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Postby TGJesusfreak » Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:49 am

OOC: Ella and I are heading to Christian Camp on sunday. We'll be back on friday.
Here's hoping the RPG stays going while we're gone :P
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Postby QuirkyIceHeart » Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:22 am

TGJesusfreak (post: 1409419) wrote:Richard's anger was growing now. They were talking about this girl like she was an object, a toy to be sold of played with. Richard's heart pounded when the largest of the men stepped forward fingering his dagger. 'It's 3 against 1... how will i win?' Richard searched frantically for anything that could give him the upper hand.

"Alright, let's get this over with." Said the man. The man charged forward.

Richard had only a second to respond. The man reached him faster than he had anticipated. The huge man thrust his knife at Richard, who sidestepped. Time seemed to slow down as the knife came rushing past Richard and his back slammed against the wall in the narrow alley. Richard took a dive under the man's legs, he landed and rolled to a kneeling position. The man was turning around and Richard had to act fast. He lifted and swung his wooden weapon down with full force hitting the man on the side of his head. The man stumbled back in surprise and pain, Richard rushed at the dazed man and grabbed hold of his hand with the dagger in it. His grip was weak and he easilly pulled the dagger out of his hand.

Richard threw the knife across the ground towards the girl just as the man was starting to regain his functions. Richard turned to the man and put his full force into an uppercut. The man toppled backwards unconcious. The other 2 men just stood there shocked.

Richard looked at them with a look of pure malice. "Get out of here and leave this girl alone. She's clearly not worth all of your trouble."

The men's faces changed from shock to anger. "It's not about that now" Said the one on the right. "You took out our leader... It's payback time." The man nodded to his partner who then turned and walked around the corner of the alley. The other man began walking up the alley.

"What?" Asked Richard confused "You're gonna fight me? Alone?"
Richard glanced over his shoulder and saw the girl satnding there about a 3rd of the way down the alley. Richard's heart was beating hard, the THUMP THUMP was all that he could hear in his ears.

OOC: All of this happened in under a minute. XD

I could probably do a better job of describing things but I kinda had to rush this post. lol now I really g2g. I finished just in time. I'll edit it later, maybe. :lol:

She gasped as the boy was suddenly dashing around the lead man. A sidestep, into the wall, through his legs, a loud thump, and the man collapsed. The boy pulled his dagger out of his hands, and slid it over towards her. She backed up a few steps, and almost didn't notice the continued fight in front of her. A knife...? She shivered, and tipped her head. I... could use this...
"Get out of here and leave this girl alone. She's clearly not worth your trouble."
She looked up at the boy. Why... why would he protect me?
One of the men frowned. "It's not about that, now. You took out our leader... it's payback time." He nodded to the third man, who turned and started back up the alley.
What is he doing...?
The boy protecting her seemed confused, too. "What? You going to fight me alone?"
Annissa stood and shook slightly, glancing between the knife before her and the boy. I wonder, maybe I can do something... She cautiously reached forward and picked it up.
Without warning, the man charged for the boy. Her eyes widened, and she screamed. "Get out of the way!!" Before she knew what she was doing, she was running forwards. Everything slowed down as she leapt... She held up her knife protectively, and felt a strong impact that nearly knocked it out of her hands.
She looked up to see that she was blocking the man's dagger.
Her eyes opened wide, and sweat trickled down her face. Did I... just...
The man slapped her face, knocking her to the ground. He spit in disgust. "We'll have to just get rid of both of you." He turned back to the boy and grinned. "Say goodbye, kid."
Annissa panted, her long black hair hanging in her face. She was worthless. Couldn't even protect herself. She'd probably die or be sold into slavery, still... She looked at the boy with a last shred of hope.

OOC: >.< Couldn't think of many things for her to do :/ So I settled on this ^_^ Hope it works :/ If not, I can always edit XD Also, I has lack of sleep... so if it makes no sense, that's why XD
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Postby TGJesusfreak » Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:32 am

