World of Terrabia

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World of Terrabia

Postby josh_manga » Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:39 pm

I'll be posting info, world lore, purchasable items, racial information, skills, spells, and just about everything else here if it is decided that does not belong in the RPG Proposal thread.

Also, for those who are already in the game, this is the place to ask your questions, make comments, give suggestions, whatever.

If there are some skills/spells/crafting items you'd like to include for your character that aren't on the list already (which is a likely case) feel free to mention it and i'll set about doing what i can to make it happen for you.
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Items, Weapons, Armor

Postby josh_manga » Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:20 pm

Here is a rudimentary Inventory list for people to pick from when making their characters. Starting characters get 200 Gold Crowns, and deduct the following costs from that amount as you equip your character. You can opt to keep the gold instead if you want. You do not have to buy clothes, it is assumed that you are wearing a modestly covering cloth garment or garments. Cloth grants no protection however.

Hammers, Maces, Flails and Staves ignore Chain Armor’s Protection Rating.
All weapons held with 2 hands cannot be disarmed.

Name Crowns Cost

Blunt Damage
Dagger 1D6 Dmg, +3 Atk -10 C
May be thrown, concealed, used in offhand, and used in grappling.
Short sword 1D8 Dmg, +1 Atk -25 C
May be used in offhand.
Long Sword 1D8 Dmg, +2 Atk -50 C
May be used in offhand.
Broadsword 1D10 Dmg, +1 Atk -75 C
Hand & a Half Sword 1D8 Dmg, +2 Atk –90 C
May be held with one or both hands, or used in offhand.
Greatsword 1D10 Dmg, +1 Atk, 2 Range -100 C
Two Handed, Cannot be disarmed.
Small Axe 1D8 Dmg -25 C
May be thrown, concealed, and used in offhand.
Broad Axe 1D12 Dmg -50 C
May be held with one or both hands.
Battle Axe 2D8 Dmg -100 C
Two Handed, Cannot be disarmed.

Blunt Damage
Cudgel 1D4+3 Dmg -10 C
Hammer 1D4+4 Dmg -25 C
Mace 1D4+5 Dmg -50 C
Morning Star 2D4+2 Dmg -90 C
Crit Failure 1-3 (15%)
War Hammer 1D4+7 Dmg -100 C
Two Handed, cannot be disarmed.
Pole Arms
Wooden Staff 1D6 Dmg, +1 Def -10 C
Concealable as walking stick
Quarterstaff 1D6 Dmg, +1 Def -25 C
Two Handed, cannot be disarmed.

Piercing Damage
Pole Arms
Longspear 1D8 Dmg, 2 Range -50 C
Two Handed, cannot be disarmed.
Halberd 2D4 Dmg, 2 Range -75 C
Two Handed, cannot be disarmed.
Small Stones +6 Dmg Worthless

Wooden Arrows x10 Dmg +2 -10 C
Razor Arrows x10 Dmg +12 -50 C

Bird Shot x10 Dmg +4 -25 C
Glass and Nails x10 Dmg +8 -50 C
Frag Shot x10 Dmg +10 -75 C
Incendiary Shells x10 Dmg +14 (+Fire Dmg)-100 C

Ranged Weapons
Slingshot 1D12 Dmg, 10 Range -10 C
Short Bow 2D8 Dmg, 10 range -25 C
Long Bow 2D10 Dmg, 15 range -50 C
Crossbow 2D12 Dmg, 20 range -75 C
Takes 1 Action to load before firing.
Blunderbuss 3D10 Dmg, 8 range -100 C
Takes 1 Action to load before firing.

Buckler +1 Defense +2 Attack -10 C
Used in Grappling.
Heater Shield +3 Defense -25 C
Kite Shield +4 Defense -1 Move -50 C
Tower Shield +6 Defense -2 Move -75 C
May be held next to one or more allies for increased Defense. +1 Defense per ally next to you.

Leather Armor +2 Prot -25 C
May be worn under Scale, Chain, or Plate armor for additional Protection.
Scale Mail +5 Prot -50 C
-5 Defense
Chain Mail +5 Prot -50 C
Offers no protection against Blunt attacks
Partial Plate Armor +6 Prot -75 C
Full Plate Armor +10 Prot, -1 Move -100 C

Traveler’s Robe -25 C
+5 Inventory Slots that require no Str to access, may be worn with other armor, except Full Plate

Minor Health Potion -50 C
Restores 2D10 points to Health
Medium Health Potion -75 C
Restores 3D10 points to Health
Major Health Potion restores Health to full -100 C

