X3 (X-Men 3)

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X3 (X-Men 3)

Postby Lehn » Fri May 26, 2006 9:21 pm

Anyone else seen it?

My review:

If you’ve read anything that the critics have had to say about it, it's true for the most part... If you're familiar with the comics, heck, even the Fox Kids’ TV show, there’s quite a few things that aren’t going to sit easily with you about the film. If the movies is all you know of the franchise and like to see stuff get blown up, then you’ll probably like it.

My pet peeve? I didn't like the changes to the Phoenix plot/Scott getting fustigated with no real closure (yeah, he was all unshaved and emo, but at least go check and make sure he’s dead for goodness sake!!!)/ the Jean + Logan make-out scene/all the loose ends with the Magneto and the after credits bit... but what I **hated** was the Bobby/Kitty/Rouge love-triangle being resolved by Rouge running off and getting 'cured'. Not cool, not cool at all. [/spoiler]
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Postby Locke » Fri May 26, 2006 10:41 pm

[spoiler] Mystique HUMAN? Pourque?! [/spoiler]
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Postby glitch1501 » Sat May 27, 2006 10:23 am

i really liked the movie..i wasnt expecting them to be able to capture the xmen franchise, so i really didnt care about the changes in story

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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat May 27, 2006 12:52 pm

I can't get over the fact that Kelsey Grammer of all people is playing Beast!
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Postby Orange Kitten » Sat May 27, 2006 1:35 pm

Well the thing I hated most were the cheesy lines. I think that the director made this movie more comic-book-like than the other X movies, and that's where it went downhill. The other movies took the series and made it real life. Whereas all the characters had some "final line" after a battle that you would see in a comic book...but that's cheesy and cliche.

I also hated how each main character right before the final battle had their own dramatic entrance: Wolverine clawing down the steel building, Storm spinning in with lighting bolts, Beast roaring/bouncing from ledge to ledge, etc...WAY overdone.

And as far as Kelsey Grammer playing Beast...He played it VERY WELL. He did an excellent job, and a good choice. He sold me as a diplomat, and during the battle, sold me as the former X-man he was.

And for those who didn't stay for the end of the credits, SHAME on you! lol it totally changes how the film ended. I won't spoil it, but you will want to re-watch it just for the final clip after the credits.

And here are comments about things only for the people who saw it (including the clip at the end):

The thing about the "cure" curing Rogue, Mystique, and Magneto; well it seems some people totally missed the point about Magneto pushing the chess piece at the very end: it was obvious that the cure wasn't permanent. So the saga continues.
Xavier didn't die. He took the body of the guy he was talking about on TV with his class.
As far as the movie showed, the only people who truly died were Jean and Scott.
And I feel bad for the actor who played Scott...he got the shaft in both X2 and X3. He appeared for like 10 minutes total time in both films.
(probably because of Halle Berry who demanded more screen time for both films...she really makes me mad, but that's a different story)

I would have liked to have seen a little more of a battle between Pyro and Iceman; seemed very short and anti-climactic.

Madrox (the duplicator) was another character I would have liked to see more of. But at the same time he wasn't an important character...but it seemed odd.


Overall, decent ending to the trilogy, but I didn't like the different approach.

Oh, and a friend explained to me the 'fan joke' when the Juggernaut said "Do you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, *bad word*!" There's a clip online where these guys took an episode from the Fox Kids animation and re-did the voice over with all street slang, and the Juggernaut kept saying that line over and over again. So it was nice to see that the director put in something for the fans like that.
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Postby Scarecrow » Sat May 27, 2006 2:54 pm

As far as the movie showed, the only people who truly died were Jean and Scott.

Jean'll come back. The phoenix always dies and comes back. She's Phoenix... thats what phoenixs do (they die, and are reborn)... and she dies all the time in the comics.

So I think the only person who TRULY died was Scott... which sucked cause he was my favorite X-Man from the comics and he's been practically an extra through this whole series (even the first he was just a back player really) and now they've already killed him off. And ALL the major X-men have had their "big scene" except for Scott who didn't do much or have any big moment at all.[/spoiler]

Oh and I don't think this will be the last X-men movie.
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Postby Ingemar » Sat May 27, 2006 3:56 pm

This reminds me of the time in the Simpsons when Bart mentions a special issue of Radioactive Man in which he and Fallout Boy die on every single page.
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Postby Locke » Sat May 27, 2006 8:06 pm

Theres going to be Wolverine and Magneto spin off movies =DD

Did anyone catch the super awsome line relating to a very explicit X-Men dubbed episode? I havent seen so many geeks laugh (myself including) in a theater!
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Postby glitch1501 » Sat May 27, 2006 10:44 pm

Locke wrote:Did anyone catch the super awsome line relating to a very explicit X-Men dubbed episode? I havent seen so many geeks laugh (myself including) in a theater!

lol yes i was dying of laughter...

