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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:24 pm

*Gasp* Gone all gone!!! Man that's a bummer!!! Well, I had this really awesome bio... but the computer glitched!! *Crys*

Like I was trying to say, I go by Nikki and I'm in love with a band called Falling Up (hence the name), if you just want to call me Nikki that's cool with me. I live in a lil' corner in NC and soon will live in both VA and NC... college rules! hehe!

I'm from a family of six. Mom dad, an older brother and two younger sisters. Now if you count the two dogs, two cats, rabbit, and 3 dead fish, then we have more than six in our little family!

Uh... I'm new to Anime. Just to list the movie series I've seen really quick.
Boys Over Flowers, Someday Dreamers (I think that's the name), Hanabea Renemea (spelling?), uh Kino's Journey, Grave of the Fireflies, oh and COwboy Bebop. Gundum Wing was a fav when it was on Cartoon Network, so was Salior Moon and Dragon Ball Z. I saw Metropolis when I was in the 6th grade and a whole lot of other stuff but didn't know it was Anime.

I love to draw, although I'm my own worst critic! You guys are good! Most of my stuff is either creatures, midevilish, or has wings... :angel:

I spend most my day RPGing. Mostly on our youth forum. I love controling Characters in a totally different fictional world!

Uh, I think that's all. If you want to know anything else just ask!
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Postby Ssjjvash » Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:29 pm

aw, I hate when the comp does weird stuff like that! >.<

hm, so, ever been to a Falling Up concert? I've only heard one of their songs, but I like what I've heard!!

what are your hobbies besides drawing?

your favorite sport?

favorite smileyface?

ever got stung by a bee?
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing left in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!''ll be a Man, my son!

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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:04 pm

No I haven't been to a Falling Up concert... *tears* one day... *daydreams*....

Hobbies.... uh... Writing, reading, singing, RPGing (if that can be a hobbie), umm... I know I have more....

Sport... Baseball... then football. Yes, a girl, likes football, mainly when I get to sack someone!! hehe!

Fav smilie face.... uh this one... :angel: and this one :hug: and this one :jump: oh and this one :poke: heh, I was never good with choosing just one... :sweat:

Yes, I have been stung by a bee. I am actually highly allergic to bees... go figure!
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Postby Nate » Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:28 pm

Hey, what's up? I currently live in VA! Though you won't know the name of the town. What? Try you? Okay. South Boston. Heard of it? I thought not!

Oh, yes, and RPGing IS indeed a hobby. You're readin' the words of a genuine D&D freak, though I have been known to play BESM. I've also played Deadlands...but I wish I hadn't. I'm also well-versed in Rifts, and I'm way too confused by GURPS. So that's about it.

Anyway, let's see...questions...okay, got a couple!

When did you become saved? Have you been baptized? If so, when?

Do you hate McDonald's as much as I do?

How do you like your steak?

What's your favorite dessert?

What do you like on your pizza?

If you were on a desert island, and you had ample food, water, and shelter, what three other things would you want with you?

If God Himself decreed that you could only own ONE anime series, ONE video game, and THREE music CDs for the rest of your days, what ones of each would you pick?

That's all for now!

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Postby SpikeSpiegel306 » Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:35 pm

Hey Hey!
::Hands Nikki the official Welcome to CAA Golden Pop Tart::
Dont try and eat hurts...a lot.

Cowboy Bebop...Woot! Love that show like a brother (if thats even possible)...mostly cause of my name and the fact that the show is awesome! But now I am getting off on a tangent!
Time for questions!
1. How high is up?
2. Whats your favorite drink in the whole world?
3. If you could put anything in a sandwich and make your best friend eat it, what would you put in it?
4. Favorite TV Show?
5. Why did the monkey fall out of the tree.
6. If you could change your name...(not really a question is it?)

Sorry if none of these are serious enough for you...I've never been good at serious questions.
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:57 am

kaemmerite wrote:Hey, what's up? I currently live in VA! Though you won't know the name of the town. What? Try you? Okay. South Boston. Heard of it? I thought not!

Oh, yes, and RPGing IS indeed a hobby.

Anyway, let's see...questions...okay, got a couple!

When did you become saved? Have you been baptized? If so, when?

Do you hate McDonald's as much as I do?

How do you like your steak?

What's your favorite dessert?

What do you like on your pizza?

If you were on a desert island, and you had ample food, water, and shelter, what three other things would you want with you?

