The Official Pony War Roleplay!

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The Official Pony War Roleplay!

Postby goldenspines » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:17 am

GM is Raider~joseph.

Have fun and play safe!
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Postby raider~joseph » Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:55 am

OOC:Ok the ponies and us together will not come into play until later.I will let you know when.Thank you.Also anyone can jump in at anytime because new characters are cool.We will rp as the ponies and the people seperatly until later.It won't be long.

2 years ago...

"I got what I needed mag...Del'Thuzed stop the runecrafting process!Mag I think thats enough black ingot.You see the blade works with the power of the old one by using the part that allowed for mind control.Because thats the only part used it does not have the demonic properties of its former blade.Hidden under the ruby is the power of this blade and with those protective runes this sword will be a light within the darkness....MADE from the darkness!Evil will be vanquished!I was thinking of calling this blade Omnibus.But I will nickname it....THE SWORD OF EVIL EVILNESS!"


"Ok...lets see Joseph...this is by far the stupidest thing we have ever done.MLP fans may be borgish but to verify that by sneaking into their base?"Said the Magnamite floating in the air vent."Is this safe?"He asked."You can fly first off and second we also need to bring back plans for Topaz.Their attack plans have got to be around here somewhere."The went on until the reached a vent.Joseph removed the top and Mag floated down and searched the room.He did find files of a shipment of some sort."Hey I found something!"He whispered up to his partner."Hurry up they may have found you already."Joseph whispered to his partner.

Meanwhile in ponyville...unaware of the dark plans of Topaz...

"Ok I am just know maybe that whole moustache thing was rejected too soon I mean I liked it and it was good looking and you know Rarity might go for it now that she has had time to mature...and you know..."Spike said putting books back on their shelves."Spike their is no way I am giving you a moustache again.I am just not gonna do it.You gotta learn to be yourself moustacheless and all."Said Twilight putting more books away."Ahh whatever...another dull day in ponyville...a moustache would brighten things up huh?"Pleaded Spike one last time."No Spike although I do agree with the boring part with no new books...hey wait...maybe I will try some new spells later.I got this spell book I have been meaning to try but it has some complex spells like the princess herself would have a hard time complex.If I could do one and send a report about it maybe she will come down and see!Oh this is a great idea!Spike when we are done go gather up everyone and bring them here I wanna see if I can pull off these master spells!"Said Twilight brightened by the realization of the princess coming to see her....

Around 20 minutes later Spike sent the word out to Twilight's friends...

"OOOH hey Twilight!I heard you need help with a magic thingy!What are we gonna do?Pull rabbits out of hats?Pull candy out of hats?Can we do something hat related I got a bunch of new funny hats I have been meaning to use!Wanna see?"Pinkie Pie said jumping up and down."Sure Pinkie what kind of hats are they?"Twilight asked."Be right back!"She dashed off to her house.
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby TopazRaven » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:59 pm

The great dark empress that is known as Topaz sat upon her throne in boredom, twirling her magical staff of doom around in a vain attempt to gain some form of entertainment. She had sent her minions out to gather information and supplies, but they had yet to return. Topaz had gotten to thinking about what she would do when things where finally ready. This was her first attempt at vanquishing after all. She wondered if she could truly go through with the merciless slaughter of hundreds upon thousands of innocent ponies.

She reminded herself of how much disdain she had for them and any sympathy she might have previously felt disappeared. "Those fools. There is no such thing as real friendship or true love even. Everyone is only out to fulfill their own selfish needs in the end. I don't care how much someone might claim how kind and good they are. It is all lies. Deceit! Yes, I've grown tired of being deceived..." Her pet polar bear Kornac watched her from where he was curled up on the floor. Sometimes he wondered why she was always so grumpy. The ponies couldn't be that bad could they!?

OOC: Sorry for the epic fail intro. Intro is fail. Also thanks Goldy. xD
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Postby raider~joseph » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:19 pm

OOC:Um...Topaz that was good...really good.Seriously I thought you said you were bad at this.
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby TopazRaven » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:23 pm

OOC: :red: Oh you....Thanks. xD:
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:46 am

ooc: I agree with Joseph, that was really good Topaz! You're a natural! :D

~Pony Town~
Rainbow Dash watched Pinkie Pie run off to get her hats. "Hope she's not gonna make me wear one." she muttered under her breath. Rarity heard the remark. "Well I hope at least they'll be fashionable." She replied. Apple Jack turned to Twilight. "What sorta magic spells are in there?" she asked in her Texas accent.

