RPG Confusion

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RPG Confusion

Postby tronethiel7 » Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:50 pm

Maybe I haven't read thoroughly enough into the rpg's on the site, but some of them have been running a good while. I'm thinking I might be a part of one, but can someone give me a thorough idea of how it all works. Not particularly familiar with it.
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Postby rocklobster » Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:01 pm

why not join my Horizon RP and I'll school you? Here's the link click here
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Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:08 pm

Just for a brief overview. The Rp's on this website follow a dynamic storytellers approach in which everyone put's their character sheets (text bescribing there RP character) and while acting as that character post in the story from wherever the GM starts it. From there you essentially tell the story while each person plays their own character so unlike a book where a single author dictates everything that happends the ultimiate outcome of one of our roleplays depende a lot on the people roleplaying and what each of them do. When someone starts a RP they put a brief synopsis of what the RP's story will be about and a character sheet for others to fill out and people submit these sheets. When enough people have volenteered for a rp the GM pm's a Mod (useually Golden or Kitsune) and asks to have their rp approved. onced it's ben approved the GM posts the first story describing what's happening and everyone else from then on adds their two bits to the story and control the progression. I think this is a pretty general overfiew but if I missed something please fill in the blanks oh much more experienced Roleplayers then I.
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Postby samurai10 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:07 am

Broly's pretty much got it. The GM (GM stands for game mod, btw, if you didn't know) sets the rules, what you have to put in your character sheets to describe your character, how many characters you can have, etc. etc. Basically, an RPG here is just a story from every character's point of view with a GM to lead the story. ^^
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Postby tronethiel7 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:00 am

Sorry, I'm just trying to grasp this.

So, our characters are sort of reactionary on our part, and that fact that we control them creates multiple variables?
Is there any real discussion about what we are going to do, or does the gm just throw a setting out there and we just shoot for the stars?
Are any other player characters allowed to die? I imagine it would have to happen at the behest of that player and with gm consent...
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Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:43 am

I think your getting it fine but if you want you can read a new rpg thread and then it's corresponding rp thread then you can see how it's started and how it progressed.

My personal favorit on this sight so far is The Next Gen
New RPG Thread: Here
Main RP thread: Here

it's pretty long and currently on pause as they wait for the gm (and other players) to all be on at the same time. It's also a pony rp so if your not into that theirs also Infinite

New RPG Thread: Here
Main RP Thread: Here

This main rp thread is also a lot smaller so you can catch up with the story much faster and seems to still get a lot of activity though I haven't read it myself.

To answer the second line
tronethiel7 wrote:Is there any real discussion about what we are going to do, or does the gm just throw a setting out there and we just shoot for the stars?

Most discussion about stor or questions by some of the other players are disscussed in the new rpg ideas thread of that story but they can also create a OOC(out of character) thread for their given rp to discuss things. You can also think of it as, as th eplayers get themselves prepared their essentially setting up the pool table and the GM hit's the cue ball to start things off. after that each ball does it's own thing and at the balls collide and run their path the end result of the table and where each ball stops moving depends on each ball individually. but the cue ball will always start things moving again and again and he determins how large a pool table and whats allowed on it. hopefully that doesn't confuse you :P
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:56 am

and yes, deaths are allowed, but it has to be worked out with the GM and the people interested in doing it. And if your character dies, you can still play. You just need to create a whole new character. Think of it like regenerating ;)
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Postby tronethiel7 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:13 am

Broly Ultimatrix (post: 1596696) wrote:I think your getting it fine but if you want you can read a new rpg thread and then it's corresponding rp thread then you can see how it's started and how it progressed.

My personal favorit on this sight so far is The Next Gen
New RPG Thread: Here
Main RP thread: Here

it's pretty long and currently on pause as they wait for the gm (and other players) to all be on at the same time. It's also a pony rp so if your not into that theirs also Infinite

New RPG Thread: Here
Main RP Thread: Here

This main rp thread is also a lot smaller so you can catch up with the story much faster and seems to still get a lot of activity though I haven't read it myself.

To answer the second line

Most discussion about stor or questions by some of the other players are disscussed in the new rpg ideas thread of that story but they can also create a OOC(out of character) thread for their given rp to discuss things. You can also think of it as, as th eplayers get themselves prepared their essentially setting up the pool table and the GM hit's the cue ball to start things off. after that each ball does it's own thing and at the balls collide and run their path the end result of the table and where each ball stops moving depends on each ball individually. but the cue ball will always start things moving again and again and he determins how large a pool table and whats allowed on it. hopefully that doesn't confuse you :P

Cool. I get it. One more for you, are the ooc threads actually determining things as they happen, like players predeciding new steps with there characters, or is it just kind of a theoretical...what if, or you should try this...

[quote="rocklobster (post: 1596701)"]and yes, deaths are allowed, but it has to be worked out with the GM and the people interested in doing it. And if your character dies, you can still play. You just need to create a whole new character. Think of it like regenerating ]

Thanks for the patience, and that's kind of cool. Also, do these things kind of continue indefinitely? or is there an end. (GM's perogative?)
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Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:41 am

In another Roleplay I'm in on another site altogether we have a rp reccomendation thread where each persons characters are listed (the characters are already well known to us so we just choose who we want to rp as) and each person list the various arcs we would like to unfold as the story continues. it's where you comment on what has already happend and possibly discuss what your plannign on doing. It's best to inform the gm before making a story line altering meneuver like intoducing a big bad boss into the mix and interupting story flow. The ooc thread works like that.
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:42 am

I've only had one RP actually end. Most of the time they just die off.
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Postby tronethiel7 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:45 am

rocklobster (post: 1596714) wrote:I've only had one RP actually end. Most of the time they just die off.

An solid end seems like it would be more fulfilling.

So basically, just run any big moves or things you might be unsure of by the gm?
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:01 pm

you got it.
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