QuirkyIceHeart (post: 1409949) wrote:--Annissa--
She gasped as the boy was suddenly dashing around the lead man. A sidestep, into the wall, through his legs, a loud thump, and the man collapsed. The boy pulled his dagger out of his hands, and slid it over towards her. She backed up a few steps, and almost didn't notice the continued fight in front of her. A knife...? She shivered, and tipped her head. I... could use this...
"Get out of here and leave this girl alone. She's clearly not worth your trouble."
She looked up at the boy. Why... why would he protect me?
One of the men frowned. "It's not about that, now. You took out our leader... it's payback time." He nodded to the third man, who turned and started back up the alley.
What is he doing...?
The boy protecting her seemed confused, too. "What? You going to fight me alone?"
Annissa stood and shook slightly, glancing between the knife before her and the boy. I wonder, maybe I can do something... She cautiously reached forward and picked it up.
Without warning, the man charged for the boy. Her eyes widened, and she screamed. "Get out of the way!!" Before she knew what she was doing, she was running forwards. Everything slowed down as she leapt... She held up her knife protectively, and felt a strong impact that nearly knocked it out of her hands.
She looked up to see that she was blocking the man's dagger.
Her eyes opened wide, and sweat trickled down her face. Did I... just...
The man slapped her face, knocking her to the ground. He spit in disgust. "We'll have to just get rid of both of you." He turned back to the boy and grinned. "Say goodbye, kid."
Annissa panted, her long black hair hanging in her face. She was worthless. Couldn't even protect herself. She'd probably die or be sold into slavery, still... She looked at the boy with a last shred of hope.

OOC: >.< Couldn't think of many things for her to do :/ So I settled on this ^_^ Hope it works :/ If not, I can always edit XD Also, I has lack of sleep... so if it makes no sense, that's why XD

It all happened in a flash. The man ran at him, the girl came running up behind him yelling, "Get out of the way!" He reacted almost instinctivly, jerking to the side of the wall as the girl lept in front of him blocking a fast swing from the man. The man reached out his other hand a struck her hard on the side of her face. Richard watched her stumble and fall backwards.

"We'll have to just get rid of both of you." He turned back to Richard and grinned. "Say goodbye, kid."

Richard immidiatly scooped up the dagger from beside the girl. "Not today." Richard was trying to sound brave, though he didn't feel that he was. He hoped that what little his father taught him of swordplay would be enough.

He swung the dagger diagnally up, the man blocked it easily.

"what did you hope to accomplish boy?" said the man, between the Cling and Clangs of the clashing blades. "You could have just stayed out of this." Richard realized that his last thrust had left him open. "THEN YOU MGHT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO LIVE!" The man thrust his sword at him. Richard tried to sidestep but felt the cold steel enter his right shoulder. Richard screamed in pain. To make matters worse Richard saw, at the other end of the alley, the other man. It finally hit Richard, he realized that this was their plan all along]'No...'[/I] he thought Not like this.... He felt his arm go limp. 'Not yet...' With a final burst of strength and speed he tossed his dagger to his free hand and thrust it at the heart of the man. He toppled backwards, letting go of the knife that was in Richard's shoulder. He fell to the ground in shock. "How..." he said. Then he was gone.

Richard pulled the dagger out of his shoulder and turned to see the girl being dragged away by the last man. His arm was around her throat. He was choking her!

"No you don't!" screamed Richard. Richard lept to his feet, he felt his shoulder scream at him in pain, but that didn't matter. He lifted his hand and threw the dagger at the man's only truly open spot, his shoulder. The dagger hit him straight on. All those years of hunting with his father, learning knife throwing skills and bow hunting, had paid off. The man fell back losening his grip on the girl.

Richard rushed over and pulled his arm from her neck, she choked for air. "Are you okay?" He asked huriedly to the girl.

OOC: sorry if it seems like a long post. I'm just thinkig that we'll need to get past this arc ASAP. XD

Oh and sorry for the vagueness as far as the fighting scenes. I was trying really hard for no details to be given :P

@Jordan I'm pretty sure I understood your post. if I didn't then let me know XD.
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:02 pm

Wikiwalker (post: 1409851) wrote:Dominick

Several years before Wyn had bought a small paper tube of herb paste from an overseas trader, this herb could keep a man awake for days if he needed it. It was extremely expensive and Dominick was sure they would never need it at the time, but it had come in handy a few times before. It was also something of a risk to take the stuff since too much could be lethal. Even though Dominick had only taken a tiny bit, smaller than a pea, he felt on edge. Every sound sent an electric shock up his spine, and his limbs shook ever so slightly as he walked. He could see it had made Wyn tense too, from the way his eyes looked larger and jerked at the tiniest noises. Dominick had offered some to Phox, but Phox had refused it.

When they had bought it the trader had said that where he originally got it people could become so addicted to the stuff that it took over their whole lives and eventually all they could do was try to get more. Dominick didn't understand how anyone could like this stuff, it didn't even taste nice. In fact it was probably the most unpalatable thing Dominick had ever put in his mouth and, after three years on the street eating garbage with Wyn back when they first left home, that was saying a lot.