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun May 28, 2006 1:55 am

[spoiler]so..scott really died? I thought they were just like... reconfigured....mehhhhhhh[/spoiler]

I DID CRY THOUGH.. I am serious...^^;

and I stayed till the end.. I was proud of myself.
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Postby TrigunX89 » Sun May 28, 2006 1:58 am

I thought it was a good movie. Even though this was the "Last Stand," I wouldn't mind seeing another movie. The story was left open for it.
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Postby glitch1501 » Sun May 28, 2006 7:56 am

TrigunX89 wrote:I thought it was a good movie. Even though this was the "Last Stand," I wouldn't mind seeing another movie. The story was left open for it.

agreed :)

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Postby Rogie » Sun May 28, 2006 4:21 pm

I have to say, I was rather disappointed with this movie, simply because of the three major deaths. Especially

[SPOILER]Cyclops, who has the least chance of ever returning to life.[/SPOILER]

Regardless, it's a good movie for those who aren't fans of the comic, as they are not as attached to those characters. The Phoenix storyline was handled well at first, but it quickly degraded into a lost opportunity.

Overall, a big letdown, but still a worthwhile movie. I hyped it way too much to myself, so it really had no chance, eh?

Also, could someone please describe completely the scene after the final credits? I didn't stay and now want to kick myself. I know others have alluded to it, but I want a complete description. I heard that there's a hint to another X character from the comics. Please insert it into the spoiler tags.
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Postby Locke » Sun May 28, 2006 9:39 pm

[spoiler] Remember when Xavier is talking to his class about the man who has no concius(sp!)? Well the end scene infers that he's not dead, and that he took the guys body. So only TWO people died fo rizzle in the movie. Crazy huh?[/spoiler]
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Postby Linksquest » Sun May 28, 2006 9:51 pm

I really like the X-men series and will probably see this soon! I've been waiting for the release of this for quite some time!


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Postby Doe Johnson » Sun May 28, 2006 9:59 pm

Locke wrote:[spoiler] Remember when Xavier is talking to his class about the man who has no concius(sp!)? Well the end scene infers that he's not dead, and that he took the guys body. So only TWO people died fo rizzle in the movie. Crazy huh?[/spoiler]

haha! that's great, we actually GUESSED that and we didn't stay till the end! i wish i had, but i was with a group and well, you just don't stay behind when you came in someone else's car. oh well, i'm sure i'll see it some day. i'm not that big of an x-men fan anyway.
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Postby Steeltemplar » Mon May 29, 2006 7:27 am

I saw it last night with my brother. The action scenes and special effects were all great. The movie definitely had its moments. However, I felt that it really lacked plot focus and seemed rushed. The pacing was also lacking.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon May 29, 2006 8:55 am

locke wrote:[spoiler=X3]
Remember when Xavier is talking to his class about the man who has no concius(sp!)? Well the end scene infers that he's not dead, and that he took the guys body. So only TWO people died fo rizzle in the movie. Crazy huh?[/spoiler]

What i thought that was [spoiler=x3] Magneto. I though it was showing that he was starting to get his powers back since the chess peices were metal[/spoiler]
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Postby Puritan » Mon May 29, 2006 9:01 am

Steeltemplar wrote:I saw it last night with my brother. The action scenes and special effects were all great. The movie definitely had its moments. However, I felt that it really lacked plot focus and seemed rushed. The pacing was also lacking.

I saw it last night with friends, and I second that sentiment. The action was great and the special effects really good, but the plot often seemed scattered and poorly thought-out. I was most disappointed that

[spoiler]THEY KILLED PATRICK STEWART! Ok, I admit I'm a fan of Star Trek TNG, and everyone else indicates Professor Xavier isn't really dead, but Patrick Stewart did a great job of playing Professor X and killing him off just seems wrong. Unless the brain-dead guy ends up sounding like Captain Picard, something just won't seem right in the next film.[/spoiler]
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Postby Rogie » Mon May 29, 2006 9:43 am

What I don't understand is whether [SPOILER]The guy Xavier supposedly inhabited is a character within the comics. I know Xavier died in the comics a couple of times, so is that final scene a reference to something that happened in the comics?[/SPOILER]

Also, I'm still a bit taken by [SPOILER]Cyclops' death. I know that the movies portray him as an unimportant character, but in the comics, he is one of the most crucial to the entire series. Since they didn't find his body, he could just be passed out in the woods, y'know. :sweat: Wishful thinking, I know. Maybe he got blasted to the Savage Land and in the next film, he'll meet Ka-Zar and Sauron. Wouldn't that just be the dumbest plot twist of all time? :lol: [/SPOILER]
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Postby Puritan » Mon May 29, 2006 9:56 am

Rogie wrote:...Wouldn't that just be the dumbest plot twist of all time? :lol:

Actually, as my friends and I were walking out of the theater (having missed the extra scene at the end of the credits) we said that

[spoiler] Professor X should have lived and been captured by the Borg. The next film "I am Professor Xavier Locutis of Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." :lol: Yes, we're a bunch of nerds, but it was pretty funny. [/spoiler]
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon May 29, 2006 10:34 am

Oh theres a scene at the end of the credits ? Crap if it wasn't a midnight showing i would have waited to see that.
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Postby glitch1501 » Mon May 29, 2006 11:52 am

i wont put a link directly i guess...but you can find the after credits scene on youtube...

