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Postby Furen » Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:26 pm

The newest movie production from Sherwood church presents the story of four cops who need to examine their family life
Producers talk

Casting Crowns made a song for the movie, check it out:
Song here, Courageous


Any thoughts?
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:36 pm

It looks like a low budget Christian movie. So basically, if you liked their previous movies, you will like this one. If not, then you probably won't.

The movie will make millions, though. Does anyone know if Sherwood Productions donates any of the profit? They use volunteer work, so it seem like they should. It would be pretty great if they donated some of the money they make to help kids that don't have a full set of parents, given the very apparent message of the movie.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:27 am

It looks a lot better than their other movies (but that's not saying a whole lot).
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:31 am

Low-budget doesn't mean bad. And the message doesn't seem overtly Christian- I think all fathers should take part in their kids' lives. I'm curious. And what CG said about donating their profits.
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Postby Danderson » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:12 pm

Just watched it last night...absolutely astounding (especially when compared to the last ones)...I think it will effect anyone who watches it, even if they don't like it....Because everyone has a father, (whether or not he's dead or alive, good, bad, or a hypocrite....)....It's something we all have to deal with and think about....

It is an emotional experiance (even if certain parts are cheesy...there's actually less of this...I'm surprised most of these "actors" are volunteers....)

Though, I personally didn't like the ending, but I really liked the movie....
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:38 am

I'll say what I said on my facebook.
This movie sounds the same as any other movie that this company has produced. Father and family are going through issues. He decides that he wants to be better. Better at being a husband, better at being a man of God, better at being a father. Etc...

It's the same story, with the same message, with the same actor even. :/ Its just told differently... And I'm just getting this from the trailer... I can already tell how it will play out.

This company did a decent job with Facing the Giants...and then Fireproof came out which was...very similar. And Sherwood also did "Flywheel" which was about...a father who wanted to be more honest and be better....

So... I dunno. I'm tired of Christian movies having THIS theme. There is more to being a Christian than being a good parent...I want to see something new, something exciting. And I don't really like how the women in these movies are either really horrible naggy wives, or just so nice and innocent that they come across as boring.

So yah...I'm sure it's a great movie for its audience, but I'lljust watch Facing the Giants again instead. XD.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:22 pm

Didn't like fireproof so I have no desire to see this. Even from the trailer I can tell as usual the acting is subpar
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Postby bakura91 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:25 pm

Well the intentions are good but when it comes to Christian films the ones I tend to like more are the ones based on actual parts of the Bible The Passion, 10 Commandments, Ben Hur (ok I realize the last 2 I mentioned added somethings but I still think the messages were accurate) Its like there are 3 types of Christian film that Ive observed, Epics like I just mentioned, Moral stories, and Rapture movies. I find the Epics really compelling personally. The moral stories I kinda find a little corny and the solutions kinda obvious. While Ive never really been a fan of the rapture movies (low budget effects, always year and decade specific so instead of being eery they come off as corny)
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Postby Furen » Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:55 pm

Ouch... a pretty critical response to an outreach movie
Don't you see how this church has progressively got better at the filming and larger turn outs with each event?

I loved the movie (personal choice still) and I'm so proud of churches like that who take a step out in faith and say "Hey we love God and we really hope you love Him too."

Why do we say stuff like "Oh this movie was so great" (romantic comedy) and then they do the same thing, same plot and it's still a great movie, yet as soon as a Christian film has the same story, we're getting boring?
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Postby Scarecrow » Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:14 pm

No, Christian ones are a lot worse quality. Even the acting in most romantic comedies are better than the acting in a Christian film. The story may be a decent idea, but it's always executed extremely poorly. Bad acting that makes you wanna gouge your eyes out. Bad directing. Terribly written...

I think some Christian films have interesting ideas sometimes... they're just done incredibly bad. It's a quality thing. All Christian films that I can think of have been outright cringeworthy to sit through (aside from like Passion of the Christ or Prince of Egypt and stuff but neither are really Christian productions). Especially end of day movies.

