Haibane-Renmei Curriculum

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Postby SP1 » Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:52 pm

Fourth lesson went pretty well. One of the references to Timothy is messed up, I think, so I need to revise that. The idea of being rich or poor got quite a bit of discussion.

You definitely need an hour for this class. I could have easily run longer.

I think I need to add a "Notes to the instructor" section to this, to remind the leader to 1) watch the series all the way through before starting the lesson plan 2) warn the leader of some problem areas (graphic wing emergence scene, various Haibane using the d*** word, etc.) 3) discuss legal issues and 4) talk about the use of time (need 1 hr+ and don't waste a lot of time talking about purgatory references).


"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby SP1 » Mon Apr 03, 2006 6:38 pm

5th lesson completed 2 weeks ago, not much to comment on. The "infamous" episode 6 has had to wait until some church business (raise $$) is completed that has been conflicting with the Sunday School hour. Plus, with spring break, attendance has been low and I don't want anyone to miss #6.

"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:04 pm

Hang in there. Slow going. Spacing HR out over a number of weeks is probably tricky... need to lock them in a room for about three hours for the first six eps... but good to hear things are still going on!
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Postby SP1 » Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:06 pm

Episode 6: I gave this one on Easter Sunday! Not everyone was there, but it's Easter...and it's EP 6...AND is was raining outside! Just too good an opportunity to pass up.

I used one of the themes from this episode (the part where Kuu talks about filling her cup) at a Men's group devotional last week. It went really well, although one of the guys in the group is also in the class, so he was, like, "hey, that's where that came from!" Not above plagarizing my own material...

For those interested, in addition to reading various scriptures about filling our spiritual cups, I did an experiment:
1. Get a deep pan (to catch water spills), 2 clear, 6-8 oz glasses (the narrower the bottom the better), a pitcher of water and a towel.
2. Fill up one glass all the way.
3. Hold the empty one up, stating "Here we have a Christian praying: Lord, fill me up with your spirit competely! (think Peter, here)".
4. Announce, "The Lord, hearing this request, responds." Now, quickly pour all of the water from the full glass into the empty one. Do it all at once. If you practice this, only about half the water will stay in the glass, the rest splashes out!
5. Hmm, note that it seems that this Christian was perhaps not ready for all this at once.
6. Get yourself set with a full and empty glass again.
7. Announce, "Now, let us see how the Spirit works when it is added a bit at a time." Pour the contents slowly.
8. This time the glass is basically full.

You can use this demo to discuss Christians that frequently seek "highs" at revivals, etc., but are really depressed (feel distant from God) in between. Also, you can discuss how the cup keeps full (you'll need the pitcher for this) even as the contents of the cup is used (that is, we drink from the cup to restore us in our works, troubles in our lives, etc), since the Spirit does not stop pouring into us. Good questions are "How do we get our cups filled? What might happen that empties or removes water from the cup? What kinds of things fill the cup (too) fast...slowly and steadily?" etc.

"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby SP1 » Thu May 04, 2006 8:30 pm

EP 7 & 8 went OK. I took some notes, but nothing worth commenting on yet. Well, next week is the big EP9.

I had a good discussion with one of my class members about the intended audience. I said that I thought older teens or young adults probably, although one of our youth directors seems to think the guys won't like it. (So what does that make me, then!) OK, so older teen girls, Christian otaku, and young adults it is. So anyway, the class member pointed out that some of the themes were pretty significant, and this would work well with the teens. I agree. Heavy at times, but lots of "fitting in" and "being different" stuff there.

"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby SP1 » Mon May 08, 2006 8:05 pm

EP9 had the predictable response: "Whoa! We see why you wanted to make this a Sunday School class." And "Are you sure the director of this isn't a Christian?"

Only one more class to teach that I have the lesson plan for. Which means I HAVE TO WRITE NEW ONES! AHH! Episode 11 is so hard. It's really laying the groundwork for EP12 & 13, and you can hardly say anything without giving the ending away. I've watched it twice now (this evening) to try and get ideas. Oh well, I have a few more days. Be ready for a fast comment turn-around, however.


"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Tue May 09, 2006 2:27 pm


(Want any suggestions?)
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Postby SP1 » Tue May 09, 2006 8:14 pm

OK, creative juices (non-alcoholic in nature) flowing again, maybe.

Added episode 11 material. No scripture references yet. Could use some on willingness to "righteously intervene" with people having problems...not following gossip and heresay and, therefore, being a better listener and witness for Christ, etc.



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"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Wed May 10, 2006 7:28 pm

Wow, this is a tough lesson to pull specific Scripture verses from...

In fact, you may have to do more than that: tell a particular "story"...