If God Himself decreed that you could only own ONE anime series, ONE video game, and THREE music CDs for the rest of your days, what ones of each would you pick?

That's all for now!

No, I haven't heard of South Boston! :sweat: Guess you were right!

I'm glad RPGing is a hobbie... I was getting worried!

Well, I got saved young... when I was 7 and baptized the month after. Uh... I did however fall away from the faith due to some life shattering stuff and got a wake up call about 2 years ago. I'm still growing and dealing with the aftermath... but God's getting me through.

I actually like McDonalds... though Wendy's beats all!

Steak... uh well... If I were to eat steak, I'd have to have it well done... but since I'm a vegetarian, I don't eat steak!

Fav dessert.... uh... Jamoca Almond Fudge Icecream from Baskin Robbins! yum!

Pizza... cheese.... peppers... anything Hot!

Desert.... Solar powered cd player... my cds... and my Bible

Anime series.... uh..... hmm.... prob the someday dreamers series... maybe

Video game... something Zelda.... OoT is a good one!

Music CDs.... uh... Beloved/Failure On... Falling Up/Crashings... and um.... the LOTR soundtrack for the ROTK.

I think I answered all of them.... SpikeSpiegel306 I'll get to yours when I get back have to go for now! See ya!
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Postby Ssjjvash » Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:05 am

weeeee! another girl who likes football!! :grin:

I will have to come back later with more stuff. my time on the comp is up for now.
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing left in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!''ll be a Man, my son!

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Postby termyt » Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:12 am

*falls into trance*

Girls who like football, must find one and marry...

*shaps out of it*

Huh? What was I saying?
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:34 pm

SpikeSpiegel306 wrote:Hey Hey!
::Hands Nikki the official Welcome to CAA Golden Pop Tart::
Dont try and eat hurts...a lot.

Cowboy Bebop...Woot! Love that show like a brother (if thats even possible)...mostly cause of my name and the fact that the show is awesome! But now I am getting off on a tangent!
Time for questions!
1. How high is up?
2. Whats your favorite drink in the whole world?
3. If you could put anything in a sandwich and make your best friend eat it, what would you put in it?
4. Favorite TV Show?
5. Why did the monkey fall out of the tree.
6. If you could change your name...(not really a question is it?)

Sorry if none of these are serious enough for you...I've never been good at serious questions.

Alright SpikeSpiegel306 time to get to your questions...

First... Thanks for the official Welcome to CAA Golden Pop Tart. Don't worry I'll try not to eat it.

How High is up? Let me look.....

My favorite drink.... Chia (it's a type of tea)

Uhhh... anything on a sandwich and make my b/f eat it...... hmm.... well I'm going to be nice and not pull a Little Rascals.... so I'm going to say peanut butter and bannanas.

Fav t.v. show.... is this a joke! Uh.... I don't watch TV being we don't have cable.... *tears* so not fair!!! Last time we had cable it was GW.... but that was a long time ago.

Why'd the monkey fall... well the bannanas scared him :dance: hehe (I'm so lame!)

If I could change my name.... hmmm... I'll get back to you on that one.
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:35 pm

Ssjjvash wrote:weeeee! another girl who likes football!! :grin:

We rule!! hehe! ;)
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:38 pm

termyt wrote:*falls into trance*

Girls who like football, must find one and marry...

*shaps out of it*

Huh? What was I saying?

Haha! :lol: Well, good luck looking!!! :grin:
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Postby Nate » Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:02 pm

Nikki_fallingup wrote:since I'm a vegetarian, I don't eat steak!

:( was all going so like football, and RPGs, and Zelda games...and have to go and say something like THAT...

Oh, God, why? Why must You torture me this way?!

*Shrugs and shakes his head* Well, I guess the old saying is true. You just can't save a person from themselves...

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Postby Kinkosami » Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:23 pm

I kinda like football, but most the guys I could play with don't like me to do so. They think they'll hurt me... grr... so I don't bother asking anymore.

Anyway, welcome to CAA! It's nice meeting you.
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Postby SpikeSpiegel306 » Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:42 pm

Nikki_fallingup wrote:Alright SpikeSpiegel306 time to get to your questions...

First... Thanks for the official Welcome to CAA Golden Pop Tart. Don't worry I'll try not to eat it.

How High is up? Let me look.....