Anyway... my problem is quality. Christians do it all the time and not just with movies. You take whatever is current and popular, make a cheap imitation, put Jesus on it, and bam! Stick it on the shelf and people will buy it. There are no standards. We get cheap products because we are content with cheap products cause as long as it says God or Jesus, quality doesn't matter.

I'll go see a Christian film when they actually get some talent involved and not just higher anyone who wants to do it. I know making movies is tough but you don't need a bajillion dollars to make one good as long as you have talent and get some creativity going... Christian films have neither.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:26 pm

Furen (post: 1508112) wrote:Ouch... a pretty critical response to an outreach movie
Don't you see how this church has progressively got better at the filming and larger turn outs with each event?

I loved the movie (personal choice still) and I'm so proud of churches like that who take a step out in faith and say "Hey we love God and we really hope you love Him too."

Why do we say stuff like "Oh this movie was so great" (romantic comedy) and then they do the same thing, same plot and it's still a great movie, yet as soon as a Christian film has the same story, we're getting boring?

Its not just that its the same story, its that it's the SAME company that's making the movies with the same plot.

It'd be less annoying if it were at least a different company. ^^;

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this movie is awful or that its not even worth seeing. I just feel that we could be making movies with a different plot.
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Postby Sheenar » Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:18 pm

I agree. It seems like every movie this group puts out is aimed at middle-aged married men. All have been about men wanting to be better husbands/fathers. Same thing every time. It's getting old.

Whereas, on the other hand, I rather enjoyed To Save a Life --that movie had a Christian message, but executed it in a better and more relevant (to more than one demographic of people) way.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:42 am

In short get a new more relatable plot then I may be interested. Yes I respect them for spreading the word but I don't plan on seeing there movie but I do hope people who relate to this movie will.
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Postby Furen » Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:55 pm

Oh thank goodness you all took it the way I wanted (Phew no fights)

And even though it's the same actor (Fun fact: He doesn't even want to be in the movies, he just keeps being lead because the congregation wants him to) and a similar plot line, it's a very different movie, there were a few "Wait... what?" moments that got a bunch of people while watching.
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Postby Maledicte » Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:23 pm

Furen (post: 1508112) wrote:Why do we say stuff like "Oh this movie was so great" (romantic comedy) and then they do the same thing, same plot and it's still a great movie, yet as soon as a Christian film has the same story, we're getting boring?

I can't speak regarding the quality of the Christian movies we're talking about, as I haven't seen them, but Christianity doesn't have a monopoly on morality. Take for example Pixar movies. They have great themes - using your talents to help and enrich others (A Bug's Life, Ratatouille) what family's really about (Up, The Incredibles), humility (Cars), etc - and are beautifully crafted films, from the writing to the animation to the acting and so forth. These movies don't preach, yet they get important messages across better than, say, Left Behind or Sheffey. (I don't even know what the messages of either of those films were to be honest)
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Postby Yuki-Anne » Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:12 pm

I think part of the problem with a lot of Christian films is that they focus on the message, not the people, so the depth of the characters takes a back seat to the message the movie wants to convey. Actually, soapbox films of all kinds fall victim to this. So the characters come out flat.

Granted, this trailer does look better than most Christian films out there, but I wish EVERYONE would stop a. narrating their trailers, or b. using words to tell us what the plot is. You don't have to tell us. A good trailer can show us what we need to know about the plot without help from title cards or narrators.

One thing I can tell just by looking at it: the cinematography HAS improved since Fireproof. But I hated Fireproof. I couldn't identify with it in any way as a single young woman. The plot was predictable, the characters were unlikeable, the acting was poor, and the humor was dreadful.

I'll probably end up seeing this one sometime, possibly maybe someday. I'm glad they're at least making an EFFORT to create a film that isn't cheap and stupid. I just wish they'd be less platform-y.
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Postby aliveinHim » Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:43 pm

I loved the movie! I laughed. I cried. It moved me, Bob.
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But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:1-7
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:19 pm

Furen (post: 1508112) wrote:Why do we say stuff like "Oh this movie was so great" (romantic comedy) and then they do the same thing, same plot and it's still a great movie, yet as soon as a Christian film has the same story, we're getting boring?

