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Biggest pet peeves

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Fri May 28, 2010 2:32 pm

This is gonna make me sound like a jerk but it bugs the crap out of me when people don't pronounce Japanese words correctly. .____. I'm not asking people to learn the language or anything but if you're gonna say the words, at least try to say them right. >_<

Also, I hate it when people talk on their cell phones while driving or while in the movie theatre. I also hate it when people bring their tiny babies with them and they start crying. It's not really the baby's fault or anything, and I've got nothing against babies in general. But parents should be considerate enough to leave their kid with someone else if it's one of those babies that cries all the time.

Also if you can't find someone to babysit your infant, then DON'T GO TO THE MOVIES. Babies don't want to be in a dark, loud place and you can't even enjoy the movie if they're crying anyways, not to mention how inconsiderate it is to the people who actually do want to pay attention to the film. Jeez louise.

Furthermore, why in the F do teenagers pay 9 dollars to get into a movie and then don't even watch it? If you're just gonna text the whole time, then what's the point of even going out somewhere in the first place? You can do that at home.
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Postby Sheenar » Fri May 28, 2010 2:32 pm

People who speed recklessly, weaving back and forth in traffic --and those that drive recklessly in general --pulling in front of people so that person has to hit their brakes hard to avoid the person who pulled out in front of them, etc. Seriously, is getting somewhere 2 minutes sooner worth endangering the lives of everyone on the road with you? I feel that everyone should be required to take a defensive driving course and retake it annually --maybe some of that knowledge will actually sink in. Plus, if people actually followed what is taught in those courses, less accidents will happen because of reckless driving. (And people would save money on their car insurance by taking the course.)

People who don't train their dogs in at least basic obedience. Small dog owners tend to be pretty guilty of this --many small dogs are allowed to get away with things large dogs would not be allowed to do --some small dog owners think it is cute for their dog to jump on people. (Not all small dog owners are like this, but I've seen many more small dogs behaving badly.) I mean, is it that hard to teach your dog to behave nicely in public? "Sit." "Down." "Come." "Leave it." "Heel." These are all basic commands that every dog should know. It was so frustrating to be out with my WORKING service dog (who helped me keep my balance when I walked) and have some dog straining at their leash (or not on a leash at all) and come running up to my dog while she is working, trying to jump on her, barking, etc. And the owner is encouraging them to do so in many cases --"go say hi." Ugh.

My third top one are PETA, the Humane Society of the United States, and similar organizations and their views. They generate a lot of financial support from well-meaning but ill-informed people and have a powerful lobbying force. They are a dangerous group of people who are trying to get laws passed which, while they may sound appealing/good on the surface, would actually result in significant harm if passed. These organizations are for the eradication of all domestic animals (it's on PETA's website)--they push spay/neuter so hard that they are trying to pass laws that would have significant detrimental effects on responsible breeders/animal raisers, including agricultural areas and the breeders of service dogs. A PETA supporter actually engaged one of my fellow service dog recipients in conversation in the store while her partner tried to take the dog's leash out of her hand to lead the dog away from her! In one area of NJ, one service dog team was harassed so badly by PETA supporters in her area that the dog had to be returned to the program for the safety of the dog and the recipient!
PETA and similar organizations just take things too far.

Also people who abuse the handicap placards/parking spaces and/or the motorized scooters in stores. Obesity is not automatically a disability. If you are physically able to walk without actually being in danger of falling/experiencing other harm, then do so. Save the parking spots and carts for the people who need them (and please don't park on the lines...they are there so the wheelchair lifts can go down and for loading/unloading assistive equipment).
Also, please don't block curbcuts with your vehicle. It doesn't matter if you're only there for a few minutes waiting to pick somebody up --please move forward a few feet so people can enter/exit the parking lot.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri May 28, 2010 3:11 pm

People who expect others to forgive and forget, but can't do it themselves o.O
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Postby Roy Mustang » Fri May 28, 2010 3:17 pm

People that post in a thread that is two year or more old. Come on people, check the date of the thread first!

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Postby Ante Bellum » Fri May 28, 2010 3:20 pm

I HATE PETA. Those nutjobs...I've seen pictures of their protests, most attention they get is from men looking at the nude women. And my friend's seen them protesting a fur store while wearing leather. Is the Humane Society that bad as well? Oh well, is the SPCA decent enough? I'm just glad that I'm so far from the cities that I don't have to deal with them, Westburo, Greenpeace, etc. I feed bad for those with service dogs. I'd just to punch those people who want to take them away! Or PETA members in general, they just anger me.

