How GOD Used a False Prophet.

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How GOD Used a False Prophet.

Postby roadoffew » Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:47 pm

written on October 30, 2009
If you haven't heard about him by now, There is a man better known as "the Crazy Preacher" who travels to different college campuses to preach on his soapbox (so to speak). He caused quite a stir at at my college this year and last year. A crowd of people would gather to hear him rant on about the sins of homosexuality Rap. The crowds would be filled with both Christians and non-Christians in disagreement with his teachings. People would cuss at him, attempt to spit on him, or try to preach back to him. It would be a hectic environment and very uncomfortable. However, I say this and I've missed both times he has been to my college. All of this I've described to you is from how others described it as well as the video I found on you tube.

The video was from last year, I believe. As I sat and watched this "Preacher" I started off thinking he was just a guy who spent more time talking about punishment for sin rather that the gift to be freed of it. But around the end it was clearer that he felt he was above the crowd and even was caught on camera saying "God doesn't love these people" (meaning the crowd).

After the video was through I started to think about all he said and to think about what was the main thing he got wrong. I began to pace back in forth in my apartment and replay the video over and over again. I imagined what would happen if I was there. What would I have done? "Oh I would have told the true gospel and I would have....I would have....." I would have caved at the first chance he had to ask me if I was a sinner. If I was there, I would have stood before the crowd with no right to say anything.

"I'm no saint. I'm no preacher. I am a worthless sinner. I have dealt with sins from both abstract and simple. I have held on to things of this world that do not please God. I have hated people, ideas, opinions, etc. I've hated with a blind passion. I am not worthy to talk to this crowd"

That is what played in my mind as I paced back and forth in my cold apartment. I started to feel bad for the things I had done recently. I felt the preacher was trying to make everyone feel. Then it hit me. That was what the preacher was missing all along. He looked down on the crowd. He yelled at them for all the things they do or have done wrong. But what he never stated was that God himself hates sin, yet LOVES THEM!

I was brought back to the movie Fireproof which had one dialogue that best puts that love in perspective. The main character talks with his father about his marriage issues. "It isn't working, Dad. She can't be reached. Every time I do something nice for her, she spits in my face. How can I keep showing love and constantly get rejected?" His dad simply walked over to the cross(standing in the field where they were), leaned on it and said, "That's a very Good Question, Son".

The message was that God is always loving us and doesn't stop, even though we do. The "preacher" called the crowd sinners but never once said that God would love them anyway and take them as they are. God loves us with passion like no other and wants to lift our transgressions. He want's a relationship with us, not shun us away.

So I'm sure you are wondering by now why this note has the title that it does. The thing is that at this moment of pacing back and forth running all this through my head, in my computer I had a folder of porn I had been collecting over the last few days. After I came to my epiphany, I looked toward my computer. "God loves you even when you don't love him back", I thought to my self. "Why not stop rejecting that and love him back?"

So I walked over and deleted the folder. I then typed this note for you as well as me; to pull my thoughts together. And now I sit and pray to God. I take a step toward God instead of walking away. All this because some "crazy preacher" came to UNA to speak false teachings of God. All this from what God showed me through it.

That is how God used a false prophet.
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:37 am

good for you, road. Yeah, it's a shame that preachers think so highly of themselves. IF I met the dude however, I'd probably ask him point blank what sins he's committed.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:03 am

I am glad that God turned this experience into a blessing for you. He made a couple of visits to the university that I attended graduate school. Some of my friends were able to use the incident as an opportunity to have some conversations about Christ w/ non-believing onlookers. Me: the whole thing just made me angry. He was there for like a week, and I just couldn't help seething with fury every time I walked from the philosophy building to the student union for food. There was one time that I had a good laugh. Some guy brought a poster board/sign that read "I am a witch." :lol: Sorry, but that cracked me up.

But, more to the point, that was a really cool post. Again, I'm happy for the way God has touched your life through such idiocy.
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