My favorite drink.... Chia (it's a type of tea)

Uhhh... anything on a sandwich and make my b/f eat it...... hmm.... well I'm going to be nice and not pull a Little Rascals.... so I'm going to say peanut butter and bannanas.

Fav t.v. show.... is this a joke! Uh.... I don't watch TV being we don't have cable.... *tears* so not fair!!! Last time we had cable it was GW.... but that was a long time ago.

Why'd the monkey fall... well the bannanas scared him :dance: hehe (I'm so lame!)

If I could change my name.... hmmm... I'll get back to you on that one.

Haha! Oh Nikki, those answers were great! Sorry about no cable...I feel for you., and the monkey answer was greatness, sheer greatness. Its definitely up there with the answer "Because he was dead." If I think of anymore deep, thought-provoking questions I'll let you know.

Oh yeah, kudos on not eating the Pop Tart, you wouldnt believed the number of times I have had people get sick from eating their Golden Pop Tarts. Its good to know we have someone with common sense among us.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:54 pm

What part of NC and Va. are you from?
My paternal grandfather was from what used to be Nansemond co.,Va. and is now part of Suffolk city,also my ggg grandmother was from Hertford co.,
My ancestors on that side were all from around that part of the country. :thumb:

So what's your favorite NFL team?
Also who's your favorite CB character?
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:01 am

kaemmerite wrote::( was all going so like football, and RPGs, and Zelda games...and have to go and say something like THAT...

Oh, God, why? Why must You torture me this way?!

*Shrugs and shakes his head* Well, I guess the old saying is true. You just can't save a person from themselves...

Well, I'm a vegatarian not totally by choice... My body rejects meat... I didn't use to be that way... but getting sick does change somethings in a person...
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:04 am

SpikeSpiegel306 wrote:Haha! Oh Nikki, those answers were great! Sorry about no cable...I feel for you., and the monkey answer was greatness, sheer greatness. Its definitely up there with the answer "Because he was dead." If I think of anymore deep, thought-provoking questions I'll let you know.

Oh yeah, kudos on not eating the Pop Tart, you wouldnt believed the number of times I have had people get sick from eating their Golden Pop Tarts. Its good to know we have someone with common sense among us.

:grin: I'm glad you liked the monkey answer... I saw the bananna and just had to do it!!

The pop tart has tempeted me to eat it but I will not give over to the dark side!!
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:14 am

mitsuki lover wrote:What part of NC and Va. are you from?
My paternal grandfather was from what used to be Nansemond co.,Va. and is now part of Suffolk city,also my ggg grandmother was from Hertford co.,
My ancestors on that side were all from around that part of the country. :thumb:

So what's your favorite NFL team?
Also who's your favorite CB character?

Uh... parts of NC and VA..... well in NC I live close to Charlotte about an hour away. And in VA I'll be living in Lynchburg! I'll be attending Lyberty University!!! I can't wait....

NFL Team... hmmm... well, I use to like the Dolphins, when Dan Marino was part of the team... I remember going to one of the games at the Panthers stadium... my dad works for the Panthers by the way.... and we had seats on the 50 yrd line three rows up. *Goes back in time* Dan Mario was center field and got sacked! I remember yelling at the dude not to be hitting on my man! Heh :sweat: I was 14 at the time.... yeah.... anywho... Last year it was the Panthers all the way... I couldn't believe they made it to the SB!! Then they lost! :waah!: This year has kinda been for the Panthers but they haven't done too well. Alot of their key players are out with injuries. *tears* it's so sad. I had hoped they would have gotten back to the SB again....

Oh... Fav Cowboy Bebop char.... uh.... Edward! Eddie makes me laugh so hard... reminds me of me sometimes!! :lol:
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Postby candie-chan » Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:06 pm

*gasp* I'm new too, but, well I know you already. Yes, I shall take a bow for introducing you to RPing. Or wait... was it Jimbo I introduced and then he introduced you.... @.@ Whatever! Where you just torturing me and Jimbo at the Super Bowl then?? I thought he blamed you for the Panthers loosing...

Oo...North Carolina life... *sweatdrop*

Ok, my question..... hmm....

Do you play RPGs as well as RP? I'm confused! I mean whoa! I need an RPG buddie too, chica! Adam always kicks my booty when we play Redemption.
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:17 pm

Umm... Yeah... I play my brothers RPGs when he's not looking.... New at that too. And uh... I think it was Jimbo that introduced me to the first RP forum... but I post mostly with you!!

