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Biggest pet peeves

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Postby Blacklight » Sat May 29, 2010 11:42 pm

Just thought of some more.
- When people can never speak loud enough or clear enough for me to hear; actually, I think this is directed toward myself, because I can't always understand what people are saying, and they don't want to keep repeating themselves. (Sorry, everyone.)
- When people whistle their "S"s, it really hurts to hear.
- When I try not to respond to something, because I know that I might say something offensive, so I try to let it go, but someone keeps pressing me to say something.
- Disney Channel.
- When people get offended just so that they can be a victim.
- When people always want to blame someone else, so that they can be a victim.
- People constantly victimizing themselves.
- Black is evil, white is good.
- Many cliches.
- My 'dislexic moments'; when reading, I will mix up words, misread words and it doesn't make sense untl the sixth time I've read it. (e.g. "odor" as "door" and vise versa, "goblet" as "goblin" which happened today, etc.)

Since The Happening (Blegh), I have hated people being loud in movie theatres with a passion.
(There were people laughing out loud when people would kill themselves. Really.)

I can't stand listening to people constantly mispronouncing Japanese words.
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Postby Dante » Sun May 30, 2010 12:06 am

Let us see, what are my pet peeves?

For some reason, chewing loudly drives me nuts, I'm not sure why, I realize people have to eat, but sometimes if I'm forced to listen to nothing but the sound of their chewing, it doesn't feel good. Kinda like how nails sound going down the chalk board. It probably only bothers me because I've ate alone for about 2 years and so I am no longer accustomed to the sound of others eating in close proximity to me.

On a related note, I have a pet peeve with restaurants that act like they don't want to serve me and provide bad service once I'm inside simply because I'm a party of one and not a party of three or four.

I'm also irked if someone tries to run me down while crossing the street at a cross-walk, with the light in my favor simply because they want to make a right turn and didn't feel like waiting for me... or left turns that feel they want to punch it to make it through the light. Typically, the larger the truck and the more devices they're operating, the more I'm irked. For added effect, let the license plate come from California, which in my experience, has some of the worst drivers in the country.

Its not that I have anything against dying... it's just that I don't want to die because of someone's impatience, lack of attention span or some combo therein. If something is going to kill me, I want it to be deliberate and well thought out. It's honestly not that much to ask. In any case, kill me with this and my fat ethereal rump will haunt you from the great beyond so often you'll be calling TAPS within the week :P. You might not have patience for me, but I have patience for you XD.

People who verbally complain in college about extremely simple assignments.

Example (Someone in front of me in the lunch line): "OMG, she's actually going to make us write a five page double spaced paper for the end of the class. Can you believe that? How are we supposed to write all of that?" >_>

Television. I don't like it, I don't watch it... easiest pet peeve ever.

People who believe sports are an absolute and critical aspect of the nation. Liking sports is fine, but there is a fine line between liking (or even fanaticism) and believing that football is going to vastly change the fate of the nation.

People or tests that assume I watch and follow sports. I don't watch baseball, I don't know how many players are on the field, and I'm not sure why that determines my intelligence as much as it shows I pay no attention to sports.

This got me in particular trouble in elementary school when the PE teacher would assume EVERYONE knew the rules to EVERY sport as though they were some kind of natural instinct... and so when I didn't know what to do when they threw me a foot-ball, he felt I was doing it deliberately. Instead, it was simply that I never felt any interest in any game involving physical activity combined with any type of ball. I knew nothing of it, other then the fact that it was a "sport" and that was about it.

Finally, people who don't realize that I am Generalissimo of my own nation, albeit a nation of one, but a nation all the same and bask in the glory thereof. We trade greatly with the US (or is it China? I can never tell) and pay terrifs (they call them taxes) but I am still a Generalissimo and they should be honored to meet me. Maybe I need to dress in a military uniform and line my chest with medals like these guys:

but I am a peaceful nation and am strongly against the use of violence to enforce our will. I prefer diplomacy much better. Of course, not having an army might have something to do with that!

Of course, there is always the chance that I am doing the wrong and fail to realize that THEY TOO! Are Generalissimos of their own nations! Oh, the humanity, that would be terrible.

Anyways... that felt great, pet peeves released upon the helpless masses. Also...

ich1990 wrote:Incidentally, most of my pet peeves revolve around pets. You might even say they peeve me.