Because as Christians, I feel we ought to be held to a higher creative standard. We were created by the God who is THE Creator of the entire universe. When we use our creativity for God's glory, it should actually glorify Him, not re-use old ideas to dictate stale messages using bad acting and poor writing just to sell a bunch of DVDs in the local Christian bookstore. J.R.R. Tolkien said of creating that "we make in our measure and in our derivative mode, because we are made: and not only made, but made in the image and likeness of a Maker." Because of this, shouldn't we be creating with excitement and a genuine desire to tell a story, and not an attitude that just wants to re-use old material because "it did really well last time"?

I know someone mentioned Pixar earlier, but I'll say it again--did you know that Pete Docter and Andrew Stanton, the directors of Pixar's Up and Wall-E (respectively), are both Christians? It's possible to be a Christian and create something genuinely good in the entertainment world that carries an uplifting message. Even more so, this year's The Tree of Life was probably one of the most artistic films I've ever seen, and it was packed full of Christian symbolism, as well as the Christian themes of the balance between grace and truth, among many others. All of this to say, I've been largely disappointed with the level of creativity in "Christian" movies over the years, and I think it's time we held ourselves to a creative standard that serves to reflect the One who created us, and not just pander to the tastes and preferences of the modern Church.
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Postby Sheenar » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:09 pm

Radical Dreamer (post: 1511277) wrote:Because as Christians, I feel we ought to be held to a higher creative standard. We were created by the God who is THE Creator of the entire universe. When we use our creativity for God's glory, it should actually glorify Him, not re-use old ideas to dictate stale messages using bad acting and poor writing just to sell a bunch of DVDs in the local Christian bookstore. J.R.R. Tolkien said of creating that "we make in our measure and in our derivative mode, because we are made: and not only made, but made in the image and likeness of a Maker." Because of this, shouldn't we be creating with excitement and a genuine desire to tell a story, and not an attitude that just wants to re-use old material because "it did really well last time"?

I know someone mentioned Pixar earlier, but I'll say it again--did you know that Pete Docter and Andrew Stanton, the directors of Pixar's Up and Wall-E (respectively), are both Christians? It's possible to be a Christian and create something genuinely good in the entertainment world that carries an uplifting message. Even more so, this year's The Tree of Life was probably one of the most artistic films I've ever seen, and it was packed full of Christian symbolism, as well as the Christian themes of the balance between grace and truth, among many others. All of this to say, I've been largely disappointed with the level of creativity in "Christian" movies over the years, and I think it's time we held ourselves to a creative standard that serves to reflect the One who created us, and not just pander to the tastes and preferences of the modern Church.

I couldn't agree with you more. We should be putting out works of the highest quality and depth and not just cater to the current tastes of church-going people.

This movie, to me, seemed to be aimed at a target demographic of middle-aged men --and I just couldn't identify with any of the characters.
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Postby Yuki-Anne » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:25 pm

What Corrie said x infinity. I can't remember the last time I saw a Christian film that captured both my heart and imagination, and left me thinking for hours afterward.

Wait, actually, Amazing Grace was that good. The rest, not so much.
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Postby Yamamaya » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:30 pm

My girlfriend loved this movie. I have not seen it so I can't judge.

However,it seems that this movie focuses on the struggles of a middle aged man to be a better dad.

It seems that TONS of Christian movies nowadays focus on this theme. I guess it's because in the evangelical American culture, having a family and being a good parent is considered the greatest height one can reach to.

I doubt this movie will really impress me, as I've learned that most "Christian" movies tend to be very underwhelming indeed.
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Postby hawkjones » Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:53 am

Without any doubt, It's fully carped movie for mine point of view & I think I've wasted money to watch this movie.....Low Budget movie....What do you think about this movie guys??

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