pokemon chonicles

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pokemon chonicles

Postby ffluneth15 » Wed May 23, 2007 3:15 pm

not a story!!
but you can explore the sinnoh regions pokemon along with the others
no legendarys includes manaphy and lucario and his pre evoled form.no storys involing legandarys either.unless on specil occations

ok here it is

name(none from games or tv thanks unless you put your real name and it is the same as one):
costume(i noticed everyone had a costume on the the tv show.):
first pokemon(plural):
story of life(you put down facts like if you come a a family of trainers or something if you want to keep it secret thats fine too)
starter pokemon list:bulbasaur,charmander,squritle,pichu,cubone,psyduck,bellsprout,oddish,caterpie,pidgy,sperow,weedle,eevee,chikorita,cyndaquil,toadadile,sentret,hootoot, lavratar,remoraid,zigzagoon,mudkip.torchick,treeko,surskit,ralts,makiohita, poochana,piplup,turtwig,chimchar,krickatune,shinix,budew,bidoof,buizel
pick 2.
class(breeder coordenator trainer all 3 or any combinations):
poke info(basicly if any pokemon of yours came from an egg i mean starter if so they can use egg moves and altered colors)
birth region(doesn't have to be orre even fiore is ok):

hope you post
here is mine:

costume:a black shirt with stars and a picture of rayquaza.a backpack and a guitar case.a red headband.with a green pokeball symbol and blue pants.
first pokemon:torchick,chikorita
story of life:???trust me when the time comes it will be asome.
class:pokemon trainer and coordenator.
poke info:no diffrent colors but i do have both from a egg.
birth region:fiore

first pokemon:
story of life:
poke info:
birth region:
i hope you join. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :hits_self :lol:
ummmm is that a trick question? :sweat:
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Postby christianfriend » Wed May 23, 2007 4:58 pm

So there's no storyline or anything? Then what do we do in the rpg, just interact with other characters and things? ^^
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu May 24, 2007 2:23 am

I might join... I dunno though XD
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Postby ffluneth15 » Thu May 24, 2007 3:44 pm

oh that well actully there is a story line...they just made gyms in orre and contsest halls.but chipers new new boss has made a new device and made robots as his new workers but also team rocket gets involed.and team smagem has become rebels and our out for battles in the desert(not evil anymore).and it turns out the new go rock squad seems better at battling then capturing new boss too.may max drew harley and the girl that won the grand festivil in kanto our here.also the 2 heros from the orre games get involed.um...oh!!!and finaly there is a new team ruthless and is going to kill all pokemon.with robots.also some very familer "aliens"visit.ok too much info but trust me its good.oh ash and other chariters also.by the way its one team at a time.
ummmm is that a trick question? :sweat:
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri May 25, 2007 1:40 pm

uhh.. sounds a bit jumbled..(Space key is your friend!) I think I will submit a character though! I am up for randomness Be warned I have really only played up till Ruby. ^^;

name: Mandy Winmatch
ethnic: White
costume: A purple vest that stops at mid tummy, with an odd shirt underneath it. (Multicolored smile faces) A pair of ripped jeans with skirts at the bottom, boots
first pokemon: A timid Eevee and a Larvatar with an ego problem. These two pokemon get in fights a lot.
story of life: Mandy is 14 years old. She started her journey late in life, when she isn't battling or training her pokemon. She is drawing. One of the reasons seh came on this journey was to draw as much of the country as she could.
class: Pokemon Trainer and Coordinator.
poke info: I didn't understand this part...^^;
birth region: Johto
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Postby ffluneth15 » Fri May 25, 2007 2:34 pm

yeah thats better by the way poke info is if they are diffrent colored or came from an egg,if they did come from a egg they can use egg moves if you want to do any of that then type it down.by the way i am goning on vaction in july(i think)in any case my name there is ffsub(short for substitute).
ummmm is that a trick question? :sweat:
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Postby ffluneth15 » Wed May 30, 2007 6:52 am

hey don't post any hate for pokemon on this forem!>:(
ummmm is that a trick question? :sweat:
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Postby ffluneth15 » Wed May 30, 2007 8:34 am

I have chosen to say the storyline so far team rocket has called dibs on orre.and is trying to take over and gyms and contest halls have been added i have also choesn to redo the stats:

name (none from games or tv thanks unless you put your real name and it is the same as one):
costume(i noticed everyone had a costume on the the tv show.):
first pokemon(plural):
story of life(you put down facts like if you come a a family of trainers or something if you want to keep it secret thats fine too)
starter pokemon list:bulbasaur, charmander, squritle, pichu, cubone, psyduck, bellsprout, oddish, caterpie, pidgy, sperow, weedle, eevee, chikorita, cyndaquil, toadadile, sentret, hootoot, lavratar, remoraid, zigzagoon, mudkip. torchick, treeko, surskit, ralts, makiohita, poochana ,piplup ,turtwig, chimchar, krickatune, shinix ,budew, bidoof, buizel
pick 2.
class(breeder coordenator trainer all 3 or any combinations):
poke info(basicly if any pokemon of yours came from an egg i mean starter if so they can use egg moves and altered colors)
birth region(doesn't have to be orre even fiore is ok
if you want to join but don't understand anything pm me please.
i am sorry if you could not understand anything.
ummmm is that a trick question? :sweat:
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:51 pm

I would love to join, but I first have a question: Can you manipulate a pokemon's ability? Let's say, for example, that I wanted to a water type have pshyic abilities....if it matches my character's background, -breeder- could I do that?
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Postby Mega.EXE » Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:22 pm

No his name would have a line through it and his title would say Banned.
Anyways he's just being a hypocrite he even bought the new Pokemon for DS
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