~Outside of Pony Town~
A portal suddenly materialized, and from the small swirling vortex, a girl and a black-with-blue-marks night fury dragon emerged. "Augh...that always makes me feel weird..." the girl said. She was in her favorite human form; With thick white hair that reached her ankles, and her bangs covering her right eye. The left one was a bright blue, and it seemed to glow slightly. "Where have we landed now?" asked the night fury. "Dunno... Come on, let's check it out..." she said, pointing toward the nearby town.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby raider~joseph » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:14 am

"I can't believe we did it so easily!"Said Mag to his partner."I figure the resistance has at least one guard on call!"Said Mag."Yup.Its a bit disapointing.Hold on a sec."Joseph shot a black energy beam at a boulder in their way destorying it."Thats better..."

Three hours later...

"And so my report verifies that the resistance is resuppling at cities all around CAA...that concludes my report.Also as I am a death knight I have in my command a Ghoul who I have trained into a skeletal lich.He claims the cosmos was ripped have any idea what that means?I think it means dimentional portal but it could be anything."

In Ponyville...

"I am back!Ok this hat with the tubes is a fireworks hat!"She showed them as a ton of fireworks blew out of it."This one is a stand up hat!"She put on a hat with a speaker that started quoting jerry manefield."Whats the deal with train restrooms?They have a slot for used horseshoes?Who is gonna change horseshoes on a train?"(Diehard jerry seinfield fans will get this joke.)"And this is my favorite hat of all...the DISCO HAT!"She put on a hat with a disco ball on it that started play disco and spinning with bright lights coming out of it."Thats really cool Pinkie with those you could bring the party anywhere you wanted.And applejack these spells have to do there is a word in here I am not sure about...even I don't know what it means.Spatial.What do you suppose that means?"Spike came down with a dictionary."Spatial means to have to do with space.Huh thats cool."He said closing the book."Oh like stars!Wait maybe this spell lets us control the stars!If I bring a star to ponyville Princess Celstia will have to come!No one has done THAT before!Ok girls I need your help!"
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:52 pm

The night fury glanced back the way they had come. "Did you mean to leave the portal open?" she asked. The girl looked back quickly. The portal was still open. "What the?? Why is it still open??" she asked. Quickly she drew out a necklace with an iridescent purple stone in it. She started to fiddle with it. "C'mon...close!" she muttered. Suddenly both girl and dragon were sucked back into the portal, and the portal still remained open.

"You have an....interesting taste in hats Pinkie Pie." said Rarity slowly. In truth she didn't like them, but she tried to be tactful for the pink pony's sake. When Twilight mentioned controlling stars, Rarity went all starry eyed herself. "Stars?? That would be delightful! Maybe I could get some star dust to sprinkle on some of my dresses. They'll look so divine!" She said excitedly. Rainbow Dash also perked up. "That would be so awsome! I could like make up a new aerial move called Starburst!" she said. "Spatial? That sounds like an eye problem..." commented Apple Jack. "Anyways, that sounds real spectacular! Let's hop to it!" Suddenly a random rabbit hopped past them. "....Oook. Not exacly what I meant." said Apple Jack, raising an eyebrow. "Awkward..." mumbled Rainbow Dash.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby raider~joseph » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:59 pm

"Ok Applejack I need you to make this symbol with paint!Rainbow Dash go find me some...distilled water?I dunno why a spell would need distilled water but it says to go get some anyway...Rarity I need a...oh don't even know what this is?Have you ever heard of a Black Diamond?Can Diamonds be black?It must be true or it wouldn't be in the book...Pinkie Pie help Rairty bring the gem here."

OOC:Fire and me are gonna alternate...
Fluttershy walked in with a pack and saw everyone talking."Hey guys have you seen Angel?That naughty bunny wouldn't take his medicine and I saw him hopping this way.He has a cold."Spike brought him out."He was trying to get into my secret hole in the wall.Here you go."He put him down."Secret hole in the wall?"Asked Twilight inquistivly?"What secret hole in the wall?"Spike changed the subject."Um twilight is there anything me and Fluttershy can do?"Yes....I need basilisk's blood."Fluttershy squealed and hid behind Applejack."I..c...can't thats the one animal my stare WON'T work on..." "Relax Fluttershy you and Spike are gonna go to Zecora's to get some...she has some if I recall.No fighting basilisks."She assured her."Which is good Fluttershy isn't much of a fighter."Said Spike.Twilight shot him a look."Ok ok...come on Fluttershy...lets get going."Said Spike."Come on Fluttershy." "Right lets all meet back here when we got the ingredients and keep it a secret we don't want to ruin the surprise!"
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:23 pm

