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Weirdest/scariest dreams?

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Postby chibiphonebooth » Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:58 pm

ok i will tell you all the weirdest dream i had a couple days ago. normally i have weird dreams in general, but this one was out of the ordinary for me. XD

I was in Savannah, GA with my best friend, and we were at this park. there was this 10 ft statue of a man holding colorful ribbons that flowed around him in a circle. and the statue would move his arms slowly, and it would make the ribbons rotate around him. the ribbons were covered in lights, and all the lights were different rainbow colors. We looked at the statue and thought it was pretty cool. There were more light show things going on at the park, so we looked at some of those. Then we went over to the ocean that was on the left... and Ben Stiller was there, as the King of the Ocean. But in my dream, his name wasn't ben stiller. it was twinkle toes. and he controlled the ocean, and he wore this flowing blue dress... and we were talking to him for a bit but then we had to go. So we were like, "Aw twinkle toes, we gotta go." and he was all, " :( "
but then there was another man in the water, who could also control the waves, and he started making big waves, and then Ben stiller turns to him and yells, "HEY! I'M THE KING OF THE OCEAN. (this part is a lil vulgar.) I HAVE THE BIGGEST *man part* YOU DON'T CONTROL THOSE WAVES I DO. " and then twinkle toes makes the biggest waves, and we were like 'uhh okay twinkle toes, l8r." so we walked back to her car, but there was this abandoned building with pictures of beauty and the beast all over it. and we looked at some of those posters, and my friend said something weird, and we got back in her car.

then i was across the street from my house, and i had to bring olive oil to my mom. but apparently i left it in the car for 3 days, and my car was super hot- so the olive oil was all weird and nasty. and i was like NOOOOOOOOO

that was my dream.

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Postby Arya Raiin » Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:18 pm

I've had many... horrifying dreams, I'll mention one and cut out some of the gore. Many, many, many funny ones. And a few that are just... weird.


1.I was in my bed in the middle of the night. I heard the front door open. Then I heard them coming towards my room. My door opened and this massive guy clad in black steps in, his gun pointing straight at me. I lunge forward before he shoots, tackle his legs, and reach for the gun. He shouts some cuss words and shoots he in the chest.

I fall back, blood all over the place 'cause he shot me at such close range. I can hear my parents running towards my room. My vision goes blurry and the guy is about to fire a shot at me again. I wrench the gun from his hands, shoot him in the head, and collapse. Then I wake up, drenched with sweat and shaking.

2. (This on takes place at a Home School Enrichment place where there are about 200 people going.) I'm in history class and three gang members come in carrying guns. "Get down on the ground and put your hands on you heads." One of them snarled. I quickly obey. Two of them go off to take over the other classes, so there is one guy in each class room.

The guy walks over my way and I let 'roar' (It was more like a ninja cry... XP) and tackle the guy. I grab the gun and suddenly I feel a knife cutting my face. (It slashed from left to right.) I gasp, and throw the knife away (It almost hits someone O_O). I have my class mates tie the guy up with duck tape and we run to escape. I run into another guy and he shoots me in the chest and the arm. I howl in pain and slam into him, knocking his head into the corner of a desk and he is K.Oed. Me and my class mates reach the Dollar General across the street. I collapse once inside and black out. Then I woke-up shuddering and my head hurting 'cause I knocked it against the corner of my bed.


1.I'm in High School and I go to the prom with a guy I like. We have a great time and we kiss before the night is through.:thumb:


1. I'm with Barney and we're singing "If you're happy and you know it" to a bunch of little kids. Then the Terminator comes in and sings with us. Then Spider Man and Batman join in. Soon all of my friends are there too... XD:lol:

I'm a dragon and I'm flying across the sky. I meet another dragon who attacks me. We fight. I win in the end and wake up. I almost cried 'cause I wanted the dream to last longer.:waah!:

1. I run into a bunch of oompa loompas in the forest behind my house. I chunk rocks at them and kill them all before they can reach me, but then one throws a bomb at me and I wake up. :wow!:
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Postby Blue Wings » Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:39 pm

I can't think of any right off the top of my head, but I do have a lot of scary/horrifying/graphic dreams. I often have dreams of people I love getting killed, and me having to watch it while it's happening, or I'll have dreams where I watch myself die. I wake up feeling horrified, and then start praying the name of Jesus over and over. Usually after I do that I'm able to sleep better and everything will be fine. It's just really wierd.
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:08 pm

Blue Wings wrote:I can't think of any right off the top of my head, but I do have a lot of scary/horrifying/graphic dreams. I often have dreams of people I love getting killed, and me having to watch it while it's happening, or I'll have dreams where I watch myself die. I wake up feeling horrified, and then start praying the name of Jesus over and over. Usually after I do that I'm able to sleep better and everything will be fine. It's just really wierd.

