Nate (post: 1399975) wrote:If you think all commercials are annoying you haven't seen this:
Roy Mustang (post: 1400707) wrote:I hated the Quiznos Spongmonkeys ads so much that I never step foot into another Quiznos again.
I thought the ad was annoying and I really didn't want to think about something that kind of look like a rat or a mouse, when I'm eating a sandwich.
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
airichan623 (post: 1399921) wrote:Most annoying....
[font="Arial Black"][color="Lime"]
the Geico lady.[/color][/font]
Woman: "So...You like Little Women?"
Guy: "Yeah, I'm not picky."
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
FllMtl Novelist (post: 1401211) wrote:Finally remembered a specific commercial that irks me. That Bud Light ad with the guy and the women's book club. He's about to leave the house, sees the beer, and pretends to have read/liked the book, just to get the beer. The women are complete ditzes, and aren't at all suspicious as to why a guy wants to discuss relationships in the book Little Women with a bunch of real women. And then he delivers this little gem:
Would it be too much to ask for just one of the women to say, "Oh I see what you're up to"? Apparently.
Naturally, my mother finds the ad absolutely hilarious.
rocklobster (post: 1399861) wrote:I will never understand why people who make commercials believe that annoying viewers is a good way to make a commercial. So I was wondering what you folks consider the most annoying commercials.
Here are mine:
That Staples one where the idiot is screaming "WOW! THAT'S A LOW PRICE!"
The Smiling Bob commercials (shivers)
Just the Burger King in general
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
Shao Feng-Li wrote:I hardly ever see commercials anymore, but the Enzyte ones... eugh.
Fu wrote:RD, you reminded me of those stupid Twix ads.
FllMtl Novelist (post: 1408467) wrote:I also hate all those commercials where they show someone doing some mediocre task the normal way, and the normal way is so terrible, and the person gets all frustrated and annoyed, totally overacting. Then, they show the person using the magical new product, and BAM! the person is all smiles!!
I wish I wasn't so observant: before I noticed they were doing the above, those kinds of ads didn't bother me. XD
RD wrote:Dude, those kinds of commercials make me laugh SO HARD. XD I saw one once for some kind of portable fan or something. There was a black & white scene with this woman holding the hose to a bicycle pump, and pumping it into her face to cool off. XDD It was the funniest thing ever. XD
Nate) wrote:I hadn't seen the one you described, so I looked it up on youtube and I have to say that was a hilariously funny commercial. I will now go buy three packs of Twix in its honor.
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
Davidizer13 wrote:ropeless jump rope!
Fu wrote:You hate me, don't you.
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