Altitude: Islands in the Sky

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Postby Mister » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:53 pm

Serigi Foxhound walked slowly down the stairs that led to the upper floor, he could see Truce and his partner standing in the foyer. "Come on in!" Serigi called in a friendly tone, "There is no danger here, please join me in my study!" Once they had followed him in he sat them down in two plush chairs and took his own seat behind a large oak desk.

Serigi pulled out a cigar and asked, "mind if i light up?" Not waitign for a reply he lit the cigar and puffed a few times. After a long draw on it he placed in gingerly into the ash tray and addressed them. "Captain Truce. It has come to my attention that you landed here on Ikura after having some.... difficulties? On Bristol, am i correct? Anyhow, i am in need of a transport for some special cargo i supply to various places. So i am prepared to offer you a sum of one hundred thousand drachmae. to outfit your plane, crew, and to transport my cargo to my specified location."

Serigi paused to let it sink in and puffed on his cigar, his eyes twinkled slightly. It was a trait most businessmen obtained, marking their zeal to make a deal. Again he placed the cigar down and asked, "Well? What do you say my friend?"


Juliana shuddered suddenly and fell silent and still, her eyes blank, her mouth open. After a moment she began to whisper, "What is murder? is it bad? is Julie bad girl?" these phrases repeated over and over.

I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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Postby acgifford » Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:25 pm


Vaughn cranked the crank on the side of the land line's box and put his ear to the receiver. "5th Elm Street, MI Block Seventeen, name is Hot Soup."
said Vaughn loud and clear.

There was a pause as someone spoke on the other side of the line and he was reconnected. Adele could hear the faint sound of another voice on the other side of the line.

"Hello Hot Soup, I'd love to say your name, but others are listening in. I need to you to meet me somewhere, I need information on someone." said Vaughn in reply to the man on the other side. There was silence for a moment. Adele assumed the man wasn't pleased.

Vaughn proceeded to give the man the info and hung up and turned to Adele.

"Now, we wait." he said.

Adele sighed and turned her back to him. She then started to pace. "How long?" she asked.

OOC: Here goes! David has given me permission to play Maiz. Hope I can play him as well as Darth.:)


"I know she's unstable. I know she's crazy. I know that if we let her stay, she's just going to tear us into ribbons and we'll be a ghost crew with a ghost story and someone will buy the ship know what? Fine, you can deal with the crazy girl! I'll be standing over here, watching you two..." ranted Raven furiously and skulked off to the corner drawing her sword.

Ulairez let out a sigh and looked back at the over paranoid Raven who was fingering her sword now and looking at them suspiciously. He merely shrugged and turned to the sobbing girl. Oh what Ulairez.... he thought. she is crying...what do you usualy do with crying girls?...comfort them...riiiiight. He looked at girl feeling awkward. "Hey now....there...there." Ulairez pat her head looking like an idiot. "Don't cry...the mean lady is gone now." he said throwing a wary glance in her direction and sitting down beside the girl. " me...Who is papa price?" he said trying to sound like he cared for the girl. He did. To some extent. But this was just awkward.
[color="Lime"]"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda[/color]
[color="DarkOrange"]Psalm32: 1 Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.[/color]
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[color="Yellow"]"Dare to read, think, speak and write." John Adams[/color]
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Postby Nami » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:01 am

OOC: Happy to oblige Samu-chan! :D Well I have been known to mind read! :3

IC: Rellia considered Gavin a moment and nodded, "plenty of work for a guy like you to do." She grinned, then shrugged. "I a metal-worker. The chore I want is to fix up this beautiful plane." she reached out and patted the Tiamat. "She's a real looker and could use some improvements."
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Postby Mister » Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:04 pm

Juliana opened her eyes and looked up at the man who now sat next to her. She sat up slowly and skooted next to him, tiny compaired to his size. "Papa, Price," she began slowly, fearfully. " Told Juli, that long time ago, Juli was trapped in a fire. and that Papa Price rescued her!" She smiled sincerely and gleamingly, "Papa Price is my hero! He saved Juli's life!"

I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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Postby AtmosBreak » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:36 pm

Juan cocked his head to the side, confused. If it wasn't him then who? Juan
Was sure it was all him, what exactly had happened the whole time he was out of it. Juan had to admit however, when he heard that he rejoice like he never had inside. He let out a breath and gave a half smile, the best he could muster up in his current state as Isabella patted his shoulder. It felt nice to him like that, just being in her presence just lifted him up. His crush on her just grew that moment as his face started to regain signs of life.

