N.i.c.e. Rpg!

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N.i.c.e. Rpg!

Postby USSRGirl » Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:31 pm

Okie, this is a new RPG idea I had and I was wondering if I could muster enough interest to get it going. I've noticed a lot of people are doing wizard academy, mutant academy, magic academy, ect. style RPGs. Sooooo here is a fun twist on the old academy style plot, if you don't want to read the intro scroll down to the middle for the basic plot:

"We would like to thank you for considering application to our secret society...er... I mean college..."

This RPG is loosely based on C.S. Lewis' That Hideous Strength novel, but if you've never read the book you should still find this amusing and fans may enjoy it too. The place is the N.I.C.E. academy at Belbury. N.I.C.E. stands for something like National Institute of Coordinated Experiments if I remember correctly. Belbury is a grey, sleepy British town in mid-autumn (currently). Since the founding of the NICE, the campus police or secret police have begun taking over the job of Belbury's local, yokel cops. Many yokels are being forced out of their homes to make room for NICE 'construction' projects. Shifty workers are being hired out of nowhere to do the labor, and occassional violent riots occur between them and the citizens of Belbury. The nature of such projects is currently unknown, but it doesn't help matters that the NICE has managed to get government approval on all their affairs. In short, Belbury is pretty much a communist/Nazi regime.

The NICE college is lovely place for young aspiring students. Most all of its faculty and staff are either evil scientists, would-be dictators, puppet leaders, or after an even deeper agenda. For more info... see our introduction below. Like every college, NICE has its cliches and elite circles. If you really want to find out someone's secret you'll have to work up to gaining their trust. Simple rules for campus survival:

1.) Don't wander the halls at night.

2.) Don't see anything you probably shouldn't have.

3.) Trust no one.

4.) Don't ask questions.

5.) Learn the art of manipulation and butt-kissing as your first lesson.

6.) Everyone is dispensible.

7.) Don't bother the headmaster.

8.) Don't cross the secret police.

However, on the outskirts of Belbury there's an equally strange place called St. Anne's. Despite the country settings, there are deep plots within St. Anne's to get rid of the NICE, and rumors that it is being run by a Dark Eldil known as 'the Bent One.' The leader of the underground resistance is a man named Ransom. Strange lights can be seen from the house at night, but other than that it appears to be a normal country abode.

Ok, still reading? Good. Basically, you may pic a side, character/creature, and attitude. You don't need to share your side with anyone, simply leave a "?" in your bio. You may put which side you are on if you want people to know, though it may gain you some unwanted enemies.

Annonymous actions: You can spy on people without their knowledge by PMing the GM (that's me!). You may also attempt to assassainate anyone you choose to by PMing me. However, spy and assassaination attempts are more effective if done after dark (real time). All other annonymous actions may be PMed to me, and I will post them up annonymously like "A knife flies out of nowhere narrowly missing Bob."

Battle System:Further more, each character has 500 hit points (more or less depending on what you are...usually 500). If you lose all your hit points you die. Even a simple fist fight can cost you hit points so be careful! Hit points can be restored in the cafeteria by eating genetically engineered food... creepy... but effective. Certain foods give you more hit points than others but they may cost more.

Money System: If you are a student at the NICE, you get a paycheck for doing well on certain assignments. Remember you ARE in school! Your professors will ask you trivia questions, and answering them correctly will gain you both wealth and popularity. Students all start out with $50 in their bank account. Profesors have $200 in theirs and get an additional $100 a week as pay. Eldils... get only heavenly rewards XD... they will have to use their powers to steal food out of the cafe without being caught. People not in the university will have to do the same as the Eldil. You can spend your money at shops, British pubs, and to buy text books(may have some important info). But spend wisely! If you can't buy food you're out of luck!


Please copy/paste this bio in if you want to join. Pick a race, name, job, affiliation, ect. All the types of character you can choose from are listed below. I will also need people to fill in pre-made characters, but if no one wants to I can take some.



Age (Between 17-24 usually...):





Hit Points: 500

Bank Account Balance: $50

Affiliation (NICE, or St. Anne's resistance):

Special powers: Students must choose something normal like martial arts, agility, brains, ect. No magic please!

