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FF VII (,Advent Children & Last Order)

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FF VII (,Advent Children & Last Order)

Postby ~BlueRose~ » Mon May 29, 2006 1:52 pm

Hellooooo everyone!

I know, FFVII is like, old news compared to many of the upcoming FF games, but I just recently found an interest in this storyline.

I don't play any of the FF games due to certian convictions, but my mom rented "Advent Children" and said it was alright. (Some of you know this) I watched it and was curious as to how this story played out exactly. So I looked it up on Wikipedia, and now understand the movie clearly.

Advent Children is my current favorite movie, and I let it play in my TV in my room even when I'm not watching it. XD Just so I can hear the Japanese (Hate the dubbed version). I bought a double disk edition of the movie, including the short anime movie "Last Order". Has anyone seen this yet? And I also bought the soundtrack.

Just wanted to make a thread so we could talk about the game, or the two movies and stuff. I have a few questions about it too, that I can't or couldn't find the answer to. lol. ^_^
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Postby White » Mon May 29, 2006 2:00 pm

Hit me up with a PM Rose with your questions and I'll see if I can answer them for you ^_~
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Postby ~BlueRose~ » Mon May 29, 2006 2:03 pm

Well, I wanna be able to discuss it and stuff on here. ^_^
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Postby White » Mon May 29, 2006 2:09 pm

What are your questions?
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Postby Tommy » Mon May 29, 2006 2:22 pm

^ Go to here.

How come your Mom let you rent this and not play FF7? The movie is no worse than the game other than some language.
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Postby ~BlueRose~ » Mon May 29, 2006 2:52 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:How come your Mom let you rent this and not play FF7?

Black Majic and White Majic (Holy) are in the game. (Other reasons as well)

Dang it. I didn't see that. This thread will probably be locked...ok. *goes to Tom's thread*
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Postby zelda » Mon May 29, 2006 3:39 pm

The Advent Children movie is my favorite movie to!!!! I've watched it 6 times(sometimes in the same day! XD)! I haven't seen Last Order yet but I can't wait to rent it!
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Postby White » Mon May 29, 2006 3:42 pm

Yeah, AC is deffinately one of my top 5 favirote movies of all time...

Edit: I found Last Order! Here's the Youtube link, be warned, it's a kind of gorey anime...
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Postby ~BlueRose~ » Mon May 29, 2006 4:01 pm

Guys, I think we have to move to Tom's thread...
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Postby everdred12a » Mon May 29, 2006 8:31 pm

Eh, hated AC but loved Last Order. How exactly did you get it? I only saw it subbed, so I almost want to buy AC just for Last Order.

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Postby ~BlueRose~ » Mon May 29, 2006 9:34 pm

You hated AC?! O_O


*clams down* Um, *clears throat* and why is this Everdred?
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Postby everdred12a » Mon May 29, 2006 9:46 pm

Well, I have my reasons. I already gave my thoughts in another thread, so I'll just copy and paste them.

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Originally posted by Mr. SmartyPants:
I thought the movie was mediocre at best. The story was pretty bad. Where did Kadaj and the others come from? They just.. appeared

They also had some funky Oedipus Complex "KASAAN!!!!!"

I was highly dissapointed how they gave the most screentime to only Tifa, Cloud, and Vincent (and the Turks) but none for the other characters! I was expecting to see Barret and Cid, Yuffie, etc to have their own awesome battles.

Guess not

The ending was pretty lame too. A pool party? Come on... Well it is a pool party that can cure like cancer I guess... but it was still mediocre

(Just as a side note, this is the post I replied to in the afformentioned thread. Some parts of my post won't make sense without this one)
everdred12a wrote:I *almost* agree 100%. I honestly thought the movie was sub-par rather than mediocre. They could have done much better. The entire movie is pretty much fanservice, albeit different from what we normally label as fanservice.

I saw this movie a long time ago, and I was very disappointed, especially after the metric crap-ton of hype this movie got. It was simply eye-candy, and I'd rather have a story than some pretty pictures. That's exactly why novels don't have pictures in them - because we grew out of picture books when we were 6.

The fights felt as though they were put in because they needed *something* to keep people watching (even though the fights were bland anyway). Then there's that whole thing where... there isn't a story. At all.

And I'm not even going to start on how badly they bastardized Yuffie. I almost cried when I saw how little of a part they gave to her.

Although it's not a lot, this pretty much sums up my take on FF7: AC. Most people say it roots from the fact that I didn't like FF7 too terribly much to begin with. Now, don't misunderstand my post. I will say that FF7: AC is good for what it is, but what it is isn't all that great to begin with, IMO.

But back to the root of the conversation - how did you get your hands on a copy of Last Order? I MUST KNOW!

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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon May 29, 2006 9:47 pm

I enjoyed it, and I liked the Last Order OVA. I didn't know you could get it in America, though. I've only seen the sub of both films (like I have money XD), so I'll have to get them when they're released. Anyways, yeah, good stuff! :thumb:
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Postby ~BlueRose~ » Mon May 29, 2006 11:47 pm

THE POST BELOW HAS SPOILERS. I don’t feel like putting the spoiler tags, so read at your own risk.