Dominick jumped as something seemed to move on the farthest corner of his field of vision. It's just this herb stuff playing tricks, like always, he told himself as he turned to look. But there was something out there. It looked like a person.

"Guys, I think someone is following us," he said, pointing.

OOC: Rusty? Where are you?

[OOC: Sorry, I've been kinda out of it recently. I got sick and things got a little shook up around here, but I'm back! ...sort of. Foggy headed... >.<]


It wasn't the first time this night Phox had intertained the idea they maybe he should've stayed in the village to sleep. Yeah, it is creepy to sleep next to dead people, but after a good 50 hours without sleep it's amazing what possibilities open up. But even 50 hours wouldn't convince Phox to accept the herbal stuff Wyn and Dominick had offered him. Phox had used stimulents before when nescessary, but he still couldn't decide what exactly that stuff was stimulating. And besides, he was trying to get the sour adrenelin out of his system.

Dominick's interjection brought Phox out of his contemplative state. Phox was not in a position to take any chances. Passing his torch to his left hand, he drew his No Dachi, it's long Damascene blade glinting in the torchlight like the wavering surface of a lake. A little afterthought told Phox it was best not to point the blade at the being, just in case, so he let it rest across his shoulders instead.

Raising the torch above his head, he called out, "Approach and identify yourself!" Remembering the 5' blade placed across his shoulders, he added, "If your intentions are peaceful you have nothing to fear." But if they aren't... Phox added to himself.

Phox hated killing people. But to a swordsman, and truthfully with any weapon or fighting art, the more experienced you are, the less killing becomes an option. Some people veiw swords as impliments exclusively for killing. It was a matter of pride to Phox that this was not the case.
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Postby Yamamaya » Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:19 pm

OoC: I'll make a post before you guys head out to camp

Svein stepped back as the girl bumped into him to take down the assassin. "Well excuseeeeee me princess," Svein retorted. Grabbing some rope out of his pack he tied the hands of the assassin.

Two guards arrived and dragged off the assassin to throw him into the dungeon. One of them looked at Svein suspiciously but left anyway.

Svein brushed off his tunic and strolled over to Luan. Grasping the bolt with his hand he yanked it out. Blood started to pour out from the wound. He quickly gathered some cloth and wrapped it around the wound.
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Postby Ella Edric » Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:56 pm

She stepped aside as the guards tied the man up. Lucia then slipped her blade back into it's sheeth, and knelt beside Luan. He looked like he was in a great deal of pain. Lucia closed her eyes, avoiding looking at her friend. Seeing him hurting made her hurt. "Luan..." she said, then looked up at Svein. "Thank you for your help." she forced the words to come out of her lips, she didn't like him very much.
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Postby Vega » Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:57 pm


Alvar lifted his arms up. "I come in peace. Just a wanderer! My name is Alvar." He slowley inched his way towards the people. "Sorry for the intrusion. I just havent seen anybody for quite sometime now" He lowered his arms. Alvar figured he must look a mess. He hoped his scruffy appearance wouldnt scare off these people.
The mind is so complex when your based. 32 levels. Welcome to my world. --Lil B
I'm not guna let anything take the love from my heart, the love of life and spreading peace and positive, thank you earth I'm alive. --Lil B
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Postby Wikiwalker » Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:28 pm

Vega (post: 1410307) wrote:-Alvar-

Alvar lifted his arms up. "I come in peace. Just a wanderer! My name is Alvar." He slowley inched his way towards the people. "Sorry for the intrusion. I just havent seen anybody for quite sometime now" He lowered his arms. Alvar figured he must look a mess. He hoped his scruffy appearance wouldnt scare off these people.

OOC: Wow Rusty, i am sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon!


Wyn had expected Dominick to be annoyed by another visitor, but--whether it was the effect of the stimulant, or just that being around Phox made highway robbery as likely as an attack of purple bunnies, and almost as humorous--Dominick just seemed curious.

"Some scruffy elf kid?" Dominick sounded almost disappointed.

"He doesn't look much younger than you, if he even is younger." Wyn used subtle signs to keep the stranger from noticing that they were talking to each other.

Dominick folded his arms and glared sideways at Wyn.

