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Last Exile

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Last Exile

Postby Blewin » Mon Jan 12, 2004 7:46 pm

anyone seen this awesome anime? (check my sig for the image)

everything is excellent... i can't find fault with it. :)
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Postby Spiritsword » Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:02 pm

I have seen the first volume, and so far I completely agree with you. It looks like a beautiful, incredible series. I enjoyed the music, animation, characterization, and the intriguing plot. I don't know what else I could ask for. I am definitely looking forward to renting the second volume and finding out how the plot develops. GONZO puts out some awesome anime, with very nicely done CG effects. Has anyone seen Vandread? Great, though not widely known, series. Gatekeepers is a good one, too. But Last Exile may be the best of the bunch--so far it has the potential.
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Postby Gypsy » Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:05 pm

Hmm, I've thought of buying it a couple times, but never actually *did*. I know it's a sort of war movie ... but what else?
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Postby Spiritsword » Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:16 pm

I've only seen the first volume, Gypsy, but it deals largely with a couple of kids who run messages in their flying ship. Clauis and Lavie end up taking over a "job" that involves transporting a mysterious girl, and are pursued by mechanical enemies. There's a lot of mystery and intrigue, and yes, there are two warring nations who fight according to rules put out and overseen by a mysterious "guild". Claus and Lavie want to accomplish what their fathers died trying to do, get through the "Grand Stream".

The whole feel of the show is very "industrial revolution-ish", with huge flying ships but small villiages on the ground and people generally either living a simple life in general poverty or being members of the aristocracy. It's a neat setting, with very fitting music and excellent animation. Lots of action, an interesting plot with multiple mysteries--much more than just a war series. I rented the first DVD rather than buying, but if I had bougfht it I wouldn't have been disappointed.
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Postby Rev. Doc » Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:23 pm

I have to agree with the others. This is a title that is well done in all areas, animation, music, storyline, everything is great.

It has a lot of the feel that reminds me of Castle In The Sky but far more breathtaking and stylish. It is definately one I will be collecting this year.
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Postby Blewin » Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:47 am

yes, definitely more than a war movie. The anime reminds me of Castle in the sky too, but the animation and GC effect totally blows it out of proportion. Just look at those clouds.. blends in so perfectly with the 2D.
and i like how despite the serious side of it, the anime is still engaging enough for you to want to see more.

i've seen vandread, the mecha's great, and that's about the only thing i like about this anime.
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Postby glitch1501 » Tue Jan 13, 2004 3:47 am

this anime is in my top 5 of all time, ive seen all of it, and its totally awesome

check out my alex rowe wall, you might like it

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Postby blue elf » Tue Jan 13, 2004 11:02 am

I have the first dvd and I loved it! I can't wait for vol. 2, but I would like to ask how is the rest of the series content wise and such? I've looked up some stuff on the net and such, but the reviews I've read don't really say alot about content. I think I could really get into this series though. ^_^ Even though in my information searching I did manage to spoil the ending for myself and such. lol I seem to do that with series that I get really into. I'm somewhat impatient and just had to read ep. summaries....Anyway, if anyone wants to talk about the series or anything feel free to P.M. me.
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Postby redkorn » Tue Jan 13, 2004 2:35 pm

ive seen the first few eps and im very pleased with this anime nothing un approprait that i saw, and its exciting.
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Postby RobertMuldooJP » Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:54 pm

I saw the first two episodes of the was pretty good. The animation was excellent, but the action didn’t get my attention enough to warrant the completion of the series. I'll finish it sometime, but after finishing Scrapped Princess, every anime looks shabby since it was so good. :grin:
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Postby blue elf » Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:57 pm

I have a question that's been bugging me cause I have no life and I tend to dwell on the tiniest things, but anyway, I don't think it's a spoiler question, but I'm gonna put it in the spoiler tags just to be safe. ^_^
[spoiler]Is Dio a girl or a guy? I'm reasonably sure it's a guy, but some websites I checked didn't seem to know for sure. Also, if Dio is a guy is he gay, cause some people seemed to think so and one review said that homosexuality seemed common in the Last Exile world or something. I was just a little worried about that.[/spoiler]
Any info is appreciated. It's been bugging me for a bit, cause I was really getting into the series and all. Feel free to PM me if you want.
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Postby glitch1501 » Fri Jan 23, 2004 3:43 am

to answer your question blue elf
[spoiler]dio was infact a guy, and no he was not gay[/spoiler]

and if you got to there is alot of information

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He wants them to learn to walk and must therefore take away His hand; and if only the will to walk is really there, He is pleased even with their stumbles.