Clearing his throat, he asked, "what exactly has happened?" Curiosity just took the better of him as much as he was relieved that it wasn't his fault. Yet before he could get an answer, Felix, the pilot, spoke up and asked him a question. Sighing, he nodded, it was most likely true after all. "I... I think so, I can't remember much of last night anymore, or earlier today, or two days or was it more? Exactly how long have we been here? How long was I im this room? Ay no sé, porque, I don't know. However I am in quite a mess, like the captain and most likely the rest of the Tiamat. I don't know the full story of what your captain did but I made the mistake of trusting a man I should have never of trusted, I've... I've... I've paid enough for my mistakes."

Juan unconsciously began to rub his burn mark on his neck with his right hand, revealing another burn scar on his body, the things that'll always stay with him, the memories that will never leave him. The haunting of the screams of children being burnt alive before his eyes, the death of so many innocent children and he, Juan, unable to do anything, unable to complete his promise of being their protector, their guardian angel. Only one of the two children he could save was still alive, far away from where Price coukd reach her. His thoughts turned to her for a moment. Hewanted to see her again, see how she was doing, yet, whilst the monster was still about, no way is he ever going near her, for her own safety.
"'You are the light of this world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.'

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Light Club"
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Postby Mister » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:56 pm

Price sat silently, and alone in the small hotel room. He'd bought the whole floor of the hotel and stationed his men several rooms away. All was dark within the room in spite of it being day outside. If anyone were inside the room with Price, they'd never seen the large tears rolling down his face.

His eyes were wide open, his hands trembling. Even in the darkness and quiet he could still feel the Fire's heat, still feel the clutching hands of the children. He was amidst the fire, clinging to three small children, as the entry way to the left wing bedrooms collapsed. Price heard their cries for his help even now.

Price's breath became large gasps and he remebered the choking and burning as smoke filled his lunges. He had come that day to speak with Juan about his debt, and how Price was going to drop it. But as Price drew near he smelled the smoke, and saw the flames. Without a word he and his men had raced intot he fire and carried out as many as they could. But the three price carried out after the left wing was cut off were the last.

Price could remember the names and faces of all twenty seven children that'd died in that burning left wing. Felt the heartache once again of their loss, felt their fear as Papa Price walked away into the fire, holding their friends in his arms. It tormented him to think of how they must've felt abandoned by him, and must've hated him as they died.

But Price also remembered the seventeen little ones he'd rescued from the fire. He spoke with them often, and Made sure they had everything they needed.

Sitting there in the darkness, Price wept, bitterly. Unknown to Price, his men stood with bowed heads outside his room, feeling his pain. They had been with him, along with two others that died in the fire, when he raced into the flames to rescue the children. They followed Price out of Love and Admiration. They'd been lowly assasins and thugs at the time, but Price's passion, and determination had driven them to become better, so that they could one day see Juan reunited with the children.

I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:04 pm

Felix was silent for a moment, mentally going through Juan's story. "I guess Truce has the opposite problem, he's usually the one being trusted as he runs off with the money. But he only does that to people who actually have money, and since us crew people don't, you're in good hands. Now f'r how long you've been out, gosh, it must've just been just that night," he said, rubbing his temples and eyes. "I don't remember much myself, but I at least remember flying in sunrise this morning."

"Haven't heard anything about what the captain wants to do with ya, I mean, from what I hear, you went out cold before he could talk to you, and now he's running around town trying to get us a load or two, sounds like."


And indeed, that was what he was doing. One hundred thousand drachmae... Truce thought, trying to read Serigi's quiet smirk, obscured behind the cigar slowly burning away in his hand. He flipped through Monty's sheaf of papers to the part where he'd get paid - Serigi was giving him over twice Monty's price. He swallowed, trying hard not to fidget with excitement. Instead, as surreptitiously as he could, he gave Jackie a nudge under the table with his foot. Maybe that'd keep her awake and alert if things changed in the next couple minutes.

"That really depends on where we're going with your load, any associated hazard fees, fuel surcharges, possible bribes for customs officials depending on the cargo..." He paused for a bit, letting it sink in before he went for the killing blow. "One hundred thousand would be a great starting point, but if we're going somewhere more dangerous, I'm taking quite a risk with my crew and property.To be honest, at this point, I am afraid your current rate might not reflect that completely."


Raven scoffed. That crazed gunman, saving someone's life? It didn't seem possible. Of course, people had said the same thing about her and Truce, but at least Big Bro wasn't busting through windows and shooting everyone around him.

Suddenly, she had a horrible thought: What if Truce had done the same to her? She barely remembered anything from before, except how to fight with her swords, and of course, Truce was using that to his own advantage. She treated him like some sort of family, like he was so smart or something. And even though she hadn't really killed anyone yet, the possibility was still there in the future... She was at some low point, and Truce had brought her back from the brink, but why?