Favorite food (will cure you the most!):








Hit Points: 500-700 (you can be more powerful if you want)

Bank Account Balance: $200

Affiliation: Must be N.I.C.E. on the outside, but you may have your own hidden or public agenda such as taking over the NICE, building a space ship or disenbodied head, ect.

Favorite Food:

Special powers: Choose something realistic... can be a little higher than a student, like sniper in the army ect.

Secret Police:







Hit Points: 600-800 (you can be more powerful if you want)

Bank Account Balance: $200 (get same paycheck as teachers every Friday)

Affiliation: Must be N.I.C.E. on the outside, but you may have your own hidden or public agenda such as taking over the NICE, building a space ship or disenbodied head, ect. You answer to police chief Fairy Hardcastle BTW.

Favorite Food:

Special powers: Choose something realistic... can be a little higher than a student, like sniper in the army ect.


Note: Eldil are glowing angelic beings from space. They rule over certain planets like Jupiter, Mars, Venus, ect. As such they represent that planet. They are friends of Ransom, oppose all evil and most especially the Dark Eldil who are demonic, renegade Eldil, servants of the Bent One (basically the devil... but this is just a game so have fun being as evil as you want!). Their true form is a glowing, ghost-like creature of light, but they can assume any form they want to to blend in. However, they sometimes have trouble figuring out human culture and how to 'blend in.'


Age: Ageless... but what age do you appear to be?

Human world appearance: Can be neko, human, or anything you want.





Hit Points: 900 (most powerful beings in the game)

Bank Account Balance: Money? What's that?

Affiliation: Light Eldil or dark Eldil? Light = supports rebels, dark = NICE.

Favorite Food:

Special powers: Can choose any one weird power, need not be realistic.

Citizen of Belbury:

If you want a totally different character from the one's mentioned...copy paste this and submit it for approval (don't mean to sound like a snot but I don't want any sea sponge characters)







Hit Points:

Bank Account Balance:


Favorite Food:

Special powers:

Ok, that should do it. I'll copy paste the pre-made characters in later. First let's see if anyone is interested.
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Postby CelticWarrior20 » Mon Dec 25, 2006 6:21 pm

well im in


Age (Between 17-24 usually...):17




Clothing:black simpsons t-shirt and blue jeans and tennis shoes

Hit Points: 900

Bank Account Balance: $1,000000

Affiliation:dark Eldils

Special powers:shape shifting and flight and if its ok sword wielding
Favorite food (will cure you the most!): steak and loaded backed potato and a large coke
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:42 pm


Name:Zandor Malakis

Age 21

Hair: See pic

Eyes: See pic

Height: 6,1

Clothing: See pic

Hit Points: 500

Bank Account Balance: $50

Affiliation: NICE

Special powers: Beeing a madman in sicence he also loves to use martial arts.

Favorite food (will cure you the most!): Mostly meat.

Personality: He is a shady character, but he enjoys to threaten others by useing nasty means.

History: Grew up as a picpocket, had to struggle all the way.
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Postby USSRGirl » Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:43 pm

Yay! A player. XD Celtic, sorry but no shape shifting. You can have flight/acrobatics in swordplay but shape shifting is strictly for Eldils, no humans. Sorry!

Some other stuff I forgot to mention: You may have as many characters as you want. JM might be my Co-GM if he decides to take on the challenge (c'mon JM!! XD). In which case you can also PM him to do annonymous actions.

Also, I shall be taking the role of Fairy Hardcastle :D So here's my bio:

Name: "Fairy" Hardcastle (real name unknown)

Age: 54

Hair: Cropped and grey, about to her chin.

Eyes: Also grey... eerie hm?

Height: 6'0

Clothing: Black leather jacket, NICE shoulder badge, black leather mini skirt, blood-red lipstick, police chief front badge and hat, cheroot (long cigar kinda thing... only smokes it when she gets REALLY angry and occassionally burns people with it.)

Hit Points: 800 (She's the top officer in her class)

Bank Account Balance: $200

Affiliation: In her own words, she's been a communist, a fascist, a devout liberal, and a die-hard conservative. At the moment she's with the NICE 'cause they're paying her. However, her loyalties are generally to whichever side is winning. She likes to assert her power.

