Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:48 pm
Hmm... I forget, actually... I haven't played MGS in a long time, so I don't remember if there could have been OTHER "ninja" exoskeletons. Actually, there were... I think...
How on EARTH is Liquid's personality supposed to be transfered with his ARM? I never did once get that, and felt that a serious black mark against MGS2.
Oh, yeah, and as for the Hero of MGS3, you know that snake wasn't born yet in the 60's, right? And, besides, that guy had a messed up eye... Hmm... I wonder what that could mean? *coughbigbosscough* Ok, so that's not any big news for true Metal Gear fans... Of course there aren't that many in the US... There are a lot of "Metal Gear Solid" fans, and a few fans of the NES "Metal Gear" games, but the NES games were not canon... The only canon games pre-solid are the MSX games...
How did Grey Fox burst into flames and disappear, only to be 'revived' later? Did they somehow adult clone his ashes with his memories? That would be a little sigourney, I mean senseless (sorry, common mistake) Well, I guess he didn't really burst into flames, but it looked much cooler to do that in the MSX before they knew they would be bringing him back. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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