Struck by all this, she quietly slipped away and down the cargo ramp. A few people from the crew were standing around, talking with different people, ones she hadn't seen before. There was a shady spot beneath one of the Tiamat's wheels; she sat down there, her epiphany still spiraling through her head.
We are loved even though we suck.

Psalms 37:37 (NHEB)
Mark the perfect man, and see the upright, for there is a future for the man of peace.
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Postby acgifford » Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:35 am

Mister (post: 1499062) wrote:Juliana opened her eyes and looked up at the man who now sat next to her. She sat up slowly and skooted next to him, tiny compaired to his size. "Papa, Price," she began slowly, fearfully. " Told Juli, that long time ago, Juli was trapped in a fire. and that Papa Price rescued her!" She smiled sincerely and gleamingly, "Papa Price is my hero! He saved Juli's life!"


Ulairez watched as the tiny girl scooted closer to him and looked up at him with her tearful brown eyes. Oh great...little miss assassin is getting friendly... he thought as he shuddered slightly.

"Papa Price" Juli began sounding hesitant, "Told Juli, that long time ago, Juli was trapped in a fire and that Papa Price rescued her! Papa Price is my hero! He saved Juli's life!" She grinned at the last part.

Ulairez shivered. This girl really was messed up! What kind of monster was this "Papa Price?" He wondered if there really ever was a fire in the first place. Ulairez looked into her eyes, wondering if she really believed what she was saying. There was no doubt about it. Juli believed every word.

"I see." He said finally as he looked up only to find that Raven had gone. Ulairez honestly wondered what to do. I mean...I only just got onto this plane...what do they expect me to do? I'm a passenger! Not a baby sitter! He made a face and hefted himself up to his feet. Turning to the girl he said, "Stay here. I'm gonna, go find the mean lady."

Scoffing at himself he left the little girl in the cargo bay. Ulairez figured the girl would stay put. At least he hoped. Rolling his eyes he tromped down the ramp. "Er...Raven? Little Miss Assassin talked. She is as crazy as I thought." He stopped at the bottom of the ramp and looked the group chattering not to far off and took notice of the Captain's second and some guy standing further off. No Raven... he thought. "Bah..." said Ulairez quietly in annoyance. It looked like he had better guard Little Miss Assassin himself if he wanted to be sure he wouldn't have an unpleasant surprise when he turned his back. With a sigh he returned to the cargo bay and plopped down on a crate near the girl.

"Looks like it's just you and me." said Ulairez as he adjusted his weathered jacket.
[color="Lime"]"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda[/color]
[color="DarkOrange"]Psalm32: 1 Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.[/color]
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[color="Yellow"]"Dare to read, think, speak and write." John Adams[/color]
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Postby Mister » Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:39 pm

Hot Soup, Han Zu, shuffled from the car to the hangar and then right up to Vaughn. He was a shrivled, old, Chinese man seemingly too old to get around on his own. But Han Zu was still strong in his old age, still sharp in mind and body. He wasted no time in bowing to both Vaughn and Adele, never giving Adele a second glance.

"Marcus Price, President, CEO, and Cheif Shareholder for 'Price Inc.' " Han Zu spoke low and quickly, "Company formed ten years ago, after an incident with a local Crime Lord in his home town. Aparently Price overthrew the whole gang under the Crime Lord and took over his whole organization."

Vaughn nodded and said, "ok, that doesn't sound so bad, i mean there's been hundreds of Crime Lords overthrown by new punks."
Han Zu rolled his eyes and coughed, his face showing annoyance. "Let me finish Fool! It's not what he did! Its how long it took him!" Han Zu paused to catch his breath and then continued. "Price overthrew the Crime Lord's whole Organization in three days!"

Vaughn raised and eyebrow and whispered, "So, he's that good eh?"
Han Zu nodded and said, "it doesn't end there. in just eight months he amassed a fortune large enough to create a cargo trafficing Company, alongside a Military arms dealership! The weapons we saw in the Capital Rebellion, were stolen from HIS shipments! The very weapons you used in those fights were from HIS founderies!"

Vaughn swore under his breath and asked, "Do you have any dirt on him?"
Han Zu laughed and replied,"I wish Vaughn, but his entire history after the creation of his industries, Under the Price Inc. standard of course, is blank."
Vaughn chuckled and commented, "so, he's got the diplomatic hold to cover anything.... Unwanted from surfacing. Very clever, very clever indeed."