I wrote this long reply to this post (Not as long as this one), but I accidentally copied something over it while trying to copy it into a Word file. I have this feeling that the Lord didn’t want me to post it (I might’ve been a bit harsh) So I shall try again.
All this below is IMO, and sort of another perspective of things that I just wanna share.

I have a few articles that I’ve found to kind of bump up some complaints.
But first of all, I just wanted to say that I have a passion for Anime, and CGI, and for these people to be able to have the chance to create such a movie is greatly admired and is a beautiful form of art in my eyes, despite its faults.

I really have a hard time understanding why a lot of people who don’t like it are bothered by the idea of it being created just for the money, or “eye candyâ€
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Postby KBMaster » Tue May 30, 2006 5:19 am

It's feasible that the brothers didn't come out of "nowhere", Rose. In the game, Sephiroth sends out an "invitation"(like Kadaj did in the movie) for people like him(those who were created by Hojo). I think they were called clones in the game, so it's feasible that Kadaj and co. are also Sephiroth clones. You'll have to forgive my bad memory. It's been a while since I played the game so that might not be entirely accurate.
And if there weren't any fanservice, I would be disappointed with the movie. :P
But, on a more positive note(just to show I can do more than disagree with people!), I loved the movie. I want to see Last Order, but I dunno if I want to dish out the money. Did anyone else notice they didn't mention Aeris's name ONE TIME in the movie?! My sister and I wanted to hear how it's pronounced(although I keep telling her they say it in KH2 but she won't believe me!).
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Postby everdred12a » Tue May 30, 2006 8:42 am

Wow... where to start.... umm... I guess I'll start at the end of your post.
So, you have a bootlegged copy of it then? Drats. I *so* wanted Last Order as well.... blast.

Moving on...

~BlueRose~ wrote:I have this feeling that the Lord didn’t want me to post it (I might’ve been a bit harsh) So I shall try again.

Trust me, He won't mind so long as we can keep it civilized, which I'm sure won't be a problem. You seemed to keep a level head throughout your prior post.

FF VII was made in ’97 = It became one (if not the) best selling and well liked FF product that has been made. There are many fans now.

I attribute this to my 'Law of Firsts', which is basically that the first exposure you have to something has a high tendency to become 'the favorite' and 'the best' and will become the mark by which you measure all similar things. I'm not exempt from this law, either. My first FF? It was Final Fantasy Tactics, and it's now my favorite, and a standard (sort of) by which I judge all the others. If you sit down and take a look at FF7 from an objective point of view, you can start to pick out a lot of the game's shortcomings. But, of course, that's another thread for another day.

Regardless of people like you, MSP and Everdred, who’s percentage of disliking it rather then being a fan is lower, if you were in the creators position, wouldn’t it be a pretty smart thing to do?

Although I can't say it was a bad business move, I believe it's the only reason they made the movie. Sony is just about as bad as Apple about wanting to get your money.

I honestly find this somewhat laughable. But! That is only because I have not seen many war/battle Animes or video games that have cool fighting scenes. Honestly, and I really mean this, where have you seen fight scenes that are much more interesting, dynamic, and fairly original?

Final Fantasy 9 - Alexander vs. Bahamut. Read or Die - Yomiko/Ms. Deep vs. Otto Lilienthol. Read or Die - Yomiko/Ms. Deep vs. Genjo Sanzo. Read or Die The TV - The Paper Sisters vs. Prof. Daryl Weber. Resident Evil 4 - Leon Scott Kennedy vs. Jack Krauser (the knife fight). If I hadn't just woken up, I'm sure I could list a few more, but this should suffice for now.

Wow, with all the character buildment and characters poppin out of nowhere to help, that chapter in the movie with all of them fighting together wasn’t enough? I thought it was awesome for how they were set in, and their characters position in the story.

I personally found that said fight against Sin Bahamut was probably one of the worst. All the characters fighting against it was just sort of lame. A majority of the characters made laughable attempts at fighting it (which is one of the reasons why I think Yuffie got the short end of the stick here), and it all ended up with... what a shocker.... Cloud kills it. Of course, I understand that Cloud is the main character. But the fact that it died can pretty much be credited to Cloud. The others weren't of any real assistance in the battle. And that is a major flaw, in my opinion.

[quote="Wikipedia"]Many limit breaks are performed in the movie including Cloud's Blade Beam, Braver, Climhazard, Finishing Touch, and a new version of Omnislash]
Whoever added that to the AC wiki is an idiot. It's just not true. You do get to see (going from memory here) a completely asinine version of Omnislash and (I think) Blade Beam. But I know that's about it. Tifa had a few in her fight in the church. But nobody else did. I promise.

I think I replied to every major point in your post, but if I missed something, let me know... I'm still kinda groggy right now xD

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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue May 30, 2006 11:46 am

BlueRose wrote:Wow, with all the character buildment and characters poppin out of nowhere to help, that chapter in the movie with all of them fighting together wasn’t enough? I thought it was awesome for how they were set in, and their characters position in the story.