Wyn never really thought about what it must be like to be around him and his brother. Probably very confusing, what with all the secret conversations going on when you don't have any way of knowing about them. It must be a bit like being deaf. He decided. Or maybe half deaf or something. His analogy broke down and he decided it was more like having people talk over your head constantly, and not being able to hear it, which is what it was. Bored he turned his attention back to the stranger.

"Good day for uninvited guests" he signed to Dominick.

Alvar was thin, and dressed in dirty ragged clothes, his hair looked like it might be some light shade of blond underneath the dirt, and his eyes were teal, at least that couldn't be obscured by dirt. He was clearly an elf. He held his arms over his head in a gesture of surrender.

"He looks kind of scared," Wyn added.

"What do you want?" asked Dominick, only sounding slightly annoyed.

[color="DeepSkyBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"]"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will."-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden[/font][/color]

[color="Pink"]TGJesusfreak: Is the chatroom gonna self destruct or somethin?
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Postby Lynna » Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:06 pm

Umia paced back and forth, her footsteps almost echoing inside the small, empty house.
'I'll do it...no, I won't. I'll be a good girl and wait until the Head of Council says I can, which will probably be never. So I'll go...no...Yes!"
For the thousandth time , she took out a map and looked over it, tracing lightly the route she would take, and then proceeded to pack her travel bag.
"hmm.." she said to herself as she laid out her quiver." It seems one of my arrowheads are damaged...where did I put the spares again?" she went to the large cupboard in the corner and opened it, the scent of sea shells and other such things she stored away there beckoning. As she withdrew the small jar of spare arrowheads, something caught her eye. a note, folded neatly and placed on the highest shelf. She knew it well: it was a letter, addressed to Alver, that she had written not long after his banishment. she had been meaning to burn it, but she hadn't, for some reason.
"No Umia" she said aloud "Don't read it. It doesn't matter anymore. He's gone. They're going. Don't hurt yourself anymore than..."she trailed off "what could make me hurt more than I already am. It's just a stupid letter" she took it out and read it.
You Idiot.
What were you thinking? Why did you do that? Why did you kill him? If you were innocent, why didn't you stay to defend yourself?I don't understand anything anymore.
Yesterday, I saw an Eagle. It was so big and wonderful. If you hadn't left, you could have seen it too.
everyone says I should forget you now. They say I should hate you. But I can't, I just can't, no matter how hard I try.
I hope you're safe. Wherever you are
Somehow, the letter didn't bring the pain she expected. Instead, she felt relieved. smiling wearily, she sealed the letter in an envelope and placed it in her travel bag.
when she was done packing, she ran from the house and to the ocean.
Breathing in the salty breeze, she kicked off her shoes ond ran into the cool, clearblue water,, mixing her tears with the mealting foam.
"tommarrow"she wispered "Tommorrow, I'll leave..."
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Postby Vega » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:21 pm

He watched as the 3 individuals eyes scanned him from top to bottem. He couldnt blame them though...Wanderers with good intensions arent usually encountered out here or at this time. "W-Well..some....some shelter for the night would be nice." Alvar lowered his head. He was ashamed. I mean, look a me now, thought Alvar. He had been humbled to a point of impovershed living.
"I...I understand if you say no...I dont want to intrude or be a burden".
The mind is so complex when your based. 32 levels. Welcome to my world. --Lil B
I'm not guna let anything take the love from my heart, the love of life and spreading peace and positive, thank you earth I'm alive. --Lil B
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:40 pm

Vega (post: 1410561) wrote:-Alvar-
He watched as the 3 individuals eyes scanned him from top to bottem. He couldnt blame them though...Wanderers with good intensions arent usually encountered out here or at this time. "W-Well..some....some shelter for the night would be nice." Alvar lowered his head. He was ashamed. I mean, look a me now, thought Alvar. He had been humbled to a point of impovershed living.
"I...I understand if you say no...I dont want to intrude or be a burden".

"Not at all, you're welcome to come with us. Unfortuneately all the shelter we can provide is the shelter of a keen blade against the dark of night, for we are on a rather urgent trek wich cannot wait until morning, I'm afraid." Phox knew that under the current circumstances allowing for strangers was extremely dangerous. But so am I. He added to himself with an internal chuckle. The sour adrenelin had decreased enough to allow him to physically relax a bit, and it was making him somewhat giddy.

