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Plugged In

Postby Knives » Tue Feb 10, 2004 12:14 pm

This is what focus on the family said about anime! I really think their being WAY to harsh. I mean they obviously didnt mension the reason for nudty in anime. They also said that most anime now is bad!. What do you guys have to say about this
Strolling down an aisle of your local video store, you are suddenly surrounded by cartoons. Not Looney Tunes. Not familiar characters from Disney or Hanna-Barbera. These animated amusements share a distinct artistic style. They're typically unrated. And while the box art for some "anime" programs betray their troublesome contents, others appear on the surface, only to harbor profanity, pen-and-ink and extreme violence.
Anime is the hottest teen trend most s have never heard of. Often referred to as Japanimation or Japanese animation, anime has crossed the Pacific and ingrained itself into the consciousness of America's youth. Video retailers discovered the profitability of these "mature" cartoons several years ago. The genre has since vaulted onto best-seller lists across the country.

The roots of anime are grounded in "manga," the Japanese equivalent of the American comic strip or funny pages. The art form has grown to include comic books, video games, TV, web pages and movies. Remember television's "Speed Racer" and "Kimba the White Lion"? Both are examples of early anime. But anime has come of age in the '90s and lost most -- if not all -- of that innocence.

Modern anime frequently contains scenes with full . Even products targeted at preteen audiences include casual and, sometimes, and themes. Many anime movies also feature graphic brutality, ferocious language and intense depictions of the . This callous exploitation of , violence, profanity and spiritual counterfeits raises huge red flags over the entire genre.

While not all anime contains these problems, extreme caution should be exerted in every encounter. Much of this animated material has not been rated. Therefore, when renting a video or buying a comic book, no easy way exists to establish whether or not the animation is ographic. It is up to parents to be aware of anime's inherent dangers, and involved in their teen's media choices.

How hot is anime? The feature-length movie GHOST IN THE SHELL topped Billboard's video sales chart, making it the third most popular anime movie behind AKIRA and STREET FIGHTER. Its plot revolves around the implantation of computer brains into human bodies, mind-melding, body swapping and a surreal quest for "reality." GHOST IN THE SHELL contains over 30 obscenities and numerous titillating displays of full frontal female .

Fight sequences te at least three-quarters of STREET FIGHTER II (also an enormously popular video game). powers are embraced and utilized by both the "bad" guys and the "good" guys. Even though part two of the highly successful STREET FIGHTER series received a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), violence levels in this animated film exceed those of many - movies.

Despite appealing to younger audiences, the "Bubblegum Crisis" and "Project A-Ko" television series (both now available on video) reveal provocatively drawn s, contain gender-bending/ subtexts and glorify violence.

These are just a few examples of the vast array of entertainment available in the anime universe. Licensed products further promote this expanding genre -- including paper plates, napkins and gift bags emblazoned with characters from the Sailor Moon series.

Parents can't assume that children are being protected by retailers. They're not. In a recent investigation, Plugged In found that most video outlets do not restrict the sale or rental of - anime. A minor can easily access animated films that, if held accountable to MPAA guidelines, would receive NC-17 (formerly "X") ratings.

Never think of anime as just cartoons. In reality, many of these morally corrupt products constitute one of America's most dangerous entertainment imports.
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Postby Needle Noggin » Tue Feb 10, 2004 12:23 pm

Did you write this? Or is it something off the internet?

EDIT: oh never mind I see that first Setence now

This Letter/note/article is really messed up.

Anime does too have a rating they just dont get the MPAA to do it,Because it
costs ALOT more money.

A minor can easily access animated films that, if held accountable to MPAA guidelines, would receive NC-17 (formerly "X") ratings.

Not true I went to FYE and took Love Hina(witch is rated 13+)clerk asked me how old I was ans I said 13she sold it to me.(I am sure any other clerks know I am 13 bucause I don't look that little)

I am sure If I tried to take
somthing rated more than that she would'nt have sold it to me.
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Postby Elric_kun » Tue Feb 10, 2004 12:43 pm

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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:11 pm

.......and thats one reason why I despise Plugged-In and Focus of the family. They are very closed-minded. Seems funny that they don't point out the good stuff of anime or a art point of view of it. Obviously, they don't know what they are tlaking bout.

Never think of anime as just cartoons. In reality, many of these morally corrupt products constitute one of America's most dangerous entertainment imports.

I laughed at that :lol: and I will laugh again for it is still hilarious to me :lol:

I read somewhere of some guy who said was Christian bashing on anime. Get this, he said "We must stop buying stuff from the dark land of Japan". :lol: Like what FOF did, he focused on the bad side of anime instead of also addressing the good side of anime.

oh's thier opinion and they are entitled to it, but I don't agree with it
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:23 pm

Sorry, I didn't realize there was a thread on this somewhere already, especially since I couldn't get the search engine to work for me.
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Postby That Dude » Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:24 pm

I actually think that Plugged In has great reveiws. (except on christian music.) But I think that they are really baised and hateful on the anime subject..They lost their objectivity on that subject. They based it on only the crappy stuff and none of the good ones (though BGC was pretty cool) But yeah they are usually good except with that.
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Postby Hitokiri » Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:26 pm

I was checking on thier review on LOTR: TT's review and the sexual content made me laugh :lol:

Aragorn and Arwen share a passionate kiss. oh no :o !!! A passionate kiss

They also say that in ROTK too :eyebrow:
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:30 pm

This topic has already been covered (yes, this exact article). I would appreciate not going into detail again, it was obnoxious the last time. A member has actually sent them a balanced message, saying that we didn't appreciate it.
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Postby Psycho Ann » Tue Feb 10, 2004 4:26 pm

I dunno, the usage of the words "most" and "many of these" are correct. "Most" anime do have questionable material. And that's pretty much the truth since in reality there are more questionable anime than the "good" ones we know of in the mainstream.