The girl and Night Fury emerged back at the field were they originally were. "It just had to pick today to not work, didn't it?" grumbled the girl. She took off the necklace and examined it. She couldn't figure out what was wrong. "Guess we have to go back to the guy we got that from..." observed the dragon. The girl nodded, and they went off at a fast pace back to the bazaar they had left a while ago.


"Aye aye!" said Rainbow Dash, and zoomed off. Apple Jack looked at the picture. "That looks easy enough! Let me get my paints!" she said, and trotted quickly back to her house. "Black diamond? Of course those kinds of diamonds exist! I believe I do have at least one or two back at my house. I'll go and check!"
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.
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Postby firestorm » Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:59 am

Firestorm's brutish form hardly hid behind the cafe table in his pub, the Unicorn's horn, In a out of the way bazaar Nu Blanc. The seat at the corner booth was quite the tight fit, as both of his rump sides took up the whole booth. Sitting quite similar to how an adult would playing a toy piano, he grabbed his VenteVente White chocolate mocha Frapocapochino his thumb and index finger, attempting not to crush the frail cup between his fingers. After finishing his double V frapocapochino, he stuck his hand in his messenger bag and pulled a fist full of something and released them upon the table. Releasing his grip revealed a number of electronics settled on the table, including a small acer laptop, a number small usbs, an external hard drive and a wireless card. He set his glasses straight and straigtened his tie. then brushed his white polo, which seemed ripe to shreds any second, as if he was trying to make himself look more professional then he already was. His Already So-tight-their-form-fitting khaki's felt even more uncomfortable as he got ready for what he was about to do.

He opened his tiny laptop and booted it up. he then hooked up his external hard drive to one of the usb ports and his wireless card in place. Finally, he attempted to grab a silver usb but for several tries he was as unsuccessful as one trying to pick up a penny on the floor. Trying to pick it up for the third time he stopped when a small hand presented the usb to him.

A small young waitress presented the usb to him happily, her emerald green eyes beaming with kindness. Comforted at her kindness Firestorm plucked the usb from her thin hands and smiled gently back at her. "Thank you, milady...." he bends slightly to read her name tag " ..Chasity. Thank you very much." He said humbly as he bows his head slightly to her.

She smiles ever slightly more " Oh my pleasure sir!" she reaches into her checkered white and green appron to pull out her pen and order pad. "Is there anything else you'd like?" She fidgetted slightly, a momentary loss of balance from the odd posture in which she stood upon her forest green skates. "Oh!" she slighly blurted, and rushed unassumingly to reach behind her and make sure her long brown hair was okay. It embarassed her a bit, but it was such a slight flop she was sure no body saw it.

Firestorm saw all of it but was gente enough to not speak about it.

"No, I'm quite alright." He responded smiling "However, I would like another double vente though."

"Sure thing!" she reached for the Large cup with both hands. "Let me just get... this.. uuurggh!!"

Firestorm pushes it slightly toward her. "I also thank you for keeping me company this whole time."

"Oh it's no problem. Your our best customer!" she exclaims. She wraps her arms around the cup to grip it. It's height blocks her view so looking to the side she carefully skated back to the kitchen. "Excuse me coming throoough... thank you.. oh excuse me.. oh pardon me... excuse me..."

Firestorm put his arm on the booth and looked back smiling until she disappeared into the kitchen. He shakes his head and chuckles slightly as turns back to the computer.

As sweet as some of these people are in this world. I still ache to get back to the gamescapes. Firestorm thought to himself Finding a well paying job is the only way for me to get the funds to build a new dimension chain. It's they only way I can open portals back to Equestria. Rj and The Empress might be on the offensive for all I know! I must get back. Until then though.. I assume I can be happy in helping this group in developing their own gamescape.

A videochat popped up on Firestorm's computer of several men in a board room.

"Hello gentlemen! Thank you for hiring me to work on League of Legends with you. In your email you asked me to show you some of what I can bring to the table and I think I have some things to knock your socks off!

One hour later.

"Thank you gentleman. I know it'll be wonderful doing business with you. Thank you."