One of the problems is Reki isn't just someone who hasn't heard the Good News, if you will; her experiences have led her to believe that the Powers That Be aren't telling the truth, or aren't offering her forgiveness deliberately. She believes in a capricious, uncaring, almost evil god... she's a non-believer with an attitude...

There just aren't too many of those types in the Bible that we see directly. Many of the people who came to Jesus wanted His help; it seems Reki would deliberately stay away.

Maybe the parable of the Unjust Judge? That story is about prayer, but it could also be about persistence in the face of adversity...

I will think about this some more... good outline, though!
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Postby SP1 » Wed May 10, 2006 7:34 pm

Well, at least it's not just me...

I am considering not trying to tie scripture to Reki just yet, since her story fills out a bit more later. For now maybe focus on the other themes?

The parable of the Prodigal son might apply to Reki, albeit in a less direct manner.

Maybe something in the OT prophets about someone too sure of themselves, or too angry, etc., to hear the quiet voice of God or his servants?


"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby SP1 » Wed May 10, 2006 9:07 pm

OK, I've fleshed this out a little more. We'll see how this goes. Some of this might go into EP12 if that's lacking (probably not going to be a problem).


"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby SP1 » Sun May 28, 2006 6:12 pm

Episode 11 covered in class. I need to revise question 1 a bit to empasize that not dwelling on past disputes can not only help you in mission and evangelism activites, but also in relationships with Christians of other denominations.

Personally, I see this as a big deal. Just think of how much effort we waste in so-called religious disputes that are really political disputes (in other words, power struggles) that have little to do with religion.

Well, it's off to episode 12 next week. Of course, I have to write it first.

Gotta go, bye.


"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Mon May 29, 2006 10:34 am

Looking forward to seeing Ch 12... Bell Nuts festival, Passing of the Year, very retrospective... but especially the Redemption of Midori. Could be a really neat one to teach, next to Ch 13...
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Postby SP1 » Tue May 30, 2006 9:29 pm

You need not wait any longer! And neither could I, since I have to teach this one next week. Lots of material in EP 12. See what you think.


"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Wed May 31, 2006 5:37 pm

You've got me kind of stumped on this one. Some of the analogies seem a little stretched... the Wall is built for the protection of the Haibane -- from dangers and knowledge without -- you might say it is built for their protection, as God has given us His Word as our protection, our childhood under caring parents as protection, His Mercy as our protection... but a shielding Wall of the Church?

At another site I compared Guri to a foster home (I grew up in a home where my parents took in a couple hundred foster children over the years). The protection at a foster home is real to the children and teens: protection from abusive parents usually, sometimes protection from themselves as runaways. Guri is not the "last stop", and like the foster home, there is no sense of finality for the Haibane. I wouldn't say the Haibane feel as much comforted by the huge walls as... well, confined, even trapped at times, although they seem to accept it after a while. Like we all do when faced with circumstances we ourselves cannot change.

So I guess the "new church member" analogy is a little farfetched for me here, although you've used it to great effect in other places. The Wall is there, like Reki said, to protect -- and to keep Haibane from knowing, perhaps. We take children out of their homes under circumstances where we don't want them any more exposed to evil than they already have been -- and the Haibane may very well fit into this category.

Your point on Reki giving away her lighter is very apt. She is bound and determined, in this life as in her last, to throw her life away (although she doesn't realize that yet).

Also agree with your comments on the "Circle of Sin", that no one is able to forgive themselves -- that one needs someone else to break out -- that is true in a microcosm (human relationships) and in the cosmos (God's forgiveness mediated by Christ).

You might make mention about the effort to which Midori actually goes here -- we don't know how often she's visited Old Home, probably not much -- but she and Rakka run full speed back to Old Home from downtown, probably a couple kilometers at least (citing some sources other than the series here). This isn't Midori just surrendering to the Fates ("Oh, she's not here? Too bad..."). This is true repentance -- going all out to bring the news of reconciliation to Reki. (Reki-ciliation? OK, I'm being cilli.)

In any event, best wishes for your class Sunday. Ep 13 is on the horizon! What a journey it has been! But... the best is yet to come!!
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Postby SP1 » Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:45 pm

OK, points taken. Discussion of new members gone from question 1, add detail on Midori's "run" of reconciliation, added some detail (steal quote from ClosetOtaku) about multi-level forgiveness, too.

I think the discussion of the Foster Home analogy is best left to retrospective in EP13, so I put a reminder there.


"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby SP1 » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:56 pm

Going on vacation for a couple of weeks, so a bit of a pause before EP13.

Must...stay...focused...a little...longer...