Well, see, I'm one that thinks that good fights and special effects aren't all that makes a movie great. Sure, Yuffie and the crowd got a big fight scene, but 10 minutes of screentime out of a 90 minute movie isn't really much, considering the only scene they get involves no character development whatsoever. Sure, Cloud gets development, but it's not like he needs anymore, since he had so much in the 80-hour game. That was one of my dissapointments in the movie--The creators make a movie for the fans, but they don't deliver to all of the fans. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy the movie, per se, because I did find it somewhat enjoyable and fun to watch, but it's far from being my favorite, or even on my top 10 list.
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Postby everdred12a » Tue May 30, 2006 11:56 am

Radical Dreamer wrote:That was one of my dissapointments in the movie--The creators make a movie for the fans, but they don't deliver to all of the fans.

YES! THANK YOU! This is why I have returned to my Yuffie avatar, as a sort of mourning for the way that Yuffie was (not) portrayed in the movie.

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Postby Nate » Tue May 30, 2006 12:59 pm

I agree, it was a fun movie, but it wasn't great. As for Limit Breaks, the only one who performed any to an obvious extent was Cloud. He did Climhazzard (against Sin Bahamut), Blade Beam (at the City of the Ancients), and I don't classify the final attack against Sephiroth as Omnislash...probably a new Limit Break. Tifa may have used a couple in her fight scene, but none of the others did.

Honestly, and I really mean this, where have you seen fight scenes that are much more interesting, dynamic, and fairly original?

Any fight scene from One Piece (especially if Usopp is involved). The first episode of Record of Lodoss War. Like everdred said, there's a few more, I'm sure, but that's what I can get off the top of my head (since I mostly like shoujo stuff, which doesn't have much fighting, I can't think of a lot XD;; ).

Also, I didn't find any of the fight scenes particularly interesting or dynamic, except the final fight with Sephiroth. All the other scenes were (in my mind) poorly choreographed and hard to follow. Though, this may be due to the fact I was watching this movie on a 12 inch TV.

I'm also glad I'm not a fan of Red XIII, because he got completely gypped in this movie. He got the least screentime of every character, and only got one spoken line.

Finally, one minor nitpick. Sin Bahamut was summoned by a Blue Materia. Summon Materias are red. Blue Materia are Support Materia. They didn't even care enough to stay consistent in their own established storyline.

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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue May 30, 2006 1:05 pm

kaemmerite wrote:I'm also glad I'm not a fan of Red XIII, because he got completely gypped in this movie. He got the least screentime of every character, and only got one spoken line.

Oh, I had forgotten about poor Red! :( He was one of my favorites in the game next to Yuffie and Tifa, and I was severely dissapointed that he only got one line. Well, other than a few miscellaneous grunts and growls. I mean, come on, he was one of FF7's coolest! That was a pretty huge dissapointment, as far as I'm concerned.
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Postby everdred12a » Tue May 30, 2006 1:08 pm

Kaemmerite wrote:He did Climhazzard (against Sin Bahamut)

How was that a Climhazzard? I remember Cloud attacking Sin Bahamut on the descending part of the fall, whereas Climhazzard was a stab attack followed by a leap where the sword cut the enemy in half (going upwards)....

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Postby Nate » Tue May 30, 2006 1:17 pm

Maybe not to finish Sin Bahamut, but when Cloud was coming up, he stuck out his sword and performed an upward slash, which is what Climhazzard is. Here's the list from the FAQ:

(Note that the following Limit Breaks are used in this order of appearance)
1) Blade Beam (against Loz's earth-moving attack in the Sleeping Forest and
against Sephiroth)
2) Braver (against Bahamut SIN; this was the attack Cloud used when he
knocked Bahamut SIN down the first time)
3) Climhazzard (against Bahamut SIN; it was this attack which Cloud used to
defeat the Dragon)
4) Finishing Touch (against Kadaj; used when knocking him off the building
they fought upon, at which time Kadaj loses his Souba)
5) Omnislash Version 5 (against Sephiroth; this was the attack that he used to
defeat him)

Big Shot (against Bahamut SIN)

(Note that the following Limit Breaks are used in this order of appearance)
1) Beat Rush (against Loz)
2) Somersault (against Loz)
3) Meteodrive (against Loz)
4) Meteor Strike (against Loz)

Great Gospel (against JENOVA's Cells, Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz)

Since it was definitely an upward slash (rewatch if you don't believe me), it was indeed Climhazzard.

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Postby Tommy » Tue May 30, 2006 1:33 pm

~BlueRose~ wrote:Guys, I think we have to move to Tom's thread... should.

Can you explain more about why you can't by the way?

FF7 doesn't consist of Black Magic or White Magic, just Magic. I don't see how shooting up an enemy with a small pillar of fire is any worse than unrealistically slashing someone numerous items until they died.

The reason why most people hated this movie is because it didn't live up to the game.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue May 30, 2006 1:36 pm

Sorry, but I am going to close this because it's another discussion of Advent Children. Use the bigger thread if you want to keep going.

kaemmerite wrote:I don't classify the final attack against Sephiroth as Omnislash...probably a new Limit Break.

I'm fairly certain that I read something where one of the producers directly stated it is a new Limit Break called Omnislash Version 5.
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