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This is to the ladies... (and guys IF you want to read it)

Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:49 pm

Okay well umm i have told people this before and heard it but it was not until tonight that i understood it that God thinks we are beautiful no matter what we look like.

I have a testimony to share the fact that i have been a Christian and was during the time i was so worried about how i looked and although i had guys practically wanting to kill me because i would always say that i was fat or ugly or something stupid like that.
Well it got so bad that i thought that and when it got to its worst i felt horrible.
I saw myself in the mirror and i hated how i looked and although i knew what i was about to do wouldnt make me magically beautiful or skinny i knew that over time if i kept it up then i would loose weight and be as small as i wanted...
Yeah no i wasnt annorexic... umm lets just say i love food (i could NOT stop eating food i like it to much lol) but i went to my bathroom and everything i had just eaten; which was not very much i may add; i threw it all up and i felt good about it, but something in my head which i know is God was telling me HEATHER you NEED to STOP!!!
But you know i didnt listen and i finally broke down crying and didnt want to do anything at all.
So i told some of my good friends and my best friend and although my best friend didnt support me like a BFF should because she hardly said anything on the subject, but anyways tonight at church was powerful, everyone was seeking... and so i was praying and i will admit im a bit selfish when it comes to God, because i just love everything He does idk if im the only one and it doesnt matter but ... my friend Lana came up behind me when i was praying and she told me a lot of things about my school thing and stuff but anyways she also said... after she paused she said, "God wants you to know you are beautiful no matter what anyone says." and cowinkadinkilly (lol idk)
that day i had been told basically that i wasnt by this guy i have known for a while and he always says stuff like im fat and that im ugly or makes fun of my feet...
I am not going to lie... i am 5'8" 1/2 maybe 5'9" i weigh 147 and i have size 11 womens shoes (veeeeeery hard to find dress shoes i may add) yeah i have huge feet and yes i was self consious about them but you know what i realize now that God made me like this... AND i shouldnt worry about guys not liking me having big feet or not having a moviestars body, because God has someone for me and i know it and he is going to love me for me no matter what and seriously he wont worry about how big my feet are and i DONT have to either.

Girls be encouraged im sick of the media and even some guys saying that we arent who or what we should be ... that is a load of cow patties (yesh im from teh south) WE are the chosen generation!!!
AND GUYS ok you know your always seeing some really buff guy and all of that honestly i dont think you guys have to be like that either i think its stupid... God loves you the way you are ... he intended you to look the way you do for such a time as this and he DOES have someone for you and if you have already found them YAY!! ^___^

But yeah that is my spill lol

God bless you peoples!

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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:51 pm

Looks like you had bulimia (binge eating followed by purging, such as vomiting), and it's just as bad for your body as anorexia... I'm assumign that it was way in the past though? Because doing things like that is just sad to hear...

And it really IS sad in our generation of looks and media and all that. I've been sucked into it too with my self-consciousness. But there just comes a point where you have to accept yourself, and accept the way that God made you to be, because everyone is "fearfully and wonderfully made" (which it says in the ever so popular verse in Psalm 139:13-15^^)
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Postby CreatureArt » Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:58 pm

That's fantastic, A4J. And you are beautiful.

It is hard with the way that so many of us are made to think we are not beautiful if we don't measure up to certain standards - and that we will be beautiful if we reach a certain weight. We can start to measure our worth by what we look like.

But where does that lead? There will always be someone skinner, someone more beautiful and something flawed that we see in ourselves. We cannot change this, no matter how hard we try.

The truth is that we are all beautiful (and handsome for you guys, too). Sure, we could lose/gain a few pounds here and there, we could have clearer skin, more/less muscles... the list goes on. But we are beautiful right where we are now.

And I have seen your photos on the post your pic thread, A4J and you are very pretty. I mean that, and I'm a girl so I can say that without shame, or embarassment haha. ^^ Thank you so much for sharing your story.

Keep on keeping on. Be encouraged and don't worry if you fail; if you get things wrong; if you see things in you that you cannot love. No matter what, you are beautiful and treasured - not only treasured but CHERISHED and VALUED by our Father.