Favorite Food: Uh... Chocolate pudding. Go figure.

Special powers: Expert gunfighter and interrogater (though some of her... interrogation methods... may be a bit on the brutal side). Very commanding person to say the least.

Also, I need people to fill in these roles if possible. Characters with * next to their name are highly crucial to the RPG. The ones without * don't need to be filled, there just there if someone wants them. I might take Feverstone too if no one else wants him.

Also, I need people to fill in these roles if possible. Characters with * next to their name are highly crucial to the RPG. The ones without * don't need to be filled, there just there if someone wants them. I might take Feverstone too if no one else wants him.

Pre-made characters:


Name: Mark Studdock

Bio: Newly married to Jane. Naive aspiring sociologist. Easily fooled into thinking people are smart. Easily duped into just about anything come to think of it.

Age (Between 17-24 usually...): 23

Hair: _____

Eyes: _____

Height: _______

Clothing: Probably something like a nerdy(had another word but didn't want to offend) tweed jacket and dockers.

Hit Points: 500

Bank Account Balance: $50

Affiliation (NICE, or St. Anne's resistance): Confused and starved for self-affirmation. Naive idiot. Leaning towards NICE.

Special powers: Sociologist! Yippee...

Favorite food (will cure you the most!): Earl Grey Tea.

Name: Jane Studdock

Bio: Jane is a very modern, independant woman. She fights with Mark a lot. Has been having strange dreams about disembodied heads and Merlin lately. Needs therapy. Visits St. Anne's a lot.

Age (Between 17-24 usually...): 23

Hair: _____

Eyes: _____

Height: _______

Clothing: Proper business woman attire.

Hit Points: 500

Bank Account Balance: $50

Affiliation (NICE, or St. Anne's resistance): Undecided though leaning towards St. Anne's and the rebels.

Special powers: Prophetic dreams. O.O

Favorite food (will cure you the most!): Ham and eggs on toast.

Name: Alias "Lord Feverstone"/Dick Devine****

Bio: Lord Feverstone is a man who has been to Mars and back, is widely respected by the professors of NICE, idolized by the lower classman, and just a plain jerk to everyone else. He's cold, condescending, charismatic and does everything with style. He can make just about anything sound intelligent and twist just about anything to his advantage. Has a seat in Parliament so he holds a lot of political influence. Eldils despise him, but what does he care? When it comes down to it Feverstone is only concerned with one person - himself.

Age (Between 17-24 usually...): 24

Hair: _____

Eyes: _____

Height: _______

Clothing: Flashy and sophisticated. The kinda wardrobe that says 'I'm better than you and I just love rubbing it in your face.'

Hit Points: 500

Bank Account Balance: $50

Affiliation (NICE, or St. Anne's resistance): Stepping on people to get to the top. Completely 'broken.' No loyalties or ethics.

Special powers: Parliament powers baby!

Favorite food (will cure you the most!): Muffins!!


Name: Prof. Frost***

Bio: Prof. Frost is just that- chilling. His philosophy is utter objectivity to everyting. He is one of the inner circle of the NICE, a complete skeptic, and involved in certain classified projects along with Wither and Filostrato. He believes there is no reality, the only way to master the world is to be utterly detached from everything. His elite students are put through a series of weird guinea pig-type tests and taught to regard the world as he does... or go utterly insane trying.

Age: mid-30's or older.

Hair: White

Eyes: Ice blue with spectacles on the end of his nose


Clothing: Long white lab coat

Hit Points: 600 as human, 850 with dark Eldil

Bank Account Balance: $200

Affiliation: NICE

Favorite Food: Does he eat? Um... water.

Special powers: Complete objectivity! Scientific background, only twisted and evil. Can use dark Eldil's powers when around a dark Eldil. And he has a gun... XD

Name: Headmaster Wither***

Bio: Wither is the headmaster of the NICE academy. His face has the droopy look of a mask. He is basically an empty shell, or a wraith. He oversees ALL that goes on in the NICE and can be in multiple places at once... though no one knows exactly how. He is a good beaurucrat, and never answers the questions of students.
He is as detached as Frost... and might not even be human.

