Bobtheduck wrote:So, did Laserdisc have menus and stuff?
martinloyola wrote:listening to the commentary audio overvoicings is one thing that if I had all the time in the world to do and no one cared if I watched it... I would, but then I don't have the time and most people get turned off when I'm watching extras because I'm so thorough and they get "bored"
Tenshi no Ai wrote:Ah commentaries... IMO, the most pointless DVD feature ever^^ Well, I guess it COULD be fun to watch through the whole movie with actors/voice actors commenting on anything and everything and going off about whatever, but honestly, there is NO WAY I would ever have the time to sit down and do that...
RineyX21 wrote:Some commentaries digress a lot, often to the point of hilarity. Like Will Farrell in the Anchorman commentary, who says something along the lines of, "Does anybody even bother listening to these commentaries?".
Bobtheduck wrote:No, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monasdgnkdf from Lord of the Rings digressed into hilarity...
Mitsuki lover wrote:The Gods And Generals DVD comes with alternate language tracks so if you want to you can watch it in French for example.
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