Saving your first kiss?

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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:02 pm

I never said all drugs were bad W4J.

Once a week? Dang... That's a bit of the expectation. Being on a period all the time, you couldn't get pregnant anyway.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:38 pm

=_= how did we get from birth control? ._.;
I am with the majority when I say there is nothing wrong with Birth's not playing God... whatever I am not gonna argue about something that ridiculous.


I think that saving my first kiss will be really meaningful to my husband..because he will be my first everything! ^_^/

Can I do it though?
If God calls me to do this then I will. XD I haven't even found a guy I won't get too far ahead of myself. :3
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:44 pm

Yeah, no doubt I'll defiantly be in the minority...
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:38 pm

Shao Feng-Li wrote:Yeah, no doubt I'll defiantly be in the minority...

I'm sorry..^^; it's just a difference of opinion.
I can certainly see WHY one would believe it isn't a good thing....seriously I can. Don't worry.
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Postby K. Ayato » Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:00 pm

Or as I say, "If kids come with the package (meaning the partner God has blessed me with), SO BE IT!" :grin:
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:13 pm

Shao Feng-Li wrote: If you have kids, God will enable you to provide for them, with whatever they need.

Try telling that to the millions of single mothers who live in poverty level.
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Postby Momo-P » Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:41 am

Or as I say, "If kids come with the package (meaning the partner God has blessed me with), SO BE IT!"

Well you're definitely more open minded than me. XD

I just can't stand the idea of having a kid. I can't work with them well and I don't like the idea of being in charge of human life. Perhaps that's selfish of me, but I don't see how. To say you can only have sex with the person you love if you give birth to a living kicking screaming baby...that's quite a request. It's not like an animal which will take care of itself to a point, nor is it like a car or a computer. It's this helpless little...thing. I don't want it.

If I have a kid, will I take care of it? Yes (though that'd probably involve me leaving it with my mom forever because heck if I know what to do), but if I can prevent it, I'm going to. I mean, is it a really a good enviroment to be popping out kids when you're really that against them? I know my mom even said then it's just not the best idea. Clearly I'm not "ready" for a kid yet and to bring a child into this world under those circumstances...not smart.

So I guess I'll just see where life leads me. Maybe one day I'll want a kid, then apparently I'll be ready! If not though? Well...then I guess I was just never meant to have a kid. To anyone out there who was though--you have my major blessing. I'd also like to say, you have more courage than I ever will. XD
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:32 am

Not everyone who marries needs to have kids. What would be sad is if no married couples had kids and human existence flat-lined.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:34 am

wow...momo XDD you sound more against children THAN I DO! XD

I think it goes with our age too, I mean we are only 18 and 19 years old...WE AREN'T read for kids...we are way to young and immature for them. Shoot, I don't want any until I am close to my mid-20s early thirties range, or whenever my potential husband and I feel that GOD WANTS US TO HAVE KIDS. THAT is most important right there.

Maybe God will change your heart.. XD but wow, you make it sound like they are from the devil or something LOL.

As much as I am terrified of children, I really do want some someday. I think right now I am terrified only because of how my little sister and I get along..(which is quite rocky XD)

but if you raise your kid right...and teach them how God would want you to...chances are...the child will respect you. (provided you don't spoil the kid rotten XD)

my advice, momo, would have an open mind about it XD. PRay and ask God what HE WANTS. Sometimes the things we don't want the most, are what God wants for us. ^^; its wierd how He works.

but whatever XD
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Postby Momo-P » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:54 am

ChristianKitsune wrote:Maybe God will change your heart.. XD but wow, you make it sound like they are from the devil or something LOL.

Well I don't know about THAT. XD I mean, I have a huge family (dad's side has seven bros and sisters and mom's side had ten. Then like each aunt and uncle had about two or three kids who in turn have's...crowded), so I have to put up with little kids a fair amount. I feel uncomfortable and unsure of how to talk to them, but obviously I manage. So it's not to the point where I like have a phobia of children. I mean, I survived taking my cousin to the bathroom once, so I'm not that scared. XD

It's just I don't want them for myself. I've been around plenty of kids and people in general in my life. Just having a nice small house...ya. XD Maybe a rabbit.
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Postby minakichan » Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:50 am

I LOVE kids, I think they're amazing and adorable and their perspective on thing is great.

