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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:02 pm

Nate (post: 1372411) wrote:I know you didn't mean it this way, but you just implied there's no talented Asian actors.

Here's the thing. The characters in the show? Asian. Why would he cast white people? That makes as much sense as casting a white person to play Rev. King, hence my last post. I find it difficult to believe no Asian people tried out for the roles, and I refuse to believe there wasn't at least a handful of talented Asian people who could have played the roles.

Since no one has offered a plausible alternative to why Shyamalan defiantly cast white actors in Asian roles, I can only conclude that it was a racist decision. Since I would be ashamed to support something blatantly racist, I can now safely state I will not be seeing this movie no matter how good it is.

If you want to see it that is cool and if you think his decision is not racist, that is cool as well. Just saying that so nobody thinks I'm going all judgmental or anything.

Yah, totally didn't mean it that way... I meant that he probably saw some talent in the actors he chose..

Its obvious that Dev Patel, and the guy who plays Fire Lord Ozai, have some Indian in them. (I mean India indian). And Uncle Iroh also has that appearance.

and in my opinion, the Water Tribe are indians, (like North American Indians) not Asians... :/ and are darker skinned, makeup can do wonders! But that's beside the point.

The difference here is this was a cartoon. I would think if they did a movie on Rev King. They would put a black person there...

but its not, and a lot of the people in the cartoon had white complexion. So...yah. haha...

It really doesn't matter though, because its a movie. :P And I think people really are making too much out of it.
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Postby Nate » Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:21 pm

I agree to a point, that they're cartoon characters and all. I mean I don't deny that. XD

But the show clearly revolves around Asian culture and appearance, even if it isn't actually Asia. I mean the creators have stated a few times that Asian cultures and religions deeply influenced their work, especially anime (I mean there's a few people out there who thought Avatar was an anime originally).

So yeah given that I think it's a bit insulting that they "couldn't find" any Asian actors to play the main roles in the show. It'd be like casting a Scottish guy to play a Russian submarine captain! Wait...

Okay, anyway, I can accept Jackson Ratbone (intentionally misspelled) honestly. He's a big name actor at the moment. Same reason why Sean Connery was cast in Hunt for Red October as a Russian, he was popular (and still is). That's fine, whatever.

But the other two? Noah Ringer and whatever that chick is? They're no-names. They weren't chosen for their star power, because nobody's heard of them. So their casting is extremely more suspicious and racist to me, because it's not like this is some all-star cast designed to rake in the big bucks, only one of them fits that description.

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Postby Roy Mustang » Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:11 pm

Full Airbender trailer

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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:51 pm

ChristianKitsune (post: 1372414) wrote:Yah, totally didn't mean it that way... I meant that he probably saw some talent in the actors he chose..

Its obvious that Dev Patel, and the guy who plays Fire Lord Ozai, have some Indian in them. (I mean India indian). And Uncle Iroh also has that appearance.

and in my opinion, the Water Tribe are indians, (like North American Indians) not Asians... :/ and are darker skinned, makeup can do wonders! But that's beside the point.

The difference here is this was a cartoon. I would think if they did a movie on Rev King. They would put a black person there...

but its not, and a lot of the people in the cartoon had white complexion. So...yah. haha...

It really doesn't matter though, because its a movie. :P And I think people really are making too much out of it.

No offense--funny how this is my first post in months--but this opinion (sadly held by many directors/movie planners) is what caused the Earthsea shenanigans (look up Ursula LeGuin what she thought of the Earthsea movies, including the one made by Miyazaki).

I've been rather annoyed by this and similar numerous incidents that have happened in the past. Excuses such as "fictional races" and "it's just a cartoon", don't make sense, since this world was clearly modeled after the East. One reason I like this show (besides Zuko ]casting calls[/I] extinct (trust me, there are a diverse amount of actors looking for job out there)? One or two couldn't hurt ...

Anywhoo, the trailer looks decent ... I'm afraid for my ten bucks, though, because, you know, it is Shmayalan (no offense, Shmayalan! Times are tough, man!)
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:48 am

~darkelfgirl~ (post: 1373248) wrote:No offense--funny how this is my first post in months--but this opinion (sadly held by many directors/movie planners) is what caused the Earthsea shenanigans (look up Ursula LeGuin what she thought of the Earthsea movies, including the one made by Miyazaki).