Healing Poultice Restore 1D10 Health. -30 C
Composed of Healing Herbs and Cotton Gauze. Recipe DR= 2 Alchemy

Stardust Herbs -20 C
Cotton Gauze -5 C

Anti-Venom Cocktail -60 C
Removes all known poison from your system. Recipe DR= 6 Alchemy

Winterleaf -20 C
Drake Root -20 C
Moonflower -20 C
Ocean Seed -20 C
Jar -5 C

Liquid Fire- A single use requires one of each of the following: Saltpeter, Quicklime, Phosphors, ignited by ordinary water. May be in Grenade or spray form. Effect is burning damage 2D6, a loud noise causing panic and confusion of the enemy for the first turn. 1D6 burning damage is dealt, as well as a Smoke Screen causing -2 Evasion Roll by the enemy for subsequent turns, until the area affected is abandoned or the fire is put out by Sand, Earth, or Vinegar. Liquid Fire components will burn out in 4 turns on its own.
Recipe DR= 8 Alchemy

Saltpeter -25 C
Quicklime -25 C
Phosphors -25 C
Water -5 C
Jar (disposable) -5 C
Siphon Gun (reusable) -50 C

Copper Lockpick -20C
Breaks after 3 failed uses. Recipe DR= 4 Blacksmithing
Iron Lockpick -30C
Breaks on a roll of 1 during use. Recipe DR= 4 Blacksmithing
Steel Lockpick -40C
Doesn’t Break. Recipe DR= 4 Blacksmithing
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Saurian History

Postby josh_manga » Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:53 pm

Saurians used to be the mortal guardians of the world. Four tribes watched over Terrabia, waiting for the day that the Deep Ones might return to enslave humanity, but millennia passed and they did not return. Over time, the rest of the world's races forgot about the Deep Ones, except for a few followers, and reverence for the Saurian race dwindled to a vague forgetfulness.

One by one, the tribes have vanished, quite suddenly, and now only one remains, settled in the basin of a volcanic mountain in the north. The mountain of Haz'Kodur is home to both Saurian and Human alike, though the Humans that live there are a scattering of spartan barbarians. Theirs is a symbiotic existence, as the Saurians bring justice and order to the barbarian tribes, and the Humans willingly follow the Saurians into battle, bolstering their forces considerably.

The Landscape of Haz'Kodur is a desert plateau, sparse vegetation, and a few settlements built around oases. The Saurian fortress was carved out of the bare rock itself, and descends into the deep bowels of the volcano, where the Saurians live comfortably in the heat.

The other tribes of Saurians lived in Gurzzle Swamp to the south, Princeton Isles to the west, and the New World, an unexplored continent to the east. These three tribes have vanished almost without trace, but rumor has it that a last remnant of the Gurzzle Tribe wanders the continent of Ravenwood, searching for his kin.
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Dwarven Culture

Postby josh_manga » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:06 pm

Dwarves are a secret race. Few above ground may have ever seen one, as they have attempted to keep their existence hidden. But times are changing, and recently the Dwarves have begun to make themselves known, albeit through unsavory means. Their criminals are being exiled from their Heims (cities) to the "world above the earth", with the condition that if they serve as ambassadors for the Dwarven Race, they will accept the criminals back.

There is some speculation about the ulterior motive behind such actions, and some are suspicious that a race that would use criminals as ambassadors cannot have anything good in mind for the races on the planet's surface. There are also rumors that those who've been exiled are not guilty of the crimes they've been convicted of.

Most Dwarves abhor the use of magic, though they are not unable to use it themselves. Some may choose to become Alchemists, which does not require any direct magic use on the part of the Alchemist, but instead manipulates the magical properties of raw materials.
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Elven Culture

Postby josh_manga » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:24 pm

The Elves live mostly in the woodlands of Lorliriar, to the east. In the midst of their kingdom is a great tree, named Ewa. This tree is the source and balance of nature's elements. The Elves have great reverence for Ewa because of this, and their communion with the tree has granted an unusually great number of their race the ability to use magic.

Some time ago, the Saurians taught the secret of the Magic Words, also known as Magespeach to the Elves. Because humans feared the Saurians and their ferocious Dragon Lords, they sought the knowledge from the Elves instead. But the Elves knew the Humans would misuse the power of the Magespeach, the power to manipulate anything once you know it's true name, so they would not entrust the secret to the Humans.

For their secrets, the Humans began to hunt the elves, torturing them to learn their knowledge. To protect the Elves, the last remaining Dragon Lord, Dunadon, cast a spell around the forest of Lorliriar, making it so that anyone who was not an Elf, or following an Elf, would become lost, turned around, and leave the woods.