That said, I definitely, definitely do not want to raise a child, simply because I know I would be a terrible parent. I have a temper, I'm impatient, and most importantly, I'm Asian. If I can decrease the amount of "stereotypical Asian parent If-you-don't-get-a-95-I'll-disown-you" in this world, starting with myself, I will consider my life a success. (And I know you might say, "Well, you can always try to break the stereotype!" No, it's in my blood, I'm fairly certain of that. Sometimes I imagine raising a kid, and I know I would do all I could to make him or her learn three instruments and understand algebra before 1st grade.)
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:54 am

Just remember, when you do get pregnant, you most likely have nine whole months. A lot can change about you during that time XD

(Just curious, did any of y'all read the old testament story? Genesis 38:8–10 specifically...)
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:10 am

Momo, I apologize XD I was more kidding than being serious...XDD I Know EXACTLY how you feel, trust me. I have a little sister that basically hates me...XD and that has kinda put a damper on my desire to have kids.

But I think...once I have my own...whenever that is...(but I will probably adopt first, because there are LOTS of needy children who need a mom and a dad) I think that God will change my heart, when he and I are ready for me to be called a mom. Both financially, mentally, and physically.

Minakichan, XD I know what you mean! XD I HAVE A HUGEEEE impatience for kids..seriously..especially if they are being a brat and not listening... but I think that we need to once again look at our ages. We aren't even really considered adults yet...we are still leaving our adolesence behind.... XD we are gonna be stressed and impatient.. That's just how we are.

Shao, I read that passage...(in fact the first 10 verses) and I don't see how this relates to this XD) Of course I did just wake up... ^^;
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Postby Mave » Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:14 am

Eh, I will only cautiously note that there are many birth control methods out there. Some which I'm ok with, some which I'm not OK with because it's abortion in my mind. Ok, I'll stop right there. So, I'm neither in majority or minority. I'm in the "it depends on what method you're talking about" group.

As for kids, I grew up in a small family (only 1 sibling, and I barely knew my cousins). I cannot imagine having more than 2. Two is more than enough to drain all my energy, resources and dedication towards their upbringing. Hahaha but I know it'll be worthed it and there'll be many happy joyful moments!

Hormonal pills are OK by me if you have imbalances which functionally interfering with your life. I mean, period EVERY WEEK? :eh: Oh dear Lord, that's awful. Once a month is bad enough. Someone pls help that poor woman.

Sorry mods, I can't help derailing this thread.
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Postby Ashley » Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:21 am

Shao wrote:God will give you what He will give up and it doesn't matter what you try to do. Sleep together every night, and you could never have kids. Do it once and have triplets. (Obviously if you never have contact with your spouse, you won't have any kids, but... yeah right.)

On a side note, I can kinda understand taking it for the hormonal part, if you're not married... But, seen the side effects for the pills? Heart attack and stroke risk? I'd rather have a normal period XD

First, I heartily disagree with the whole "you can sleep with someone every night and not have kids." If you are both healthy, there is no medical reason pregnancy should not occur with repeated intercourse. I'm not saying God isn't responsible for life, but I do believe He works through completely natural means.

Secondly, those risks are for specific age groups of women WHO SMOKE. If you never smoke, and you're not pre-menopausal, birth control is completely safe for you.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:21 am

Mave wrote:Eh, I will only cautiously note that there are many birth control methods out there. Some which I'm ok with, some which I'm not OK with because it's abortion in my mind. Ok, I'll stop right there. So, I'm neither in majority or minority. I'm in the "it depends on what method you're talking about" group.

As for kids, I grew up in a small family (only 1 sibling, and I barely knew my cousins). I cannot imagine having more than 2. Two is more than enough to drain all my energy, resources and dedication towards their upbringing. Hahaha but I know it'll be worthed it and there'll be many happy joyful moments!