OH... yeah... the Panthers loosing... well... ummm... I plead the fifth.
No really, my parents are HUGE Panther fans, and I thought I'd be funny and go for the Patriots. :sweat: Yeah, I wore red, white and blue, and all that. I was the only one at the Panthers SB party that was wearing the wrong colors. But I really wanted the Panthers to win... Honest!!! :angel:
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:16 am

Why do you consider yourself counterculture?

What defines counterculture?
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:17 am

What kind of music do you listen to?
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")

It's cosplay, get used to it.

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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:55 am

sheherazade wrote:Why do you consider yourself counterculture?

What defines counterculture?

Counter Cultural= against the tides. I'm against what the culture says is okay... dressing like a floozey.... drugs, drinking, messing around. All these things, and so many more, the culture has redeemed acceptable. Well, I'm going against the tides and saying they're not.

Why?.... well I'll tell you. If I was really so desparate to have a guy notice me that I'd hardly dress at all and spend over 50$ on an outfit that probably only cost the retail market $3.56 to make I'd rather go around naked. That's what the girls out there dressed like that really want anyway. Save the 50$. I think that dressing provocative to get a guys attentions is totally uncalled for. A guy should like you for who you are on the inside. And after they consider the inside then they can be honorable to how the address the way you look. A guy who's not after the heart is only after one thing. What a scum bag!

As for the drugs and drinking... well I've seen enough of my extensive family struggle with this stuff it's so not funny. Alot of my friends too. It totally bombs! Why would I want to get mixed up in a whole lot of stuff that's going to mess me up!? Hello, Mickfly! That's so stupid!

Messing around is so out of the question... All of the friends I had in middle school are now mothers.... most of the babies are almost 2. I'm mean really! I'm in no state to start messing around with a guy. Really. If I were to debate this with a nonchristian I wouldn't even have to use verses from the Bible. Just one example. The first guy I ever "loved" dumped me after going out for two years for no reason at all... and the wrost thing, he did it through my best friend. :mutter: Anyway. For the past 3 years his been in a relationship with a total witch! She won't let him even speak to me any more. Long story short. They are living together... not married, and have been sleeping together the entire time they've been together. It broke my heart when I found out. Told me that he was miserable, but stuck in love. He's wanted out, but can't. Everytime you sleep with someone, or just "mess" around, part of your heart attatches itself to that person. Sex is to be one man one woman after marriage. Sex bonds you to your mate, and it's really hard to bond with your mate if you've had lots of others... get my drift.

Okay so I'm beginning to rant..... so I'll stop here.

sheherazade wrote:What kind of music do you listen to?

I listen to all kinds of music. Metal, Classical, Christian Contemparary... none secular though.... my mom hasn't allowed us to listen to anything other than Christian for a while. But then I turned 18 and my window of opprotunity came to expand my music knowledge. So far I've listened to bands like the Agony Scene to Opera to RK ect.
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:57 am

*sigh* No one seems to want to know anything else?
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Postby AnimeKing13 » Tue Dec 07, 2004 11:15 am

Nikki_fallingup wrote:*sigh* No one seems to want to know anything else?
Well, we've pretty much asked you every question possible but i'll give it a shot. Um....
1. Where do u wan't to go, anywhere in the whole world?
2. Do u play an instrument?
3. Whats your dream job?
4. Do you have a pic of yourself?
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:05 am

1. The Congo (that's in Africa) or Paris.... that is if I could take someone with me ;)
2. Yes, I play the flute and piano and I sing! I can also play the sax and clarinet, although I don't own one.
3. My dream job, I have two. One to sing Christine's part in The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway (that play is so awesome!) and the Second is to be a missionary/singer... like Rebecca St. James. I want to sing to raise money for orphanages in Africa.
4. XD yes... you don't give up do you!
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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:53 pm

DUDE!!! I'm so back!!! It's been too long... does anyone remember me??
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Postby Nate » Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:59 pm

Hmm...I think I do...maybe. ;)

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Postby Nikki_fallingup » Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:11 pm

YAY! I'm not totally forgotten! Which is a good thing!
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Postby jon_jinn » Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:10 pm

i don't think i knew you because i joined in january. eh...hi. i'm jon_jinn and it's nice to meet you... :sweat:
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- John Piper

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-John Piper

"The very One from Whom we need to be saved, is the One Who has saved us."
- R.C. Sproul

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- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

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