Han Zu coughed again and handed Vaughn a stack of papers, "These are the records of his most recent shipments and deals." he began, "Going as far back as last january, and a few days ago."
Vaughn laughed and said, "Hot Soup you never cease to amaze me!"
Han Zu shook his head and turned around, beginning to shuffle out of the Hangar.


Serigi chuckled slightly, and said, "Do not worry Captain Truce, I assure you the Cargo is legal, and will pass customs with the need of bribes." He withdrew a sheath of papers from his desk drawer and said, "These are your manifests. The top copy you give to the Customs Agent, They inform them that the cargo is to ba taken by yourself to a military air base in the Capital."

Serigi placed the papers on the desk just infront of Truce and then leaned back in his seat, a serious expression crossing his face. "The second Manfiest you will deliver to a man named Rodrigo at the Public Airstrip #4, dowtown in the Capital City. The man will give you two things. One, he will give you an additional sum of twoo hundred thousand Drachmae. Second, he will give you a small box. The Box you return to me, here, the money you may keep to cover any costs you may have after the journey."

Serigi cocked and eye and took a deep puff on his cigar.

I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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Postby AtmosBreak » Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:44 pm

As Juan sat there absorbing what Felix was relaying to him, he began to feel more confident with himself, his strength slowly refilling. Pushing all his thoughts to the back of his mind, Juan figured he needed to clear his mind, his brain was racing around everywhere and a headache was starting to form. He needed to calm down, to think less, yes think less and it should be better shouldn't it?

"That's a good thing to keep in mind, gracias," Juan thanked Felix before realizing something the pilot had said. Wiping his face with his hands, Juan let out a deep breath. "Just last night? It felt like it was either weeks or just an hour to me, I don't even know if it's day time or night anymore."

Placing his hands on the bed, Juan glanced around before figuring it was time to get up. He had been on that bed for too long already and it was time to rise, or at least, that's how it felt to him. Smiling at Isabella as he slowly attempted to stand up, Juan wobbled and wavered before he finally stood upright.

"Urgh well I guess I still gotta wait for the captain to get back but I think I might need some fresh air or something. I should check up on my motorcycle also but that thing's probably now completely and utterly destroyed to pieces most likely but oh... Have you guys happened to see like a faded green bag near it? Hopefully it's still... around there somewhere.

Taking one step forward, Juan stumbled yet maintained his balance, standing upright again and straightening himself out, he gave them a smile, as if out of reassurance that he was alright before attempting to walk again

A couple steps this time.

A surge of dizziness and lightheaded-ness hit Juan who stumbled yet again, almost hitting the floor before just managing to catch himself. Taking a breath he stood up again and forced another smile. "I'm alright... Estoy bien"
"'You are the light of this world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.'

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Light Club"
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Postby Nami » Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:56 am

OOC;... Eeeerrrr... >>; I have no excuse for my absence... I am not giving up on this RP... I'm just... being slow.. >> I'll post soon. I promise!
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Postby Davidizer13 » Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:31 pm

OOC: If it's any consolation, Nami, I think everyone's been slow lately, myself included... Oh well, I guess it happens when school and stuff is starting back up, but somehow we'll have to fix that. Anyway, on with the show!


"If you insist..." mumbled Felix, warily watching Juan struggle back to his feet. "Oh, here's your bag," he added," snatching up the satchel, which had lodged itself beneath a shelf. "Must've slid around when we were landing." He cautiously felt it in his hands, his fingers coming across things he couldn't recognize through the cloth. With a mild shrug to himself, he passed it over, trying to surpress his curiosity about it.

"How's she runnin', miss Izzy?" he asked, quickly changing the subject. "We isn't going to catch on fire again, are we?"


The Capitol City... It had a better, more unique name, in some other dead language, but people nowadays just called it the Capitol, since the UIC had its base there. Supposedly, decisions made there had some sort of influence on the other cities and islands, but this was rarely the case in practice. It wasn't one of Truce's favorite places in the world - not enough character in the city, for his taste - but for three hundred thousand (!), he'd just have to overlook that part.

A military airbase, though. Serigi had some dealings with those people, then; since he didn't strike Truce as the bad guy he had thought he'd meet, his cargo was probably something like rations or spare parts, so this was going to be easy money. "Sir, you have me convinced. I gladly and graciously accept your terms!" Pulling a pen from Serigi's desk, Truce scribbled his name on the bottom of the manifest. "Where should I send my crew to pick up the load? Or do you have your own moving crew?"
We are loved even though we suck.

Psalms 37:37 (NHEB)
Mark the perfect man, and see the upright, for there is a future for the man of peace.
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Postby samurai10 » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:17 pm

Jackie had difficulty keeping her mouth closed when Serigi (She thought that was his name, but she wasn't quite sure) made Truce a offer of 100,000 drachmae. She would gladly live on that for about ten years. Truce first nudged her, making her aware of something, then said that that wasn't enough wasn't enough. She couldn't help but give a little squeak. And when Serigi said that 200,000 more would be rewarded...