Kittens... this makes SO much more sense now XD
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Sun May 30, 2010 5:57 am

Blacklight (post: 1397561) wrote:Oh, yes and I LOATHE stretch jeans.
If I get jeans, I want them to FIT, I don't want to have to pull them up every five seconds, worse, you can't just get a smaller size so that they will fit]
I hate stupidly cut jeans as well (not limited to stretch jeans). I only get my jeans from one shop... I sometime try other places, but they always end up being inferior!

Blacklight (post: 1397587) wrote:- When people whistle their "S"s, it really hurts to hear.

Sssix or ssseven weekss ago...
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Postby ich1990 » Sun May 30, 2010 7:13 am

Pascal (post: 1397589) wrote:Kittens... this makes SO much more sense now XD

Nah, felines are okay, so long as they aren't eating anybody important. Canines are a different story, though....
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Sun May 30, 2010 3:36 pm

[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]I actually have a few more from my job:

People who mumble in the phone - Okay, this is a chief issue with me when I'm on the phone with a customer. If I ask you a "Yes" or "No" question, I expect a "yes" or "no" reply. "Mm-hmm" and "Mmm-Mnn" ARE NOT acceptable! Open your freakin' mouth and say "Yes" or "No"! It ain't that hard! I once was so fed up with a teenage customer (who was getting mad on her own anyway) I honestly said to her "Ma'am, I'm sorry. I do not understand "uh-huh" and "uh-uh"; can you please reply with yes or no?"

People who don't have pen and paper ready before calling customer care - "Okay ma'am, I will be more than happy to give you that phone number before transferring. That number is 1-800--" "OH WAIT! WAIT A MINUTE!! LEMME GET A PEN AND A PIECE OF PAPER!! Hold on a minute...lemme find something to write on...okay...I'm ready." "Okay ma'am...that number is 1-800--" "HANG ON! My pen don't wanna write now...hang on..."

Need I say more? If you're calling a business for something, WHY DON'T YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO WRITE ON/WITH!?

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Postby blkmage » Sun May 30, 2010 3:43 pm

Nate (post: 1396807) wrote:I hate it, I absolutely HATE it, with every fiber of my being, when someone backs into a parking space. I can't stand it. It makes me want to smash their windows and slash their tires.

IT DOESN'T SAVE YOU ANY TIME YOU IDIOTS, YOU WASTE AS MUCH TIME BACKING INTO THE SPACE AS YOU WOULD BACKING OUT OF IT. IT'S POINTLESS. In fact you probably waste MORE time backing into a space than backing out of it, because when you back out you don't have to be precise, you do when you're backing in! ARGH.

Is your name actually Mike Krahulik?

The only other time I've heard of this was when he went through the exact same rant on one of the old Penny Arcade podcasts.
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Postby Nate » Sun May 30, 2010 3:47 pm

I actually remember listening to that podcast and hearing him say that and I was like "FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME."

Seriously it's bugged me for years.

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Postby Ante Bellum » Sun May 30, 2010 5:03 pm

Speaking of parking lots, just an hour or so ago, my dad had to deal with this one woman's kid. She was unbuckling a baby and told this four year old to go get a cart. So he does and starts to hit our car with it several times, even after my dad told him a couple times not to. Then my dad just grabbed the cart and shoved it out of the way. (Knowing him, that cart would have traveled far if he used his full strength. Unfortunately I missed this prime example of stupidity, I assume his didn't send it across the parking lot. XD )
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Postby choklit » Sun May 30, 2010 5:23 pm

Mine are mostly school-related...

I dislike:

People walking 4 abreast in the hallway. Traffic much.

Couples digging for gold in each other's pockets while trading spit. Seriously. I have better luck finding oil in my locker.
And worse: teachers see and look AWAY. DO something, you adult you!

The person sitting next to you asking for paper. Every day. And asking for a pen. And losing it. Every day. I'm considering supergluing the next pen I hand to him.

People who just shout at someone randomly, laugh like it's clever, and walk off.

Food stuck behind books in the library.

People who can't draw, then complain about everything "wrong" with your artwork.

That's it for now...
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun May 30, 2010 5:53 pm

choklit (post: 1397720) wrote:People who can't draw, then complain about everything "wrong" with your artwork.

Oh man, I understand this so much, and have had to hold my tongue SO many times in the past when my art was being criticized outside of the classroom, and without my asking. XD It's just something that you have consciously keep from getting under your skin. XD

Another pet peeve of mine, I have discovered, is loud people. Like, the kind of loud where your ears just vibrate inside your head, and you start getting a headache. XD

Also, constant one-upping. Oh my goodness, it can really grind on my nerves. XD
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Postby Nate » Sun May 30, 2010 5:59 pm

choklit wrote:People who can't draw, then complain about everything "wrong" with your artwork.

