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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:40 pm

GM: kawaiikneko (tee) Co-GM: insanewitapen
Note: Will not begin until after 1/18 because both the GMs have finals :]

It has been fifty years since the Noire Plague ravaged the world of Malade, leaving each and every inhabitant without sight. The disease has now passed from generation to generation, and the entire world is blind. Civilization has adjusted. Lines are strung between buildings in towns for people to navigate and rails are laid between towns for people to follow with their feet and with their wagons – hooked up to the rails like old-fashioned trains. Some talented few in the younger generation are also able to “see” with echolocation by clicking their tongues while walking. They call people with this talent Echoers or Clickers and their term for the ability is Echo-walking or Clicking.

Our story opens on the town of Tulle. It is a small, close-knit community huddled at the base of the Yveline Mountains. At the center of this tight community is the local storyteller and musician, Old Pierre-Leon. But disaster is about to strike this little village…


Malade is a low-technology world by our standards, and it is based on French civilization in, at least, names and titles. The fashion is very early 19th century.. think Jane Austen. =] For girls, that means empire waists and mostly dresses (Like so), but I don't think we'll put a stigma on women wearing men's clothes.

Echo-waking: Clicking the tongue and listening for the echo as the sound waves bounce of objects. Only some people can do this, and usually only people who have been blind all their life (so no one over 50). Allows them to detect objects, and sometimes even depth perception with the object involved, but they can’t “see” the object out of context. Smaller things and details (like a face) are impossible to detect. (Example: Link) Of course, there are different levels of ability where Echo-walking is concerned.


The civilization in this RP is French-based, so keep your characters’ names and appearances appropriate to that (yes, that means no Asian names and no green hair). If you need a list of French names, look at these: French Names 1 French Name Generator French Names 2. Once you have created a character you may REQUEST that he/she have the talent to Echo-walk, either by PM or in this thread.


Let me also stress the issue that everyone is blind - there is no cure and there are no exceptions. If your character is not older than 55 or so, they will not know what color/sight looks like, nor understand the concept of such things.

“Appearance”: (I would suggest putting things like how their voices sounds, body build, facial structure, rather than the color of their hair ect. since they can’t see.)
Additional Notes:


1. No Godmoding, which includes any references to sight in your descriptions.
2. Good grammar, please. That includes using more than one sentence per post. However, unless your post is one sentence, you are not allowed to complain for having too short or long a post.
3. I can make up more rules as we go along :]
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:12 pm

My Profile~
Name: Élodie Moreau
Gender: Female
Age: 19
“Appearance”: Her voice is soft, and slightly scratchy, but it is very feminine. She is of a small build, about 5’1”, and has small features, small hands, and small feet. Her hair is thin, long, and stick-straight, and although she frequently gets it caught on things, she refuses to cut it. It’s her favorite feature because it is very soft and she enjoys playing with it.
Personality: Although she is soft-spoken, Élodie is the farthest thing from shy. She delights in meeting travelers from out of town (though they are few and far in between) and hopes to one day visit a city. She also loves to sing, although her voice is melodious only in its own unique right, and event though she isn’t quite so good at telling stories, she loves learning from Old Pierre-Leon anything and everything about the art of entertainment.
History: Élodie is the oldest of two children. Her younger brother is more than ten years her junior, so their relationship is more like that of an aunt to a nephew than anything else. Both her parents are alive and they live comfortably, as Élodie’s father is the town physician.
Additional Notes: Although she is not an Echo-walker, she does pride herself on getting lucky when she guesses where things are. Her pride in her luck has cost her many a bruised shin. Family: Michel (dad), Luce (mom), Adrien (brother)

Laurent Auvray
Gender: Male
Age: 22
“Appearance”: Laurent has a loud, boisterous voice and a very wide range, making him an excellent singer and storyteller. He is tall – nearly 6’2” – and has large, calloused hands from his gnarled walking stick. His hair is long (shoulder-length) and unruly, and he usually ties it back at the nape of his neck, although most of it escapes to frame his face. The clothes he wears are practical and in various states of (dis)repair due to his travel, but he is nearly always wearing a large, straw bucket hat.
Personality: Laurent is an entertainer, and as such he is outgoing, vibrant, and a terrible flirt. He is extremely independent and has a tendency to assume he is right.
History: He knows a lot about the world, having traveled since he was twelve – first with his family, and then at sixteen, alone. He did not leave his family because of any sort of falling-out; he is just very independent. He has been a Clicker since he was five, and by clicking and walking with his stick, Laurent is very mobile. Unfortunately, that did not stop him from walking into a deep hole when he was fourteen, breaking his leg. It healed strangely, and he now favors his right leg ever so slightly.
Additional Notes: Echo-walker. Laurent will be the voice of information about the world so you’ll never be lost about culture/blindness stuff ect. However he will not appear until we’ve left the town, or just about.
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Postby insanewitapen » Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:25 am