My gosh! She thought to herself. I am definitely going to ask this guy for way more than my usual fee...Especially if it's going to be over an extended period of time....

She was glad when they started wrapping things up. No fights, nothing really very extraordinary. Easy job, so far.

OOC: Oh, and about how much is a drachmae worth to a dollar? Sorry if you already told people, but I'm too lazy to read through all of the intro thread. XD I just want to see how much you can do with 20 drachmae. XD That is how you spell it right?
"I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia." ~The Silver Chair

"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel." ~Johnny Depp

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[color="Red"]@)[/color][color="SeaGreen"]}~`,~ [/color]Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.

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This pokemon is stout in stature, but extremely loyal. it's head and ears make the shape of a samurai helmet. the scales from said helmet can be pulled out and used as kunai.
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Postby acgifford » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:50 am

Mister (post: 1500370) wrote:Hot Soup, Han Zu, shuffled from the car to the hangar and then right up to Vaughn. He was a shrivled, old, Chinese man seemingly too old to get around on his own. But Han Zu was still strong in his old age, still sharp in mind and body. He wasted no time in bowing to both Vaughn and Adele, never giving Adele a second glance.

"Marcus Price, President, CEO, and Cheif Shareholder for 'Price Inc.' " Han Zu spoke low and quickly, "Company formed ten years ago, after an incident with a local Crime Lord in his home town. Aparently Price overthrew the whole gang under the Crime Lord and took over his whole organization."

Vaughn nodded and said, "ok, that doesn't sound so bad, i mean there's been hundreds of Crime Lords overthrown by new punks."
Han Zu rolled his eyes and coughed, his face showing annoyance. "Let me finish Fool! It's not what he did! Its how long it took him!" Han Zu paused to catch his breath and then continued. "Price overthrew the Crime Lord's whole Organization in three days!"

Vaughn raised and eyebrow and whispered, "So, he's that good eh?"
Han Zu nodded and said, "it doesn't end there. in just eight months he amassed a fortune large enough to create a cargo trafficing Company, alongside a Military arms dealership! The weapons we saw in the Capital Rebellion, were stolen from HIS shipments! The very weapons you used in those fights were from HIS founderies!"

Vaughn swore under his breath and asked, "Do you have any dirt on him?"
Han Zu laughed and replied,"I wish Vaughn, but his entire history after the creation of his industries, Under the Price Inc. standard of course, is blank."
Vaughn chuckled and commented, "so, he's got the diplomatic hold to cover anything.... Unwanted from surfacing. Very clever, very clever indeed."

Han Zu coughed again and handed Vaughn a stack of papers, "These are the records of his most recent shipments and deals." he began, "Going as far back as last january, and a few days ago."
Vaughn laughed and said, "Hot Soup you never cease to amaze me!"
Han Zu shook his head and turned around, beginning to shuffle out of the Hangar.


OOC: Im sooooo sorry you guys! I have had a lot on my plate lately.^^;


Vaughn's friend arrived and gave him information on Price. The two talked for a short amount of time. The two didn't seem to take notice of her as she listened in the back round. Whoever this Price was, he didn't sound like good news. After the two finished Vaughn mumbled something to himself and scoffed. He then proceeded to leave the hangar.

"Wait! Where are you going?" asked Adele when she noticed this.

OOC: Destroyer2000 is stepping down. I am unsure of who is going to control Van because David and I haven't discussed it.^^;; Thanks!
[color="Lime"]"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda[/color]
[color="DarkOrange"]Psalm32: 1 Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.[/color]
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[color="Blue"]Doctor Who fan!! [/color]:jump:
[color="Yellow"]"Dare to read, think, speak and write." John Adams[/color]
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[color="Red"]Vash the Stampede: I meditate diligently every morning. The subject is Life and Love. I quit after three seconds.[/color]
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Postby Mister » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:41 pm

OOC: Vaughn isn't the one leaving AC! lol.

Serigi chuckled and stowed the manifest and all other related copies in a packet. Serigi stood from his seat and said, "Follow me Captain Truce, i would like you to see the cargo you'll be transporting."

Serigi walked throughn a door on the opposite end of the room from where they had entered and beckoned for them to follow. The doorway led to a flight of stairs leading down into the ground. "All things on Ikura are centered around business," Serigi stated as eh began the decent, "As you well know, Captain, so do not be alarmed that most mansions here have underground storage wharehouses build under them."