Phox had committed himself many years ago to never pass by someone in need of help. But it wasn't just his promise that prompted him to accept the newcomer. The man's worn and dirty appearance reminded Phox of the time that he had made his promise, when he was dirty, destitute, and shunned]
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Postby Lynna » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:23 am

OOC: yes, I think we may essentially be done with this arc. Unfortunaitly, we'll need TG to proceed, and he's away right now, and will be so for the rest of the week. to add to that, I'm going to be away for a couple weeks after that, so this will be a problem...hopefully things will work out. Just try to prolong things until he comes back, and PM me if you have any questions
I Believe in the Sun/Even when It's not shining/I belive in Love/Even When I Don't Feel it/And I Believe in God/Even when He is silent/And I, I Believe ---BarlowGirl
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Postby Vega » Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:54 pm


Alvar looked up at Phox. He swallowed the jerky in his mouth and cleared his throat.
"Well, my name is Alvar. Ive been a wanderer for about a year now and I guess Im just living this nomadic life until I find a safe place to live."
Alvar looked down. He wasnt sure if he should tell Phox about what happened to him a year ago changing his life forever.
The mind is so complex when your based. 32 levels. Welcome to my world. --Lil B
I'm not guna let anything take the love from my heart, the love of life and spreading peace and positive, thank you earth I'm alive. --Lil B
Swag like I'm marrow, in my bones. Swag in my bones. Bone Marrow Swag. -- Lil B
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Postby Mister » Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:28 pm

Raheem Hurluk wiped his blade clean on the shirt on a dead bandit, returning it to it's sheath afterwords. he put two fingers to his lips and let out a shrill whistle. A large black horse trotted into the clearing and nuzzled Raheem playfully. "Altaparan," the Tall dark skinned man laughed,"you are faithful to return to me! but let us continue on with our journey!" Raheem jumped into the saddle and spurred Altaparan into action.

hours later as the sun had fully risen to it's zenith, Raheem entered into a small city. finding a stable he paid the boy there to care for his horse and then went about the town, looking for information. "Who can tell me the way to the Arach lands?" Raheem asked a local tavern owner. the broad shouldered man stopped what he was doing and the room grew quiet. the man pointed towards the door roughly and continued to glare at him. At each and every Inn and Tavern he visited he asked the same question, and receive the same answer.

finally Raheem retired to a room in a local inn and decided. "tomorrow, tomorrow i'll ask again..." sleep came swiftly that night, he was a step closer to his goal.

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Postby Wikiwalker » Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:02 pm

Vega (post: 1410896) wrote:-Alvar-

Alvar looked up at Phox. He swallowed the jerky in his mouth and cleared his throat.
"Well, my name is Alvar. Ive been a wanderer for about a year now and I guess Im just living this nomadic life until I find a safe place to live."
Alvar looked down. He wasnt sure if he should tell Phox about what happened to him a year ago changing his life forever.


For a short time when he was about twelve Dominick had owned a puppy. He was playing with top in the street near his parent's weaving shop when the puppy just walked up to him, sat down, and looked up with a totally disarming expression--almost a smile--the expression had seemed to say "Boy, am I glad to see you." It's fur was matted, it was skinny and bony, it's fur was infested with all kinds of vermin, it was so caked with mud that he couldn't tell what color it was. As soon as it looked up at him Dominick couldn't do anything but take it home.

After much begging and crying Dominick convinced his parents to let him keep the puppy. Soon it was sleeping in his lap all clean, and fat from eating his mother's left-over stew.

He later gave her the very creative name, Puppy, and for several months she was his shadow as much as he was Wyn's, never leaving his side. Until she suddenly stopped eating, stopped playing, and just sat by the fire all day. In a few days she was dead and Dominick was devastated, despite consolation from his parents and Wyn and his uncle's offers of a new dog he never had another pet--Nero and Oren didn't count cause they were working animals--and twelve years later he still remembered Puppy fondly.

And now there was this weird elf who made the same face in the same way as she had.

He glanced back at Wyn, who was walking behind him, hoping for some kind of direction in this predicament.

"Make conversation." Wyn signed. "Whatever Phox says, I still think this guy is harmless."

Conversation?, Dominick wanted to say, but he knew it was the only sensible thing to do right now, and unfortunately, with Phox being scary, and Wyn being physically unable to talk, he was the only one left to do the talking. Unfortunately it was something he had never been good at.

"Soooo . . . Where did you live? I mean before you started wandering?" Don't ask too many questions he'll think you're rude! "I mean if you don't mind saying." Don't apologize too much or you'll look like an idiot.