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Postby KBMaster » Mon May 29, 2006 2:09 pm

My brothers went to see it with my sister's fiancee. They came home and told us ALL the plot-spoilers. Now, I'm not sure if I want to see it all that badly. -_-;
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Postby Kkun » Mon May 29, 2006 4:46 pm

I just saw it. It wasn't Batman Begins awesome, but it wasn't Elektra bad, either. I thoroughly enjoyed it, I got a kick out of some of the stuff in it, I thought the action and special effects were spiffy. A couple of things were lame, but that's alright. It was a fine action flick.

Juggernaut's line was great.
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Postby EireWolf » Tue May 30, 2006 8:16 am

[quote="KBMaster"]My brothers went to see it with my sister's fiancee. They came home and told us ALL the plot-spoilers. Now, I'm not sure if I want to see it all that badly. -_-]
That's just wrong! :shady: I'd have been so mad...

I saw X3 the other day. Unfortunately, I saw the trailer before that, and so I was expecting it would be a really good movie. :lol: Ah, it was alright. But I felt like it was really rushed, with little to no character development. Why couldn't the original director have stayed with it? Why? WHY??!!!

I did like it at the end when
[spoiler]they didn't portray Magneto as nothing but a shriveled, weak old man. I thought that's what was going to happen, but then he moved the chess piece just slightly... :) Even though he was evil, it just seemed sad to me that he lost all his power. Although it really ticked me off when he dismissed Mystique like she was nothing, when she "took the cure" for him.[/spoiler]
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Postby Linksquest » Tue May 30, 2006 8:30 am

[quote="KBMaster"]My brothers went to see it with my sister's fiancee. They came home and told us ALL the plot-spoilers. Now, I'm not sure if I want to see it all that badly. -_-]

Ewww... That's happens way to much these days! I also hate it when you go to see a movie that someone else has already seen and during the movie they tell you when a "good part is coming up!" or to "watch out!" or that "this is a funny part." -_-...

I'd rather find out these things myself and decide if I think some parts are funny or not! GWAH! :rant:


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Postby Steeltemplar » Tue May 30, 2006 8:34 am

Did it seem to anyone else that....

[spoiler]Scott's death was strangely downplayed in the movie. They mentioned it from time to time and at the end there was a gravestone for him. However, no one really acted like they would if a longtime friend had been killed. It also would have been nice if the Jean part of Phoenix surfaced more with her regret for killing him. I don't know if this was bad writing or an attempt to sideline the Scott-Jean relationship so that Logan's love for Jean would have more of a spotlight. Either way, though, I spent a good part of the film waiting for someone to show some real sorrow for Scott.[/spoiler]
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Postby EireWolf » Tue May 30, 2006 8:44 am

Now that you mention it, Steeltemplar, you're right. I think the original director would have done a much better job. :shady: *pouting*
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue May 30, 2006 10:38 am

GrubbTheFragger wrote:What i thought that was [spoiler=x3] Magneto. I though it was showing that he was starting to get his powers back since the chess peices were metal[/spoiler]

That's not the true last scene, grubb... The last scene is after the credits... honestly, I'm shocked ANYONE leaves a movie before the end of the credits... Especially something like this. After Matrix Reloaded (which wasn't the first, but popularized it, by my observations) like 75% of all movies have something after the credits...

By the way, those three weren't the only ones to die... Is anyone forgetting [spoiler]All of Magneto's soldiers who get obliterated by Phoenix? I don't know most of them, but I know Spike was in there, and I believe a number of the "cured" mutants were in there, too... So, while only 3 heroes died (and only 1 was permanent) a number of mutants died. My question is, since we see Magneto pushing the chess piece (although, I have to admit, it looked to me like nothing happened and they just cut straight to the credits) does that mean that, perhaps, other mutants will have their powers come back, including mystique? And after that betrayal, she's not likely to go back with magneto... Of coruse, Magneto isn't likely to be the biggest threat anymore... There's another villain to be raised in his place (apocalypse), but apparently this is the last X-men movie...[/spoiler]

Eirewolf, it's funny you say you liked the first two better and this had no character development... A friend I went with said the exact opposite. He said he liked this one better because it felt more like a comic book and he thought the characters were developed better.
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