Hormonal pills are OK by me if you have imbalances which functionally interfering with your life. I mean, period EVERY WEEK? :eh: Oh dear Lord, that's awful. Once a month is bad enough. Someone pls help that poor woman.

Sorry mods, I can't help derailing this thread.

XD a friend of mine has to take those pills just to have that time of the month.. >_> Scary...

I haven't heard of many techniques of birth control... I have only heard of a pill that you take like frequently and stuff... but usually when someone takes it...they take it...all their life?

Gahh I dunno.. XD
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Postby Momo-P » Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:46 am

(Just curious, did any of y'all read the old testament story? Genesis 38:8–10 specifically...)

People's views of Onan differ. To me it looks more like God punished him because he was being spiteful. He basically raped his brother's wife. He was told to go unto her and give his brother a son, but what did he do? He fully KNEW this kid wasn't going to be his and apparently he didn't like that. It even says he spilled his seed "lest that he should give seed to his brother".

So if you still believe that means preventing birth is wrong, then that's your personal belief. Just saying why I believe differently. To me it looks more like the story focused on Onan's intentions, rather than the simple fact he spilled his seed. ^^; *shrugs*

I haven't heard of many techniques of birth control... I have only heard of a pill that you take like frequently and stuff... but usually when someone takes it...they take it...all their life?

Ya, I can't say I know way too many myself. Thankfully my mom's a nurse though, so she obviously knows what stuff is the most effective, what has the worst side effects, how they exactly work, and so on. XD
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:43 am

Shao Feng-Li wrote:Just remember, when you do get pregnant, you most likely have nine whole months. A lot can change about you during that time XD

Yeah, you could lose your job and end up having no way to support your child.

You act like once something irreversible happens, that God will just pop out and go "Oh hey don't worry cause everything will be okay!" Ever once consider that not everyone is a Christian and doesn't have that relationship with God? That it's incredibly hard to make money and having to take care of a child makes that job ten times harder? If you want an example then take a stroll into the downtown inner city. Too often do we see single mothers that are barely able to sustain themselves, let alone their child.

I think you're being far too optimistic here.

But I digress. I believe I've gotten too far off-topic.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:04 am

I want to have kids, but I haven't even been able to get married yet, even though I've found someone. ._. I'll be old before I get to be a mom...

Also, I'm for birth control as long as it's non-abortive. Because not everybody can afford to have seven children.

A lot of women have PCOS, which means they often have to take pills to have a period, and makes it extremely difficult for them to have children. A friend of mine is like that. It's very sad because she and her husband want a family desperately.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:04 am

Ashley wrote:First, I heartily disagree with the whole "you can sleep with someone every night and not have kids." If you are both healthy, there is no medical reason pregnancy should not occur with repeated intercourse. I'm not saying God isn't responsible for life, but I do believe He works through completely natural means.

Secondly, those risks are for specific age groups of women WHO SMOKE. If you never smoke, and you're not pre-menopausal, birth control is completely safe for you.

Ahh. I couldn't remember all the details from the birth control commercials XD

I know. There's not real reason why conception wouldn't happen, but it's still not 100% promised to happen.

I dunno... There's just something not right about messing with God's natural order. Happens enough these days.

Maybe since what exactly Onan was killed for isn't clear, we ought to be on the safe side of things? In case it was wasting himself, in case it was being spiteful, etc. (Just a thought on this one case.)

It's still about obedience to the Lord, even through the toughest of times. I can't say much about heathens and them not trusting in the Lord. But for the Christian, God does take care of His people and things can change over night... You can't be going "what if this bad thing happens" all the time.

The Bible is always positive about having children. The only instance where seed was wasted, the guy was killed for it.

About not being able to afford to take of seven children, how many people have seven children at once? It happens over the course of years
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:10 am

Shao Feng-Li wrote:I can't say much about heathens and them not trusting in the Lord.

