Prayer for my mother

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Prayer for my mother

Postby express » Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:15 am

I have a mother who is not saved. Things have been rough on her since my parents' divorce. Last night, she yelled at me for fasting. I was doing it because of the story where the apostles could not cast out a demon in a certain person. But Jesus did, and then said that this particular demon could only be cast out with prayer and fasting.

It then turned into my mom blaspheming God and perverting the Word of God to get me to give in to her reasoning. She kept yelling that it was my father's fault and that he has brainwashed me just to spite her. She also tried to get me to agree to read other religious doctrines and teachings. I couldn't give in. I couldn't compromise the Lord God and what Jesus has done for all humanity, including my mother. The Lord saved my father from committing suicide and going back to his tragic lifestyle.

My mother believes that she reaches God through tarot cards and rune stones. Pray for her salvation and that she will come to accept Christ.
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Postby inkhana » Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:26 am

That's so sad....I am really, truly sorry to hear that. I will pray for you. This kind of brings up my suggestion...maybe we should have a weekly meeting or something to pray for members' needs and for CAA as a whole; we'll have more power as a group (you know the verse about two or three agreeing in Jesus' name). Just an idea.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:41 am

Man... that sounds like a difficult time for you. Way to go for soldiering through it.

You definitly have my prayers, and I'm sure other people who didn't respond are praying too. We feel for you!
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Postby Anison Twilight » Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:49 am

I'll pray for you as well.
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Postby express » Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:58 am

Thank you all for your prayers. I still continue to pray and fast for my mother, that the demon will be cast out of her. I will pray for this organization, as well.

As for inkhana's idea, I'm totally for it. Prayers are real and the Lord hears them and answers them. It's only in His time that He will do so.

As a testimony, the day before yesterday, I felt really bad that, as I was out with my father at GameStop, I saw him offering a Muslim family a Bible. At the time, I was embarrassed and scared. However, they accepted it, and my father gave it to them. That day I prayed to the Lord that He would forgive me for being ashamed to spread the Gospel, and asked that the Holy Spirit give me boldness the next time I was faced with the situation to speak the Gospel.

And He answered my prayer last night.
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Postby Gypsy » Wed Jun 18, 2003 10:43 am

Although I don't know you yet, I will be very proud to pray for you. Continue to be strong for your mother, because the Truth is inside of you, and the Truth sets people free. Not only have you met an alliance of anime fans, you've met a group of people who will go to war for your mother - spiritually, on our knees. I will also pray that God continues to give you boldness, and that you will be very sensative to the Spirit's leading. You said that God answered your prayer for more boldness - how so? I'd love to hear it.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Jun 18, 2003 11:04 am

Sorry things are going rough...I will be praying that the Lord gives you strength during this time...stay strong man.
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Postby calbhach » Wed Jun 18, 2003 7:59 pm

Yeah, me too. I'm so sorry..


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Postby Shinja » Wed Jun 18, 2003 8:10 pm

ill pray for you express
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Postby Saint » Wed Jun 18, 2003 8:31 pm

hey express
i feel for you and this trial you are going thru... one of the best things we have in christ is hope. don't give up, my mother was once similar to yours, even down to the reading cards. 'cept she wasn't even looking for God in anyway, but a faithful lady brought her news of chirst and his grace salvation. and this lady remained faithfully patient and full of love for months upon months before God finally broke my mother down to see her need for a realtionship with him... for my mother it took the miscarriage of her first child. regardless, the holy spirit will work on the hearts of mankind, so just continue to show the love of God to her. i will absolutely be praying for your mother and you express. take comfort in him. <><
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Postby express » Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:36 pm

All I can say is thank you all so much for your prayers and encouraging words. I cannot offer anything back except the message of the Gospel and the Truth that Jesus saved us, and He is the only reward we will ever need.

Praise the Lord God and thank Him for His Gospel.
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Postby express » Mon Jul 07, 2003 8:13 am

Last night, pretty much the same thing happend as the first event I told about in this thread. It still heavily grieves me. However, at least this time, in some way, we both had a Bible in our hands. It ended kind of the same way as before but a little more calmer than before. She still tried to convince me that I was closing my mind, putting on my blinders, and she wanted me to accept that Jesus Christ was "a" way to God, that there are other ways to God, be it Mohammed or Buddha.

She claims that she was saved a long time ago and that God has blessed her since. She says that she has read the Bible cover to cover many times and that the Word is in her heart. But I can't believe it because she refuses to believe that Christ is the only way to the Father when the Word plainly says so.

Also, as for the tarot cards, she says that those aren't mediums, that mediums are only people (human sacrifice, etc.), and that is witchcraft (which she says she doesn't practice). She says I'm interpreting it wrong. But I can't believe that tarot cards aren't mediums. (Deuteronomy 18:9 NKJV). She still believes that she can go to God through that.

She says that only when I can go past the Bible and open my mind to other things will I know truth. But I can't accept that. I have the Truth right here, in God's Word. For Proverbs 14:12 says:

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."

I read her that, but she twisted it and said that it is true but that God works through others (prophets: Mohammed, Buddha) to get people to know Him.

I just want to tell you guys this not to complain and bash on my mother, but to show you all that the Light can't mix with darkness, not even the slightest speck.

My brother and I were talking for a long time afterwards, and he told me a phrase: "Playing the field." I realized that before I was saved that I was just like my mother. I was "playing the field". I know that "playing the field" usually refers to dating, but for us, it was about doctrine. Before, I would read about Taoism, Buddhism, well-known sayings, and knew a liitle about Chrisitanity. And I thought that I could pick and choose have an ecclectic collection of philosophies to follow. And that's how my mother and so many other people, even Christians, are. Praise God that He delivered me from that blaspheme and I only desire to follow His Word.

My mother still really needs prayers. I'm willing to pray and fast for as long as it takes. But I don't want it to be my own desire and will for my mother's true salvation, but God's Will. I just want to pray for God's Will to happen.

Please continue to pray for my mother and that God's Will will be done.

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