, please.
One more note! The voting for leadership is entirely open-ended, so don't feel like you have to vote for my characters, okay?! Just making sure now!

-Barret Soback and Aldis Heiss-
Barret sat bolt-upright when Ambrosia suggested him. He was even more surprised when Lorelei agreed. "Guys,! This is Aldis's idea, let him do it!"
Aldis chuckled, enjoying Barret's obvious embarressment. "Hey, I gave the choice to them. If they choose you, its you, you're stuck. So far, two have voted." He grinned sidelong at him. "Sorry."
Barret stared at him a long moment, then sat down, putting his head between his knees, and could be heard muttering something about "poor me, why me..."
Aldis let his smile go, as he tried to think seriously about the problem. Choosing a leader is a very important thing, and if you chose wrong, there would be problems. Ambrosia and Lorelei had decided Barret, or himself if he'd heard Lorelei correctly, would be a good leader. He agreed, that once Barret came around he'd do fine. However, he wasn't entirely sure yet.
"I'll need a little more time to think," he decided. "I want to be sure about this."

-Aliera Fae-

Several people joined the cheers, though some seemed reluctant. Aliera understood- they weren't fighters. All their life, they had sought a peaceful way of living. Fighting just wasn't in their blood....for the most part.
The meeting broke up a little later, after Boatmaster Regal had called out a group, who were to begin the building of a ship immediately. Once things had calmed down, he went off with a group of others, to discuss various things concerning a rescue. He had asked Miles to come with them, but Aliera wasn't sure if he'd gone or not. She looked around, trying to see who was left. She noticed Dakota in a corner. Something about that...guy? girl? made her shiver, but she didn't know quite what. It didn't have anything to do with...him being able to weild ice! She caught his eye, and quickly looked away. She spotted Mara, and hurried over.
"I saw your hand," she said. "I really hope he lets us go, you know? I really don't want to be left behind, when I could be helping save our people!" she grinned excitedly. "Maybe we could go as stowaways, if he says no? I could easily cover us-it'd be no trouble!"

-Kytala Ginero-

"Oh look, sleeping beauty finally woke up."
Kytala's head jerked up at the sound of a sarcastic tone. Her eyes narrowed dangerously as she glared at the woman leaning against the wall. "Its Kytala. Who the heck are you?"
The woman tossed her head. "I needn't introduce myself to a brat." she looked away. Kytala's fists clenched, and she looked like she was about to just leap forward and punch her.
"Primavera," Harden whispered. "Relax, ignore her. She and Oben have been total jerks ever since they woke up here. Just move on."
Kytala nodded, but her fist didn't unclench. "Fine, so long as she stays out of my way." She blinked, then asked, "Who's Oben?"
"That guy over there." he pointed to the man in the corner. He was staring at the wall, with an expression plainly saying 'stay away or else'. Harden continued. "He and Prima are birds of a feather. heck...they'd probably belong better up there with...them."
Kytala glanced at him, surprised, then shrugged. "Great. So instead of help they're more likely to be a hinderence, right?" at his nod, she muttered something nasty. "just great." She walked toward the wall, then tripped over something.
"Ouch!" it said. She glanced over her shoulder, then sat up again, rubbing her hip. "That hurt!"
She saw a young boy, younger than 13 certainly, rubbing his ankle, which was what she had fallen over. She crawled over, saying, "Sorry. Didn't see you. You alright?"
He nodded, blinking back tears. When she came closer, he scooted away slightly, as though trying to shrink into the wood. Taking the hint, she stopped. "What's your name?"
"A-andrew," he murmured, sinking further back. "A-a-andrew...b-b-b-raveheart."
She couldn't help but smile. "Andrew Braveheart?" she repeated. "Nice name!" he looked about ready to cry. She stood up. "I'm Kytala. Kytala Ginero. my brother, Marshall, here?"
He shook his head. "D-d-d-don't know."
She nodded slowly. "Alright, thanks." She turned, to find another person before her. He was a tall man, with a kind face. There was an aura of strength around him, though.
"You are Kytala?" he asked. She nodded, arms akimbo. "And if I am?"
"I was merely curious," he answered quietly. "You slept a long time. We were worried you wouldn't pull through." He extended his hand. "I'm Syril. Nice to meet you."
Quietly, she took his hand. "Is there anyone named Marshall here?" she asked him. He shook his head.
"I'm afraid not. I have spoken with everyone here, and there is no Marshall. I'm sorry."
She blinked, finding her eyes full of tears. "he's...He's probably dead," she whimpered, suddenly very weak. She slumped suddenly, and Syril caught her. "I'll...I'll never see him again...ever..."
Harden and Syril shared an uncomfortable glance over her head, as she began sobbing.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:18 pm

Lorelei's mouth was slightly agap at Barret. "W-well, I m-mean, I vote for.. Brett, i-if you like." She stumbled with her words nervously, not wanting to put any pressure on anyone. She shakes her head and looks down "...I don't know anymore." She looks down, big green eyes on the brink of tears but she blinks them back "Sorry, guys. I can be kind of indecisive." she mumbled.