I know what you mean about the handicap cards. My mom's seen this super obese woman using a motorized scooter and ran over her daughter's foot, afterward yelling at her to get out of the way. Now, my mom was permanently handicapped (Broken neck/back/left hip, which meant that she couldn't walk super long distances.), but since she was so muscular and healthy looking (Her body type caused this.), people would get mad and yell at her. She's gotten an email from one coward, but after sending one back she never got an apology. And my dad's actually flipped off a pair of guys sitting around, smoking, waiting for us to get back to the truck and then saying, "Well, I'm glad they're all handicapped." Soon they'll be saying that my grandpa, who has Parkinson's, is in perfect health and shouldn't use one of the placards.

Hm, some other pet peeves of mine are the people that walk around wearing really revealing clothes, baggy pants, or have their hats twisted the wrong way. I see this in school all the time, and it not only annoys me, but it really just creeps me out.
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Postby Atria35 » Fri May 28, 2010 4:11 pm

*looks around and hopes she doesn't offend anybody*

Okay, one of my absolute biggest pet peeves is something that I've noticed happens occasionally on a lot of Christian anime sites (well, the ones that exist), and has happened on here once or twice since I joined. It's pointing out that an anime character is.... buxom. Even if - especially if - the character isn't used for fanservice. IRL I'm a buxom girl, and I had to deal with a lot of hassle because not only did I develop a year before the rest of the girls my age, but I also developed a lot more than them. When I see someone pointing it out for an anime character, it makes me feel bad about my own body because of it.
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Postby Ante Bellum » Fri May 28, 2010 4:22 pm

*hugs Atria* Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about. And don't worry if you offend anybody, I wouldn't be. Personally, I couldn't care less about being endowed at all. It's annoying. And for anime characters, sometimes it makes no sense.
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Postby Nate » Fri May 28, 2010 4:27 pm

ShiroiHikari wrote:This is gonna make me sound like a jerk but it bugs the crap out of me when people don't pronounce Japanese words correctly. .____.

You'll love this then.
It's pointing out that an anime character is.... buxom. Even if - especially if - the character isn't used for fanservice.

Yeah that bugs me too. When did it automatically become sinful just to be well-endowed? :\

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Postby Atria35 » Fri May 28, 2010 4:34 pm

*hugs Ante* Thanks, that makes me feel beter :)

And thanks, too, Nate. It's cool to know a guy feels that way as well :)
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Fri May 28, 2010 5:24 pm

Nate (post: 1397142) wrote:I'm assuming this word means something different in South Africa than it does in America, probably the horn.

Though the thought of a mini-bus with breasts is pretty funny.

Though I have absolutely no clue what that could mean.

Traffics lights are called robots in South Africa.

Atria35 (post: 1397157) wrote:I hate it when people turn in school papers without having even bothered to use spellcheck. I mean, it's not that hard, it's not like it will take hours, and it's not like they have a personal vendetta against me, so why can't they take pity and click a button so I can grade papers while concentrating on the material instead of spelling and grammar? XP

There was like a whole year of my uni career when the spelling checker in Word broke and refused to work (found out it was due to corrupt files)... had to check it carefully by hand. XD

ShiroiHikari (post: 1397216) wrote:This is gonna make me sound like a jerk but it bugs the crap out of me when people don't pronounce Japanese words correctly. .____. I'm not asking people to learn the language or anything but if you're gonna say the words, at least try to say them right. >_<

"Tow-kio is the capital of Japan."
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri May 28, 2010 5:29 pm

I have another... Someone who finds fault with others, but won't tell them what they did wrong. They then proceed to talk about them b behind their backs about it >_>

It's like, how are they supposed to know they did something wrong if you don't tell them? Their answer,"I'm too lazy to tel them." o.O
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Fri May 28, 2010 5:43 pm

When people tell you you need to get to know God better, or that you need to strighten out your life kinda thing, but then don't give you any substantial advice. NEWSFLASH generally people know how screwed up they are, what they need is an answer! XD
I also hate how easily humans break. It makes me feel useless XD
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Postby Atria35 » Fri May 28, 2010 5:53 pm

Warrior4Christ (post: 1397263) wrote:There was like a whole year of my uni career when the spelling checker in Word broke and refused to work (found out it was due to corrupt files)... had to check it carefully by hand. XD