[color="DeepSkyBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"]"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will."-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden[/font][/color]

[color="Pink"]TGJesusfreak: Is the chatroom gonna self destruct or somethin?
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:40 pm


[In the backround] Phox stopped, paused for a moment, then sneezed. Rubbing his nose, he continued leading the group into the night. For some reason he couldn't put his finger on, Phox had the feeling he was being misunderstood somehow. He gave up thinking about it, and instead revelled in strutting about with his sword across his shoulders. He could only keep it out for a little while longer, since his arm was already falling asleep.
Proverbs 31:32 "...when she watches anime, she keeps the room well lit and sits at a safe distance."
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Postby QuirkyIceHeart » Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:52 am

TGJesusfreak (post: 1409989) wrote:It all happened in a flash. The man ran at him, the girl came running up behind him yelling, "Get out of the way!" He reacted almost instinctivly, jerking to the side of the wall as the girl lept in front of him blocking a fast swing from the man. The man reached out his other hand a struck her hard on the side of her face. Richard watched her stumble and fall backwards.

"We'll have to just get rid of both of you." He turned back to Richard and grinned. "Say goodbye, kid."

Richard immidiatly scooped up the dagger from beside the girl. "Not today." Richard was trying to sound brave, though he didn't feel that he was. He hoped that what little his father taught him of swordplay would be enough.

He swung the dagger diagnally up, the man blocked it easily.

"what did you hope to accomplish boy?" said the man, between the Cling and Clangs of the clashing blades. "You could have just stayed out of this." Richard realized that his last thrust had left him open. "THEN YOU MGHT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO LIVE!" The man thrust his sword at him. Richard tried to sidestep but felt the cold steel enter his right shoulder. Richard screamed in pain. To make matters worse Richard saw, at the other end of the alley, the other man. It finally hit Richard, he realized that this was their plan all along]'No...'[/I] he thought Not like this.... He felt his arm go limp. 'Not yet...' With a final burst of strength and speed he tossed his dagger to his free hand and thrust it at the heart of the man. He toppled backwards, letting go of the knife that was in Richard's shoulder. He fell to the ground in shock. "How..." he said. Then he was gone.

Richard pulled the dagger out of his shoulder and turned to see the girl being dragged away by the last man. His arm was around her throat. He was choking her!

"No you don't!" screamed Richard. Richard lept to his feet, he felt his shoulder scream at him in pain, but that didn't matter. He lifted his hand and threw the dagger at the man's only truly open spot, his shoulder. The dagger hit him straight on. All those years of hunting with his father, learning knife throwing skills and bow hunting, had paid off. The man fell back losening his grip on the girl.

Richard rushed over and pulled his arm from her neck, she choked for air. "Are you okay?" He asked huriedly to the girl.

OOC: sorry if it seems like a long post. I'm just thinkig that we'll need to get past this arc ASAP. XD

Oh and sorry for the vagueness as far as the fighting scenes. I was trying really hard for no details to be given :P

@Jordan I'm pretty sure I understood your post. if I didn't then let me know XD.

OOC: Nope, you got it all right :thumb:

Before she knew what had happened, a heavy hand gripped her throat. She struggled, but she wasn't strong enough to escape. Annissa choked and hit at him, but he only held her tighter. His rotting breath filled her senses, and her strength began to dwindle. I can't... I...
"No you don't!" The boy's voice echoed through the alley, and she heard a thunk behind her. The man's grip loosened, and she was dropped to the ground.
Annissa landed on her knees, and choked for air. Everything around her spun...
"Are you okay?" The boy was kneeling beside her, his hand on her shoulder.
She looked up at him, but said nothing. He... he saved me... She glanced around the alley, and then back at him. His blue eyes looked down at her, with genuine concern written across his face. Warmth spread through her cheeks, and she quickly looked away. "Uh... yeah. I think I'm fine..."
Something warm hit her hand, and she frowned. She looked at it curiously, then gasped when she saw what it was.
"Blood?! What- are you hurt? What happened? I mean..." She scrambled backwards, and stared in fear. He seemed startled by her reaction, but it was clear that he was in pain. She stuttered for a moment, not sure what to do.
Get a hold of yourself, Annissa! You know what to do with this type of injury! She gulped and gripped her dress. She'd studied some first aid and herbal medicines, once upon a time... but she'd never had to use any of it in real life. She tried to calm herself, and went back over to the boy.
Clenching her jaw, she tried to appear as if she was in charge and knew what she was doing. Within a few minutes, she'd ripped off some of her cloak and was clutching it tightly. "Give me your arm." She hoped he couldn't see that she was blushing, and inwardly panicking.