Once through the large metal door at the bottom of the stairs, they stepped into a massive storage room, large enough to fit two Taimat's plus, wing tip to wing tip in either direction. Several Dock workers were carrying a large, long, crate towards them. They set it down just in front of Serigi and walked off a distance to wait.

Serigi handed Truce a crowbar he'd taken form one worker and said, "This is both a consolation prize, and a sample of the cargo you'll be delivering." After a short pause he said, "Please open it, Captain Truce."


Vaughnturned to look at Adele and said, "where am i going?! the plane is that way!" Vaughn laughed once and started for the plane.

I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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Postby MomentOfInertia » Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:17 am

Nami (post: 1498920) wrote:
IC: Rellia considered Gavin a moment and nodded, "plenty of work for a guy like you to do." She grinned, then shrugged. "I a metal-worker. The chore I want is to fix up this beautiful plane." she reached out and patted the Tiamat. "She's a real looker and could use some improvements."

"What sort of improvements?"

OoC: I would apologize for being slow but it seems to have become the fad so I won't.:P

[quote="acgifford (post: 1501595)"]
OOC: Destroyer2000 is stepping down. I am unsure of who is going to control Van because David and I haven't discussed it.^^]

We could just leave him, Tiamt's pretty crowded and it's not like he's been making any friends. Or he could be the designated Red-Shirt.:evil:
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Postby acgifford » Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:51 am

Mister (post: 1501648) wrote:OOC: Vaughn isn't the one leaving AC! lol.

Vaughnturned to look at Adele and said, "where am i going?! the plane is that way!" Vaughn laughed once and started for the plane.

MomentOfInertia (post: 1502043) wrote:IC:
"What sort of improvements?"

OoC: I would apologize for being slow but it seems to have become the fad so I won't.:P

We could just leave him, Tiamt's pretty crowded and it's not like he's been making any friends. Or he could be the designated Red-Shirt.:evil:

OOC: Sorry Mister! v.v]Well...So much for that problem.[/I] Adele thought smirking.

OOC: XD MOI, I was seriously considering that idea considering the characters lack of interest in the group. Oh look! I did it! XD good idea MOI!
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Postby Davidizer13 » Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:45 am

OOC: RE: the drachma: The drachma (plural drachmae) is a dollar, essentially, there's no direct equivalence between the two, but just to make it easy, 20 drachmae is around the value of $30-40 today.

Truce wedged the crowbar under the crate's lid, levering it open with a quick tug; the nails and wood squealed, as if in pain. He lifted the lid the rest of the way, revealing its cargo. "Incredible," he whispered to himself. "I've never see anything like it, it's a... a... What is it?"


Raven soon tired of sitting beneath the plane; she felt like had to talk to someone, anyone, about what she was feeling. Seeing Adele and some stranger talking over on the side of the hangar, she walked over to them and tried to concentrate on what they were saying. Something about some military stuff, and soup, for some reason. She looked closer, and there was another person with them, a rather shady-looking man, who abruptly ran away in what seemed to be the middle of the conversation. "Who's he?" she said, loudly, trying to get between Adele's friend and the plane at the same time. She'd play the little girl card for a bit, until she could figure out what was going on. "Can we eat soon? Because I'm hungry. Where's the captain?"
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Postby Mister » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:03 pm

OOC: i'll make this one post more for Serigi, then Truce needs to get back tot he Tiamat in one post neh? lol

Serigi reached in and picked up three objects. First a packet of MRE's (Meals Read to Eat). Seconds was a box of 7.54X6R Rifle shells. Third was a shiny new Mosin Nagant Infantry rifle and a pair of Sten's Submachine Guns.

Serigi explained what they were to Truce and said, "I'll have them delivered to your ship by tomorrow morning, you can depart whenever you please." Serigi promptly led Truce to the front door and bid him farewell, sending him off with one of the Stens and a brace (4) of magazines for the gun.

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Postby Nami » Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:48 am

OOC: Guys, I'm so not feeling up to this RP at the moment. I've got so much stuff to think about. I'm trying to get into College, and working on my story. It's a lot to handle. That's why I haven't been on CAA in a while. I'm stressing out. Plus, I need to set my life straight. So, I'll try my best to keep up! I don't want to drop out!! So here's me apologizing ahead of time in case I skip again!

IC: Isabella glanced at Juan and reached to help him, only to have him wave them off. She nodded, understanding men and their prideful need to pretend they were fine. She glanced at Felix and shrugged, "I've got all the parts to repair the damages, I just haven't gotten around to it... something or rather someone inconvenienced me..." she muttered as the memories of the revolting kiss hit her. Shuddering, she stuffed her hands into her pockets.