God bless you and thanks again for sharing. You rock, my sister in Christ. God bless you heaps.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:03 pm

Great post Heather! You have a beautiful heart and you are good looking too. Keep on denouncing Satan's lies and your inner voices (in your head). God Bless mate.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:14 am

Thank God you're alright. Bulimia is serious business.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm 5'9", I weigh approximately 200 pounds, I wear size 16 pants, and size 10 shoes. However, I'm happy with myself these days because the person I love thinks I'm beautiful, and that's all that matters to me. The rest of society can shove it where the sun don't shine. :P
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Postby Ryupower » Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:24 am

That's good, you told me about this while we were chatting! lol.

A person I know who knew Jesus for 30 years and is very wise, told me: " Listen now, if you look pretty, God wanted you to be so, if you're ugly, then God wanted you to be so aswell..."
Just remember sister that there's a reason God created you the way you are. And all of you other people here worrying about nonsense like that, remember, if God created you with big feet, He wants you to have big feet, if God created you wiht tiny petite footsies...well, then it was His will also!
How boring would the world be if everyone looked like a model. Seriously, it would. Society is too programmed to think crud like that, and the only way to change it is to not give in to it, and be how you are.
Wow! 5'8"! 148? DUDE that is ANYTHING but overweight lol. I'm 5"2' and 158-162! XD
( and comfortable with it ).

Also, most guys don't like the annoerexic skinny look, they generally like an athletic or "medium" look. Then again, if anyone, whether you're a guy or a girl, doesn't like you because your looks don't attract him/her, - they're not the right ones. Lust is a sin, and if they like you due to know, that's lust IMO. So why take 'em anyways?
Listen, I don't shave ( unless my boyfriend wants me to,- but then he has to do that too! Why should I if he wouldn't do the same? Because of society? yeah right. -_- ) , I don't wear makeup, the only thing I do is my eyebrows and sometimes diet ( but usually for Taekwondo, as fat just slowes you down ). And guess what? I had a boyfriend who didn't care! He was actually the one to show me that looks don't count, and he loved me how I am because of my personality, not because of looks. He himself wasn't much of a 'looker', but God used him to reveal the beauty of true ( romantic ) love to me, since he was stubborn in a " I won't change and don't want you to change. -makeup's yucky. " kinda way.

Listen girls ( and guys ), don't try to get someone because you "look good", if that's what their real deal is then they don't really love you.

Sorry,, just an answer/supportive rant. ^_^
I'm done. God bless y'all!

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Postby Warrior4Christ » Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:47 am

CreatureArt wrote:And I have seen your photos on the post your pic thread, A4J and you are very pretty.


Thanks for your honesty in sharing that.
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Postby K. Ayato » Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:17 am

Thanks for sharing that, A4J. As for myself, I'm 5'4", 145 lbs, and I also have big feet (shoe size ranges from 10 1/2 to 11). Not to mention I'm quite tomboyish. To be honest, last night I feared something about me was pushing the guys away, but after reading what you wrote, I realized it really don't matter :). Thanks again for sharing.
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:00 am

Tenshi no Ai wrote:Looks like you had bulimia (binge eating followed by purging, such as vomiting), and it's just as bad for your body as anorexia... I'm assumign that it was way in the past though? Because doing things like that is just sad to hear...

Nope hate to say it was just last week <_<

Thanks for sharing that, A4J. As for myself, I'm 5'4", 145 lbs, and I also have big feet (shoe size ranges from 10 1/2 to 11). Not to mention I'm quite tomboyish. To be honest, last night I feared something about me was pushing the guys away, but after reading what you wrote, I realized it really don't matter . Thanks again for sharing.

Well im glad that you were encouraged one of my guy friends told me that it would probably ^_____________________^ so im happy :D
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Postby PigtailsJazz » Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:19 pm

Artist4Jesus89 wrote:Nope hate to say it was just last week <_<

Well im glad that you were encouraged one of my guy friends told me that it would probably ^_____________________^ so im happy :D

I will be praying for you...please be careful with yourself! You are worth so much to God!

My mom is 5'8" and wears a size 11 shoe :) I'm actually the midget in our family at the tiny, TINY height of 5'5 1/2" (hehe -- so I'm still fairly tall!). So, all of the women in my family are actually tall with big feet. For someone who's 5'5", I wear a 9 1/2. Some days I feel like I have hobbit feet because of their proportion to my height.... (except without the hair, of course).

I see that you are 16, and I know it may be a long way off, but I promise things do get easier as you get older, especially once you get out of high school.
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