Didn't your university have a library? Or wasn't there a local library? I'm sure there must have been a computer for free use somewhere that had Word that worked o.O"

Rusty Claymore wrote:When people tell you you need to get to know God better, or that you need to strighten out your life kinda thing, but then don't give you any substantial advice. NEWSFLASH generally people know how screwed up they are, what they need is an answer! XD

Oh, yeah. Had that happen to me too. What is up with that?!
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Postby Angel37 » Fri May 28, 2010 6:00 pm

Rusty Claymore (post: 1397270) wrote:When people tell you you need to get to know God better, or that you need to strighten out your life kinda thing, but then don't give you any substantial advice. NEWSFLASH generally people know how screwed up they are, what they need is an answer! XD
I also hate how easily humans break. It makes me feel useless XD


My biggest pet peeve is people who are stuck on themselves. Arrogant, only see things their way, could care less about others, think they're always right, etc.

I also can't stand judgmental people. The ones who just stick a label on you or who judge you without even knowing you or who think it's their duty to fix everything wrong with you as if they had nothing wrong with them.

It also gets on my nerves when people have to debate every little thing no matter what it is. Some things are not worth the breath or the anger!
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Fri May 28, 2010 6:42 pm

Nate (post: 1397242) wrote:You'll love this then.

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Postby Cloud500 » Fri May 28, 2010 6:47 pm

Nate (post: 1397242) wrote:You'll love this then.

I think a part of me just died.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri May 28, 2010 9:02 pm

When people tell you to turn down what you're listening to/watching, but yet you cannot ask them when they have something blasted up T__T
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Postby J.R. » Fri May 28, 2010 9:07 pm

The word "irregardless"...And the fact that my speck-check doesn't try to correct it..


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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Fri May 28, 2010 10:41 pm

[quote="Tsukuyomi (post: 1397200)"]Capitalization.. When someone doesn't put a capital letter of the first word in a sentence, a place, or a name D=

Even in IM, I'm picky about that X_X]

Or When People Type Like This. Why Would You Ever Want To Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word?

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Postby Radical Dreamer » Fri May 28, 2010 11:38 pm

Shao Feng-Li (post: 1397352) wrote:Or When People Type Like This. Why Would You Ever Want To Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word?

dO YoU tHiNk YoU'rE cOoL?

XD Actually, if you ever see that happening on CAA, it's more than likely because the person typed the message in all caps, which automatically filters to having the first letter of each word capitalized instead. XD This can end up making the poster look a little strange and the reader very confused! XD

Anyways, the more you know! XD
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Postby rocklobster » Sat May 29, 2010 5:40 am

My biggest pet peeve is when people mistreat those with disabilities, be they physical, mental, or both. I spent time in special ed classes and became quite attached to those kind of people, so it really annoys me.
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Postby airichan623 » Sat May 29, 2010 7:19 am

Midknight74012 (post: 1396880) wrote:Stupid people, period.

:wow!: do you hate me then? :lol:
Real response:
mid-san wrote: When you say something you know for a fact is correct and they still disagree with the obvious. In 2 words, common senselessness

:rant: I KNOW! Theres one girl I know that disagrees with everything I say, even if its an opinion and then looks at me like "ur so stupid." I HATE IT!

ShiroiHikari (post: 1397216) wrote:This is gonna make me sound like a jerk but it bugs the crap out of me when people don't pronounce Japanese words correctly. .____. I'm not asking people to learn the language or anything but if you're gonna say the words, at least try to say them right. >_<

I know right? Now its hard to correct yourself: like Kee-mono instead of ki-mono. And mawnga instead of maynga. Although i only say it wrong in front of people who dont get Japanese :forehead:

white light (yes i read japanese) wrote: Furthermore, why in the F do teenagers pay 9 dollars to get into a movie and then don't even watch it? If you're just gonna text the whole time, then what's the point of even going out somewhere in the first place? You can do that at home.

Amen. One of my friends was texting all the way through Ironman 2 and it bugged the CRAP outta me.

