Injuries/Physical Anomalies

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Injuries/Physical Anomalies

Postby Druxcian » Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:30 pm

I just have to say; please don't get too descriptive.

My anomalies include one thumb being longer than the other and having a weird cluster of freckles on my arm even though there's none around it.

I also have a lead scar on my hand and lead marks on the bottom of my eyeballs. I'm not entirely sure how those came to be, but I think it had something to with a kid named John Luke in my first grade class.

Looking back, first grade was a free-for-all.
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Postby armeck » Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:20 am

one time in Mexico I was playing soccer and I got a ball kicked into my hand and now my left index finger is crooked
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Postby K. Ayato » Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:40 am

A scar down my left leg after I fell and landed on the edge of some scrap metal as a teen.
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:04 am

I have a scar on my middle finger of my left hand. I got it when I was a toddler; I was in my mom's lap when she was sewing on the machine, and I stuck my hand under the needle. She heard it hit the bone (hand works just fine now, though).
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Postby Xeno » Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:48 pm

Five scars on my right elbow from surgeries to repair it after I snapped my arm in half in a skating accident when I was 15. The elbow fully extends now (didn't for a long time), but is still hypersensitive and bows outwards when fully extended.

1.5" to 2" scar on left shin from an ATV accident when I was 17. Went down into a rutt too fast, wheels became misaligned from the tire grooves and I hit the mud wall, was launched over the handle bars, in the wall, and then shot up six feet in the air where I rolled over onto the ground.

Ankles are both turned in due to fallen arches caused by chemotherapy when I was 3. Nothing quite like waking up one morning and having to re-learn how to walk because the way your feel work has literally changed over night.
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Postby metolosophy » Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:58 pm

My skin is spotted with scars, but my biggest scar has to be lengthwise on my arm from a broken motorized cart at Wal-Mart. Long story short, in third grade I crashed into a grumpy old man while at Wal-Mart and my arm got caught in the tangled metal. All the man did was pull the cart into reverse and drive away, but it left my arm very bloody and mangled up.

For anomalies, I have sectoral heterochromia (a light grey diamond-shaped splotch), but in only one eye, though it mixes well with my neutral green eyes.

I also have five wisdom teeth.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:33 pm

I've got a scar under my eyebrow from when my brother hit me in the forehead with a golf club. (We were like 5 or so, and besides, I hit him in the forehead a week before. Mom took away the clubs after that.)

If my hair gets cut too short (like, really too short), you can see where I got stitches on my head when I was about 3. I had climbed up on a counter for something, fell off, and got a pretty good gash, or so I'm told.

There's one about an inch long on the back of my left index finger, from a woodcutting party. Dad tossed a log to me, and I messed up the catch and skinned it. Somehow it ended up scarring pretty bad.

I've got a hairline scar on the underside my right forearm; I was cutting open sample bags with a box knife at my old job, and cut too far. It looked worse than it ended up being at the time.
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Postby SierraLea » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:07 pm

Two scars, one on each foot, that are about three or four inches long and a very vivid color.
Also, I have a scar running from ear to ear over the top of my head. All three were caused by surgeries.
Because of those, one big toe will not bend with the rest, although the other one works fine.
I have a hitchhiker's thumb, which means I can bend it in a L shape from the second knuckle.
I may have a second toe that is longer than the big one.
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Postby DaughterOfZion » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:53 pm

My left hip is rotated out at a 45 degree angle, which sometimes cause me to drift when walking, but mostly just makes that leg more flexible (I can put my foot up to my ear like a phone). xD
I've not tried to have a doctor confirm it, but I suspect that my right leg is slightly longer than the left. I often find myself catching my right foot on the ground frequently cause I didn't lift up that foot enough. When walking long distances I get pain in weird places that could be explained by having different length legs.

Also have a number of scars on my knees from being a general klutz (I once fell up some stairs and managed to cut my knee on the rounded stair step bad enough to require 3 stitches) and three small claw shaped scars on my chest from having a cat I was holding get scared and dig her claws in.
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Postby Vii » Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:47 am

I broke my arm when I was a kid. Now it starts to ache whenever the barometric pressure changes (i.e. when it rains.) The pain can range from "Oh, hey, my arm feels funky" to "Agh, this really hurts *takes ibuprofen*"

Other than that, I don't think I have any scars. My cuts and such heal up fairly quickly and don't really leave marks.
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Postby Bio_Plus » Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:30 am

I have a scar over my cheek to my upper lip, it's healed well and you need to pay attention to notice it, but it gave my a crooked smile so I never smile showing my teeth.
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Postby steenajack » Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:36 pm