Mara grinned from ear to ear "Yeah, we're going no matter what Boatmaster Regal says!" She covers her mouth, hoping no one heard her excited talking, her face was red as she bashfully glances to the side for a moment. "Is Miles coming with? We sure could use a intelligent strategiest like him. Or maybe Renaiah or Dakota!" She smiles eagerly.

(I have an idea for a NPC for Kytala's ship, Wolfie~ Want me to PM you about it?)
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:34 pm

Erin was a little distraught now, the votes were being cast, and he supposed he should give his input soon. The problem was that he hadn't chosen on who to vote for yet. He had decided that the two best suited for the role were Aldis or Brett, but couldn't decide exactly which one. Finally, he decided that he had to choose quickly, and licked his dry lips, "I vote Brett." He said, straining his voice to make himself heard. He immediately was seized with second thoughts, wondering if he had really made the right decision, but he supposed it was too late to take it back now so he remained quiet.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:57 pm

OOC: Sorry, I forgot to do Layla and Marshall XD.

Marshall sighed "Ah.. Well- Because.. it.. uh.." He began "Lightens up the mood?" Layla finished. Marshall shrugged "I'm just trying not to think of my sister, Oi, she could be..Be, well, dead for all I know.." He felt his heart strings being yanked. Layla patted his back "It'll be okay." Someone laughs in the shadows "Riiiiight, because we're all gonna kill the pirates with ease, save everyone, yadda yadda, happily ever after." Layla glares at the voice "Oh hush up, Gil! Your negativity does nothing to help, your just cranky." Gil walks over with a slight bored look "Gil Maloon, if it even matters." he sits next to Rain, Marshall, and Layla. Marshall scoots away uncomfortably, eyes burning with anger at the man. Layla looked at Rain once more "Gil is a real pain sometimes, but he has his moments." Marshall scoffs again, louder this time "Yeah, RARE moments."
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:00 pm

Rain looked at the new man coming from the darker spots of the room, he had introduced himself as Gil Maloon, and, for someone who had just been kidnapped by pirates, he seemed to be rather bored. The first thought that crossed Rain's mind was, Has he been standing over there this whole time? "Well, you can't blame him for being a little cranky. I would be, too, if someone killed or took me and all my friends and family." She said, then looked to Gil, "Rain Song," she introduced herself, "How do you do?"

OOC: And, before I forget, here's Rain's CS so the rest of you can see it.

Name: Rain Song

Age: 12

Personality: Dark, gloomy, depressing. She isn't quite reclusive, but she has an absolutely astounding aura of creepiness that's enough to drive most people away. She's cold, but not emotionless, and she usually speaks in a droning monotone.

Ability: She is quite unkillable. No matter what, she does not die from anything. It's not that she heals rapidly, or is immune to pain, not at all. She feels everything just like anyone else, and her wounds take time to heal, like anyone else. The difference is that Rain simply does not die, at all.

Where: Ship 2.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:45 pm

Gil smirked "Alrighty, Rain Song." Marshall turned away from the young man "Look, Gil-"He started "Oh knock it off, Marshall, your just, Jealous." Marshall began to get up, but Layla grabbed his shirt and pulled down swiftly "No, Marshall!" She desperately was trying to keep peace between the two. Marshall looked him straight in the eye and then said in a carefree voice that didn't match his expression "What would I possibly be jealous of...Gilbert." Gil's eyes widened and his face turned red as he weakly sneered "D-don't call me that, Ginoro!" Marshall looked to the side as Layla put her face in her hands, defeatedly.
Marshall then smiled slightly, "Okay then, since Mr Drama King is done. So what's the plan then?" Layla played with her long raven locks anxiously "Hmm..Maybe we could take control of the ship?" Gil thought about this "Okay, but how do we do that, Lala?" (That's one of her nicknames.. And my aunt has that nickname, I liked it. :3) Layla stared at Gil for a good minute "Honestly. I don't know." Gil sat next to Rain, Marshall was still fuming a bit, the nickname coming out of his mouth seemed, well, weird.
He cleared his throat "Er.. Rain, any ideas?"
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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