Age: Unknown... looks ancient.

Hair: Whispy white

Eyes: Watery and greyish

Height: 5'8 (walks with a hunch)


Hit Points: 700 as human, 900 with Eldil

Bank Account Balance: $400

Affiliation: NICE

Favorite Food: Biscuits

Special powers: Ability to walk through walls, spy on students and faculty, and be just about everywhere at once. Can also expell students and lay down rules to keep them in line. Can use daark Eldil powers when near.

Name: Prof. Filostrato***

Bio: Filostrato is one of the inner circle along with Wither and Frost. He's involved in certain classified projects. On the outside he's an obese Italian who aspires to colonize the moon. A bit crazy.

Age: 30+




Clothing: Italian style... you can make it up from here. And he's hugely fat.

Hit Points: 500 as human, 700 with dark Eldil

Bank Account Balance: $200

Affiliation: NICE

Favorite Food: Ravioli

Special powers: Sumo squish! Can use dark Eldil's powers when they're near. And others if you want...

Name: Principal Jules

Age: mid-40's

Bio: Completely boring person who thinks he has power... puppet leader of NICE who handles most of the press, proposes toasts, and gives speeches.





Hit Points: 500-700 (you can be more powerful if you want)

Bank Account Balance: $250

Affiliation: NICE

Favorite Food: You can pick

Special powers: Choose something realistic... can be a little higher than a student, like sniper in the army ect.

Non-NICE people -

Name: Elwin Ransom***

Bio: Ransom is a friend of Eldil's and owns the house at St. Anne's. He's usually fights for the underdog, the opressed, ect., and has a wide range of animals living in his house, including his bear Mr. Bultitude. He has been to Mars and Venus, and helped the peoples of both planets. It was there that he met the Eldils who now aid him in his fight against the NICE. The Eldils can give Ransom some of there power, but only when they're around.

Age: Looks young, but really ancient. O.o

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue



Hit Points: 700 without Eldils, 900 with Eldils

Bank Account Balance: $400

Affiliation: Rebel

Favorite Food: You choose...

Special powers: Can draw on a certain Eldil's power when they're around.
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Postby USSRGirl » Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:47 pm

Awesome! Love your character Jade. He's so dark and evil looking. O.O oooh reminds me of Sam Ashton (still has nightmares about that kitten thing. lol)
So you wanna be Co-GM too?? Hmm? Hmm? Pretty please?

Phew... that took longer than I thought. If anyone else wants to use a character from the book (or any of the 3 space trilogy books) feel free to do so even though I didn't list him/her in my pre-made characters list. Also, evil and good characters can eventually learn to use powers from light/dark Eldil when they are near each other and can fight as a team with the Eldil.
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:04 am

Update: *JM Is officially Co-GM*

Also... after I read some of my posts I realized labeling characters as Christian/atheist sounded way too serious for this RPG. I only put it there because it was in the book, but like I said this is only loosely based on the book. So basically it's just light Eldil and rebels = good, NICE and dark Eldils = bad.
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Postby Zarn Ishtare » Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:44 am

I'll Take Ransom. I remember the book, Oh well do I remember it....
With your doubt, all is comfort
We are all as we appear
No more questions left unanswered
No more wonder, no more fear
Nothing is beauty, nothing's feeling
Blood where there once was a soul
So I ask you, prove yourself
Make me believe that you are whole
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Tue Dec 26, 2006 12:09 pm

Thank you very much for the announcement USSRGirl :)
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Postby Photosoph » Tue Dec 26, 2006 12:54 pm

I remember reading the first book; the one where they took him to Mars. That was really interesting with neat twists; I'll have to request the rest of the series from the library. ^_^


Name: Feliciano (Fel) D'Ange

Subject: Foreign Languages

Age: Unknown. If ever in human form, appears to be in his mid twenties to early thirties.

Hair: Changes according to form. Not sure right now, but it's usually orange. Will try to specify appearance more within posts... although his hair always looks a little untidy.

Eyes: Golden.