Firestorm felt like the king of his castle. Like he pitched the pitch of his life. In his mind, he just lead the game into a whole new undiscovered vault of untapped gamplay. In his victory he sat back and started to think to himself as he drew on a napkin.

I wonder what happened to that young girl I sold my old dimension chain too? I believe I did tell her it was a bit faulty.. Hmm.. He thought.

Firestorm then almost jolted back up in shock as he saw Dia and her night fury passing by the restaurant.

She's probably heading to my shop to return the dimension chain! He exclaimed in his mind She won't be too happy if she gets there before I do!

Firestorm rushed to throw everything in his bag, stuck his left hand at the side of the table and with his other hand brushed the rest of the small usbs into his left hand. Tossing the usbs in his bag, he sucked in his gut and wiggled his way out of the booth. Leaving his payment and a hefty tip for Chasity he attempted to rush out the door.

"Wait!" Chasity exclaimed.

Her voice was the only thing stopping him from rushing to his shop.

"You forgot your Double Vente." she remarked.

Firestorm turned back to her. " Oh, thank you milady." he grabbed the cup from her gently. "I wish I can talk more, but I must go. Arivadirche! Good bye!" he said, as he bent down and bent his knees to fit through the doors.

Chasity stood there for a moment. "Huh... Where could he be runing off to?" She began to clean the table when she noticed the drawing on the napkin. A small rose. A long with it a short sentence that made Chasity smirk.

It read: "You are gentle and a lady. I hope to one day talk more with you... In another time... and another place.

OOC: Sorry for the long post XD I thought this would be an interesting way to introduce Firestorm rather than. "Serious guy, at a serious place, kills serious people with serious...then hugs a pony." XD I hope you guys liked it. :D
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I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby raider~joseph » Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:01 am

" I can't believe Zecora had random basillisk blood just lying around I mean where did she get it?If they things looks in your eyes you die instantainously!"Said spike."I wonder what that spell does...did it say?"Said Fluttershy."Yeah something about a spatial rift."Said Spike."Spatial rift.Twilight does know that means another dimention right?"Spike looked at her in surprise."Whats a dimention?"Spike asked innocently."A plane of existance.We live in this dimention but people in another dimention don't live like we do they could people or....carrot monsters.Either way its very dangerous...I met people from another dimention they were very nice.One of them was really nice to me and he was like a superhero and the other was this guy with this huge sword who casted all sorts of magic.Anyway they were both nice but a little odd.They kept talking about if the empress found out about this or something then the guy with the sword got mad and told him to find a better way to come here or Topaz or something would find out.Then he promised him he wouldn't be the guy who snitched...then he gave me something as a present for keeping this a secret.Its at my house.Then the superhero guy left...I was so sad to see him go...I miss him."Spike just stared at her for a sec."What did the sword guy give you?"Spike asked."A silver shield he doesn't use anymore."Spike stared at her for a sec then broke out laughing."AHAHAAAA!DO YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT?AHAHAHAAAAHAH!"Fluttershy sighed."'Its okay no believes me anyway.I just hope Twilight does the spell right so we can go visit them."
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:11 am

Dia heard someone walk out from the restaurant she and the night fury past, but she didn't bother to turn around. She was in too big of a hurry to get the necklace fixed or replaced.


Soon Apple Jack came back with some paints, and soon set to work. A minute later Rainbow Dash zoomed back, and almost passed everyone in her hurry. "I got the water! freshest water around!" she said proudly. Meanwhile Rarity was searching through her materials for the black diamond. "I know I had it!" she said.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby raider~joseph » Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:35 am

"We got the basilisk's blood!"Said Spike."Great ok now i pour it into the water...hey cool its thicker then the water!Then I put the diamond in when the symbol is finished.And say this magic chant of some sort."Said Twilight."Hey Twilight I think this spell could be dangerous you don't know what could happen."Said Fluttershy."Don't worry Fluttershy no matter what happens I know we can get through it together!"Said Twilight brimming with confidence."Oh...ok.Lets do this!"
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby TopazRaven » Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:03 pm

"All around CAA you say? How typical of them. We should attempt to prevent any further resupplying in as many cities as we can if possible. Kornac! Go and speak to the rest of your magical polar bear brethren. See if there is something they can do about this!" The large white bear blinked and then stood up before running off to who knows where to find the other polar bears of CAA. "The cosmos have been ripped open? Yes, that does indeed sound like a portal. Someone has been messing with realm travailing I see."
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Postby raider~joseph » Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:23 pm