Yeah, I hear a lot of people have dreams like that. In fact, even I do. Don't worry, it's nothing unnatural or spiritual.
I once dreamed I was outside on the street with my grandmother and she tried to let go of her walker and run. She got about a step and a half, fell face down on the road and lay there bleeding. I shouted for help and people brought some towels to soak up/ stop the blood, and I called 911 on my phone. She was driven away in an ambulance.
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Postby Maokun » Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:50 am

When I was younger I used to have that typical dream where you are falling and you wake up immediately with the vertigo feeling. So, one night I was having a nightmare where I was being chased by some monsters/demons and in the dream I thought: "This must be a nightmare, I want to wake up!" Then I remembered that falling in a dream always woke me up so as I ran I tripped intentionally and fell. Effectively I woke up. Weirdest thing is that I can't remember having a nightmare ever since...
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Postby Anystazya » Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:41 am

I remember a dream involving a large, brontosaurus-type of dinosaur (well, actually, there were a few other dinosaurs, and they were all in this massive cage thingy) and a frog. I was on a field trip with my play-school or something (This dream was back when I actually went to play-school XD) and went to play in one of those play houses...then the brontosaurus stuck it's head through the bars of the cage, and it came straight for me through the window of the play house. And there was a little frog sitting on the window sill. The dinosaur's mouth was wide open, and was just about to come through the window to eat me and the froggy when I woke up...

lulz. It was a pretty weird dream.

I also had this one dream from when I lived in Quebec and there were these strange people on a double-bike, or whatever those are called, wearing those ghoul Halloween masks or whatever, staring at me through our front window. And the holes where their eyes/mouth were supposed to be, were empty and just pits of darkness!!! ~(O_O)~ I was freaked out when I had the dream (which involved more than just what I told you) but that was years ago...I was younger...XD

There's also another dinosaur dream I had while in Quebec, about a T-rex that was going on a rampage around the city...^^ I won't go into a lot of details on that one...mostly because I don't remember it as well...
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Postby NarutoAngel221 » Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:21 pm

I could remember that the scariest dream that I have dream of is I have seen my grandmother in a coffin but her face isnt her old face but when she was younger
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Postby Garland » Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:41 pm

I have had dreams of getting ready for school. It was really annoying because then my parents would wake me up and I would tell them, "But I got ready!" Anyone else get these kinds of things?

My weirdest dream was when I was running away from these brown blobs and they were eating my family. I kept running and then my mom got eaten last and then I was all alone when I got away. I had this in kindergarten and then again about two years later. Still kind of freaky.
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Postby Anystazya » Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:03 pm

Ooh! I just remembered two other dreams I felt like mentioning! One was about my sister-there was this invasion by these, um, Aboriginals, I guess, and they were coming into our house! We had to escape to this one safety house...or something. Except, nobody knew where my sister was! Man, was I scared for her. There were also these lightning/bomb thingies that were kinda dangerous...yeah, so anyways, we get to the base or whatever, trying like mad to find my sister...and then we meet up with her and I wake up...

Another dream I had was when there were these green people in the ice rink...Well, see, they were people with green-tinted skin, and if they touched you, then you'd become one of them. As you got 'older', the green would get darker, and you'd start losing as much control over yourself. Anyways, there was this word, but I didn't know what it did when you said I said it, and then all the green peoples were after me! And the thing is, they could hide under hoodies and you wouldn't know they had the green skin until they were in the light or something...My friend got touched by one of them, but she was still able to try and help me escape. She drove my van XD and we were trying to escape from the green guys, who were chasing us and jumping on the windows and stuff. Finally I broke down and told her to touch me...So I became one of them too! And we went back to the arena (which was their base...I guess...) Anyways, there was a little more, but this is already long enough XD
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:32 pm

Garland (post: 1341006) wrote:I have had dreams of getting ready for school. It was really annoying because then my parents would wake me up and I would tell them, "But I got ready!" Anyone else get these kinds of things

Ooh, I've had these dreams before 8D It'll be like, I'll be all dressed and ready for school and then I wake up..."Didn't I do this before already -_-"" XDD

Oh, but that's not all.. I'd always end up haft naked once I get to school orz, I'm in my underwears.. >_>;

Lol, it's like,"Where did my cloths go o.o;?" XDD
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Postby Arya Raiin » Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:28 pm

I had a dream once that my parents told me I could stay up to 11:00 at night, every night. I thought it was real so the next night I asked them about that when they told me to go to bed at 10:00 p.m. It was a little crazy. I'm happy that I haven't had that kind of dream since. :eyeroll: It's probably the strangest dream I've had, 'cause I believed it had happened with no questions.:grin:
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Postby Garland » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:35 pm

This thread reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes strip (a comic) where Calvin is dreaming that he is getting ready for school and then he opens the door and walks out and his house is like 10,000 ft above the ground.