As it is, Elves seldom leave their sanctuary in the forest, though they often find refuge in the trade city, Tuo'Rath, which is known for it's wide acceptance of different races and cultures, and the city's organized town guard protects everyone, even the Elves.

The Elves have also established a citadel of their own on the southwestern coast of the continent of Ravenwood. The name of this fortified city is Cirabel, and it is almost entirely populated by Elves. The city's construction was looked upon poorly by the kingdom of Atlantica, which saw this move as aggressive, and has stopped patrolling the southern coast for pirates, allowing them to attack the town freely.
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Sataur Culture

Postby josh_manga » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:55 pm

Most Sataurs live in the woodlands and prairies of Ravenwood. They do not attack human settlements, nor do they harass caravans or individual travelers. Most live peaceful lives with their families, though they may compete against other tribes of Sataurs for land and resources.

The Sataurs do not like going into Gurzzle Swamp, because the soft ground makes it hard to move around with cloven hooves. The Sataurs will not hesitate to attack Goblins however, who come from the swamp, as the Goblins are destructive and seek to spread the swamp to the rest of the continent by tearing down trees and digging up the dirt to make the ground a soppy mush, ideal for their spawning grounds.
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Combat Skills

Postby josh_manga » Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:49 am

Since this is going to have more emphasis on role playing, consider the following skills to be specialties that your character can take to improve them, but really, any physical skill should be able to be performed by any character. If you try to use a skill you've not trained, there will be a lower chance that it will succeed, but not impossible. Combat is intended to be cinematic and exciting, so describe your combat however you see fit and i'll apply the appropriate skills in addition to those you state you are using.

[color="PaleTurquoise"][SIZE="3"]Arms and Armor[/SIZE][/color]
Rank 1
Armor Training
Increases the effectiveness of Armor worn by 20% per Rank. Rounded to nearest whole number.
Dual Wielding
You can equip a second one-handed weapon in your off-hand in addition to a one-handed weapon in your main hand. This grants one extra Attack Action during your turn. Cannot use with a shield.
Favored Weapon
+5 Attack per rank with one weapon type (1H Swords, 2H Swords, Bows, Hammers, etc...)

Rank 2
Critical Strike
Increases your critical hit range in melee +1 per rank. Rank 2: 19-20, Rank 3 18-20, Rank 4 17-10, Rank 5 16-20.
Shield Bash
When using a shield, knocks the target one space away from you. Does 1D6 Blunt Damage + Strength with any shield. Follows rules for Dual Wielding.

Rank 3
Double Strike
Attack with both your main-hand weapon and your off-hand weapon in a single action while receiving an attack penalty. Cannot be used with Dual Wielding in the same turn. Rank 3: -6 Attack, Rank 4: -4 Attack, Rank 5: -2 Attack.

Rank 4
Tower Shield Proficiency
You no longer have reduced mobility when using a Tower Shield.

Rank 5
Heavy Armor Proficiency
You no longer have reduced mobility when wearing Full Plate.

Rank 1
Knock Back
Knocks the target 5 Feet away from you. Must be same size or taller than the target. Causes 1d6 + Strength Blunt Damage regardless of weapon type.
Improvised Weaponry
Rank 1: +1 Attack with improvised Weapons in Melee. Rank 2: +2 Attack with improvised Weapons in Melee. Rank 3: +3 Attack with improvised Weapons in Melee. Rank 4: +4 Attack with improvised Weapons in Melee. Rank 5: +5 Attack with improvised Weapons in Melee.
Improvised Missiles
Rank 1: +1 Attack with improvised thrown Weapons.Rank 2: +2 Attack with improvised thrown Weapons.Rank 3: +3 Attack with improvised thrown Weapons.Rank 4: +4 Attack with improvised thrown Weapons.Rank 5: +5 Attack with improvised thrown Weapons.

Rank 2
Unarmed Training
Increase sides of die rolled per rank for Unarmed Damage.
Rank 2: 1d6, Rank 3: 1d8, Rank 4: 1d10, Rank 5: 1d12.

Rank 3
Martial Arts
Increases the number of unarmed attacks you may make.
Rank 3: +1 Unarmed Attack Action, Rank 4: +2 Unarmed Attack Actions,
Rank 5: +3 Unarmed Attack Actions

Rank 4
Make a normal Melee attack. Opponent gets +10 Defense. If successful, the opponent drops a weapon. Does not work on armor, requires a second Disarm action for offhand weapons and shields. Two Handed weapons are immune to Disarm.

Rank 1
Ranged Mastery
+1 Ranged Attack per Rank.