I can twist my arm around a full-circle turn. I'm pretty flexible, though I can't do the splits or touch my toes for some reason. But I can put my feet to my ears like a telephone, and can put one behind my head. My toes are also like fingers. I can wiggle them and pick things up with them. XD Bet if I worked really hard at it, I could write and draw with them....maybe...
I can also wiggle my ears and...vibrate my eardrums (it sounds like an actual drumming in my ears. I did it too hard once and popped one of my eardrums. It bled and hurt quite a bit, and I remember having to take medicine for it.)
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Postby HarleyQuinnOy » Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:17 pm

Woo you guys have some crazy stuff! I don't have too many scars just stupid stuff, and broke my foot 13 weeks ago. But the worst thing I have had was chronic headaches for about 2 years, turned out I wasn't drinking enough water O.O basically I was slightly dehydrated for two years!
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Postby Oddood198 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:26 am

I have really good hearing. As in, I can hear things of pitch and frequencies that most humans cannot perceive. It's weird, I don't know if there's a scientifically or medical explanation for it, but I find it pretty neat. On the downside, I get pretty bad headaches anywhere with strong echoes.
Oh, and when I try to take an ibuprofen (or most kinds of painkillers in general) for those headaches, I end up completely devoid of energy and barely moving at all for anywhere between two and six days.

And here's another one, the skin on my hands and feet peels off. It's pretty strange, really. Most people find it gross, but I've had it for as long as I can remember so it doesn't bother me.

Ooh, and my right knee. It starts to ache really REALLY bad every time it's about to rain. But I don't know why, as I've never done anything to it, never broken it, had surgery, anything.

And this one isn't that weird really, but I'm double jointed. Basically means I can do some fairly unusual things with my fingers. I can move my left index finger almost as far towards the back of my hand as I can toward the front.

I have one scar just below my left thumb I got when I was... probably eleven or twelve, I was pretty much just being an idiot with my first sword.
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Postby acgifford » Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:49 am

my elbows are double jointed and I creep people out with how far I can bend it. I can bend it past straight. I also injured my knee in zumba class about 5 months ago and I still have problems with it. The tendon in the back of of leg is extremely stiff and I cant bend my foot up as much other people. My joint in my left pinkie finger jams sometimes and pops because of a previous injury some years back when I tried to catch a foot ball that was thrown very hard and it jammed my pinkie finger.T.T I didn't go to the camp nurse cuz i feared being a wuss. It was swollen for a week after. My thinks I had a small fracture. She thinks I cracked one of the bones in my finger.
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Postby K. Ayato » Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:52 am

I have eczema on both hands. Most times it just looks like hardened skin on my knuckles, but my left ring finger occasionally gets swollen and red and itchy. I have topical meds for them, but because of the risk of long-term side effects, I only apply it when it looks REALLY bad.
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Postby Sheenar » Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:34 pm

I have some scars from surgeries I have had. Knee, Achilles tendon and muscle biopsy. I feel a bit self-conscious at times wearing shorts or sandals because of the scarring.

Some of the toes on my left foot are permanently bent. I think it's from when I hit my foot on some roofing tiles --probably broke some of my toes there.

Other than those things, I only look "abnormal" when I walk (I have a unique gait --especially if I walk without my dog's help).
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Postby Kala13 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:53 pm

My brother threw a dustpan at my head in middle school. I pulled the Matrix move and bent backwards but came back up too early. Face turned green and now there is a knot above my right eyebrow. The dustpan was bent on impact.
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Postby Sammy Boy » Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:14 pm

I have an old injury on the right side of my rib cage.

Not sure how I got this injury, perhaps when I was very young and jumped down from a cabinet or something.

I don't know if it's missing a rib or whether there's a shortened rib, but the right side is ... dented.

I thank God it doesn't hurt and there are no side effects.
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Postby Cianter » Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:38 pm

Well, I walk on my toes, like really, really on my toes. It would practically take stiletto heals to match how high my heals are in the air when I walk. I've always walked like this because of a short, something, not 100% sure what, but a nerve, or tendon, or muscle, or something like that... Anyways, I have a small scar on my right arm from where a cookie sheet fresh from the oven burned me. I also have various small scars all over my hands, and a small scar on one of my toes from where my mom shut it in the car door when I was like 1-2 lol :P
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Postby Druxcian » Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:09 pm

Cianter (post: 1588278) wrote:Well, I walk on my toes, like really, really on my toes. It would practically take stiletto heals to match how high my heals are in the air when I walk. I've always walked like this because of a short, something, not 100% sure what, but a nerve, or tendon, or muscle, or something like that...

I do this by habit when I'm walking up or down stairs. I trip a lot because of it.
I also have pronation in my feet from wearing cheap, flat shoes as a child. I have to wear special inserts in my shoes and can't walk or stand very long either. Running hurts after a while, but it's not as bad if I straighten my feet out and support my back a little more, rather than just slouching.