Healing hands of God have mercy on our unclean souls
once again. Jesus Christ, Light of the World, burning
bright within our hearts forever. Freedom means love
without condition, without beginning or an end. Here's
my heart, let it be forever Yours, only You can make
every new day seem so new.
Every New Day - On Distant Shores - Five Iron Frenzy

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Postby SoldierOfGod » Fri Jan 23, 2004 4:27 am

i've only been able to see a couple of the episodes but i loved it unfortunately (having no money) i can only watch anime when i borrow it from or am at my friends house :( i hope to see the whole series ASAP!!
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Postby Rev. Doc » Fri Jan 23, 2004 4:40 am

Good news for those who get TechTV on their cable or dish systems...they have announced that they have picked up this title and will begin airing it weeknights at 1:00 a.m. the first week of March.
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Postby blue elf » Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:33 am

Thank Glitch! ^_^ I was a little worried about that.
Yeah, I heard that Tech TV was gonna show it and my inner self did a happy dance, cause that means I won't have to wait till all the dvds come out to see the whole thing. lol
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Postby Minawa » Sat Jan 24, 2004 4:58 pm

Rev. Doc wrote:Good news for those who get TechTV on their cable or dish systems...they have announced that they have picked up this title and will begin airing it weeknights at 1:00 a.m. the first week of March.

thats awsome, I love this show, it is by far the best looking anime ever!
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Postby TroutNinja » Fri Feb 13, 2004 10:01 pm

Well, this is my first post.

and... I'm like a LE addict ^^;

I bought the first and second DVDs, plus I imported the Sound Tracks from Japan.

I've seen the entire thing and it gets sooo much better. I thought that Scrapped Princess was good, but the ending seemed kinda rushed.

Anywho, Last Exile replaced Cowboy Bebop as my number one anime.

end first post.
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Postby Nu-En-Jin » Fri Feb 13, 2004 10:53 pm

[quote="TroutNinja"]Well, this is my first post.

and... I'm like a LE addict ^^]
Welcome to CAA, Trout!
You really should start a thread of introduction in the Welcome area, so ppl will know you've showed up, and be able to see who you are to throw things... ermm... I mean, greet you properly....yeah. :rock:
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Postby inkhana » Fri Feb 13, 2004 11:49 pm

I've started watching this show, and what can I say? It's absolutely marvelous. The whole setting is just so neat...:) I'm really looking forward to finishing the whole thing.

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Postby Kisa » Sat Feb 14, 2004 5:24 am

What exactly is it about? Looks good just from the art work on your sig.
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Postby Spiritsword » Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:50 pm

The best I can explain it was back in post #4 of this thread. I agree with ink, though, something about the setting makes it one of the most enchanting parts of the entire series. I really like the character and airship designs as well. I just rented the second volume and will be watching it tonight--can't wait!
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Postby blue elf » Sat Feb 14, 2004 6:32 pm

I watched vol. 2 of Last Exile the other day. I liked it. I watched it again with one of my friends yesterday and we had a somewhat disagreement over something pertaining to Dio. lol o_O?! For anyone that seen ep. 8, did anyone else think Chocobos! when they first showed those big racing birds? lol (Chocobo's are cuter, but still.. ^_^)
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Postby Spiritsword » Sat Feb 14, 2004 6:42 pm

:lol: Yes, blue elf, I just finished watching Volume 2 and the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the birds was "chocobos". If you can post the question regarding Dio without giving away any spoilers, I'd be interested to hear it.
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Postby blue elf » Sat Feb 14, 2004 7:20 pm

I knew I wasn't the only one who was reminded of chocobos. That's how I know I've played too many FF games(so sad. lol)
I wish they'd release the dvds a little closer together instead of every other month, but it hurts my purse less...until I spend the money on something else. ^_^;
Someone said they had the soundtracks. I ordered the first domestic one, but I haven't gotten it yet.(hopefully soon)
Spiritsword, about me and my friend, it's not a spoiler, just a stupid thing. She thinks Dio is gay and I got slightly upset with her. lol I disagree with her, even though I'm not entirely positive myself. See, it was a pointless thing really. Maybe I should get out more...or something. Don't you regret asking? lol ^_-;
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