Yay dragonmask! I thought you'd be interested. :3
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:02 pm

... This is really frustrating that I can't edit my first post. Why is that?
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Postby insanewitapen » Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:50 pm

Yeah, I think I remember reading it as a bug in the thread they made for the latest look of CAA. Apparently they have still yet to fix it??
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:42 pm

Name: Jean Voisin
Gender: Male
Age: 24
“Appearance”: Jean has a wonderful speaking voice. Rich and unique, strong, but soft. People cringe when he tries to sing. He keeps his hair cut short. No one can see it, so it's the least of his worries. He wears whatever clothes are most comfortable that he can find.
Personality: He's a generally happy and tries to be a helpful person.
History: Nothing special. He lives next door to his parents. He's an only child.
Additional Notes: He's very clumsy and is always hurting himself.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:52 pm

My English teacher is blind (but you know that.. :] )and she loves plays, so I don't think it's a big deal. Their plays are probably just more dialogue heavy and have more pronounced sounds rather than actual movement... I'm more concerned about how typewriters would work for a blind person. Should we have some sort of Braille-type writing and typing system?

btw I gave DM permission to have a echo-walker. :] Oh, and accepted Shao Feng-Li! He sounds like a fun character.

and I was going to edit my first post with more story information... but I guess I'll do it here:

When a man of high standing is murdered in a distant city, officials are sent out to capture Pierre-Leon, the main suspect in the case. The protests of the backwater village of Tulle are not enough to dissuade them. With their venerable storyteller carted off to a probably execution, a small group of his friends, admirers, and associates set out to prove his innocence.
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Postby Danyasaur » Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:29 pm

Okay, Tee, I'm in. Just putting this in here so you know while I try and churn up my character.
[color="DimGray"]I don't believe that I would die if I saw you face to face;
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:42 pm

yay!! YANYAN!
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Postby Danyasaur » Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:53 am

Name: Madeleine (I know! I tried to be un-cliche, I really did! But I just love the name too much! *weeps at the stereo-typical-ness*) Chabot (Mahd-el-ine Shab-ut)
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Appearance: She's not what you would call skinny, yet at the same time isn't chubby either. She has a thin mixture of ringlettes and wavy hair that she puts back with a wide ribbon-wrap (don't know how else to describe it) since her mother gets particularly annoyed with her when she doesn't. Perhaps the most notable thing about Madeleine though, is that she always seems to smell good.

Personality: There seems to be two sides to Madeleine. On one side she's a hopelessly flirty social butterfly. On the other she's a cynical, cold, apathetic sort of girl. (Personality is unfortunately subject to change in actual play)

History: Born into a family of un-creative, up-tight poppycocks (cool words for the win), Madeleine can never seem to find anything interesting to say about her family, and when pressed simply states that they're 'in business'. How drab. However, this sole fact drove her to take up piano at a young age (despite how much she hates it) in a desperate attempt to salvage what little interest her family has left. There really is little to say.

Additional Notes: Madeleine's a deeply avid poetry addict, and has a bad habbit of biting her nails.
[color="DimGray"]I don't believe that I would die if I saw you face to face;
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Postby Felix » Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:55 pm

Name: Hector Nikólas Gavroche

Gender: Male

Age: 12
Physical Characteristics: He has a "deep" voice for his age.(it isn't really deep, but it's not as high pitched as most 12-year-olds.) He is slightly smaller than a typical 12-year-old, about 4'10". Thin, but not scrawny, with a round, soft face with high cheek bones.

Personality: He's adventurous and bold. He would rather just get out there and do stuff than sit and wait for it to happen. Despite his young age he is independant and a natural leader.

History: He has a complex and large family. He is the third oldest of 9 children. He has 2 older brothers who are his blood brothers, and then he has 4 younger half-brothers and 2 younger half-sisters, who were all born to his step-mother. His real mother, Adelaide, died of cancer when he was 4. His father re-married a year later to a woman named Camelia. Hector and his two older brothers are somewhat bitter toward Camelia. Due to the stress of such a large family as well as a having a new mother, Hector ran away from home when he was 10, and has spent the last 2 years living on the street. Despite not being as close to his half-siblings as to his blood brothers, Hector loves his 2 little sisters very dearly, and visits them frequently, sometimes bringing them gifts.