But do you feel the same way about people who can't draw that compliment your artwork?

Because if you're going to say "People who can't draw don't know what's bad in art" then they can't know what's good either.

I mean I dunno. I kind of look at it as, I don't know what life was like in 15th century England but I would know they wouldn't have wristwatches.

Though I understand you're probably talking more about people who are all "Your art sucks, it's so terrible, everything you draw is crap" rather than people who can't draw but can still say something like "Well, shoulders are usually about twice as wide as the head, so her shoulders are too big/small for her body" type criticism.


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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Sun May 30, 2010 7:42 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:Also, constant one-upping. Oh my goodness, it can really grind on my nerves. XD

Pfft. That's nothing. How about when my jetpack overheats and won't start up to fly me away in what would have been my picture-perfect moment of triumphant glory after I've just caused a great big spectacular explosion and saved the galaxy from alien invasion. Happens every time.
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Postby Nate » Sun May 30, 2010 9:15 pm


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Postby TGJesusfreak » Sun May 30, 2010 11:59 pm

Atria35 (post: 1397237) wrote:*looks around and hopes she doesn't offend anybody*

Okay, one of my absolute biggest pet peeves is something that I've noticed happens occasionally on a lot of Christian anime sites (well, the ones that exist), and has happened on here once or twice since I joined. It's pointing out that an anime character is.... buxom. Even if - especially if - the character isn't used for fanservice. IRL I'm a buxom girl, and I had to deal with a lot of hassle because not only did I develop a year before the rest of the girls my age, but I also developed a lot more than them. When I see someone pointing it out for an anime character, it makes me feel bad about my own body because of it.
Yeah. I find this to be rather offensive. People unknowingly making it out like your own body is something to be ashamed of :/

Angel37 (post: 1397277) wrote:EXACTLY

My biggest pet peeve is people who are stuck on themselves. Arrogant, only see things their way, could care less about others, think they're always right, etc.

I also can't stand judgmental people. The ones who just stick a label on you or who judge you without even knowing you or who think it's their duty to fix everything wrong with you as if they had nothing wrong with them.

It also gets on my nerves when people have to debate every little thing no matter what it is. Some things are not worth the breath or the anger!

YES! Oh those bother me so much!

Tsukuyomi (post: 1397331) wrote:When people tell you to turn down what you're listening to/watching, but yet you cannot ask them when they have something blasted up T__T
I feel your pain... XD

Airichan623 wrote:And mawnga instead of maynga.
I HATE it when people mispronounce that! XD

Fll Mtl Novelist wrote:(I’] *Headdesk headdesk*

choklit (post: 1397720) wrote: (1)Couples digging for gold in each other's pockets while trading spit. Seriously. I have better luck finding oil in my locker.
And worse: teachers see and look AWAY. DO something, you adult you!

(2) People who can't draw, then complain about everything "wrong" with your artwork.
1. O_O Glad I'm homeschooled...

2. I hate that XD

I hate it when our readng and someone starts trying to talk to you, or you're playing a video game, and someone (sisters mostly) try and talk AT you XD

I also hate it when people are telling you do stop doing something when they do the same thing 30 seconds later.... :rant:
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon May 31, 2010 12:08 am

Oh dear. It took me some time to work out what you were saying with 'couples digging for gold'. Yikes.

The difference between well-endowed anime characters and people are that generally the anime/manga characters are there as a form of fan-service. But yes, we should respect people of all sizes and shapes.

Isn't 'manga' pronounced 'munga'? If that's incorrect I've annoyed some people. Sorry.
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Postby J.R. » Mon May 31, 2010 12:30 am

Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1397804) wrote:Isn't 'manga' pronounced 'munga'? If that's incorrect I've annoyed some people. Sorry.

Manga = まんが

ま makes a "mah" sound.
ん makes an "n" sound.
が makes a "ga" sound.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon May 31, 2010 1:01 am

The word, "Decadent," used in a sentence like so:

"This food tastes sooo decadent!"
I think it was a pizza hut commercial that killed it for me! XD
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Postby choklit » Mon May 31, 2010 6:05 am

Nate (post: 1397738) wrote:But do you feel the same way about people who can't draw that compliment your artwork?