Height: Relatively tall; just under six foot (when human)

Clothing: Again it depends on his form... but usually neat, dark grey/black trousers, a smart dark blue jacket (left unbottoned), and a simple blue t-shirt. Wears a watch and very occassionally, a slim black collar around his neck that's usually very well hidden. Neat black shoes, highly polished. They make that satisfying 'click click' sound that nice shoes tend to make on hard floors like wood or cement. ^_^

Hit Points: 700

Bank Account Balance: $200

Affiliation: (Must be N.I.C.E. on the outside, but you may have your own hidden or public agenda such as taking over the NICE, building a space ship or disenbodied head, ect.) Well, pretty much as described: he's affiliated with N.I.C.E. Don't want to reveal much more. Works at N.I.C.E as your average shape-shifting teacher (talked about this with USSR Girl; if she wants me to change this, I will ^_^).

Favorite Food: Muffins (which may lead to conflicts with Lord Feverstone/Dick Divine at times, lol!)

Special powers: shape-shifting into different animals. Has a hard time completely reverting to human form. Prefers to stay in animal form for this reason, and usually appears as a white cat with orange stripes; well, becuase of the stripes he actually looks more orange than white. However his eyes always stay the same shade of gold.
When he decides to take human form he always looks a little off; perhaps he has unusual hair colour, strange teeth, nose or ears.

Personality: Intelligent, but in a thoughtful kind of way. Has a sense of humour, but most of the time seems to be very thoughftul and just watches what's going on. Willing to help almost anyone who asks.

USSR Girl: Do I need to decide a subject for him to teach?

Heh, this guy looked too fun to pass up. X)

Name: Prof. Frost***

Subject: Science

Bio: Prof. Frost is just that- chilling. His philosophy is utter objectivity to everyting. He is one of the inner circle of the NICE, a complete skeptic, and involved in certain classified projects along with Wither and Filostrato. He believes there is no reality, the only way to master the world is to be utterly detached from everything. His elite students are put through a series of weird guinea pig-type tests and taught to regard the world as he does... or go utterly insane trying.

Age: mid-30's or older.

Hair: White

Eyes: Ice blue with spectacles on the end of his nose

Height: Average

Clothing: Long white lab coat

Hit Points: 600 as human, 850 with dark Eldil

Bank Account Balance: $200

Affiliation: NICE

Favorite Food: Does he eat? Um... water.

Special powers: Complete objectivity! Scientific background, only twisted and evil. Can use dark Eldil's powers when around a dark Eldil. And he has a gun... XD
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[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD

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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Dec 26, 2006 3:40 pm

Ooooh... :: cringes...eyeball twitching.... :: I can't believe I have to approve Zarn Ishtare as Ransom. >.< But I need at least one other person who knows the book so... ARRRRGGGGGHH!!! :: mutters in a voice barely audible :: ZarnIsApprovedAsRansomGAAAAH :: ahem ::

I love your character, Fel, Photosoph, his pic is soooo kawaii! Hmm... you know it might be a good idea to pick a subject for him to teach. Yeah, professors post subjects along with their bio (we can have multiple teachers in the same subject... can be anything from Greek language, P.E., science, history, ect...) Teachers can make up trivia questions at random for their students to answer and earn money. First student to answer correctly gets the cash!

Yay! We got a Prof. Frost! Hmmmm... I think I'll take Feverstone too. This muffin wars thing sounds too amusing to pass up.
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Postby Taliesin » Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:50 am


Name: Genjuros. (no one knows his last name)

Age : 16 (he skipped a grade)

Hair: red-brown

Eyes: hazel


Clothing: baggy jeans, red t-shirt, baseball cap (sometimes he wears it backward) favorite tennis shoes.

Hit Points: 500

Bank Account Balance: $50

Affiliation (NICE, or St. Anne's resistance):?

Special powers: decent fighter, good at being overlooked.

Favorite food (will cure you the most!): TOAST
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Postby Photosoph » Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:33 pm

Wohoo! Zarn and Starhammer! :jump:

Lol, TOAST. :grin:

USSRgirl wrote:I love your character, Fel, Photosoph, his pic is soooo kawaii!

Thanks! He kinda looks like a teenager... but eh. I don't mind that at all. Glad you like it! ^^ T'is fun to practice drawing people and different characters.