"Its probably nothing but I better check it out anyway the last thing we need is cthulhu ruining everything before we can ruin everything."Joseph did a bow then left."Im gonna murder you Fire..."He thought to himself.
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:30 pm

Soon Rarity came back with the black diamond. "I found one! It was sitting by itself in my jewelry box!" she said. "And I'm finished painting!" said Apple Jack. "This is gonna be so COOL!" said Rainbow Dash.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby raider~joseph » Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:39 pm

"Ok I put the diamond in the bucket and...chant the magic words.Only hardcore spells have chants.ANDOMANA SPAITETAL OEPINAS!"Nothing happens...but suddenly a cloud of black energy comes out with a clipboard and a pen."Sign here." "What...the?Who are YOU?" "Mam I represent the immortals.Sign here."Twilight moved the pen and signed the papers."Ok good now that the liabillity form is signed..."Twilight interjected."LIABILLITY!?THAT WAS A LIABILLITY FORM?!" "Yes the immortals don't wanna get sued if you die.Enjoy your spell." A rift opens in the air."Die...?Did anyone else hear die?"Said Twilight before a powerful vaccum sucked them all into the rift.They got seperated(Ok applejack,rainbow dash,and rarity go with you Dia.The rest with me.)and blacked out.
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:04 pm

Suddenly the night fury stopped, and stood with an air of alarm. Dia also stopped and looked at her. "What's wrong Aoi?" she asked. "Something...doesn't feel right..." replied Aoi warily. Suddenly what looked like a rip opened up in front of them, and Rarity, Apple Jack, and Rainbow Dash hit both Dia and Aoi with such a strong force that they were knocked down. Dia recovered from the blow in a minute, and sat up. "Wh-what was that?" she asked. Aoi didn't answer, for she was still a little stunned. Dia looked at the three unconscious ponies in front of her. They were pretty small. If they had been standing up, they would have only come up to her knees. (And Dia is kind of tall) "...Ponies?" asked Aoi, who had finally recovered. "...That one," said Dia, pointing to Apple Jack "is a pony. The other two look like a pegasus and unicorn. But how did they get here?" she asked. Slowly she reached out and touched Rainbow Dash. Her coat felt like velvet, and Dia could feel her torso gently rising and falling. She touched the other two. They felt the same. "They're still alive..." she said. "Come on, let's get them back to the inn." She picked up Rarity in one arm, and Rainbow Dash in the other. Aoi gently picked up Apple Jack, and hey started back for the inn they were currently staying in.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.
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Postby firestorm » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:07 pm

Diamond Dragon (post: 1506624) wrote:Dia heard someone walk out from the restaurant she and the night fury past, but she didn't bother to turn around. She was in too big of a hurry to get the necklace fixed or replaced.

Firestorm ducked under light poles and waded through seas of people to try and sneak around dia to get to the shop before she does. but his mass made it difficult to sneak around the small girl without being seen.

"I have no time for this." firestorm shimmied down the next alley and then powerwalked down the next. Successfully passing Dia. He snuck into the shop called "Firestorm's Shoppe of Exotic Items and Antiquites."within a nearby inn.

The shoppe was definately one to behold. Powerstars hung above the store, sparkling temptingly for any wish to grab and activate their power. Firestorm ran past Gardening section which housed strange flora, amoung which were fireflowers, bomb flowers, and 5" flowers which under it is inscribed. " when ever you have a bug problem pull the pellet from this flower and and bury it. Behold the power of the plant men as they rid your garden of those foul beasts!"

Firestorm quickly hid behind the store counter. Filled with things like a Robotic hand from the future of a self dooming dimension, and manequin hand which wears a glove from the fabled hero of time. and other things.

Firestorm ducked behind the desk as he saw Dia getting closer.

fire panicked for a moment not knowing how to change out of his clothes. But he didn't have time.

"Forsake this!" he exclaimed. Firestorm flexed every muscle in a millisecond.

Shreds of clothing flew everywhere.

Firestorm jumped back up behind the store with his usual armored garb he wore underneath his clothing.

He sighed a sigh of relief as he was finally ready to tend to his upset customer.


Fluttershy slowly stepped back as her friend opened the dimensional rift. "I...I... I don't like this..I don't wanna go anymore!"