Another strip is where Calvin brought his homework to school and then his homework started bursting into flames and the numbers jumped off the page. His teacher looked like an alien in the dream and then she poured gasoline on him and he was falling again. He then woke up and remembered that he didn't do his homework at about 2am and he got up and did it.
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Postby Squeakmaster » Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:03 pm

Ooh, remembered a few more.

In one, I was thrust into a 1984-esque world, where the government had basically taken control...but the government was stupid, cause there were resistance factions right under their noses. I remember running away (from where, I don't know) to one of the factions under the cover of darkness, having to avoid the police by hiding under stairs, in barrels, behind walls, you name it. When I finally got there, it was morning, and I found that it was a used-car salesplace...and we began planning...and that was about it. XD I wanna write a fic now!

I've also had a dream where I was in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I was a Jedi, on Dantooine, where I remember fighting off Kath Hounds, protecting settlers there, and so on...until the Sith invaded. Then, they were swarming the place, searching for me and other Jedi. It was only by a miricle I was unnoticed. Then, I led an army of Jedi and settlers (and some Kath Hounds XD) against the Sith...and won! XD Wow, I sure do have a lot of "Fight the power!" dreams, don't I?

EDIT: Also, sometimes I'll be half-conscious and I'll sorta be dreaming, and if I fall in the dream (which always happens), I just sorta jerk's kinda funny, I did it twice within about twenty minutes today.
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Postby wildpurplechild » Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:22 pm

I once had a dream were dinosaurs were chasing me. My feet felt heavy and it was hard to run. I relized it was a dream, and knew that they couldn't hurt me, so I stopped running. They tickled me, it was really funny and weird.

Oh, sometimes I relize I'm dreaming and do what I want to in my dreams, even breathing under water!
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Postby NarutoAngel221 » Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:54 am

Another dream that I have is I have dream is some UFO in the sky and they are hitting us or looking for us...Kinda weird because it looks like they are after me and they are hitting me with some guns
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:14 pm

[quote="wildpurplechild (post: 1341504)Oh, sometimes I relize I'm dreaming and do what I want to in my dreams, even breathing under water![/QUOTE"]

I love doing this in dreams as well 8D I've flown a couple times due to controlling my dreams ~(^_^)~

Ooh, here's another one ^^

I was in my old room that I shared with my sisters at our old house in the country. My older sister and I were talking and I had a baby girl sitting in my lap.. The baby girl was me when I was a baby o__o

Has anyone had this type of dream before ^^? It was weird to say the least xDD
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Postby Arya Raiin » Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:02 pm

Tsukuyomi (post: 1341834) wrote:Ooh, here's another one ^^

I was in my old room that I shared with my sisters at our old house in the country. My older sister and I were talking and I had a baby girl sitting in my lap.. The baby girl was me when I was a baby o__o

Has anyone had this type of dream before ^^? It was weird to say the least xDD

Yes, I did, except it was me and two of my BFFs. Also they were holding themselves when they where babies too. XD
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:49 pm

Arya Raiin (post: 1342008) wrote:Yes, I did, except it was me and two of my BFFs. Also they were holding themselves when they where babies too. XD

haha yay, I'm not alone XDDD

I once had a dream where I was bitten in the back of the neck by this giant alligator.. It's safe to say I died.. Or, at least the scene went black xDD;

I don't know if I should say I deserved it, because I did taunt it.. alot xDDD;;
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Postby ashfire » Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:46 am

I had a dream this morning that I went to a anime con was sitting watching a program and realized that I had not registered, reserved a hotel room and brought change of clothes or cosplay outfit for the days of the con.
We were like sitting out on the street watching a anime video on a big screen at the con. Seating was anything from a recliners to kitchen chairs.
Then I was in the hotel walking toward the desk to see if I could get a room and figure out how to get what I needed to stay for the days of the con, like underwear, change of clothes, hygiene items and my medicines.
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Postby RandomBurrito » Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:50 pm