USSRgirl wrote:Hmm... you know it might be a good idea to pick a subject for him to teach. Yeah, professors post subjects along with their bio (we can have multiple teachers in the same subject... can be anything from Greek language, P.E., science, history, ect...) Teachers can make up trivia questions at random for their students to answer and earn money. First student to answer correctly gets the cash!

Yup, I'm just not sure what to pick for him to teach. What subjects do they teach there? You've listed a few... but I don't suppose they teach anything unusual like explosive-making or anything? XD
Maybe I'll make him a French or just plain Language teacher. ^_^ That would suit me, since I love French and have been learning it for quite a while now. And for the other languages, I could always ask Creatureart or quite a few people for help with asking Japanese questions... and I know a little Chinese and Spanish (very little, mind you =P ).

USSRgirl wrote:Yay! We got a Prof. Frost! Hmmmm... I think I'll take Feverstone too. This muffin wars thing sounds too amusing to pass up.

Rofl! Yup, muffin wars would be so cool. XD So many chances for excellent moments of craziness and hilarity. :grin:

<EDIT:>I've changed the bios to reflect which subject they teach. Hope I'll do okay with science; though I loved science I didn't take it for very long during high school. I can always revise, though. :grin: And I'm sure I can provide some interesting questions. ^_^

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD

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Postby Taliesin » Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:48 pm

I haven't really done much RPing so I might not have the best character on the block. but anyway I think that muffin wars would be hysterical! I need to set up a camera in the teachers lounge.
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Postby Photosoph » Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:12 pm

Lol! Heh... spying. :grin: Love the fact that USSRgirl's allowed spying etc in this RP. =D

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD

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Postby USSRGirl » Wed Dec 27, 2006 7:36 pm

Yay! Welcome Starhammer! No prob, if you're not familiar with RPing. Just have fun and enjoy the madness.

Hmm... yep NICE can teach explosive making... They may be conducting 'field trips' in which their students blow up certain designated targets and get them secret documents ect. JM and I are still workin' out a plot. XD
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Postby USSRGirl » Wed Dec 27, 2006 7:41 pm

A quick list to update you on the players so far:

USSRGirl - Fairy Hardcastle, Lord Feverstone

JadenMental - Zandor

CelticWarrior - Kyo

ZarnIshtare - Ransom

Photosoph - Fel, Prof. Frost

Starhammer - Genjuros

Hopefully some more people will join when they come back from Christmas festivities...

Here's my completed bio for Feverstone with a pic I made using a dollmaker... cause I'm too lazy to draw anything. XD

Name: Alias "Lord Feverstone"/Dick Devine****

Bio: Lord Feverstone is a man who has been to Mars and back, is widely respected by the professors of NICE, idolized by the lower classman, and just a plain jerk to everyone else. He's cold, condescending, charismatic and does everything with style. He can make just about anything sound intelligent and twist just about anything to his advantage. Has a seat in Parliament so he holds a lot of political influence. Eldils despise him, but what does he care? When it comes down to it Feverstone is only concerned with one person - himself.

Age (Between 17-24 usually...): 24

Hair: Reddish brown

Eyes: Grey

Height: 5'8

Clothing: Flashy and sophisticated. The kinda wardrobe that says 'I'm better than you and I just love rubbing it in your face.'

Hit Points: 500

Bank Account Balance: $50

Affiliation (NICE, or St. Anne's resistance): Stepping on people to get to the top. Completely 'broken.' No loyalties or ethics.

Special powers: Parliament powers baby!

Favorite food (will cure you the most!): Muffins!!

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Postby Photosoph » Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:12 pm

Aw, maybe it's just a pic made with a dollmaker... but it looks so cool. Love the sharky smile. And mmm... muffins... :drool: *An orange striped cat jumps up, chomps on the muffin, and darts off with it* XD

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD

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Postby USSRGirl » Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:16 pm

Oh wow... I just realized that I unintentionally gave Feverstone the same hair color as Fel. XD Ugh this is going to be quirky.
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Postby Photosoph » Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:24 pm

Heh heh! ^_^ Actually, in the RP you said it's reddish-brown, so it'll be fine. Anyway, two orange-haired people would be fine. I don't think that's normal for an RP... and I like doing something out of the ordinary. XD

