Original Star Wars to come on DVD

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Postby Nightshade X » Sun May 07, 2006 12:03 am

SirThinks2Much wrote:First movie, after blowing up the first Death Star. He climbs out of the fighter, Leia runs and says "LUKE!" and he shouts "CARRIE!" and they hug. I swear it's the funniest thing.

(although I don't know if they editted that in the SE.)

I'll have to review my copy of the SE... but I think they left that in there.
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Postby Rexman64 » Sun May 07, 2006 12:08 am

The infamous "Carrie!" is indeed in the SEs... Though, according to an interview with Mark Hamill from a while back, it was actually a muffled "There she!" (Trailing off, obviously)
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun May 07, 2006 10:51 am

AnimeHeretic wrote:The edited "Jedi" was lame with the edit to the sarlaac pit for example... the stalk coming out instead of the ant-lion type creature and all the other edits that made no real point...

A lot of the edits in Jedi were pretty crap (it's also not my favorite of the movies anyway), but one part I did kind of like was the new ending song thing, because the old one was annoying. XD I also liked the part they put in with shots of different cities in the galaxy after the destruction of the Death Star.

But the Hayden Christensen thing freakin' made me mad. That wasn't in the original 1997 edit, of course. I wish they'd left it the heck alone. Editing the edit? Geez.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sun May 07, 2006 12:00 pm

I also liked the part they put in with shots of different cities in the galaxy after the destruction of the Death Star.

I actully thought that was a good idea.
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Postby Yojimbo » Sun May 07, 2006 1:10 pm

I actually don't mind this too much. I got the Trilogy on DVD for Christmas but it was the Full Screen version. And luckily they'll have both the original and SE versions so I don't have to pick and choose.

And I have the original on VHS too and I love them to death.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun May 07, 2006 9:26 pm

No the original ending Ewok song was so much better!
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Postby Maledicte » Mon May 08, 2006 10:27 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:No the original ending Ewok song was so much better!

Hallelujah, I thought I was the only one who appreciates it for how bad it is.
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Postby Nate » Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:07 pm

Resurrecting this thread for good cause.

The details of the DVDs are now out, and I'm sad to say...George Lucas hates his fans. Ignoring the fact that the originals are packaged in with the remakes (because he would be embarassed to see the original trilogy outsell the SEs), this takes the cake (taken from The Digital Bits):

The original theatrical versions of the films are going to be non-anamorphic (our original post on this indicated otherwise, but we have confirmed that the widescreen versions will be letterboxed only). What this likely means is that Lucasfilm has simply re-purposed the non-anamorphic transfers that were done for previous laserdisc and VHS releases of the "original" versions of the films.

Anamorphic enhancement is the widely accepted industry standard for the presentation of widescreen films on DVD. This is not pie in the sky 'unobtanium' technology that costs untold millions to implement... it's a basic technique that is standard practice on DVD and has been for many years now, since the fairly early days of the DVD format back in 1997.

What's more, George Lucas has given countless excuses why he can't do this, all lame. They are:

1) The original film negatives are gone, 2) the other existing original elements have deteriorated too badly, 3) there are just no quality film elements remaining anywhere that could be used, 4) the 1993 laserdisc masters are the best source material that can be found for use on DVD after exhaustive searches of the Lucasfilm Archives.

It's obvious what happened, he's angry the fans want the originals, and out of spite he is doing this, hoping people will be irritated with the poor picture quality of the originals and will put in the special editions instead. To quote Bill Hunt, an editor on the site, "Even if it's true that Lucas and his staff destroyed all of the original negatives, it's unlikely in the extreme that they also destroyed all of the interpositives, all of the separation masters, and all of the release prints. In fact, we know that they didn't."

Well, as much as I'd like to have the original Star Wars films on DVD, this is a horrible thing to do to the people that made him rich, that made him a big Hollywood name, and I'm sick of the way he treats his fans. I'm not buying them. I'd like to, but...I just am sick of his pettiness.

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:36 pm

kaemmerite wrote:Resurrecting this thread for good cause.

The details of the DVDs are now out, and I'm sad to say...George Lucas hates his fans. Ignoring the fact that the originals are packaged in with the remakes (because he would be embarassed to see the original trilogy outsell the SEs), this takes the cake (taken from The Digital Bits):

What's more, George Lucas has given countless excuses why he can't do this, all lame. They are:

1) The original film negatives are gone, 2) the other existing original elements have deteriorated too badly, 3) there are just no quality film elements remaining anywhere that could be used, 4) the 1993 laserdisc masters are the best source material that can be found for use on DVD after exhaustive searches of the Lucasfilm Archives.

It's obvious what happened, he's angry the fans want the originals, and out of spite he is doing this, hoping people will be irritated with the poor picture quality of the originals and will put in the special editions instead. To quote Bill Hunt, an editor on the site, "Even if it's true that Lucas and his staff destroyed all of the original negatives, it's unlikely in the extreme that they also destroyed all of the interpositives, all of the separation masters, and all of the release prints. In fact, we know that they didn't."

Well, as much as I'd like to have the original Star Wars films on DVD, this is a horrible thing to do to the people that made him rich, that made him a big Hollywood name, and I'm sick of the way he treats his fans. I'm not buying them. I'd like to, but...I just am sick of his pettiness.

Wow. That's all kinds of lame. If he's gonna be a jerk about it, I ain't buying them. The heck with that.
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Postby Arnobius » Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:39 pm

Yes I saw this on "Penny Arcade" yesterday night. This guy just can't admit he made a mistake, can he? When you consider all the directors who DO care about what their fans think, he seems petty and childish to the extreme.

I agree with you. I won't be buying his substandard version. I won't be buying the previous DVD releases either. The original movies were good yes, but they weren't THAT good.
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Postby Sai » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:26 pm

-_- lucas makes me angry...grr... I'll have to listen for when Luke says Carrie though. That is really funny.
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