ilikegir33 (post: 1373171) wrote:
Heck, any movie based on a book by Roald Dahl is really good. The Big Friendly Giant animated film, The Witches, and Matilda were all good (but not totally following the books).
rocklobster (post: 1373264) wrote:There's a reason. The Roald Dahl estate won't let you make a movie unless they have control over it. They want it to be as authentic as possible. I heard that somewhere.
And The Witches is pure, undistilled Nightmare \Fuel.
Scarecrow (post: 1373255) wrote:Stardust... it wasn't 100% faithful by any means but it was an excellent movie and an excellent book.
Of course LOTR is the best book to movie film but that's been said a gazillion times already.
steenajack (post: 1373790) wrote:Nicholas Nickleby was AWESOME! Did you know that the guy who wrote that book also wrote A Christmas Carol.
BTW: A Christmas Carol (with Jim Carey) was a pretty good one in my opinion.
I LOVE the Anne of Green Gables series. Megan Follows IS Anne Shirley, in my opinion. X3!
Les Misrebles with Liam Nelson. I hear it is a bit different, but I still love this movie. Very well done, fantastic this movie a lot.
Pride and Prejudice. I personally prefer the Kiera Knightley version over the BBC version.
Of course, no one can beat Lord of the Rings! Epic movie series I say. It's like a once in a decade type-thing-great.
I've seen Much Ado About Nothing. X3! Loved this one.
The Newer version of Phantom of the Opera! I believe this is a play, not a book, but still pretty epic in my opinion.
Howl's Moving Castle was great. I've read the book after seeing the movie, and yes it was different. But this movie is done so well and wonderfully, that it didn't matter to me. XD!
Ooooo, there are many others, but I can't remember their names. *pouts* I shall return.....
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