What the heck? Well that's a nice way to put down non-Christians.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:23 am

I dunno... There's just something not right about messing with God's natural order. Happens enough these days.

and you dont think that God has given doctors the wisdom to deal with somethings? I mean I know sometimes they don't use the talent for healing as good as they should (in my opinion something like abortion falls in this area) but seriously... the way you make it sound we shouldn't even take tylenol or any sort of medication.. because that's messing with the natural way our bodies work... ^^; not saying that's what you meant, but.... it can be taken that way.. you know?
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:27 am

[quote="ChristianKitsune"]and you dont think that God has given doctors the wisdom to deal with somethings? I mean I know sometimes they don't use the talent for healing as good as they should (in my opinion something like abortion falls in this area) but seriously... the way you make it sound we shouldn't even take tylenol or any sort of medication.. because that's messing with the natural way our bodies work... ^^]
You bring up a possibly good point. If we let "natural order" take place, then we humans would let the weak die and the strong to live. It's how animals do it, and technically we are animals.

But of course, modern medicine can intervene and prolong human life. So I don't think it really has anything to do with a "natural order".
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Postby Momo-P » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:52 am

Maybe since what exactly Onan was killed for isn't clear, we ought to be on the safe side of things? In case it was wasting himself, in case it was being spiteful, etc. (Just a thought on this one case.)

I understand what you're saying, but this is where personal beliefs come into play. All of us will have to answer to God one day, and if we really feel strongly about certain things...well...then I don't know why we should be worried. I know I'm saved, so I won't go to hell. Perhaps I'll get scolded, and I rather not, but like I feels to me as if the verse put a lot of emphasis on Onan knowing the kid wouldn't be his. God knows our reasoning for stuff. He knows if we're not having kids because we're greedy jerks or if we really feel that uncomfortable with them.

I mean really, I won't lie. I WANT to have sex with my boyfriend, and judging by what married couples say, I'd say sex in marriage happens quite often. So I can't sex unless I have a kid? What if I don't want one and neither does he? Is that a good enviroment for a kid to be born into? Most people would say no. On the flip side of things, we sure as heck shouldn't just "stay friends" because we'll be wanting each other too much for that to exactly work out.

Not to mention, call me crazy, but...weren't there guys in the Bible with only a few kids? And I mean some of the more important ones? Didn't Abraham only have two? One with Sarah and one with her slave girl? I think that was it, wasn't it? If that's the case, does anyone here honestly believe he never had sex ever again in his life? Just twice and that's it?

I mean...I thought sex was pretty much a gift to married couples. Sure it's also a way to have kids, but usually isn't sex is talked about in this loving manner that joins two people? I really don't remember any verses that talked about sex as a pure means of having children. Heck, I don't think I can remember any verses where it talked about a married couple coming together and then rattled off anything about children. Most of the stuff I remember focused on the two people and was rather sweet and romantic.
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Postby Popsicle » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:53 am

[color="DeepSkyBlue"]Wow, we're kinda off topic here...[/color]
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Postby K. Ayato » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:03 am

For the record, Momo, when Abraham married Keturah some time after Sarah's death, he had several more kids.
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Postby Momo-P » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:05 am

For the record, Momo, when Abraham married Keturah some time after Sarah's death, he had several more kids.

Ya, you think he never touched Sarah even when he knew she wasn't going to give him any? I mean, maybe I'm evil for thinking this, but I have a feeling he still had sex with her.
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Postby K. Ayato » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:07 am

Well, duh! :P He loved Sarah. Do you yourself think he'd treat her less just because she was barren and still love her the way he did?

At any rate, this thread has strayed way off topic.
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Postby Momo-P » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:11 am

Well, duh! He loved Sarah. Do you yourself think he'd treat her less just because she was barren and still love her the way he did?

But that's my point. He wasn't making babies that's for dang certain, but I don't recall him or Sarah being "smoted" or whatnot.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:12 am

I find nothing wrong about having sex for sex within marriage. When you're a newely wed it's not necessarily feasible to be able to support a child. You're fresh out of college, have loans to pay off, and you're both probably going to be working jobs. Having children at that early age and that soon in a marriage just doesn't seem to be a good idea; both financially and simply having the "marriage experience".

So Momo-P, I guess you ought to just enjoy it when you're married. When you're older with your one-day-husband then you can both decide when you want to have children.

And anyone who disagrees with me is wrong and doesn't deserve cake.
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