Rank 2
Critical Shot
Increases your critical hit range in ranged combat +1 per rank. Rank 2: 19-20, Rank 3 18-20, Rank 4 17-10, Rank 5 16-20.

Rank 3
Multi Shot
You are so fast you can attack one extra target in a single action per Rank. Rank 3: 3 Targets, Rank 4: 4 Targets, Rank 5: 5 Targets. Costs 5 Vigor.

Rank 4
Quick Shot
On an enemy's turn you may attack one target. If the attack is successful, you not only do damage, but also interrupt the target's turn. Costs 5 Vigor.

Rank 5
Aimed Shot
Declare a part of the body of your target that you wish to attack. Make a normal Ranged Attack against your target. The target gets +10 to Defense. If you hit the target, the part of the body that you aimed at will be disabled. For instance, if it was an arm, that arm cannot be used. If it was the head, then the target is rendered unconscious, even if its Health is greater than 0. Max 1 Rank. Costs 2 Actions.

Rank 1
Melee Mastery
+1 to Melee Skill per Rank.

Rank 2
May be used on an enemy’s turn to counter attack a melee opponent on his turn. May be used only once between your turns. Costs 5 Vigor.
The Melee fighter dances and whirls wildly in unanticipated moves, but lowering his guard in the process. Roll for your attack twice and take the higher roll as your attack. Rank 1: -10 Defense, Rank 2: -8 Defense, Rank 3: -6 Defense, Rank 4: -4 Defense, Rank 5: -2 Defense. Lowered Defense lasts the remainder of the turn and does not stack upon multiple uses of the Wardance. Costs 5 Vigor. Costs 1 Action.

Rank 3
Bleeding Wound
With Melee weapons, you inflict a wound that pierces all Protection and continues to bleed until First Aid is used. Inflicts 1D6 Damage per Rank per turn after the initial attack. costs 5 Vigor.
Wild Blow
If your Melee attack is successful, add +1 multiplier to your attack, but if you miss you damage your own Vigor instead.

Rank 4
Requires a 2-Handed weapon. Make a Melee attack and name an equipment piece as your target. If you hit your target you do damage to the enemy and reduce that equipment’s effectiveness by 1 point per Rank. If you attack Armor, then reduce Protection by 1. If you attack Weapon, then reduce Damage by 1. Costs 1 Action, and 3 Vigor.
Whirling Attack
Make one attack roll versus all opponents’ Defense. If you have Dual Wielding, add both weapons’ Damage together. 1 Rank. Costs 1 Action and 5 Vigor.

Rank 5
Crushing Blow
Requires a 2-Handed weapon. +5 multiplier to Damage. Costs 2 Actions and 5 Vigor.

Rank 1
Roll 1D20 + Mind against an opponent’s Mind + 1D20. If you succeed, your opponent’s physical Defense against the next Attack is lowered. Rank 1: -2 Defense, Rank 2: -4 Defense, Rank 3: -6 Defense, Rank 4: -8 Defense, Rank 5
-10 Defense.

Rank 2
Forced March
Character may make one extra Move Action. Cannot be made when in Melee Combat. Rank 2: -4 Health, Rank 3: -3 Health, Rank 4: -2 Health, Rank 5: -1 Health

Rank 3
You prepare an ambush and lay in wait for your enemy where they can not see you till it is too late. Roll 1d10 per rank versus the enemy's Perception to succeed. If you succeed, you get to attack first with +10 to all attacks the first round.

Rank 4
Valiant Charge
Run toward the target and roll to check if you hit your target. If successful, the attack will deal x2 damage. If your attack is a Critical, then add 1 to the multiplier. If Critical is x2, then it becomes x3. Costs 5 Vigor.

Rank 5
You may move up toblock an opponent’s movement on the enemy’s turn. Roll 1d20 +Agility versus your opponent’s roll and Agility. Costs 1 action point against your next turn.

Rank 1
Second Wind
Regain 1D6 Health per Rank at the beginning of your turn and +1 Attack and +2 Defense which both last 1 turn per Rank. Costs 5 Vigor.

Rank 2
War Cry
Grants a buff to Attack and Damage to you and your party, lasts 1 turn per Rank. Rank 2: +2 Atk and Dmg, Rank 3: +3 Atk and Dmg, Rank 4: +4 Atk and Dmg, Rank 5: +5 Atk and Dmg. Costs 5 Vigor.

Rank 3
Increases the number of melee weapon attacks you may make. Requires you to only attack this turn. If the target dies before your actions are all used, then you forfeit the choice to attack any other targets or perform any other action. +1 Attack Action per Rank. Costs 5 Vigor per Attack.

