Go (post: 1195583) wrote:. Simply get up and do something! Play a game, read a book, take a walk, call up a friend, watch some anime, or better yet, read the bible. Keep your mind active and busy! It's dangerous to leave a mind idle.
nana (post: 1196288) wrote:I had a very similar problem with hentai and pornography. But my exposure to pornography was at an early before my father died. My mum had to work a lot to support us (me and my little sister) from then on, and I got into pornography when I was about 10/11 and it lasted for about 7 years. the biggest mistake I made, was telling myself that I could get through it on my own or 'free myself' and I found that I would be ok for about a week but then I would just fall back into it. I got to the stage where I didn’t get the same "high" I used to watching it, but was afraid of myself being exposed. I had cried to God about it, asked for forgiveness but would continue to fall into pornography. this habitual sin caused me to become very withdrawn, have a low self esteem (because I knew that what I was doing was wrong), isolated, depressed (because I could see no way out as trying to escape it alone was certainly not helping me) and I couldn't express myself to others.
skylender (post: 1153672) wrote:Well.....
i do...have serious problems regarding..porn and hentai, i feel like such a failiure....
Angel Tifa (post: 1199905) wrote:I do too. Lemme get this straight: I've heard people were actually praying for that kind of stuff? I hope I didn't misread anything XD.
*shudders if that's true*
I have a prayer. For people to not to pray for that stuff and resisting the temptation of porn.
SpoonyBard (post: 1199980) wrote:Um... Tifa... I don't quite understand what you mean. I'm sure you're not putting down people who pray because they actually do struggle with it... I was actually kind of hoping you wouldn't see this thread because you'd see my posts and become disgusted with me. But you're not, right?
Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1202269) wrote:I started M ing for the first time at around 18 years old (yes, quite late). It started off satisfying (as many sins do) but then it later made me feel guilty, depressed, anxious, worthless. It was a vicious cycle. Sadly, I still struggle with this nasty sin but on the plus side I haven't M'd for several weeks now which is amazing (only by the grace of God). Unfortunately I haven't been reading my Bible and talking regularly to Him either.
I'll have to change that.
I'll be praying for you my fellow brother and sister Warriors in Christ!
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