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD

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Postby CreatureArt » Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:31 pm

:waves hands: I'll join!
...but I'm going away to Japan for a week tomorrow ^^;

If the RP starts before then, could I have my character come into the RP when I'm back (hopefully there won't be too many pages by then... if you give the go ahead I plan to read up on everything thats happened when I come back.
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Postby USSRGirl » Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:11 pm

Going to Japan?!!! Ooooooogh *JEALOUSY*
Hehehe, you should still have time to jump in towards the begininng of the RPG CreatureArt.
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:33 am

Academy? College! Sweet (finally an RP that isn’t stuck in high school for all eternity :P… that would be a boring game for me, on the computer 6AM-10PM day after day… social interaction=0… err -1). But college… college rocked! And though I may not have the GRE scores for Princeton, I will take a shot at this (though I already am involved in 1 RP (Nations and States: War and Peace). However, might I make note that real time lighting might be… kind of difficult. In general what about players who happen to live in Australia? They could only play the RP at night. Well if I could have done this thing a second time over :)…


Name: Rei Juuryoku

Age (Between 17-24 usually...): Just turned 16

Hair: Red

Eyes: Brownish Red

Height: 5 foot 4 inches

Clothing: As any normal college student, he only has multiple copies of the same pair of clothing. Generally speaking, he wears an old cloak handed down through his family known as the cloak of Freya, (rather warm and comfy really), a long sleave shirt, a massive sword (and he still has trouble wielding the heavy thing) some cargo shorts and a pair of shoes. Unfortunately, he is from a warm climate and has no idea how cold some places can be… He may end up buying some heavier clothes as the winter wears on.

Hit Points: 450

Bank Account Balance: $35

Affiliation (NICE, or St. Anne's resistance): What?! Stares… I just want to study.

Special powers: Sword fighting (twack!), a keen artistic eye (can monitor pixel accuracy to 1 exact pixel on a computer at 1280x800, and observe color difference between two adjacent shades at 32 Bit color resolution most of the time), and an innate sense of physics (Viva da Ricci Tensor!)... unless it comes down to his desire to create an infinite energy machine... thermodynamics is only a good suggestion after all :P.

Favorite food (lunch and dinner) (will cure you the most!): Kaligraphic’s Caesar Salad

Favorite Breakfast Food: Beef Ramen and leftover cold Pizza! (The breakfast of college champions!)

Statement of Purpose: As a student at N.I.C.E., it is my goal to acquire the triple dream of learning computer animation, chrono-physics and Japanese. I have already acquired my Associates in Applied Science from four years of study at the Ellasian Community College and have studied Japanese under a private tutor for a couple of years. But my true goal is to study physics… in particular chrono physics. In my studies I hope to make a better world for one and for all!

Yes, I know, I’m double using a character name and image from Nation and States, but meh… They’re not connected in continuity.

Picture coming sooner or later
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:45 am

The stealthweapon my student have is a modified one that he stole while breaking into the home of a known weapons sicentist.

A targeting system
Knife that can be used both for surgery and hand to hand.
One 14mm semi automatic gun attachment without the scilenser.
One 9 and 7mm semi automatic gun attachment with scilensers.
Heat trace system.
Glow emmiting that can scan fingerprints.
Snapshots all the times a bullet is fired. *Pictures of possible miss/victim*
A cam placed on the front that is thermal *the targeting system shows it*
Tranqulisation needle.

Made in photoshop :D
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Postby Taliesin » Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:23 pm

I am going to withdraw fromthe rpg so bye guys.
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Postby Dante » Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:20 pm

O_O but you haven't even begun Starhammer... and if you leave, who will Rei socialize with and err... give him toast instead of ramen!

Yeah! So you have to stay starhammer!

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Postby Photosoph » Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:07 pm

Aw; I'd love for you to stay, Starhammer; but I know sometimes situations etc change, so it's okay.
Not sure what I'm saying there except that though I'd like you to stay, you're free to leave if you need/want to. +_+"

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD

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Postby USSRGirl » Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:26 am

Gah... you're leaving?!!!! >.< Fiiiine. See if your Chairwoman will ever give you a rice ration again. Hehehe, j/k, see ya 'round Starhammer.