In a few weeks I have a dentist appointment, during which I'm going to ask about TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder. say that three times as fast.), because I'm 95% sure I have it. One side of my jaw pops whenever I yawn or even just eat, i.e. while chewing. I think it's from sleeping on my side and clenching my teeth so much. The other night my jaw locked a few times in a row and it was pretty alarming.
And lastly, I have a lot of stretch marks. Everywhere]think [/I]it's from either cheap clothes or growing too quickly when I was younger.
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Postby thegrandkaidbz » Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:26 pm

I have two different ears. My left ear is lobbed and my right is not. It's actually not that rare of a condition. It's not noticeable unless I tell people about it.

I also have a scar on my knee. I didn't bother putting on a bandage and somehow it scarred. It was just a small cut and somehow it scarred. Don't know why but I think it's because I didn't put on a bandage.

I also have crooked teeth. My parents were too poor to get me braces. I meant too cheap since my mom has a net worth of 1.5 million. Every girl I've been with complains about my teeth.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:42 pm

I have a thin scar that's about 2 inches long on my knee and I badly sprained my wrist years ago and that will act up if I use my hand too long.
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Postby Riggidig » Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:40 pm

Sammy Boy (post: 1588165) wrote:I have an old injury on the right side of my rib cage.

Not sure how I got this injury, perhaps when I was very young and jumped down from a cabinet or something.

I don't know if it's missing a rib or whether there's a shortened rib, but the right side is ... dented.

I thank God it doesn't hurt and there are no side effects.

Hey Sammy I have the EXACT same thing! :o Left side of my rib cage is curved normally, while there's a "dent" on the right side (meaning when you run your hand over it you can actually feel the groove where the one rib is curved much more inwards than the others). Same as with you, I have never had any side effects or pains from it (thank God).
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Postby Ally-Ann » Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:12 pm

Oh dear, let's see...

I have a really high waist, meaning my hips are higher than normal girls'. This is the #1 reason why I hate shopping for pants; THEY'RE ALL LOW RISE PANTS.

I have a scar on my elbow from a nasty scrape I got when I was younger. The scar's not from the scrape by itself, it's from when I re-scraped the exact scab four days later. It hurt.

My shoulders are really flexible. I don't have to worry about scratching any hard-to-reachplaces on my back because of them. The flexibilty also played a big factor in the rotator-cuff injury I obtained from playing racquet ball.

If I point my right foot and move my big toe, something in my ankle or foot makes a louder cracking/grinding sound than my left foot does. I drive my mom crazy when I do it. XD

I have extra skin on my right eye lid, while my left eye lid is lower than my right. I've been considering minor plastic surgery to correct this when I'm a little older.

I have horrible tooth enamel and tooth-discoloration, even though I've always brushed my teeth twice a day and after every meal ever since I was 4 years old. The bad enamel and discoloration comes from a bout of bronchitis I had combined with that terrible flu that swept through the States in 2003. The fever caused a major lack in fluids from getting to my developing adult teeth, so now I have two molars that are eroding away, though they've had a sealent placed onto them.
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Postby Imperial » Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:27 pm

I am necrophobic and suffer from severe depression during the winter months and have a enflamed musels around the jaw region for 11 years (I am getting a operation this time next month) and a stone used to be in my skin when I was trying to side skid on my bike.
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Postby Crossfire » Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:47 pm

I've got black lines under my eyes like Uchiha Itatchi. Good for scaring people off, I guess.

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Postby Tommy » Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:56 pm

I have a scar on my head because one time as my band was playing, my guitarist swung his guitar around himself while I was stomping near him and it smashed my head open.

I have pics to prove it.

It was pretty metal.
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Postby ashfire » Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:01 pm

My right middle finger is sighty bigger than the left one has a bend and trist to it. This happen back when I was in second grade. My younger brother was fighting with me and sat down on my hand while my finger was extended up.
I have a scar on the back of my head from a school merry go round. This happened in third grade. The type of merry go round was like a circular bench with hand rails to hold on to. Well other students had the ride going as fast as it could and my hands slipped off the rail and my head was drug around on the ground until I fell off. I didn't think I was that bady hurt but a teacher looked at my head and took me to the office so my parents could take me to the hospital.
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Postby aliveinHim » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:18 am

Oh boy, I'm covered in scars and stuff just because I fall down all the time. I got a massive scar near my foot on my leg from accidentally kicking the corner of a glass coffee table at a friend's house this weekend. I have a scar that's almost faded from tripping in a pothole and landing on top of an unassembled day bed at my church's yard sale. I've got lots burns from burning myself in stupid ways (like grabbing a hot cookie sheet without a hotpad or leaning against an iron). I'm one of the most accident prone people ever.
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