Tom Dincht wrote:How come your Mom let you rent this and not play FF7?
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Originally posted by Mr. SmartyPants:
I thought the movie was mediocre at best. The story was pretty bad. Where did Kadaj and the others come from? They just.. appeared
They also had some funky Oedipus Complex "KASAAN!!!!!"
I was highly dissapointed how they gave the most screentime to only Tifa, Cloud, and Vincent (and the Turks) but none for the other characters! I was expecting to see Barret and Cid, Yuffie, etc to have their own awesome battles.
Guess not
The ending was pretty lame too. A pool party? Come on... Well it is a pool party that can cure like cancer I guess... but it was still mediocre
everdred12a wrote:I *almost* agree 100%. I honestly thought the movie was sub-par rather than mediocre. They could have done much better. The entire movie is pretty much fanservice, albeit different from what we normally label as fanservice.
I saw this movie a long time ago, and I was very disappointed, especially after the metric crap-ton of hype this movie got. It was simply eye-candy, and I'd rather have a story than some pretty pictures. That's exactly why novels don't have pictures in them - because we grew out of picture books when we were 6.
The fights felt as though they were put in because they needed *something* to keep people watching (even though the fights were bland anyway). Then there's that whole thing where... there isn't a story. At all.
And I'm not even going to start on how badly they bastardized Yuffie. I almost cried when I saw how little of a part they gave to her.
~BlueRose~ wrote:I have this feeling that the Lord didn’t want me to post it (I might’ve been a bit harsh) So I shall try again.
FF VII was made in ’97 = It became one (if not the) best selling and well liked FF product that has been made. There are many fans now.
Regardless of people like you, MSP and Everdred, who’s percentage of disliking it rather then being a fan is lower, if you were in the creators position, wouldn’t it be a pretty smart thing to do?
I honestly find this somewhat laughable. But! That is only because I have not seen many war/battle Animes or video games that have cool fighting scenes. Honestly, and I really mean this, where have you seen fight scenes that are much more interesting, dynamic, and fairly original?
Wow, with all the character buildment and characters poppin out of nowhere to help, that chapter in the movie with all of them fighting together wasn’t enough? I thought it was awesome for how they were set in, and their characters position in the story.
BlueRose wrote:Wow, with all the character buildment and characters poppin out of nowhere to help, that chapter in the movie with all of them fighting together wasn’t enough? I thought it was awesome for how they were set in, and their characters position in the story.
Radical Dreamer wrote:That was one of my dissapointments in the movie--The creators make a movie for the fans, but they don't deliver to all of the fans.
Honestly, and I really mean this, where have you seen fight scenes that are much more interesting, dynamic, and fairly original?
kaemmerite wrote:I'm also glad I'm not a fan of Red XIII, because he got completely gypped in this movie. He got the least screentime of every character, and only got one spoken line.
Kaemmerite wrote:He did Climhazzard (against Sin Bahamut)
(Note that the following Limit Breaks are used in this order of appearance)
1) Blade Beam (against Loz's earth-moving attack in the Sleeping Forest and
against Sephiroth)
2) Braver (against Bahamut SIN; this was the attack Cloud used when he
knocked Bahamut SIN down the first time)
3) Climhazzard (against Bahamut SIN; it was this attack which Cloud used to
defeat the Dragon)
4) Finishing Touch (against Kadaj; used when knocking him off the building
they fought upon, at which time Kadaj loses his Souba)
5) Omnislash Version 5 (against Sephiroth; this was the attack that he used to
defeat him)
Big Shot (against Bahamut SIN)
(Note that the following Limit Breaks are used in this order of appearance)
1) Beat Rush (against Loz)
2) Somersault (against Loz)
3) Meteodrive (against Loz)
4) Meteor Strike (against Loz)
Great Gospel (against JENOVA's Cells, Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz)
~BlueRose~ wrote:Guys, I think we have to move to Tom's thread...
kaemmerite wrote:I don't classify the final attack against Sephiroth as Omnislash...probably a new Limit Break.
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