The large rift plucked ponies from their dimension with such variety that items from houses and homes were sucked in as well. Fluttershy clawed at the ground as she sucked from pony town... "No!" The vortex finally claimed them and she tumbled and tossed along the spatial tunnel. The tunnel curved as it's sides swirled with purple and black images of universes.

Her friends were far ahead of her. "Guys don't leave me!" they keep tumbling faster then here and as the images on the tunnel sides slowly morphed into one universe a familiar blue planet came into view, then finally.. the tunnel forked.

Flutter shy bumped into the side of the wall then into the tunnel opposite the rest. "Guys! NOOO!!!"

A portal opened in a darkwood.

Fluttershy was launched and rolled roughly on the ground. several items spewed forth from the portal before closing.

She got up and looked about nervously. The trees creaked and woahed as the winds blew, spindly branch shaking creepily. A chill went up Fluttershy's neck. Night consumed the sky.


no sound responded.

"Any one here..."

Not a word.

Flutter shy began to whimper "I'm..alone.. alone.." fluttershy noticed her silver shield resting at an angle against a large boulder. she crawled under it as rain began to sprinkle.

The sound of rain muted the sound of her crying.
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby raider~joseph » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:34 pm

Joseph kicked open the door to Fire's shop mag right behind him."Oh hey you doing?Good good?Ok thats cool hey remember when you opened the portal to the pony dimention well guess what?You did it again!OH big surprise and guess what?You must have left the portal open because on my way here I FOUND THESE FOUR PASSED OUT ON THE ROAD!"He casted teleport and suddenly three very well known ponies and spike appeared in his shop."Lets talk...I know were are frenemies but dude...when I say Topaz will find out topaz is gonna find out...ugh...I gotta figure out a good story if it werent for the fact I warned topaz and said I would take care of it she would be all over these poor girls...and spike.Where is the portal we gotta get them home!Along with find the other three ponies."
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:41 pm

Suddenly Aoi stopped again. "What about the necklace?" she asked. "Oh that's right..." said Dia. Quickly she gave Aoi Rarity and Rainbow Dash to hold. "Be right back." she said. She dashed off back to the shop. He saw the shop owner behind his desk. Dia took out the chain and tossed it at him. "It's stuck, I can't get it to close, sorry I gotta go..." she quickly said to him, then she dashed back and took back the two ponies from Aoi. "Woah, that was fast..." said Aoi. "You didn't let him pay you the money did you?" "No, I didn't, but it doesn't matter. I have lots more where it came from..." said Dia, and again they went off to the Inn.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby firestorm » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:44 pm

Raider! My friend! how art thou?" Firestorm announced with glee

Fire listened to raiders dilemma

"My friend, I haven't been able to open a portal for quite a while. Infact I don't even have the means to make my own dimension chain again." Firestorm responded. then went into thought for a moment. "However... that young girl with a dragon that just left returned to me an old one as it's Dimension mechanism was broken beyond repair. I saw her just a while ago.

Firestorm looked amoung the group of ponies... "Hey, where's fluttershy?"
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby raider~joseph » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:49 pm

"I thought she was just two three...there is only three pinkie pie,spike, and twilight.Oh god we gotta find...!"He was sucker punched by a awaken Twilight sparkle who then telekinetically threw Fire into the wall."What did you do with my FRIENDS?!"She screamed at them."Its okay...have merc...SLEEP!"He casted a sleeping spell."Ok...we gotta restrain her."
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

"I can has roleplaying!"
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Postby firestorm » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:50 pm

firestorm (post: 1506750) wrote:Fluttershy slowly stepped back as her friend opened the dimensional rift. "I...I... I don't like this..I don't wanna go anymore!"

The large rift plucked ponies from their dimension with such variety that items from houses and homes were sucked in as well. Fluttershy clawed at the ground as she sucked from pony town... "No!" The vortex finally claimed them and she tumbled and tossed along the spatial tunnel. The tunnel curved as it's sides swirled with purple and black images of universes.

Her friends were far ahead of her. "Guys don't leave me!" they keep tumbling faster then here and as the images on the tunnel sides slowly morphed into one universe a familiar blue planet came into view, then finally.. the tunnel forked.

Flutter shy bumped into the side of the wall then into the tunnel opposite the rest. "Guys! NOOO!!!"

A portal opened in a darkwood.

Fluttershy was launched and rolled roughly on the ground. several items spewed forth from the portal before closing.

