
This is where all in character roleplaying occurs. Please note that posts in this forum do not count toward your post count, and that old threads are subject to periodic prunination!


Postby Nami » Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:26 pm

Okay, this RP hasn't done well on the other website I put it on, but I have been bumming out over RP's I have been in and can't seem to be happy with them. So I decided to put this RP up and see if anyone was interested. In the original story a lot of things are different, but for the RP I decided to let the fantasy go.
In the year 2020 a world war three broke loose between Japan and America, the bombs rained from the sky day and night on both sides of the battle. Eventually the fire of the war spread to other countries, people called the last one’s world wars. But they knew nothing of a world war. This war caught the world in flames and burned down many cities and homes, leaving people homeless and rotting, waiting to die a slow and painful death.

The war lasted for four years, then it all stopped as if it had never happened. It was only a few months after the war did the citizens of the world find out why the bombs had stopped raining and the flames had stopped burning. The separate Governments gathered, they killed off as many higher ups as they could until there were only twenty people left. With the power they held in their hands they took control of the world, people always say that no one can take over the world entirely because it’s to big of a place. It is in fact not to big for these men and their ruthless armies.

Many soldiers who had been loyal to the Government started to kill of people who rebelled, they did rebel and they were slaughtered like animals for it. To many of the soldier’s deepest regrets they helped kill those people. Those days always haunt them, now in the year 2030 ten years since the battles. America was renamed; they named it Rica, why? Just to laugh at the people who first found this world and called it that. Japan kept it’s name as did the rest of the countries, but everyone knew why they had renamed the USA now you cannot not even say USA, if you even utter the words America or anything about the past you will be shot on site. So what do those innocent people do that are being gunned for their beliefs do? Where will they go?

Will they always spend their lives cowering away from the Government who have their men prowling every street of every large city. The fallen cities, most of them are nothing but ruins. Most of New York’s building remain, but the citizens call it; Death Row, because the walls and streets are stained by blood. Not even the rain can wash it away.

And yet out of this darkness raises a glimmer of hope, the rebel band called; Rubellous’Ardor. They fight for the people, and have many people in their group, weak and strong. They fight to make their world the way it was again and despite what the Government thinks Rubellous’Ardor does have people across the world in their group, they communicate by birds, something the Government doesn’t consider.

Many races were awakened during the battle, and now they emerge from their hiding to fight.

Which side are you on?


-Government offical, Spy or Soldier who patrols the city.
-A loner
-In Rubellous’Ardor

Form for Characters (just backspace the areas that are spaced to get bold)

Tell us about yourself!

[b ]Name:[/b]
[b ]Age:[/b]
[b ]Gender:[/b]
[b ]Race:[/b]
[b ]Class:[/b]
[b ]Faction:[/b] (Government, Rubellous'Ardor, Loner)
[b ]Weapon(s):[/b]
[b ]Appearance:[/b]
[b ] Personality:[/b](Optional)
[b ] History/Recent:[/b]

1. No godmoding
2. No taking over other peoples characters. If you do this more than once you will be reported to a Mod.
3. No swearing yada yada yada
4. Have some fun ya? Let's make this RP last a while!

Which one are you?

-Human- Obviously you know ^^
-Furral- Something with human features, the only difference is that they have animal ears, tails, claws, sight/eye shape/color, speed, etc. But they do look human normally! They can only be fuzzy creatures.. like Horses, Lions, Tigers, Zebras. no they do not get hands and feet like that everything is human except for the things I named above. Their faces, body, feet etc.
-Curzrik- Lizard type beings, Some have very human looking bodies, because they can be half human. Fast, strong but they do have their weaknesses.
-Phantoms- Little creatures that look like animals but can speak. Also have strange attributes, such as bat wings on a cat ETC.
-Shifter- People who can change shapes, but only of the things they have touched and they have to be human or like it.
-Drian- Pointed eared tan people who are like elves in a way, graceful with everything yet unnaturally beautiful. (like Dark elves, but NOT BLUE! They are tan like Egyptians etc. Don't have to be super dark.)

Which one will you choose?

-Mage- Can summon creatures like small dragons, but only when they need it and they have to be powerful enough to control it.
-Enchanter- Beautiful people who can use small amount of magic to take control of you so you will do what they want. Persuasive.
-Wizard- People who use magic, curses, fire, ice, water, wind, darkness etc.
-Assassin- Trained people who can kill quickly and professionally.
-Soldier- A mix between a swordsman, and a gunner. They are masters at neither.
-Gunner- Specialize in guns and are best with them.
-Swordsman- Specialists in swords, such as samurai's etc.
-Pirate- Modern day, steal without a thought, etc.
-Shade- someone who has been taken over by darkness or can control it. Not always evil. Only RARELY are they ever human. (mostly Drians)
[color="Red"][SIZE="3"]Swiftly Dissin' and never Missin'.
Yours Truly,
Sick of all the BSin'.[/SIZE][/color]
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Postby Nami » Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:44 pm

I forgot to mention that every move you make will decide whether or not you are good or bad, becareful what you decide to do, if you are caught doing the wrong thing, you will suffer (It's like a PS2 game XD) Also I will be a lot of the NPC's

Also, I need to have an agent who is going to try and get into the group. Whether he succeeds or not is up to you. But I will give you a hint about the answer XD just PM me when we get things decided.

My Characters

Name: Zaki Ryuu
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Gunner
Faction: Leader of the Rubellous'Ardor
Weapon(s): Several hand guns, Two larger ones that sit on her thighs in holsters.
Hair: Blue, short.
Eyes: Red
Clothes: Black pants, black shirt, black boots, black half skirt.
Height: 5'9"
Personality: In Game.
History/Recent: Zaki Ryuu fought in the war, was one of the soldiers who killed people worked for the Japanese Government. (Not much, can't give to much away.)

Name: Taisho
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Phantom
Class: Unknown
Faction: (Government, Rubellous'Ardor, Loner)
Weapon(s): His claws
Hair: Black bangs, pulled back into a ponytail, black fur.
Eyes: Purple/Blue
Clothes(FUR ETC): Black, Tattoo on his face, like a flame, an earring, bat wings that hover above his shoulders, one sharp claw on the back of every foot.
Height: standing on all fours; One foot, standing on two legs; three feet.
Personality: In game.
History/Recent: Taisho has been with Zaki since she quit being a soldier.

Name: Charle Freeman
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: none
Faction: Government Ruler of Rica.
Weapon(s): His power over the country
Hair: White, short slicked back.
Eyes: Dark brown
Clothes: Suits
Height: 6'1"
Personality:Stubborn, Elite, Superior, Jerk off
History/Recent: Took over the government once he killed off the other people, of course he has personally friends who wouldn't betray him and agents everywhere
[color="Red"][SIZE="3"]Swiftly Dissin' and never Missin'.
Yours Truly,
Sick of all the BSin'.[/SIZE][/color]
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Postby Nami » Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:03 pm

[color="Red"][SIZE="3"]Swiftly Dissin' and never Missin'.
Yours Truly,
Sick of all the BSin'.[/SIZE][/color]
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Location: Sitting in a tree, waiting for you. *sinister grin*

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