Is anyone as stoked as the new Harvest Moon game "It's a Wonderful Life" as much as I am. I'm a extremeely huge Harvest Moon fan (have "almost" allt he games for it).
I found some intresting the game progrsses on in years, you actually age as do the villagers!! The usual dog, horse, chickens, cows and sheep are int he game but thier may be possibly two new animals!! Goats and Ducks!! Also I've sene screenshots of a Chilluaha (the short-haired mexican dog) and a large tortoise ). You can get married in this one and each girl has thie rown different set of child. You can extend your house and also the town upgrades by getting new buildings and people.
You can also hybrid crops, 40+ characters, and up to 30 years of gameplay.
Here are some screenshots:
Some crops:
Inside a girls house:
Your character fishing
Most likely looks like when you get married and have a kid
Looks cool at night