We now have Rei to replace Genjuro as our resident teenage prodigy. Welcome abroad Pascal. I know you're still doing Nations/States, but if you quit I will decapitate Rei with a spork. >.<

For realtime, I will post when the sunsets and rises (it may be at hours during the day or at night so all time zones get a chance... are you really in Australia??)

Niiiiiiice weapon there, Jaden. How'd you get that black hand behind it??? Geez that freaked me out. Did you scan your hand into the scanner or something?? O.o
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Postby USSRGirl » Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:57 am

Whilst I wait for certain people to join (looks around thread... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.) Here's a log of some missions the students will be sent on in the RPG. This was mostly JM's brilliantly diabolical idea, so here ya go: Missions rank from very easy to extremely hard. Most missions will be done in teams of 2 or more randomly selected students and sometimes professors. You can acquire strength upgrades and pay bonuses through completing them. You can also gain popularity with your teachers and classmates (a popularity/fame listing of each student will be posted on the bulletin board for all to see and incur jealous backstabbing antics over).

Mission Log so far (to be updated as the game goes on):

Very Easy: Get teacher a cup of coffee from lounge. T__T Might be a good one for Rei considering how weak and servile he is. Main objective: Get coffee. Side objectives: Get scones too. Strength upgrade for completing: +2 Money: 0

Easy: Robbery of local bank to get funding for NICE. Objective: Procure $500 WITHOUT tying the NICE to your robbery. Side objectives: ______
Strength points: +5 Money: Possible bonus of $10 bucks.

Medium: Fake arrest. Two students will end up in the local Belbury jail in order to procure some info on a former NICE teachers currently held there. Main objective: Spring NICE people loose, or acquire needed information. Side objectives: Cover your tracks by faking our death and knocking off anyone who gets in your way.
Strength points: +20 Money: Possible bonus of $100 bucks.

Medium: Complete Prof. Frost's 'objectivity training boot camp.' Main objective: Attain complete objectivity! Hey that's a pun. ^_^ Side objectives: Survive without going insane. ^___^ Strength: +15 Money: No bonus. You don't need money or food once you're truly objective.
Hard: Infiltrate into St. Anne's and steal papers on Ransom's Mars and Venus space missions for study at the university without being caught. Main objective: Procure papers without being caught. Side objectives: Ransack Ransom's mansion ^__^ Go looting. Strength points: +50 Money: Possible bonus of $500 bucks.

Extremely Hard: Assassinate Ransom. This mission will come late in the RPG. Main objective: Kill Ransom. Side objectives: Get rid of a few Eldils along the way. Strength points: +100 Money: Possible bonus of $1,000 bucks.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:14 am

USSRGirl wrote:Gah... you're leaving?!!!! >.< Fiiiine. See if your Chairwoman will ever give you a rice ration again. Hehehe, j/k, see ya 'round Starhammer.

We now have Rei to replace Genjuro as our resident teenage prodigy. Welcome abroad Pascal. I know you're still doing Nations/States, but if you quit I will decapitate Rei with a spork. >.<

For realtime, I will post when the sunsets and rises (it may be at hours during the day or at night so all time zones get a chance... are you really in Australia??)

Niiiiiiice weapon there, Jaden. How'd you get that black hand behind it??? Geez that freaked me out. Did you scan your hand into the scanner or something?? O.o

More liked traced a hand on photoshop, laied a black color layer with a filter. *Was intended to look like the stealth suit*.
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Postby Mega.EXE » Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:45 pm

Here I am Temulin-Sama

Name: Kikumaru Akira

Bio: Kikumaru is the proffesor of Aim and Control of objects at the N.I.C.E Academy and he is always talking with his students and always ready to help them out

Age: 26 (And a proffesor already XD)

Hair: See pic

Eyes: See pic

Height: 6,9

Clothing: see pic

Hit Points:800 (Is that alright? He is a proffesor)

Bank Account Balance:200

Affiliation: N.I.C.E

Favorite Food: Shaven Ice

Personality: Kikumaru is eccentric proffesor who won't stop talking and is

Special powers: Kikumaru is a tennis player and uses his tennis racket to hit people and smash tennis balls
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