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What attracts you to a website and keeps you there?

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What attracts you to a website and keeps you there?

Postby SnoringFrog » Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:26 pm

Okay, after trying to run a few small message baords, I've got soem questions.

1)What is the first thing you notice when looking at a new message board that is likely to make or break you staying there?

2)What is maybe not the first thing you notice, but what you consider one of the most important things to keep you gonig to a message board?

3)What would make you less inclined to visit a particular message board?

4)What would make you go back and become active again at a board tha tyou kinda abandoned and/or a board that died but is trying to come back?
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:13 pm

retarded midi file embedded into a website is always a nono
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:48 am

1] The people. After all, that is what determines the character of a message board.

2] A community that welcomes people in and encourages them to forge their own identity.

3] Idiots, excessive language, and a lack of activity.

4] Some interesting discussion or RP or something that interested me.

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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:49 am

Raiden no Kishi wrote:1] The people. After all, that is what determines the character of a message board.
2] A community that welcomes people in and encourages them to forge their own identity.
3] Idiots, excessive language, and a lack of activity.
4] Some interesting discussion or RP or something that interested me.

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Postby Agent Anderson » Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:51 am

Frequent posts linking to other cool things on the interweb. I found out about through a forum.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:31 am

Mithrandir wrote:*sings* One of these guys is not like the other, one of these guys is not the same!


I laughed pretty hard at that one.

I go to websites if they're functional... They provide me with a service and they're easy to navigate... A lot of important sites are difficult to navigate... Most government sites, for instance... Those really upset me...

*D'OH* Ok, didn't read the body of the first message, just the thread title before I answered... Um... This is the only forum I use regularly... I go where I can discuss things I like and hope it's not overrun with Trolls... Of course, IMDB is overrun with trolls and I still go there occasionally... At least there's no image posting there... That helps... But trick links that lead to hardcore porn are a problem, too... Um... I'll stay at a forum if I can discuss waht I want to discuss without being treated like dirt by the majority of the people who respond to me... Well, that doesn't apply to imdb either, does it? Hmm... Maybe I'm just a massochist... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby ShadowCat » Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:37 am

1) How many people are there...What kinda background it has o.o

2)Stuff besides talking on boards (games, chat, etc) o.o/

3)HATERS >:0

4)if they asked me to? \o.o/
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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:16 pm

1)What is the first thing you notice when looking at a new message board that is likely to make or break you staying there?

Bad language and general member demeanor are make or break issues. Also, if I have trouble finding my way around after a bit I'll leave, and if the forum does not seem to be well moderated I won't join or be active.

2)What is maybe not the first thing you notice, but what you consider one of the most important things to keep you gonig to a message board?

New conversations, continuing interest and usefulness. If I can log on and expect somthing interesting, educational, moving or generally edifying, I'll keep coming back.

3)What would make you less inclined to visit a particular message board?

Bad language, stagnant content, poor moderation, massive downtime.

4)What would make you go back and become active again at a board tha tyou kinda abandoned and/or a board that died but is trying to come back?

Begging, bribery, evidence of massive change, necessity, relationships with people changing, change in my own interests.

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