Additional Notes: He has a great singing voice and can sing well. He is an echowalker, but not a very skilled one.

Family Members:

Deceased Mother:
Adelaide Gavroche (maiden name: Genevier)
Age at death: 34

Camelia Gavroche (maid name: Dimitri)
Age: 41

Armand Gavroche
Age: 47

Gautier Gavroche
Age: 18

Adrian Gavroche
Age: 15

Tristan Gavroche
Age: 10

Olivier Gavroche (twin to Liám)
Age: 6

Liám Gavroche (twin to Olivier)
Age: 6

Francis Gavroche
Age: 3


Chloé Gavroche
Age: 9

Anastasia Gavroche
Age: 5
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:21 pm

A;SLKDJFOIJAF!!! DAAAAN!!! *tackleglomp*

Do whatever you want XD it might make more sense for him to run away if he's an echowalker because he can be more independent alone on the streets.
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Postby Felix » Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:40 pm

XD Hey there, Tee. You're... smothering me. =P

Okay, if it's got your stamp of approval then I'd like for him to be an echowalker. :D I just didn't want there to be too many echowalkers or it be like an "Oh, everyone wants to be an echowalker!" sort of thing.

Oh yeah, can I make him be an unskilled echowalker? Like he can do it, but he's not very good at it because of his youngness.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:32 pm

of course! :] (and i'll smother you if i want)
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Postby Felix » Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:15 pm

Okay I stuck that stuff in his bio and I put up the full list of his family members. :D Golly, I can't wait for this to get started.
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Postby Taliesin » Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:37 pm

Okay, this RP is too creative to resist.

Name: Louis (It was enivitable) Dumont
Gender: Male
Age: 11
“Appearance”: A young boy in a wheelchair, has a high, lilting voice. Hair is soft and wispy. Frail.

Personality: While he is normally soft and quiet, Louis can be provoked into fits of rage and shame, especially if someone mentions his disability. Rarely takes initiative on anything.

History: His parents treat him like he is made of glass, being careful around him, not touching him very often, and always afraid that he will hurt himself. When he was very young he was horribly sick with polio, which left him permanently crippled, frail, and bedridden for months. While he was in bed, he discovered that if he clicked he could make out large objects. After months of training himself (he didn't have anything better to do in bed) he was able to become a proficient clicker. It was discovered that he could never walk again, so the carpenter made him a special chair with wheels so he could get around. He spent much of his time guiding people around while they pushed his chair. He loved to listen to the storyteller for hours on end, because he could not move around like other children

Additional Notes: He cannot wheel himself around in his chair, he needs to have someone push him. He has a stick that he can use to go short distances very slowly.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:04 pm

YAY new person~ And you can echowalk but we're certainly getting a lot of them (well, only four, but..). I guess that's fine XD;;
Linda post T_T
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Postby Taliesin » Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:09 pm

I'll probably make another character that cannot click at all.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:14 pm

Maybe hold off on that for a little bit.. we have a pretty big group already and I know Linda has two characters in the making. It might be easier, too, to create a character later when we're in one of the bigger cities. :]
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Postby Taliesin » Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:19 pm

Okay, thats a good idea.
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:42 pm

[font="Palatino Linotype"]So...should I wait also? I'm actually in the mood to RP lately, it's scary.

Ugh, my eyes hurt from welding practice at school...=__=[/font]
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:43 pm

hmm perhaps my Laurent could use a traveling companion? That way we wouldn't all be from the town and you wouldn't have to wait! I'll just have to work with you for the history... any companion Laurent might have picked up would have to be a recent thing though - like, within the past two years. He was a bit of a loner in the 16-19 age range. <.<;;

Edit: and this is really random, but I was putting together a character bio sheet for all the characters in this RP just for my organization and I was reading them all again... yanyan, I LOVE the name Madeleine when its spoken with a French accent like Mah-du-lane, but I hate it in American accent like Ma-de-liiine. So it's not cliched.. it's pretty~ I would name my daughter it if I knew that people wouldn't butcher it with American pronunciation. T_T

And for the record, I am not pregnant. <.< >.> <.<
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Postby Felix » Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:57 am

For the record, I'm not pregnant either.

