Maokun: Ninjas or Pirates? (Vikings are not a valid answer, sorry)
EricTheFred: Vikings are always a valid answer.
USSRGirl (post: 1250297) wrote:I just want to point out that, while it's great and fine and dandy to pray and support one another in things like tests, God is not your (or my) personal genie. I believe that a large part of your frustration, Dan, may lie in trying to "faith heal" a GRE. I don't mean to pick on anybody, but the comment about the Holy Spirit mystically bestowing the powahs of answers/knowledge was just... highly flippant/belittling even though it wasn't meant as such. If we served a God so concerned with the passing things of this world and were filled with a Spirit that we could summon to our whims for such purposes... we might as well go don a Taoist robe and try to channel the hidden elements or some such thing ("What? Zhuge Liang can control the very elements? ... He may one day become a threat to Wu" Ah... I digress. XD). Peace, guidance... yeah, that's more like it. But faith healing isn't a study method. There are things in our lives that simply happen - we get a cold from staying out late without a sweatshirt, our car breaks down, we find ten bucks on the street, ect. This is life in this world, and in my opinion connected to natural happenings and consequences not some kind of cosmological dualism.
I'm not trying to accuse or point fingers, but I know from personal experience that it is very easy to get into the habit of praying for what WE want, begin looking for "signs" that we want to see, without giving a crap what God wants. I know when I get on a "I reaaaally want this/need this to happen!!!" kick, God is more "consulted" than put in charge. Prayer is a two-way conversation, not a Christmas list. We as humans want our expectations to be filled, and when they are not we feel let down. But God is outside anything that we in our small scope of understanding could try to comprehend. He's not a "tame God" as C.S. Lewis would say. -__^ "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:9
In reality, God has no obligation to us whatsoever, but out of fatherly love He called out to us while we were lost and invited us into a caring relationship. He cares about us each individually and wants to comfort and draw us closer to Him, but ultimately everything in life is to His will and purpose. He may have other paths for you that He's trying to show you - you might realize them now or five years from now. There are also many things in life that we decided as humans and blame God for when they fall through.
In any case, I would just encourage you to keep praying, reading the Bible, and listening, waiting patiently, and accepting because this is also a part of prayer. If you're set on getting into this grad school and decide to take another go at the GRE, I'd give yourself a well earned break first from studies in general, then check around for some GRE study guides and prep classes to build your confidence up. But just remember, at the end of the day, a test is just a test. Your relationship with God is forever.
In prayer,
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