"Don't worry though, Gabe and I will have this baby humming to a sweet, sweet melody when I'm through." She gave Felix and Juan her most reassuring grin. "As for you Juan, I don't think you should be out of bed yet..."
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Postby samurai10 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:52 pm

OOC: AWWWWW!!!! Destroyer's leaving?! I liked his character a lot, that's really too bad. :(

And don't worry guys, what I'm about to do is only going to take one post. After this, we can get back to the Tiamat. :)

IC: Jackie stared at the door as it closed behind them. Wow, he sure was in a hurry to get us out..., she thought. "Well, shall we go?" she asked Truce. Suddenly, a bomb shaped object rolled to her feet. She realized what it was. A smoke bomb. She quickly calculated her chances of knocking Truce down. She thought she'd have a good chance, as he was only about three inches taller. She pulled two handkerchiefs from her pocket, and threw herself at him. He may be strong, but nobody can withstand 120 pounds of woman being thrown at them. She knocked him down, and wrapped her arm around his neck, covering his mouth and nose with a handkerchief. "Don't move!" she hissed. The smoke came out of the bomb, with a "FSSSSSSHHHH." Then, a voice said, "You don't have to do that anymore. This smoke wasn't that strong." Quick as a flash, she got off Truce, dropping both the handkerchiefs in the process, drew her sword, and got parried by another sword, creating a loud clang. Her expression became the boredest an expression could ever be. "You again? How many times do I have to tell you to study swordplay better before trying to defeat me?"

He became livid. "I have! I'll get revenge on you yet for ruining my father's business!" They exchanged a few more blows.

She laughed a little. "Didn't I say no personal feelings when I did it? I don't care about your father, it was just a job. Gotta do what you gotta do to survive, you know." With that, she twisted her sword in a special way, disarming her opponent. They both ran to his sword, but she got there first, and put her foot on it. "Thanks for the new sword. It looks durable. Nice addition to my collection," she said.

"Give me back my sword!" he cried.

"Why, so you can kill me with it? I don't think so. Get out of here, girly boy." She then started walking away from him.

He bristled. Girly boy?! How dare she! "Why don't you just kill me now? It would save you a lot of trouble in the future."

She looked back at him. "Kill you? How boring. No trouble is boring. I'd rather have you make trouble for me than none. It would be interesting to see how you'd do it. Now get out of here." She continued walking to Truce.

Get out of here?! How could she! He couldn't stand it anymore. Without thinking, he drew a knife from his pocket and threw it at her. He didn't aim very well, and it only grazed her arm. She stopped. "You dare injure my right arm?" she asked. With small steps, she walked to the dagger and picked it up. "Hm...Should I throw this back at you, or not? Hm...hmph, why not?" She quickly threw it, not even giving him time to react. It hit him between the eyes. He fell down, dead.

She walked over to Truce and crouched down. "Heh, sorry about that. People are always trying to get revenge on me for this and that. You okay there?"

OOC: The Mary Sueishness blinds me. *rinses eyes hopelessly with water*
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Postby acgifford » Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:06 am

[quote="Davidizer13 (post: 1502467)"]

Raven soon tired of sitting beneath the plane]
OOC: IM SOOOOO SORRY YOU GUYS!! My life has been weird lately. New stuff going on and I kept forgetting and putting this post off. So...on with it then...I'm sorry and I do hope this RPG keeps going you guys.


Adele's smirk was interrupted by a girls voice. Looking up she noticed Raven approaching her.

"Who's he?" she asked. "Can we eat soon? Because I'm hungry. Where's the captain?"

"Who?" said Adele acting innocent. "Him?" she gestured towards her cousin. "This is my cousin Vaughn" she said with a smile. "And I don't know where the captain is...He just ran off without a word. I'm hungry too...I really do hope he brings something home."
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:48 am

OOC: Just stopping by to see how things are. I apologize for having to bail on the RPG, but between work and school, things have been hectic. What time I'm not actually up to my ears in writing assignments is spent at clarinet performances with the girlfriend, so my time is very limited.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:25 am

Truce was just about to respond when there was a clank and a hiss behind him. Before he knew what was going on, Jackie threw him to the ground and shoved a rag in his face. He kicked and tried to wriggle free for a second, but saw that she also had something over her mouth. A strange smell and an odd cloud wafted past them. That was meant for me... he thought. Somebody came into the room, said something he couldn't hear - whoever it was, Jackie had hopped back to her feet and had her sword out, madly slashing and dodging against a much taller man, a dark-suited dandy with an equally jaunty cutlass.