Rank 4
Fierce Yell
Your raging yell causes opponents to halter their approach, and lesser opponents to flee. Roll 1d20 + Will versus opponent's 1d20 + Will. Costs 5 Vigor.

Rank 5
Compels a group or a single opponent to fight only you. Roll 1d20 + Will versus opponent's 1d20 + Will. Costs 5 Vigor.
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Postby josh_manga » Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:47 pm

As with the Combat Skills, any Trade Skill can be performed by any character, but a Trade Skill you've not trained in will have a lower chance of success.

Climbing, swimming, tight rope walking, balance, etc…

Use of weapon and armor recipes, trinkets, necklaces, rings, etc...

Stealthy movement, concealed items, deciphering and using code, camouflage, etc...

Use of machinery and structure blue prints, crafting carts, houses, castles, siege weapons, etc...

Use of potion and poultice recipes to make poisons, antidotes, and remedies.

Tracking, foraging, hunting, poaching, food/poison identification, etc…
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Magic Spells

Postby josh_manga » Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:45 pm

Unlike Combat Skills and Trade Skills, Magic Spells cannot be learned if your character is not already a magic user, and magic spells not in your repertoire cannot be used until they are learned. You can learn more spells by training to increase ranks in a Magic School (such as Recovery or Alchemy), or there may be some items that allow you to cast individual spells.

Like the Trade Skills, Alchemy is recipe based. Increasing your skill in Alchemy will increase your chances of succeeding with more difficult recipes. The use of Alchemy is based on the principle that objects themselves contain magical energy, and the Alchemist uses that energy, instead of channeling his own, in order to cast spells or manipulate the nature of the materials he uses (like turning lead into gold).

This is the magic art of summoning and teleportation. Conjuring draws a great amount of Vigor from the user, but can create allies and barriers, and makes travel much faster, provided you've memorized the location you wish to travel to.

This is the magic art of controlling the elements and weather. The effects of Elemental magic can sometimes be long term, such as turning a barren wasteland into a fertile plain, or a dense forest into a murky swamp. Elemental magic is somewhat limited because you cannot create weather and elements, but instead manipulate your surroundings. The strain on the spell caster is minimal however.

This is the art of enhancing and altering the nature of an object or being by adding magic to them. Enchantments can include creating magic weapons, mind reading and telepathy, mind control, and create illusions. The strain on the spell caster is moderate.

This is the art of disrupting magic and removing enchantments. Undead creatures and evil spirits will be made to flee, and a powerful Exorcist can even banish or utterly destroy them. The strain on a spell caster's Vigor is heavy.

This is the art of healing wounds and curing disease and poisons. One may heal others or apply the skill to ones own wounds, however the strain on the spell caster is heavy.

This is the art of creating evanescent, damaging attack magic. The effects of Sorcery are not long lived at all, but they are devastating. The Vigor cost is moderate.
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Postby josh_manga » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:02 pm

An improved form of the innate skill First Aid. Able to heal more effectively with simple gauze, poultices, and stitches.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:13 pm

Is the Elemental aspect kind of like the bending in Avater: The Last Airbender? (Like airbending, waterbending, ect.)
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby josh_manga » Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:30 pm

Elemental, sort of like Avatar. You can't really create anything that isn't already there, you more control it through force of will, more like a cross between Storm and Pyro from the X-Men.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:06 pm

Ok, thanks!

Also, I might be able to draw everyone's characters if they want! :D
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby josh_manga » Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:08 pm

That may be fun, i've drawn most of mine, and i've tried drawing yours from the description you gave, but i'll be honest, i'm having a hard time of it.

Lizardmen with hair... kinda hard to see that one. Think i did a good job though. I'll scan my sketches sometime and we can compare them :brow:
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Postby josh_manga » Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:53 pm

More Tradeskills, for fun.

This is the ability to make edible food. If the attempt is failed, the food is ruined and considered inedible. Food can help recover Vigor.

Story telling, singing, dancing, writing, playing music instruments, etc...

Slight of Hand
Take one object from another person, or place an object on another person, without them knowing. Perform a parlor trick, making an object disappear and reappear. Opposed by a successful Perception check.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:33 am

josh_manga (post: 1500409) wrote:Lizardmen with hair... kinda hard to see that one. Think i did a good job though. I'll scan my sketches sometime and we can compare them :brow:

You're on! XD
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Racial Portraits

Postby josh_manga » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:00 pm

Saurian Male

Saurian Female
Image <--- my version of Iriai
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:15 pm

O.O That's kind of close to my drawing, but Iriai is more human-like in mine. Also, great drawings!
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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