While not all anime contains these problems, extreme caution should be exerted in every encounter.

I agreed whole-heartedly with that quote. Most anime movies are packed with violence, etc etc. Even Miyazaki's works (excluding more mild ones like Totoro) have violent content. I remember the time when Ashitaka's arrow (in Princess Mononoke) ripped off both arms of a rogue made the audience (parents) in the movie theatre gasp. There were small children in that theatre and obviously the parents haven't been warned that the PG-13 rating was to be taken seriously.

We--the anime fans--complain when they say anime if for kids, then we also complain when they say anime is for adults. One thing, these reviews ARE there to act as a warning. Oh, they could state all the good points of anime, but face it, no matter what the parents will still focus on the bad parts--because it's these parts that are the most dangerous.

They don't care if anime has great plots, animation, characters, etc. What matters is if these anime have questionable material that might be a bad influence to their children. Why aren't they focusing on other media like movies and books? Because parents KNOW these media already, they already know of all the questionable stuff these media portray. Anime is a fairly new and alien field to them, and so there's more focus on it.

I'm sorry, I think I made a similiar rant too a while back but I'm just really tired of all this negativity when Christian groups give "bad" reviews on anime in general. This thread will probably be locked anyway >_< Again, sorry.
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Postby Da Rabid Duckie » Tue Feb 10, 2004 4:51 pm

I'm in total agreement with Ann. When I read that article, it seemed to me as it was giving a warning to parents to be more cautious when choosing anime. But then again I write for sites similar to Plugged In, so I understand their mentality.

That said, I seem to get a bad stereotype when people find out that the only thing I watch is subtitled anime, especially from Christians that don't understand that anime to the Japanese is the same thing as prime-time TV over here. I wouldn't call them closed-minded because after sitting down and talking with people about it, they usually come to the full understanding of the fact that it's not the genre that is to be avoided but the specific shows (as is the same with live action television, music, movies, and any other type of media).
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Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
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Postby madphilb » Wed Feb 11, 2004 6:00 pm

I think we're dealing with a double edged sword.. and I know how many Christian parents are (forget that, most people in general)... they can't be bothered with putting aside their own thoughts and looking for fact. FotF's warning about Anime, when looked at the way Ann does (good call Ann) gives that heads-up to those parents who aren't to be bothered with either checking content on something or taking the attitude that "it's a cartoon, it must be for kids" dispite the PG-13 rating on the movie or the fact that there have been animated things for adults (Heavy Metal being one example).

On the other hand now with that slap in the face in place, people often swing in the oppostie direction in addtion to ruffling the feathers of those like us who know the whole story and have bothered to look at this from several points of view, plot, story, and art being a big draw.

As also stated, FotF takes a more conservitive stance on things, this too causes issues, both for the intollerant people who take that same stance and feel those of us with a more "liberal" view on things are sinning, as well as those of us who have more liberty in this area cop an attitude with those who are more reserved on these things.

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Postby Da Rabid Duckie » Wed Feb 11, 2004 7:28 pm

madphilb wrote:As also stated, FotF takes a more conservitive stance on things, this too causes issues, both for the intollerant people who take that same stance and feel those of us with a more "liberal" view on things are sinning, as well as those of us who have more liberty in this area cop an attitude with those who are more reserved on these things.

Well stated! Perhaps the worst thing that we can do as members of the category that "have more liberty in this area" can do is lash out against the Christians that think anime is bad. Doing so would not only damage our case severely, it'd be proving them right in one fell swoop. Honestly, the only thing we can do in this area is to address the angry claims peacefully, and provide civil examples that while we do need to pay attention to what types of anime we watch, that there is a great deal of it out there that is completely wholesome and family friendly.

And that's what this site is for, right?
Da Rabid Duckie -- Taking Over Your Country In Three Posts Or Less.

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anything can be solved through the mass application of explosives. -- The Duck

Da Rabid Duckie, concerning Gypsy wrote:Gypsy doesn't realize this, but she's ditching whomever she's with and we're getting married. Uh huh. Yeah. Lil bro Zilch can be the best man, it'll be an explosive ceremony. Everyone is invited! We'll serve poutine at the reception, Straylight can DJ, and Shatterheart can start a mosh pit!
Gypsy, in acceptance wrote:Explosives and poutine? Alright!
Hey... she said it... :p
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Feb 12, 2004 5:51 am

Good points have been made, and since they're by individuals who didn't participate last time, I won't lock this thread. Still, I wouldn't suggest continuing the argument very much.
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Postby SwordSkill » Thu Feb 12, 2004 6:39 am

hn. well, they might as well be condemning movies and literature in totality as well, which are just as "bad" and "good" as anime is in terms of content anyway. i think it's because anime is relatively a pretty new explosion in the West, and naturally one would be suspicious of something one does not understand very well yet, especially if it comes in the guise of something that everyone has thought all the while to be aimed solely at kids.
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