She and the attacker definitely had a history together, based on how much and how loudly they were yelling at each other as they fought. If this fellow was truly serious about this, he'd have brought a gun instead, thought Truce. Indeed, Jackie was easily holding her own - with a quick swipe of her wrist, she clipped the man's sword and wrenched it out of his hand. Gun! That's it! Thinking quickly, he pulled one of the machine guns out of Serigi's crate. It didn't quite seem sporting, seeing as the man was down on the ground and unarmed, but Truce swallowed his sense of honor, aimed the gun, and pulled the trigger.

It didn't budge. Obviously, the safety or something was still on - Truce fumbled with the weapon, trying to trip the mechanism off. A throwing knife arced weakly through the air and nicked Jackie in the arm. Before Truce could react, she had jammed it in the man's forehead. The gun nearly from Truce's hands, hanging loosely at his side. As if nothing had happened, she turned on her heel and looked Truce in the eye, asking if he was all right. Of course, let me just ignore the fact that you just stabbed someone through the forehead, and I'll be fine. "Um, sure, uh... yeah. ...Let's just leave, all right? Someone else will have to deal with the body..."

They cleared out of the hangar, slipping through a side exit with the crates in tow. Their encounter had given Truce an idea: his crew was missing their "heavy," the person who did the breaking of heads if need be. The last one, that gangbanger kid from wherever, had disappeared when they hit Bristol. So it went, though he hadn't been too great at his job. Truce suspected he was lying about the whole gang thing, what with the way he fought (or rather, didn't fight). Taking a deep breath, he posed his idea. "So, I was curious, seeing as you seem like a strong enough lady, and as I've got quite a bit of money coming in, ah, what I meant to say is that, would you like to work on my plane for a while? I mean, it'll be safer for you in the air, with being attacked and all, and I'm willing to bend to any terms you might have. What do you think?"


"Vaughn..." muttered Raven. "Hi, Vaughn!" she said, a brighter tone in her voice. "You should have seen it! Izzy was running on buildings and me and Maiz were running around on the ground and shooting at people and it was really fun. So let's eat!" she finished, grabbing Adele's arm and pulling her towards the ramp.

"Wait," she suddenly said, stopping in mid-stride. "There's someone on the plane, someone who's not nice... I don't like her very much. Will she be eating with us?"
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Postby acgifford » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:02 am

Davidizer13 (post: 1505903) wrote:---

"Vaughn..." muttered Raven. "Hi, Vaughn!" she said, a brighter tone in her voice. "You should have seen it! Izzy was running on buildings and me and Maiz were running around on the ground and shooting at people and it was really fun. So let's eat!" she finished, grabbing Adele's arm and pulling her towards the ramp.

"Wait," she suddenly said, stopping in mid-stride. "There's someone on the plane, someone who's not nice... I don't like her very much. Will she be eating with us?"


Adele blinked as Raven explained what had happened. As she opened her mouth to question her further on what had happened, Raven mentioned something about eating and started towing Adele back to the plane by her hand.

"Wait," Said Raven as she stopped suddenly and Adele practically ran into her. "There's someone on the plane, someone who's not nice... I don't like her very much. Will she be eating with us?"

"U-uum.." she thought for a moment and then remembered the murderous child in the cargo bay. " Well...I don't suppose we should starve her, but um...You don't have to eat near her if you don't want to." said Adele as she started towards the Tiamat again.
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Postby samurai10 » Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:17 am

Jackie could see from his stuttering that Truce was having trouble deciding to be surprised or disgusted. She could also see that he wasn't used to being around people like her. She didn't really care, she had employers like this all the time.

She helped him with the boxes, and as they were nearing a hanger, he asked, "So, I was curious, seeing as you seem like a strong enough lady, and as I've got quite a bit of money coming in, ah, what I meant to say is that, would you like to work on my plane for a while? I mean, it'll be safer for you in the air, with being attacked and all, and I'm willing to bend to any terms you might have. What do you think?"

In answer Jackie put down the box she was carrying and dug some papers out of the pocket on the outside part of her right knee, along with a pen. She took one paper out of the bunch, attempted to straighten it, wrote something and motioned for Truce to take it. It had been typed up on a typewriter. The font was a fair size. This is what was on the paper.

Jackie's Mercenary terms for employment.

- If clothes are ruined by doing something for the job, you must replace them.
- Food must be provided for the duration of the job.
- Shelter for nights must be provided for the duration of the job.
- Blame for anybody being killed on the job goes to you. However, if Jackie kills somebody unrelated to the job, she will take the blame.
- [s]100[/s] 600 drachmae must be provided at the end of the job.

If these terms are good for you, sign at the bottom of the page. If they aren't, then don't.

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