She got up and looked about nervously. The trees creaked and woahed as the winds blew, spindly branch shaking creepily. A chill went up Fluttershy's neck. Night consumed the sky.


no sound responded.

"Any one here..."

Not a word.

Flutter shy began to whimper "I'm..alone.. alone.." fluttershy noticed her silver shield resting at an angle against a large boulder. she crawled under it as rain began to sprinkle.

The sound of rain muted the sound of her crying.

Raider look back at my long post I posted this about her there.. -_-
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby raider~joseph » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:55 pm

OOC:Sorry.Post now.
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:58 pm

Soon Dia and Aoi were back in the inn, and the three ponies were laying on the queen sized bed Dia slept in. The room was one of the inn's better rooms, with soft carpet and a comfortable rug that Aoi preferred to sleep in. Dia stood near the edge of the bed looking at the ponies all laid out on it. "What on earth happened to them?" she asked out loud. Aoi shrugged as much as a dragon could shrug. "Beats me." she said. Dia reached out and gently stroked Rarity's withers. "Poor things..." she murmured.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.
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Postby TopazRaven » Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:02 pm

Topaz narrowed her eyes as she watched Raider go. "Yes, I'm sure you will take care of things," she growled under her breath. "In case you don't, I think I'll follow you and see what you've been up to as of lately." She stood from her throne and walked into another room, releasing her staff so it disappeared into a whirl of black smoke and vanished from sight until it would be called upon again. She grabbed her sword off the stone wall of the weapon's chamber and attached the sheath to her belt, removing her crown and letting down her hair. She then unlatched her cape, folding it up and putting it away for the time being.

She wanted to appear more as a normal woman when she walked the street. Can't have anyone suspecting she was a dark empress now could she? After changing her clothes to something more appropriate she put on a long hooded cloak that was common among peasant women of this world, it would help hide both her face and the sword well if she wished it. She pulled on a pair of walking boots and then set out. Catching up to Raider wouldn't be hard. She had a bit of a strange ability in that she knew exactly how to keep track of her minions.

She soon caught up to him, but kept far away, barley keeping him in sight. She followed him into the bazaar, passed a girl and her dragon and then saw him go into some strange store. Firestorm's Shoppe of Exotic Items and Antiquites. 'Firestorm? That name sounds familiar from somewhere...' She thought to herself broodingly as she stared into the shop warily through the window. She couldn't believe what she saw! Raider in there with some other rather large man and ponies!
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Postby firestorm » Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:16 pm

Firestorm: O.O *slides down wall legs twitching*

Firestorm got up and dusted himself off. He smiled largely "That one has gotten stronger since the last time i visited that dimension."

Firestorm noticed the other ponies and spike sleeping quietly. Then noticed a strange woman at the shop window. His senses didn't agree with her presence. He squinted his eyes to focus better. Firestorm waved to Raider.

"Come to the back. There is a bed of pheonix down they can rest on."

Firestorm pick up two of them from where they lie and signaled Raider to pick up Twilight.

They came upon a large room with far more oddities then the store itself. He layed the pony and spike upon bed.

"Like I said my friend. This might have been your culprit." he tossed him the dimension chain that Dia gave back to him. "That woman with the dragon that just left had bought this from me. She bought a few from me. Though I've told her they were faulty, all broken beyond repair. She was quick to leave then as she just was right now. She might have not been paying attention." Firestorm informed his old friend. "I'm still wondering... Their truly broken, and if what you say is true, then what kind of wonderful gift does she have to use these?" Firestorm pondered "... I thought she reminded me Her.. maybe in more ways then one? This dimension of her is a bit more gung-ho though."

OOC: By the way the shoppe is basically a shop of items that I've collected from my travels through various games. So if you would like to use an item from a specific game, feel free too... Just remember to put the cash in the cash register. :D
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:25 pm

Suddenly Rainbow Dash's eyes snapped open. Quickly sitting up she looked wildly around the room until she saw Dia and Aoi. "AAAAH!" she shouted. Quickly she leaped up. "WHO ARE YOU GUYS?!? WHAT ARE YOU GUYS?!?" she shouted. Dia reached out and covered Rainbow Dash's mouth. "Shush! We can't have in Innkeeper coming in here! I had to sneak you and your friends in here! Just calm down!" she said. Rainbow Dash wasn't about to quiet down without a fight, and she and Dia started tussling.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.
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