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program modifications etc...

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program modifications etc...

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:57 pm

2 questions, really and coming from a person who has a new Windows XP and isn't as used to workign different things on here vs. a 98 where I knew (sort of^^) what I was doing... anyhow...

First off, I need to know hwo the heck to get rid of iTunes. You see, downloaded Quicktime to update it and oooh has Quicktime ever hate me and still does. With the new pack coming with iTunes and stuff, downloading it with it was somethign I didn't have a choice on. But the installation never even finished and I don't even want it >_< You see, I get VERY frustrated when there's no clear uninstall access^^ I DID find an uninstall icon for Quicktime and it gave the choice on uninstalling it or "everything" which I clicked on (thinking it meant iTunes too). Nope! iTunes is still around! So yeah... when there's no uninstall button in my case, how the heck can I get rid of it fully? I know simply deleting it doesn't work, and I don't know if I can acess... oh whatever the code word was when you searched (at least in Windows 98) to get into almost the whole database and completely clear out files as well as hidden viruses...

Second question is that I have some Correl Photo Album and it's annoying me :/ You see, it's the default pic viewer so EVERY pic I click on it has to load up and go into it. Basically, wondering how to make my default pic viewer the "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" or whatever it's called. I can't even find the actual program of it v_v

So yeah... I'm sad with not much comp skills^^ So yeah... help would be appreciated^^
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Postby Authority3000 » Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:13 pm

1. Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs iTunes should be somewhere on the list of installed programs, click "Change/Remove" to uninstall it.

2. Go to Corel Photo Album's options/preferences menu and find the section where it asks which extensions you want the program to associate itself with (e.g. JPG, BMP, GIF), uncheck everything.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:22 pm

*snaps finger* But of course! The simple thigns I forget about sometimes^^ Thanks!

EDIT: iTunes isn't on the list v_v Guess it's because it never fully installed or something...

EDIT again: werid... I can't seem to find that Corel program anywhere... didn't delete it that I know of (maybe another comp user did but not sure why he would...) and the settings have been changed... very odd^^ But then again, it WAS a trial program so it might've deleted itself? *shrugs*
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:09 am

'Tis time to teach thee how to use the Registry Editor, methinks! :lol: (That'll get you your default picture file extension associations back, anyway. ^_^ )

Assuming you have admin rights to browse the entire computer contents (and know how), you can find Registry Editor at "C:\WINDOWS\regedit.exe". Once you've opened the program, expand the first folder on the left side that says "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT". Here you'll find a really long list of filename extension associations, but I won't try to explain that in too much detail here.

What you will want to do now is look down the left side for the extensions that you want to revert to the defaults. For each extension, click on it and a list of variable names and their values will appear on the right side. What you want to change is the value beside the variable called "(Default)".

I know that Corel Photo House has a bad habit of changing certain default associations without my permission, so here's a short list of the ones I usually have to change; it's likely the same on your end.

".bmp" --> Paint.Picture
".gif" --> giffile
".jpg" --> jpegfile
".tif" --> TIFImage.Document

I do hope this helps; please let me know if you have any problems. :)
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:17 am

Regedit, yeah that's what I was looking for^^ Ahhh an advantage of this comp: my Windows folder WORKS. The other one was so messed up it would always freeze the comp on me >_< Well, like I said Corel has... disappeared off the face of my comp apparently, but now I can get rid of that annoying iTunes^^ Thanks^^

EDIT: Hmmm was it a smart move to delete the keys before the actual program icons? There's still a couple of icons I just can't get rid of for whatever reason^^
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:31 pm

*bumped for new question*

Oh shoot >_< So now for some STRANGE reason my Word Perfect won't work. And then I realized something: Corel is also the brand that makes Word Perfect (yeah don't have MS Word on this one as my default) and I must have accidently deleted some keys for it when I was getting rid of the Corel photo album stuff v_v At least I THINK, because for only a couple of programs out of the Wordpefect folder don't work when I click on them. Usually I know that when something is deleted like that it won't work by having a pop-up error... this isn't doing that even >_< Help again? And At the moment, not even sure where the disk is for it :/ I would HOPE that it didn't accidently end up in the trash >_<

As an update on the other 2 things though, the Corel photoalbum IS gone (with this new problem though, at least it's only my assumption -_-;) and only one more older of iPod stuff is yet to be deleted... right now, getting Word Perfect to work is my biggest concern :/

EDIT: n/m I found the disk^^ Luckily...
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