Because if you're going to say "People who can't draw don't know what's bad in art" then they can't know what's good either.

I mean I dunno. I kind of look at it as, I don't know what life was like in 15th century England but I would know they wouldn't have wristwatches.

Though I understand you're probably talking more about people who are all "Your art sucks, it's so terrible, everything you draw is crap" rather than people who can't draw but can still say something like "Well, shoulders are usually about twice as wide as the head, so her shoulders are too big/small for her body" type criticism.


Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. ^_^

I don't mind people honestly telling me their opinion; I welcome it. My pet peeve is when people complain about it just for the sake of complaining and making themselves look like they know more than they do.

haha, thanks for telling me your point of view, anyhow.
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Postby Kaori » Mon May 31, 2010 7:38 am

Nate wrote:I actually remember listening to that podcast and hearing him say that and I was like "FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME."

Seriously it's bugged me for years.

Nate, I hope you don't have any plans to ever move to a part of Japan where driving is required. Because here, everyone backs into parking spaces. In some paid parking garages, attendants will require you to back into the parking space.

choklit wrote:The person sitting next to you asking for paper. Every day. And asking for a pen. And losing it. Every day. I'm considering supergluing the next pen I hand to him.

Seconded, from a slightly different perspective. It baffles me when my students come to class without basic supplies, like paper (and they are not too poor to buy paper). Don't they need paper for every class . . . every day?

choklit wrote:Food stuck behind books in the library.

Food wrappers stuck between/behind books on the shelves in my classroom. This means that I was oblivious and failed to notice when students were eating food in the classroom.
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Postby Wolf-man » Mon May 31, 2010 10:10 am

airichan623 (post: 1397370) wrote::
I know right? Now its hard to correct yourself: like Kee-mono instead of ki-mono. And mawnga instead of maynga. Although i only say it wrong in front of people who dont get Japanese :forehead:

Yeah this really irritates me too. Usually I am like "whatever" about it and I don't care all that much but then people start to argue with me about it. That is really annoying and frustrating. I have had that happen to me too. When I started college this year I was talking to a friend. He said maynga and I was like "It's actually pronounced mawnga" and then he started to argue with me. He's like "Well every person I have ever talked to has pronounced it maynga!!!!" I was thinking "oh well excuse me. It's not like those people could be wrong or anything." But I held my tongue and simply tried to explain to him that the Japanese language does not allow for a word like "maynga" and the Japanese would not be able to (or just have a hard time) pronounce the long "a". Of course he didn't agree with me and assumed that he was still right. I was just like "My brother has studied Japanese and I have been exposed to the language through media (actual sub not dub) since I was like 8 years old. Maybe earlier. Ok I know that last sentence isn't really much evidence for my knowledge but still.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Mon May 31, 2010 10:20 am

I never cared how people who don't speak Japanese pronounce the words. I feel like a weaboo otherwise. DON'T YOU DARE MISPRONOUNCE MY CARTOONS. :P Heck, even I say "maynga."

I had a pet peeve to add, but I can't remember it now. I hate that.
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Postby Ante Bellum » Mon May 31, 2010 10:33 am

Erm, maybe your pet peeve is forgetting what you wanted to say?
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Postby Nate » Mon May 31, 2010 12:17 pm

I like how everyone complains about people pronouncing Japanese words wrong, but nobody complains about the Japanese pronouncing English words wrong.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon May 31, 2010 12:23 pm

Glenn Beck sharing his opinion. That is my biggest pet peeve.
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Postby blkmage » Mon May 31, 2010 12:57 pm

Not using eight space hard tabs and K&R. Also, breaking convention in mathematical notation.
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Postby Nate » Mon May 31, 2010 1:17 pm

Htom Sirveaux wrote:Pfft. That's nothing. How about when my jetpack overheats and won't start up to fly me away in what would have been my picture-perfect moment of triumphant glory after I've just caused a great big spectacular explosion and saved the galaxy from alien invasion.

You need one of these, then.


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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon May 31, 2010 1:32 pm

Nate (post: 1397873) wrote:You need one of these, then.


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Postby Tsukuyomi » Mon May 31, 2010 2:26 pm

I has another pet peeve.. Surprising, no xD?

Hmmm, when people are sitting/standing right in front of one another and are talking at the top of their lungs O_O
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Postby Ante Bellum » Mon May 31, 2010 2:56 pm

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon May 31, 2010 3:06 pm

Radical Dreamer (post: 1397880) wrote:Image

YES. Absolutely YES.
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