OOC: O__________O
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Postby Lynna » Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:53 am

OOC: Mister, if you want, you can join up with Phox, Wyn,Dominik, and alvar, or you can kind of wander around untill you can join another group. Or if there is another group you can jion, just jump in when you think you can
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Postby Vega » Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:20 pm


He looked up at Dominick and sighed. The last thing Alvar wanted to do was rant to these kind strangers but they seemed genuinly intrested and who was he to refuse them.
"Well.....Im originally from the Okeanus tribe......I began wandering a year ago"
Alvar put his elbows on the table and began rubbing his forehead.
"One thing led to another and.....now im here"
The mind is so complex when your based. 32 levels. Welcome to my world. --Lil B
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:25 pm

Vega (post: 1411324) wrote:-Alvar-

He looked up at Dominick and sighed. The last thing Alvar wanted to do was rant to these kind strangers but they seemed genuinly intrested and who was he to refuse them.
"Well.....Im originally from the Okeanus tribe......I began wandering a year ago"
Alvar put his elbows on the table and began rubbing his forehead.
"One thing led to another and.....now im here"

[OOC: Where'd the table come from? o.0 Haha, they are currently journeying through a forest in the middle of the night, so unless Wyn and Dominick are carrying a table with them... :thumb:]
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Postby Mister » Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:22 pm

Raheem flew from his bed with the blade of a thrown dagger cutting a thin line on his ear. Raheem took up his shield and scimitar immediately as his feet touched the floor. Suddenly a rope whirled around his ankles and his feet flew out from under him.

He slammed back against the bed as a black clad figure dove on him, a dagger barely missing his throat. Raheem swiftly drew a long knife from his belt and drove it into the man, then shoved his limp body aside. rising to his feet he brought up his shield and caught another attacker's blade on it's thick wooden surface. in an instant a crossbow bolt flew from the darkness, piercing into his right thigh.

Raheem roared in pain and rage, throwing the second attacker back and slashing him in the stomach. he grabbed the attacker and used him as a shield as two more bolts thudded sickly into the man's back. Raheem lifted the man slightly and dove backwards with his good leg. he and his human shield crashed through the window and rolled off the awning. after they hit the ground Raheem jerked the bolt from his leg and tore the mask off the dead attacker. the red hair and eyes of an Arach elf gleamed in the moonlight.

Raheem gritted his teeth and fought to his feet. he looked back up at the window but nothing appeared there. he sheathed his scimitar and began limping away as fast as he could. after a little time he felt his legs getting weaker from the wound in his thigh. he half stumbled and half limped over to a nearby house and pounded on the door.

getting no answer he broke the door down with his shoulder and fell through the door way, he was exhausted and needed rest. he drug himself into the bedroom and used a torn piece of the bed sheet to bandage the wound.

(OOC: this is Umia's house XD )

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Postby Lynna » Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:21 pm

OOC: Okay, Mister XD just so you know though, the Okeanus tribe is a LONG ways away from the arach tribe. but that's okay, he must have just been REALLY lost XD

Umia awoke with a start. Someone was banging on the door. Quickly, she wrapped a cloak around her thin nightdress,grabbed her compound bow and some arrows, and carefully crept through the hall, her ears straining for every niose
It was the sound of someones heart beating
'could it be..."she thought 'coming from..?'
she raced thourhg the hall and thrust the door wide open, pointing her compound bow at the intruder
"Don't move!" she hissed "Don't move an inch."
It was a human man, and though she couldn't see him properly in the dark, she could tell he was covered in blood, and was bandaging himself up, but had stopped when she ordered him to
"Now, answer me, or you're dead" she tried to sound hersh and resolved "Who are you?, and what are you doing in my house?"
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Postby Mister » Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:08 pm

Raheem Paused at the sight of the elfen girl, and the bow she held. Raheem's eyes narrowed lightly but he made no move, nor did he speak. he finished tightening the bandage and as he put the final tug on the bandage he stood to his full height and said, "i am Raheem Harluk, and i am searching for someone. please, i need a place to stay. as you can see, i am hurt and very tired." with those last words he couldn't hold himself up any longer and fell forward at the girl's feet, unconscious.

(OCC: quite on the contrary, Raheem has been searching for the killer, and his killer has been searching for him. a lead led him to the Okeanus tribe.