So now that we've got that cleared up, I just want to say that Hector's name is pronounced without the H, so it's like "Ector". I'm rusty on French pronuncskiation, but his full name would be something like "eck-tor nee-ko-lahs gahv-roe-sh (or maybe gahv-roe-shay?)
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:10 pm

(Your first pronunciation of Gahv-roe-sh was right, Dan :] )

While we're on the topic of pronunciation XD;; Élodie Moreau = Aye-low-dee Mor-owe and Laurent Auvray = Lore-on Aw-vray (except its very hard to explain how to pronounce the last name bc the uvr part is kinda in the throat... if that makes any sense. Don't worry about it; as long as you can spell it, I don't care XD;; )

Well, while we're waiting for someone, I thought I'd show you guys a sketch of my characters... crappy since I haven't drawn in like a year and obviously not drawn to scale... Elodie is short and Laurent is tall but not to this extent XD;; shopped it a little since it came out reealllyy light on the scanner so it looks a little funny. Oh and for some reason in her profile I have Elodie's hair being stick-straight. That's a lie.... don't know how that got there.

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Postby Felix » Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:08 pm

Awesome job on the picture! :D She's like a cut little pygmy shrub XD I like it a lot.

Who are we waiting on? @_@ It's Linda, isn't it? We're always waiting on Linda! *finds her and drags her to the thread*
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Postby insanewitapen » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:05 pm

And my procrastination has come to an end....

Name: Fantine Blanche Capelle

Gender: Female

Age: 21

“Appearance”: Fantine’s hair is thick, soft, and full to the touch. Occasionally her frizzed strands become oily, but there is always a strong and pleasant smell emanating from them. Her skin is a deep chocolate color, and this matters because her voice has the same distinct tone that African American’s have here.
Fantine has the height of a tall person but is the farthest thing from lanky or fat, having a healthy body mass about her. (Height: 5’11) She also has toned muscles that are slightly noticeable to the touch, and obviously more so when she “flexes”. Her facial structure is also very defined, but soft with; full lips, almond shaped eyes, and a full and well ‘carved’ nose.

Personality: Dedicated and extremely self reliant, she would have to be with such a big family and Armand at her side. She is a sort of leader in said family and has taken care of many things besides Armand, but also with his help for certain things. These features have developed in her; a very outspoken mouth, boldness, and some longings for a change of pace. But overall her family, the community, and Armand are her life.

History: The Capelle and Comeaux families have been meshed together since the breakout of the Noir plague. They came together for various reasons, mostly just to keep sane and survive through the temporary chaos caused by the blindness. Since then they have grown inseparable and are a good amount of the foundation stitches of the closely knitted community. The large family owns around four larger houses in the small town, all closely integrated and shared.
A testimony to the family’s closeness would be Fantine Capelle’s relationship with Armand Comeaux. They were friends since day one, they say.

Additional Notes: Armand never leaves her side, nor does she let him. The few times they have separated have turned out understandably bad.
Fantine also carries a bag with her, full with extra paper to use with their wooden Braille boards. Since she and Armand go through them like breathing air in order to communicate.

Name: Armand Florent Comeaux

Gender: Male

Age: 17

“Appearance”: Armand has short, silky smooth, and disheveled curls that brush just past the tips of his ears. His face is round and features deceivingly youthful for his actual age. The tone of his voice was once playful and strong, but now it’s slow and coarse. Overall his voice is relatively inaudible. Not only because he can no longer hear himself but also because he has nearly lost the motivation to be heard audibly, and by anyone save Fantine.
Armand’s build is firm and muscular but holds a sort of frail insecurity. Also, he’s just a bit shorter than Fantine at 5’9.

Personality: Quiet, and literally doesn’t talk most of the time. He relies completely on Fantine which has basically destroyed all of his past outgoing personality. But he is still eager to do what he can in his state.

History: Armand and Fantine were thought as attached at the hip, and now they practically are. Armand was perfectly healthy in all respects until age ten when he first noticed people’s voices were sounding strangely alike. The symptoms after that were unmistakeable, he was going deaf. From then on, he was basically told to enjoy the time he had left before he became a recluse.
Frantine, of course, would have none of that and made sure such a thing would never happen. So once he went deaf, she committed herself to helping him. Both of them make extended use of paper with their wooden Braille boards.

Btw, I have NO idea what their names sound like in the French pronunciation. u_u;
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:11 pm

YESS~ I'm off to PM the mods, though I'm going to be busy most of the weekend and can't promise any fast posting XD;;
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:59 pm

Slow posting is fine by me :)
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Postby Felix » Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:00 am

Yay you finally posted them Linda! Hey, your character has the same name as my character's dad! :D Interesting. I love the characters!
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Postby insanewitapen » Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:45 am

Yay! :D Thanks Dan. And sorry about the name, I didn't even notice. :3 I'll definitely change it if anyone thinks they would get confused?

Oh and slow posting is also extremely fine with me! XD;
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