and it aims to bring morally just and family-friendly games to the masses.
Obviously, with a premise like that, Left Behind represents the latest in the Christian-themed video game movement, or as developer/publisher Left Behind Games puts it, the "inspirational games"
ClosetOtaku wrote:I have nothing good to say about the "Left Behind" series of books, and therefore am not surprised to see further exploitation through a silly arcade game. If Christianity took half the effort it spends on eschatology and obsessing about the anti-Christ and instead focused on its mission of caring for those who truly need it, we might actually accomplish something in line with what God intended for us in the first place.
Tom Dincht wrote:While I do have things wrong with this game, I see nothing wrong with the books. Could you please explain what's wrong with the book?
It's just a fictional story picturing what the end times will be like. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact, he helps us.
Tom Dincht wrote:Could you please explain what's wrong with the book?
Wow, I don't think Christ wanted to go that far in not showing off our good works. ^_^ Such a thing would only work situationally for things that are necessary but not government sanctioned, like Bible smuggling of aiding Jews in Nazi Germany or something (and even then, appearing normal lends more aid than all the subtle creeping in the world). I really did like Thief: Deadly Shadows though, particularly the Cradle.Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Yeah, I want to see Christian games with the quality of gameplay found in the Thief stealth series!
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Ha, ha. GhostontheNet, I meant with the quality of gameplay, how they don't have the feel of the game, very immersive, atmospheric - that sort of thing. Smuggling Bibles, not a bad idea!
AnimeHeretic wrote:Well sort of. As I understand it it is a Premillinialist Dispensationalist Rapture interpretation of The Bible that tends to be hostile to certain denominations and beliefs. If that's what you believe in, it wouldn't bother you. But if you did not accept that interpretation of the Bible or belonged to a denomination LaHaye treats poorly then you might tend to be offended by the material or the way it was handled.
Still, the genre is real time strategy and that will mean there will be violence. As I had pointed out in the Theology Web thread though, it looks like the opposition against which violence would actually be used would be some kind of New World Order Riot Police Gestapo rather than attacking civilians. As I see it though, the dispensational theology of Tim Lahaye screws up by thinking that the newspapers offer a better guide to Revelation than all the work of real Biblical scholars who are well acquanted with ancient Jewish and Graeco-Roman literature, including the very relevant genre of ancient apocalyptic literature.Killua wrote:I'm not yet sure what to think of this game, but I do believe many people miunderstand what the game is about.
For example that the game moralizes violence is completely wrong after what I've read. Trying to convert people non-violently is one thing the game is trying to moralize.
If you convert people you get aid from angels, if you kill innocent people you Devils come instead (remember it's a fictional game). But this is still not the way the game tries to evangelise. I belive it's by showing bibleverses and such.
Also remember that Left Behind is much based on the Revelations. And the Reveltaions are violent scriptures, that clearly say the end will be violent and hard times.
(Edit: Some people seem to think (maybe not at this board, I dunno) that this is a game with christians vs. atheists, muslims, buddhist and such. This is really wrong. It's a fight with those who have chosen Gods side vs. those who have chosen anti-christs side.)
Killua wrote:I'm not yet sure what to think of this game, but I do believe many people miunderstand what the game is about.
For example that the game moralizes violence is completely wrong after what I've read. Trying to convert people non-violently is one thing the game is trying to moralize.
If you convert people you get aid from angels, if you kill innocent people you Devils come instead (remember it's a fictional game). But this is still not the way the game tries to evangelise. I belive it's by showing bibleverses and such.
Also remember that Left Behind is much based on the Revelations. And the Reveltaions are violent scriptures, that clearly say the end will be violent and hard times.
(Edit: Some people seem to think (maybe not at this board, I dunno) that this is a game with christians vs. atheists, muslims, buddhist and such. This is really wrong. It's a fight with those who have chosen Gods side vs. those who have chosen anti-christs side.)
Scarecrow wrote:You know this game is gonna suck. The books were dumb, the movies were some of the worst movies ever... the game... well, they've already had two strikes. I don't see this doing any better.
I don't have very much respect for the authors either really. The books are just a cash cow and I really don't think they are doing any good except affirming some Christians in their beliefs about the end times.
Tom Dincht wrote:Well, not to sound rude, but no one that makes the book cares if you give it strikes or not.
The books are great and my friend did a research report on LaHaye. It's clear to see God had a calling on his life to aware people of the Christian's view on the rapture. He did a great job.
Tom Dincht wrote:If not all Christians believe in rapture, then what other parts of the Bible do they not believe?
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