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Postby Davidizer13 » Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:35 pm


Mellara opened her eyes, feeling the early morning chill hit her face. She carefully pried herself out of Strey's arms, trying not to disturb his sleep. She slipped on a tunic, looking out the window as she did - a thick fog had blown in from the sea overnight, filling the village with a pale gray haze. As with every morning, she headed out to clear her mind for the day to come, walking past a satchel of supplies for their journey, and into the village green.

As she walked between the cottages of the town, one caught her eye - the door was open; whose house was it, again? She had been in it, once, but forgot who was living there. Cautiously, she stepped closer, and saw that the door had been splintered - this was a break-in! Not wanting to run into the perpetrator if he was still around, she called into the doorway. "I-is everything all right in here?"
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Postby Lynna » Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:30 am

Mister (post: 1411482) wrote:Raheem Paused at the sight of the elfen girl, and the bow she held. Raheem's eyes narrowed lightly but he made no move, nor did he speak. he finished tightening the bandage and as he put the final tug on the bandage he stood to his full height and said, "i am Raheem Harluk, and i am searching for someone. please, i need a place to stay. as you can see, i am hurt and very tired." with those last words he couldn't hold himself up any longer and fell forward at the girl's feet, unconscious.

(OCC: quite on the contrary, Raheem has been searching for the killer, and his killer has been searching for him. a lead led him to the Okeanus tribe.

Umia sighed. 'well' she thought 'he's wounded,and has nowhere else to go. so he's going to have to stay here' she dragged the collapsed man onto the bed, and then went to find bandages, herbs, and water to clean his wounds. once she had done that she left, locking the door to Alvar's room behind her, because she wasn't sure she could trust him (and besides, she didn't want him to leave without explanation) and then went back to sleep

She awoke early, as always, only remmembering what had happened at the sight of the beoken-dwn door 'I hope no one notices' she thought ' but hopefully most people aren't up yet'
"I-is everything all right in here?"
It was Mellara. Umia cautiously approached the entranceway
' I can't let people know about this' she thought ' I don't know for sure if that man isn't an outcast or something, and that would be bad if people knew. But I need mellara's help. some of those wounds are way too serious for me to treat, and she'll probably know what to do''
"Mellara?" she said "Good morning. Listen, I need your help. I seriously wounded man broke into my house last night. I've done what I can but I don't know wheather he'll be okay. Could you come and look at him?"
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Postby Vega » Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:14 pm

OOC: Oops, Im so sorry :sweat: I dont know what I was thinking!
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Postby Mister » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:04 pm

Fire ravaged Raheem's dreams, the fire of his Father's Yurt. In his dreams he replayed the night of his father's assassination.Raheem ran through the streets in his dream as if he was dazed. his Mahudan vest was bloodied and torn, the attack from the east was sudden and unexpected. the attackers were fast, precise and deadly.

Raheem had fought hard and beaten them back alongside his fellow Mahudans. his father had ran to his yurt to protect Raheem's mother and little sisters. in his dream Raheem shoved the Yurt flap aside and stumbled in. his father stood like a stone, his one hand gripping the throat of a grinning Arach elf, the other hand gripping the elf's sword which was through his middle.

Raheem roared with anger and inner pain. he charged the elf whom his father held fast, but the elf jerked the sword free and severed the arm that held him. he then dove to the ground at Raheem's feet, tripping him to the floor. Raheem had lunged to his feet again, his scimitar at the ready, but the elf was gone. suddenly the dream faded, and he heard strange voices coming from somewhere beyond the darkness of his dreams.

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Postby Wikiwalker » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:08 pm

Vega (post: 1411564) wrote:OOC: Oops, Im so sorry :sweat: I dont know what I was thinking!

OOC: Haha, that's perfectly fine XD. We all make mistakes. Anyways, I'll post later, now I have to go to work.

[color="DeepSkyBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"]"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will."-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden[/font][/color]

[color="Pink"]TGJesusfreak: Is the chatroom gonna self destruct or somethin?
Chatbot: Yes[/color]

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Postby Rusty Claymore » Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:55 pm

OOC: If you need convincing, check out the infamous donkey miscount when Phox and the Bros. first meet up. >.<
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Postby Yamamaya » Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:06 am

Svein sensed a bit of venom in Lucianna's voice. Normally such a thing wouldn't bother him but for some reason it stung him.

"I mean sure I was planning to steal a dragon but..." Svein thought to himself. Svein had seen her glance at his non elvish ears.

It was probably best to leave this place. His plans would have to wait.

He turned to Lucianna, "He'll be fine. The wound wasn't deep." There was no way for him to talk his way into staying. He had to leave. He turned and started to leave.
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