"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:44 am

Hang in there, and my apologies for not following up after first comments on Ep 12.

Keeping the Sunday School class in suspense, of course, might get you reported to the Community Watch, though... :-)
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Postby SP1 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:04 pm

The complete, pending review, lesson plan with a rather thick lesson 13 now. Please check use of Reki's names carefully in EP13!



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"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:58 am

Some very good questions and explanations in this chapter!

I start out, though, with Young Reki. You make a statement that Young Reki is like the Holy Spirit first, then Satan next. I have to disagree. If Rakka had first pushed Reki out from the Train, Reki still would not have been saved -- or she would have been saved under her own terms. Young Reki holds Rakka back until Reki makes her confession -- her need for Rakka -- and Young Reki disintegrates, the old name plate breaking. Satan would never knowingly facilitate such a salvation. If it is the Holy Spirit prompting Reki to change, it is also the Holy Spirit prompting Rakka to wait for the critical moment so that Reki's salvation might be complete.

Suprised you did not mention the wind blowing the cover off the painting of Kuramori. Once again, the Spirit prompts us in ways we never thought of. Rakka finds the diary and realizes she is the bird who will bring Reki salvation, just like the bird brought Rakka salvation in the Well. But without that Divine Intervention (the wind blowing the cover off the painting), Rakka would be unaware of all this.

Otherwise, a very good wrap-up of the series. I have not had time to go through the entire lesson plan again, but will do so shortly.

Thank you so much for putting this thing together. Many people, including myself, have thought of doing such a thing, but you've actually gone and completed it! Congratulations!

And, if you would like to continue discussing various aspects of HR in this enclave, it seems to be the appropriate place.

I will have comments concerning the entire lesson plan in a few days.
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Postby SP1 » Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:41 am


I revised the "young Reki" part a lot and added a section on Kuramori's painting.

Note that additional info on copyright law and instructor info has been expanded.


"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:32 am

This is really interesting! I'd love to help

of course... I gotta watch it all first XD I've acquired it, time to watch!
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Postby SP1 » Wed Jun 28, 2006 8:10 pm

Don't read the guide until after you have watched each episode, otherwise it's spoiler city!
"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby SP1 » Sun Jul 09, 2006 11:30 am

OK, lesson 12 given to the class today. We had a guest this week who had never heard of this series before (duh). He really liked it and wondered where I got this from. (>.<) Ah! Head...too...big...must...vent...pressure...

No major changes as a result of class 12. The discussion about the Christian example and forgiveness/reconciliation took up most of the time. There was some comment about how you can't be a perfect example all the time, as we are human, after all. If an onlooker just sees you arguing with another Christian, but misses out on the (later) reconciliation, then they go away with only half the story. True enough. I don't know what to say about this other than we need to realize that is the case and, in general, make sure those onlookers either see the whole story or don't see the bad parts (keep your arguments private, I suppose).
"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:15 pm

Interesting -- but am glad they got the message about the Midori - Reki reconciliation scene. It will be important to remember when they next see Reki, still thoroughly embittered and ready to surrender to the train's tender mercies, much like she had in her previous life. Reki is one tough nut to crack...
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Postby SP1 » Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:34 pm

OK, last class given. Made final (I think) corrections. I'm not going to add any more about "being perfect" and arguing openly with other Christians to EP12. We'll just let the class leaders deal with that. I did add this:

[Spoiler] Reki's day of flight leads to a light burst that is much longer that Kuu's. This presents a good opportunity to refer to the Parable in Luke 15 about the shepherd rejoicing over the finding of the lost sheep.[/Spoiler]

OK, here is the final plan. So get out there are teach this thing.


Go to a more recent post, please, for the attachment.
"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:06 pm

And, again, congratulations. Very well done!

You didn't tell us how the class liked the ending.......
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Postby SP1 » Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:56 pm

They seemed to like it. This is a lot to hit someone with on Sunday morning, so mostly they were just stunned. Of course, I had to spend most of my time surrepticiously wiping the tears from my eyes. Even after this long, the ending gets to me.

Oh, great, now the attachment is not on the last post anymore. I'll fix it after the initial responses cease.

OK, here it is again. :angel:
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"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
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Postby Kisa » Thu May 24, 2007 7:45 am

Oh wow you finished and I had no idea... shows how long it has been since I was on here, lol. Great job! I am looking forward to going through it more thoroughly now that it is complete ^_^
This was such a great idea, it should be done for other series with a suitable plot for it ^_^
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Postby SP1 » Wed May 30, 2007 8:55 pm

Yay! Someone read this thread (recently).

More yay!

"Those who believe will be saved...so they say. Get it?"
Sister Rosette Christopher

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