Hm .. last night I dreamed that my cousins were telling me that there was this total awesome roller coaster thing that I needed to get on so I went and got on it with my hopes held high. Rode the thing, disappointed. It only had only one drop, and the rest was like riding the "It's a small world after all" ride. And I woke up. :D

I also dreamed that there was this other roller coaster thing that I wanted to ride so badly and it looked awesome, I waited in line cause I wanted to get on before I had to go to work but it took a while. I wasn't able to ride because I had to go to work. *cries* It was a nightmare. :O
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Postby Sparx00 » Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:15 pm

I dreamed that me and my bro were Cogs in Gears of War. OUr mission was to take out a Locust base hidden in a mutated ant hill. Well, we took out the locust okay, but then, we woke up the ants. Thankfully there weren't all that many since most of the ants died from the mutations caused by Juice. (whatever it's called) Well, there were about 20 of them (all guard ants) plus the queen. So we get done destroying the guard ants and we're running low on ammo. Then this huge, ugly, deformed ant head slams through a wall chasing down a swarm of locust. One trips and falls and is grabbed by the queen and dragged down into the nest. (A quick note, the guard ants were 10 feet tall and about 40 feet long. While the queen was at least 30 feet tall and 80 feet long and could hold her own.) Then the queen comes back and she tries to eat me and my brother. So we come up with a plan. One distracts the queen while one runs back to the cave entrance and sets charges. The plan worked. Me and my bro got out in time and the cave collapsed on the queen. Mission complete. It was a pretty awesome dream to say the least. More thrilling then scary though.
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Postby Arya Raiin » Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:26 pm

Okay, since I slept till noon, I had a very weird dream...

I was a Pokemon trainer and so were all of my friends and the guy I like. There was this birthday party at my neighbors house and there was a tree house that from where we could see into their front backyard where they were having it. So we watched for a while and then my youth group leader climbs into the tree house (he had been invited to the party but then he saw us so her came up there.)

"Uhh... sorry sir, we were... um-" I started to say, because I was so freaked out I couldn't come up with anything. "I'm bored so, lets have a battle shall we." He said and motioned for us to follow him. We climbed down and went into this field and we battled with Pokemon and I won. XD

But am I alone with these kinds of dreams? Please let me know if anyone else has had any like this.
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Postby Nate » Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:31 pm

My scariest dream was one in which I wanted to watch TV, but there was nothing on except Full House! *screams*

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Postby rocklobster » Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:42 am

As a child, I once dreamed that I was in a room with the walls closing in on me. I have no idea what it meant.
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Postby RandomBurrito » Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:12 pm

Nate (post: 1342560) wrote:My scariest dream was one in which I wanted to watch TV, but there was nothing on except Full House! *screams*

XD That's hilarious.

I had a dream I met Billy Ray Cyrus and Miley Cyrus.. that was .. really .. odd.
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Postby CreatureArt » Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:05 pm

Does anyone else find it strange when you start to describe your dream? Its all so real and makes sense while you're dreaming but when you wake up... well, not so much.

I have those eerily realistic dreams, too. Like typing up an assignment and handing it in - I'll wake up with another 8 hours of work to go. Or I'll dream through cooking dinner... I get a lot of those normal ones. :)
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Postby Nate » Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:01 pm

Well most of my dreams can't be described on CAA for content reasons. :|

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Postby WhiteMage212 » Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:44 pm

I had this dream like about 4 times in my lifetime. Each time, something gets added on to it. Words can't even describe it! All I know is that it always feels like a nightmare with an extreme amount of vertigo to the point where it's just not funny. I feel like I'm being tossed around and my head is just spinning at a crazy speed. There were huge and small rolling pin balls that try to run me over and the fantastic four go down these insanely huge and tall waterfalls! If I remember right, they are running away from something. When I would fall down a water fall that was like as tall as a mountian, my head felt like it would spin around extremely fast. The worst part was that I could not wake up. normally, I get very strange dreams, but this is the most bizzare.
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Postby Makachop^^128 » Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:55 pm

rocklobster (post: 1342680) wrote:As a child, I once dreamed that I was in a room with the walls closing in on me. I have no idea what it meant.

yea I've had one of those too O_o
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Postby WhiteMage212 » Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:02 pm

As a child, I once dreamed that I was in a room with the walls closing in on me. I have no idea what it meant.

I had a dream like that when I was like 6 too, but instead of walls, it was giant bugs of all kinds coming out of walls and the doorway sorrounding me on a red futon. as soon as the bugs touched me, I woke up. Then I realized that I had wet myself.
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