I've been rather annoyed by this and similar numerous incidents that have happened in the past. Excuses such as "fictional races" and "it's just a cartoon", don't make sense, since this world was clearly modeled after the East. One reason I like this show (besides Zuko ]casting calls[/I] extinct (trust me, there are a diverse amount of actors looking for job out there)? One or two couldn't hurt ...

Anywhoo, the trailer looks decent ... I'm afraid for my ten bucks, though, because, you know, it is Shmayalan (no offense, Shmayalan! Times are tough, man!)

when i said it doesn't matter, i meant in the grand scheme of things. Its a movie... not the end of the world.
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Postby ~darkelfgirl~ » Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:24 am

ChristianKitsune (post: 1373253) wrote:when i said it doesn't matter, i meant in the grand scheme of things. Its a movie... not the end of the world.

*sigh* I guess you didn't get what I was saying. No, it's not apocalyptic. Yes, it is just a movie, like too many other movies that have had this same change (did you look up the five (?) remakes of Earthsea?). But there is an elephant in the room, and it needs to be acknowledged (meaning in society--not CAA xD).

Saying it's "no big deal" isn't going to solve any problems, though. One can say that "there is no problem" if society is warm and comfortable for them, hence ... well ... (this is CAA, so I can't address that). In order to understand someone else's problem, you put yourself in the shoes of someone else. (We all know someone who did that 2000 years ago ;). But I don't mean changing yourself, just mentally placing yourself in that position).

It's not apocalyptic, but its rather blatant for a culture that is a "melting pot" (I'd rather use "salad bowl", though). No one's asking for them to be PC or for forced integration; if the story doesn't have any minorities, why add minorities o__O? If story does show apparent difference, why change this difference? I and many other people are just questioning the unexplainable change, is all.

I'm not tearing down this movie. So far, it looks ok LOL.
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Postby LadyRushia » Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:07 am

This theory has practically no basis, but they might be going more for the look of the characters in the show as opposed to the real-life races they're based on. We don't know all of the circumstances behind the casting choices, so it's really hard to say what the thought process was behind it.

I remember hearing somewhere that the different nations in the movie are going to have a different style to them. Some guy working with the movie said something like "This movie is based on the show, not a copy of it." I'm not trying to make excuses or anything because I don't think anyone working on this movie has answered the racism question.

I at least hope that the actors chosen for the roles do a good job of portraying the characters. Otherwise, the fact that they don't look like the characters will bother me even more.

The trailer does look good, though, but lots of trailers for bad movies look really awesome.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:58 am

I just don't get the racism argument here lol.. I mean I would understand if ALL the characters were Caucasian...but they aren't. So I think a lot of people are kind of just looking for a problem, when there really isn't one to be found. O_o

Jackson Rathbone is BIG right now, they need BIG names to sell the movie, Same with Dev Patel (who isn't Caucasian...) . He's big right now too because he started in Slumdog Millionaire...

Anyways, I'm kinda done with this topic, haha! Its not worth aruging over... can we move on?

I saw the full trailer and it looks really cool! I'm looking forward to the effects and what they will do with the story! :)
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Postby TGJesusfreak » Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:08 pm

About this movie, I am not getting my hopes up. Prepare for thw worst and hope for the best as they say.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:52 am

Rather, I'm declining to pass judgement until I've witnessed it.
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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:55 am

I think it looks promising. At least the bending looks awesome in live-action form.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:45 am

TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1371604) wrote:Cool ad. I am sort of annoyed that M. Night is directing this, though. I didn't see his last two films b/c I felt so burned by the two before them.

I do not think that M. Night is a bad director by any means. He just has a writing style that doesn't always think things logically through (aliens invading a planet 75% their weakness?) and tends to follow too much of a predictable pattern. (What a twist!) I downright hated The Village, of which I felt he gave away that [SPOILER]the monsters were fake[/SPOILER] far far too early in the film, thus killing any suspense the forest chase scene might have had. (plus I just found the movie all around boring to begin with)

But I think he will possibly do a really good job with Avata... oops, I mean, The Last Airbender. I won't judge it until I see it for myself.
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Postby eternalprincess » Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:06 am

The bending of elements looks really awesome in this live-action film. Much better than other power situations in other live actions from what I've seen. All in all, the movie looks promising.


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