Tsukuyomi (post: 1397331) wrote:When people tell you to turn down what you're listening to/watching, but yet you cannot ask them when they have something blasted up T__T

Sounds like my sister. :lol:


-People telling you to 'take it easy' and 'chill' when your disagreeing with someone on something important. And a lot of times I'm completely serious and not the least bit angry, but then they assume I am, so it makes me super angry. I mean, is being passionate about something against the law?
-Kids who dont realize how spoiled they are then flaunt it like you should be like that too.
-people who cuss all the time.
-Spell check things it didnt catch- like writing here when it should be hear.
-yaoi fangirls who ruin your favorite characters.
-when people make inferences about important things but then when you ask about it they get offended b/c your in their business like: "I'm not gonna do that ever again, not since what happened in Kentucky." "what happened in Kentucky?" "...nothing." :angry:
-high annoying voices. sorry to those who have them, but I cant take more than 2 hrs of it.
- when people answer "whatcha doin?" with "stuff"


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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sat May 29, 2010 1:23 pm

I really really reallllly dislike it when girls hiss their S sounds at the end of words. When they do that, it makes me think they don't know how to talk correctly or are really ditzy people. That may not be the case but it's just so aggravating.

I worked at Subway for a while, and they'd always say, "I would like some "Lettusssse (even though it's spelled Lettuce), and some picklessss, and then I would like some green pepperssss."


Also, even though I am a perfect example of this: When I use the word "Like" before an action verb.
"And then she was like...." or something I do that ALL the time and I wish I could stop!
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Sat May 29, 2010 5:38 pm

Atria35 (post: 1397273) wrote:Didn't your university have a library? Or wasn't there a local library? I'm sure there must have been a computer for free use somewhere that had Word that worked o.O"

Indeed they did. I think I had a newer version though (2007) which they didn't have... and it's extra effort. Many of the written assignments were handed up online, which I tended to do from home. But yes, I suppose I could have just used a library computer to check the spelling, then submit it from my original newer version.
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Sat May 29, 2010 6:44 pm

Ditzes. Since I'm female, they drive be up the wall. For example, in a story I saw on the internet:

(I’m a desk assistant at a college dorm. One day, these two giggly freshman girls come up to me.)

Girl #1: “Ummm… can we, like, borrow your phonebook?”

Me: “Sure thing.”

Girl #1: *flips through the book, looking completely dumbfounded*

Me: “Need help finding something?”

Girl #2: *whispers* “Jason’s is under ‘J’.”

Girl #1: *whispers back* “I know, but sometimes I forget the alphabet…”

Girl #2: “OmiG--D me too!”¬†*giggle giggle*

(I grab the phonebook and look up their listing.)

Me: “Here–Jason’s.”

Girl #1: “Oh my G--D thank you! They should really have a college course for, like, phone books! I’m not from this town, so, ya know…”


Also goats, occasionally. Because when they want to make your life miserable, they will make your life miserable.
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Postby ich1990 » Sat May 29, 2010 6:56 pm

Incidentally, most of my pet peeves revolve around pets. You might even say they peeve me.

Radical Dreamer (post: 1397355) wrote:Anyways, the more you know! XD

The less you don't know?
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Postby Blacklight » Sat May 29, 2010 8:03 pm

Various things, including, but not limited to:
-(Winner) Pages being ripped out of library books,
- The word 'horrid', for some reason,
- Trying to say something, but not being able to get the person's attention in time, thus forgetting what was trying to be said,
- Teenagers, (:-P) they irk me so,
- When people drop the F-bomb every sentence, even more so in books,
- Abuse of grammar on the internet, especially when I'M unintentionally abusing it,
- Fangirls,
- Bad professional writing,
- When people hate being corrected for any reason, whatsoever; i.e. people who think they're perfect, whether they know it or not, and will argue for themselves even when they're wrong,
- Slow computers,
Blah blah blah.

I also hate mechanical pencils.
(That is, using them; I much prefer regular pencils.)
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Sat May 29, 2010 8:53 pm

When people uses something of mine and they don't bring it back (it happened tonight) D=
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Postby Blacklight » Sat May 29, 2010 9:16 pm

Oh, yes and I LOATHE stretch jeans.
If I get jeans, I want them to FIT, I don't want to have to pull them up every five seconds, worse, you can't just get a smaller size so that they will fit; they don't; you just end up getting a pair of jeans that are way too tight and still manage to end up down where they don't belong.
(That is, if you can get them on.)
Not to mention how uncomfortable it is to be corseted by your jeans, especially if they are all low rise.
Who's idea was it to sell ONLY stretch jeans in stores now? Assuming that EVERYONE will want jeans that don't fit and wear out so much faster? ;_;
(I have issues with finding wearable pants in stores because of this.)
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Sat May 29, 2010 9:37 pm

When people want you to stop doing something but don't address it directly. "go take a shower." instead of "stop pacing"
And also when they want you to do something or get them something but only hint at it, even when you ask directly.
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